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应对气候变化事关人类长远利益,走低碳发展之路是积极应对气候变化的迫切要求,也是体现以人为本、全面协调可持续的发展导向、建设创新型国家的客观要求。本文基于国家应对气候变化总体战略部署,提出了及早开展应对气候变化标准体系研究的建议,并介绍了标准体系编制的初步构想和思路。同时指出,应对气候变化标准体系的建立和实施,应是一个持续完善的过程,是推进应对气候变化全局工作的关键。  相似文献   

人口的急剧增加,森林被大量砍伐,大量农田建成城市和工厂,草原沙漠化,目前的气候变暖趋势速度空前,是五千年以来最剧烈的气候变化,将给地球环境带来一系列严重的后果。面对全球变暖的可怕后果,人类该如何应对全球变暖,该如何不在牺牲经济发展的同时与自然和谐相处?目前我国是世界第二大温室气体排放国,仅次于美国。面对如此形势,同时作为气候变化影响的最大受害者,中国政府深深感受到积极应对气候变化的必要性和重要性,政府采取了积极的应对气候变化政策加快建设国家气候变化应对科学工程。研究和掌握自然规律,准确把握人类活动与气候变化的关系,是促进人与自然和谐的基础和前提。  相似文献   

为了了解孤独症患儿家长的挫折应对模式并尝试使用认知行为治疗干预,探讨干预效果。以组建家长小组的方式,对实验组进行为期2个月的认知行为训练和远程监控实验,采用亲子沟通问卷(家长版)、家庭环境量表(FES)和特质应对方式问卷对165名孤独症儿童的家长进行了前后测对比研究,研究结果显示认知行为治疗能帮助家长提高应对问题的能力和积极应对态度。孤独症儿童家长在遇到困难时有时候会采取消极应对的方式,有时候也能比较积极地应对困难,因此,关注家长心理动态变化、提高家长群体的挫折应对能力非常重要。  相似文献   

(2011年11月20日-2011年12月19日)11月22日国务院新闻办公室发表《中国应对气候变化的政策与行动(2011)》白皮书,全面介绍中国"十一五"期间应对气候变化采取的政策与行动、取得的积极成效以及"十二五"期间应对气候变化的总体部署及有关谈判立场。11月24日工业和信  相似文献   

当前,气候变化已成为世界各国共同面临的危机和挑战。作为应对气候变化的重要措施之一,林业在减缓和适应气候变化方面具有独特功能和重要作用。因此,促进林业碳汇积极应对气候变化,既是建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的内在要求,也是赢取国家发展空间,抢占低碳经济优势地位的潜力所在。  相似文献   

推进低碳发展既是积极应对全球气候变化的需要,又是实现我国可持续发展的需要。推进低碳发展必须澄清一些模糊认识,协调好降低二氧化碳排放与促进经济发展的关系,处理好国内低碳发展与全球应对气候变暖的关系,合理确定低碳发展的目标,找准与碳源相对应的减碳途径,处理好行政手段与市场手段的关系等。  相似文献   

<正>国际电工委员会(IEC)、国际标准化组织(ISO)、国际电信联盟(ITU)2013年世界标准日祝词:当前,国际社会既要面对全球市场变化,又要在世界经济复苏和有效应对气候变化等亟待解决的问题之间维持平衡。在这种复杂形势下,国际标准是打开全球市场,营造良好商业氛围,刺激经济增长,减缓并适应气候变化,引领积极改变的最强有力手段。国际标准是全球最优秀专家所形成的共识,其范围涉及用能、能效、交通、管理体系、气候变化、医疗健康、安全和信息通讯技术等各个领域。为了公众的共同利益,来自各行各业的专家奉献出  相似文献   

<正>应对气候变化,欧盟及世界各国均加大了对可再生能源的投入,积极发展风能、太阳能、生物质能等新能源技术及产业。作为可再生能源发展的新能源之一,生物质能目前比较有商业化前景,通俗地讲,主要  相似文献   

