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近日在民间收藏的广汉地区出土的古蜀国时期的玉器上发现了《河图》与《伏羲八卦》的组合。这一发现将颠覆“河出图,洛出书”的传统观点,证明《河图》的原产地是在四川广汉古蜀国。这一发现再次使人们重新考量中华文明的源头问题。  相似文献   

Mr.Liao Zhifeng,the general manager of Seychelles Chinese Products Franchisee Ltd.,also the vice chairman of Africa Reunification Promotion Federation,and the Secretary-General of Seychelles China Reunification Federation.  相似文献   

《聊斋志异·宫梦弼》中砖石变成金银的情节来自《泾林续记》、《山堂肆考》或民间传说,借贷难的情节来自《赵春儿重旺曹家庄》,而主要的故事情节、人物形象、谋篇布局、小说主题都借鉴了冯梦龙的《宋小官团圆破毡笠》,但又自成面目,在似与不似之间,表现了蒲松龄高超的写作技巧。  相似文献   

在历史剧创作中,郭沫若将女性观照放置在主流话语意识下.塑造出的女性具有不同的时代质感。20世纪20年代的女性在“五四”个性解放意识浸染下最具叛逆意识,20世纪40年代的女性意识更多凸显的是左翼斗争意识,20世纪60年代的女性在社会主义建设时期更强调实践主体功能。相应地,郭沫若女性观照的价值取向也带有权力话语意识。  相似文献   

郭元釪是清康熙年间颇有成就的诗人,也是一位卓有建树的学者。作为诗人,他才华横溢,享誉诗坛,位列“江左十五子”之殿;作为学者,他凭一人之力编纂金源一代诗歌总集——《全金诗》,体制大备,流惠后世。惜乎其人其事不甚为人所知,纰缪之说亦复不少。本文考订郭元舒的生平事迹,纠正历来对于郭氏其人其书的几点谬说,述评其诗歌创作的影响,并检讨《全金诗》的文献价值与文化史意义。  相似文献   

张丰鸿,河南省平舆县人,1962年9月9日出生。自幼喜爱书画。1982年进京学习,曾跟随中央工艺美院张振教授学习人物肖像写生,后又经中央美院王临乙教授(曾被徐悲鸿保送法国留学)绘画艺术指导。考入中央美院学习.并在刻苦学习中又亲临了中央美术学院教授戴泽和天津美术学院教授穆家麒先生的指导,受益颇多,备受器重。现任国际书画家联合总会会员部主任.中国将星翰墨书画院艺术委员会副主任。  相似文献   

On August 15, the Chinese Outstanding Art Exhibition in calligraphy and painting will be held in mid-ring of Hong Kong, where Olympic equestrian events co-hosted, representing the masterpieces of China mainland artists. The event is a part of exchange during the 2008 Olympic period among Olympic co-hosting cities. The most eyeball-attracting showpiece will be a 960 m2 painting, "Ten Thousand Miles of Motherland", from the hand of Zhao Xiufeng.  相似文献   

苏轼对王维诗歌艺术的评论——“味摩诘诗,诗中有画;观摩诘画,画中有诗”,为历代评论家所争论。若从诗与画的相关性来解读此评论,可以发现中国写意山水画的精神性与山水诗发展过程中体现出的审美性特征非常相似,二者在追求“悟道”的共同终极关怀过程中形成了诗画艺术的相融。若以此对二者进行审美观照,就足以证明苏轼这一论断的合理性。  相似文献   

Chen Guangbiao was born in Sihong,Jiangsu Province in July 1968.Chen,Master of Business Administration.now is member of the standing committee of Jiangsu Provincial Committee of China Zhi Gong Dang,Vice Chairman of Red  相似文献   

为了实现广西左江花山岩画文化景观直观、多角度和全方位的展现,并将左江花山岩画数字文化遗产空间数据和非空间数据进行有效管理,提出在使用三维GIS、虚拟现实、空间数据库、3S和纹理映射等技术的基础上,基于Skyline平台设计并开发左江花山岩画数字文化遗产三维可视化系统,该系统能够实现多源空间数据的融合、浏览、查询及数据的有效管理等功能,为左江花山岩画数字文化遗产的保护提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Corporate fetal protection policies are designed to protect unborn children from exposure to harmful substances in the workplace. In recent years, a number of corporations have instituted fetal protection policies which excluded all fertile female employees from jobs which exposed them to hazardous substances. Critics argued that these policies discriminated against women, and several lawsuits were filed.The United States Supreme Court recently decided a case involving the fetal protection policy of Johnson Controls, Inc. This article will analyze the impact of the Supreme Court decision from a legal and ethical perspective. Practical guidelines for policies which protect the unborn and comply with the law will also be addressed.Ira Sprotzer, J. D., is an Associate Professor and Chairman of the Department of Business Policy and Environment at Rider College, Lawrenceville, N.J. Professor Sprotzer is a member of the New Jersey Bar and publishes research in the field of Employment Law.Ilene V. Goldberg, J. D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Policy and Environment at Rider College, Lawrenceville, N.J. Professor Goldberg is a member of the New Jersey and Pennsylvania Bars and publishes research on topics related to Health Law.  相似文献   

“抽象性描述”是绘画艺术表现手段中的重要形式之一。绘画艺术在凝固的时间和具体的空间上,存在着一定的表现手段。考察这些表现手段中“抽象性描述”的表现形式,便可以从造型艺术质和量的规定性中,确定“抽象性描述”的应用范围和美学位置;考见“抽象性描述”在绘画创作中的存在价值和地位;明确“抽象性描述”在绘画艺术实践中的实际指导意义。  相似文献   

As indicated in the previous article, a Russian-sponsored conference on business ethics was recently held in Moscow. Another participant from the USA, Professor Joanne B. Ciulla, comments here on what could prove to be a new beginning for business in Russia. Professor Ciulla is an Associate Editor of this Review and occupies the Coston Family Chair in Leadership and Ethics at the University of Richmond, Virginia.  相似文献   

As the emerging democracies of Eastern Europe try to make capitalism work in an ethical manner, their historical background and the national culture acquired over centuries cannot be ignored, as this study from Estonia eloquently shows. Dr Professor Maksim Saat is Professor of Business Administration, and Dr Mari Meel is Assistant Professor of Business Ethics, at the Tallinn Technical University, Ehitajate tee 5, EE-0026 Tallinn, Estonia. In an Appendix Dr Meel describes how she teaches business ethics to university students.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurs typically live with the ever-present threat of business failure arising from limited financial resources and aggressive competition in the marketplace. Under these circumstances, conflicting priorities arise and the entrepreneur is thus faced with certain dilemmas. In seeking to resolve these, entrepreneurs must often rely on their own judgment to determine “what is right”. There is thus a need for a technique to assist them decide on a course of action when no precedent or obvious solution exists. This research paper examines how entrepreneurs experience and deal with these dilemmas. The research is based on interviews with seven entrepreneurs in established service-oriented ventures, which gave rise to 26 dilemmas. These dilemmas were analyzed by making use of the Synergy Star technique, which is introduced here as a tool that is useful in defining any dilemma, isolating the ethical component, and resolving the dilemma in a way that is congruent with the entrepreneur’s personal world-view. Dr. David Robinson lectures in Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics at Queensland University of Technology and Bond University in Australia and is Visiting Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. Himself an entrepreneur and director of companies with varied business interests, he holds a Master of Science from Brunel University, London, an MBA from Newport University, California and a Ph.D. from Rhodes University, South Africa. Dave is a past surfing and lifesaving champion and is known around the world as ‘Dr. Dave - the Surfing Professor’. Per Davidsson is Professor of Entrepreneurship and Director of Research at Queensland University of Technology, Australia and Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Jonkoping International Business School in Sweden. Hennie van der Mescht is Associate Professor and Head of the Education Department at Rhodes University, South Africa. Philip Court is Associate Professor and Head of the Management Department at Rhodes University, South Africa.  相似文献   

Editor: Top Chain-Store Group has been the forecast and the polite guidance for China retailers, Franchisers, also as the reference for the departments of central and or local government, foreign consulting firms etc. On March 22nd, the fresh report of the research and study was released by Ms. Guo Ge ping, Chairperson of CCFA. We hope you can find the new trends and chances from the valuable analyses in brief.  相似文献   


This paper will review the mini-symposium on globalization conducted in New Delhi, India by the Alumni Association of Lancaster University Management School on January 17, 2004. The symposium was led by John Dunning, Emeritus Professor of International Business at the University of Reading, and the State of New Jersey Professor of International Business at Rutgers University. This symposium arose from the publication of a collection of essays edited by Professor Dunning, entitled, “Making Globalization Good.”1 The primary aim of this symposium was to bring together a grouping of academics, politicians, business leaders, and religious leaders to discuss the moral issues posed by globalization. The symposium participants attempted to answer the question if a global ethic could be established, and if so, under what principles would it function. Prior to discussing the results of the symposium, differing views concerning globalization, and the management of the international economy, will be discussed. There will also be a brief discussion of the prior contributions by Professor Dunning to the field of international business. Then the results of the symposium will be discussed. The paper will conclude with recommendations for further research in this important area. I am grateful for the symposium notes compiled by Professor V.N. Balasubramanyam of Lancaster University Management School, which were utilized in part for this paper.  相似文献   

Interesting contrasts and parallels on ethical issues emerge from a recent series of in-depth interviews given by managers in nine companies operating in Europe. The author is Professor of Marketing at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana 46556, USA, on leave during 1993-94 as Visiting Professor in the Department of Management and Marketing, University College Cork, Ireland. He wishes to acknowledge the financial assistance of the College of Business Administration at the University of Notre Dame in supporting this research.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new stochastic clustering methodology devised for the analysis of categorized or sorted data. The methodology reveals consumers' common category knowledge as well as individual differences in using this knowledge for classifying brands in a designated product class. A small study involving the categorization of 28 brands of U.S. automobiles is presented where the results of the proposed methodology are compared with those obtained from KMEANS clustering. Finally, directions for future research are discussed. Wayne S. DeSarbo is the S. S. Kresge Distinguished Professor of Marketing and Statistics, and Michael D. Johnson is Associate Professor of Marketing, both at the University of Michigan's School of Business Administration. Kamel Jedidi is Assistant Professor of Marketing at Columbia University's Graduate School of Business. The authors gratefully acknowledge DuPont Incorporated for providing financial support for this research.  相似文献   

Professor Chance's analysis shows that hedge results from eurodollar futures are imperfect; and he credits the futures contract design as being the source of the error. This comment argues that the unanticipated outcomes that Professor Chance evidences stem not from the design of the contract, but rather from improperly sizing hedge transactions. If appropriately sized hedges are used, perfect hedge outcomes in fact, will follow. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 27:187–193, 2007  相似文献   

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