应对气候变化的形势要求中国创新能源开发利用模式。可持续能源发展理念的核心是节能减排与新能源的开发利用,中国的能源和环境状况决定了创新能源开发利用模式对于应对气候变化、转变经济发展方式的重要现实意义。本文在阐明创新能源开发利用模式的必要性的基础上,探讨了中国在创新能源开发利用方面取得的积极成效,对中国创新能源开发利用模式的发展目标和行动策略进行了探索,表明了中国作为负责任的大国在应对气候变化中做出的不懈努力和突出贡献。  相似文献   

当今,气候变化已经成为人类社会面临的重大问题。废气废水排放、全球变暖、南极冰融、全球气候变化已经把地球环推到了危急时刻。为了拯救人类共同的生存环境,各国积极采取措施。而中国在应对国际金融危机的4万亿元投资大单中,就有5800亿元用于应对气候变化相关的项目。  相似文献   

陈丽娜  马慧  吴一娜 《价值工程》2013,32(1):186-187
于全球气候问题,尤其是温室效应的关注逐步吸引了人们的注意。企业和民众希望可以通过对日常行为的约束,达到节能减排的目的。网络上新兴的碳足迹计算器,为从各个方面减少碳排放提供了一定的启示和依据。选取3个最具代表性的基于WEB的中文碳足迹计算器,对其进行对比分析,为中文碳足迹计算器模型的发展和改进提出意见。  相似文献   

With the growing urgency of climate change, governments around the world are increasingly implementing new regulations for greenhouse gases. This trend elevates the importance of examining how firms engage in strategic efforts to influence regulations before they are in place and how they respond once they are in effect (i.e., their ex‐ante and ex‐post strategic behavior). This paper examines the outcomes of such strategic efforts by multinational and domestic oil companies within the European Union emissions trading scheme. An analysis of a panel dataset of oil firms (2008–2012) shows that on average the outcome of ex‐ante strategies did not differ significantly between multinational companies (MNCs) and domestic firms. However, the findings indicate that among those firms that received positive net benefits from the new climate policy, domestic firms were able to maximize these benefits better than MNCs through their ex‐post strategies. In contrast, among the firms that faced net costs due to the policy, MNCs were able to minimize these costs better than domestic firms, ex‐post. This paper advances our understanding of whether and to what extent MNCs differ from domestic firms in their economic outcomes stemming from strategic behavior related to emissions trading. This question is especially pertinent for regulations related to climate change, which is one of humanity's grand challenges and has important consequences for our economic, social, and political systems.  相似文献   

张强强 《价值工程》2022,41(8):74-76
当前我国土木工程建设规模持续扩大,满足了人们在工业活动以及日常生产生活中对于建筑的需求,但是人们对于土木工程质量要求也有所提高.屋面是土木工程中的重点施工项目之一,如果屋面没有做好防水,很有可能会导致漏水问题的出现,影响建筑的安全性.本文针对土木工程施工过程中建筑屋面防水技术的应用进行了深入分析,以期可以为防水技术的应...  相似文献   

In October of 2012, youth organizers from the immigrant justice and climate change resistance movements in the southeastern US metropolitan region of Atlanta, Georgia, coordinated a direct action tactic framed by a unified narrative justifying collaboration between immigrant and climate justice activists on equal terms. In a continuing collaborative relationship, these organizers embraced mutually strategic narratives rooted in local civil rights history, but rejected common ‘global climate justice’ narratives used to frame social and environmental collaborative organizing. We examine the departure from ‘global climate justice’ narratives, which was exemplified by coalition building in Georgia, to argue that scholarship articulating ‘global climate justice’ as a new context for integrating social and environmental movements must anticipate barriers to these solidarities, especially historical, regional and racialized dynamics of power among organizations engaged in these developing alliances. Based on an investigation of strategic alliances between anti‐racist, immigrant justice organizers and climate change activists in the metropolitan areas of Atlanta and Athens, Georgia, we argue that climate justice narratives in both activism and scholarship would benefit from more attention to the particular political and cultural geographies in which diverse forms of climate justice organizing can take hold.  相似文献   

刘飞轮 《价值工程》2011,30(19):320-321
根据公民社会的结构实质,笔者认为应该从市场经济与政治体制改革、发展民间组织以及培育理性的公民文化入手,从而为公民社会建构自由的经济环境、创造民主的政治环境、加快公民社会主体的形成和壮大、创造多元文化环境,最终形成成熟的公民社会。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between board of directors' effectiveness and voluntary climate change disclosures. Since risk management and reporting fall under the board's responsibility, we relate board effectiveness to the firm's decision to voluntarily respond to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) annual questionnaire as well as the quality of disclosures about climate‐change‐related risks and strategies to mitigate them. Our results show a positive association between board effectiveness and the firm's decision to answer the CDP questionnaire as well as its carbon disclosure quality. The paper contributes to the ongoing debate on the determinants of voluntary climate change disclosures. Our findings highlight the importance of the board of directors' role in enhancing the transparency and relevance of voluntary disclosures of climate change business impacts. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

辽宁红沿河,湖南桃花江,胶东红石顶,浙江扩塘山……将这些四面八方的地名串在一起的,是中国发展核电的雄心。“十一五”规划中,中国明确把核电战略由“适度发展”调整为“积极发展”,而2007年10月颁布的《核电中长期发展规划(2005-2020年)》则注明,将新投产核电装机容量约2300万千瓦,这意味着有50余座核电站会拔地而起。从沿海到内陆,各省对核电项目的激烈争夺由此展开。然而,核电站不仅工程浩大,由于其特殊的安全性限制,往往也会深刻影响当地民生状态。  相似文献   

An 'activism index', combining data on membership of civil associations and societies and the level of activism suggests that, notwithstanding cultural differences, civil activism in European countries could be a great deal higher than its current level. If higher civic participation is to be achieved, each stakeholder group within local governance can play an 'activation' role in relation to citizens, both as individuals and in relation to the voluntary organizations which represent citizens in their collective activities. In practice, different stakeholder groups play this role in widely differing ways in the contexts of Germany, Spain and the UK. In the future, we can expect the lead role in activating civil society in each country to be taken by different stakeholders, depending on the trust currently placed in them by other stakeholders in the community and by the resources which they command.  相似文献   

Government agencies can provide various benchmarks when reporting their performance to citizens, but not much is known about how citizens understand and respond to benchmarking information. Thus, this study aims to test what performance benchmarks appear most salient and persuasive to citizens. We conducted an online survey experiment in which n = 595 respondents were randomized to different benchmarking information concerning fourth-grade reading proficiency of an elementary school. Our findings suggest that better school performance relative to the overall state average influenced respondents’ ratings more than did performance relative to last year or similar schools. Improvement over last year, moreover, appears to be the least influential benchmark. The implication is that citizens find broad, comparative benchmarks to be the most persuasive and view reflexive benchmarks as less impressive, although confirmation of this conclusion is needed because of limitations in the design of the experiment.  相似文献   

The public sector institutions which are responsible for monitoring government performance are not normally open to citizen participation. Yet there is widespread dissatisfaction with the capacities of states to exercise self-restraining functions effectively, and a growing interest amongst citizens to inform, monitor, or participate directly in the workings of these oversight institutions. This paper examines two citizen-initiated efforts in India to engage with public sector oversight functions. In one case, citizens attempted to engage with administrative accountability institutions (monitoring efficiency and quality in the food subsidy system), and in the second, citizens challenged official auditing systems in local government by producing parallel accounts of local spending which contradicted official versions. Both cases involved citizens breaking away from the ‘vertical’ channels of accountability traditionally open to civil society (lobbying, voting), and insinuating themselves to previously closed ‘horizontal’ accountability functions (the state's internal procedures for administrative review or financial auditing). We argue that for such ‘hybrid’ forms of accountability to be effective, it is important that citizens be given legal standing within institutions of public sector oversight, a continuous presence within the oversight agency's work, structured access to official documentary information, including spending records, and the right to issue dissenting perspectives directly to legislative bodies.  相似文献   

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