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国内大型国有公路施工企业大多实行母分(子)公司组织结构模式。本文根据国有公路施工企业机构设置和经营特点,从不同层级机构的业务重点、部门职责和管理行为等方面出发,构建各层级部门绩效考核指标体系,发挥指标体系对经营活动的干预作用,使绩效考核成为公路施工企业管理的重要手段。  相似文献   

国有垄断行业高收入的形成机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张宝珠  张静 《北方经济》2011,(12):36-37
近年来,有关国有垄断行业高收入的问题不仅引起了全社会的极大关注,甚至引起公众的强烈不满,严重影响我国社会经济的和谐进程。文章对国有垄断行业高收入的形成机制进行剖析发现,国有垄断行业的高额利润主要来源于行政垄断,而利润上缴比例低、所有者缺位、缺乏监管、公平偏好都是使高额利润转化为高额收入的"催化剂"。最后,本文还分析了国有垄断行业高收入对社会经济造成的影响。  相似文献   

正我国现行的转移支付制度在协调纵向政府间发展方面起到了好的作用,但是现行的转移支付在横向政府间的发展竞争中也带来了一些坏处,导致了地区间发展不平衡的加剧。一、转移支付制度的现状财政转移支付制度是一种财政制度,主要指中央政府(或上级政府)对地方政府(或下级政府)进行无偿的财政资金转移。作为协调各级政府及部门间财政分配关系的手段,主要是从制度上控制并最终消除地方和部门的利益矛盾,妥善解决各级政府间的竞争,从  相似文献   

十七大报告提出,"要加大机构整合力度,探索实行职能有机统一的大部门体制,健全部门间协调配合机制".这是中国政府报告首次提出"大部门体制"概念,而大部制在市场经济高度发达的西方国家早已成为高效的政府治理模式,文章将结合西方国家大部制的相关情况以及我国自身的特点,为我国的大部制改革提供一些切实可行的对策.  相似文献   

如何建立科学有效的法人治理结构,在产权关系明确、责权利统一的基础上,实现资源的合理配置,在所有者和经营者之间形成相互制衡机制以及对经营者建立有效的激励约束机制,最大限度地提高国有企业的运行效率,是国有企业在改制过程中所面临的迫切问题。一、国有企业经营者的物质激励现状1.目前,国有企业经营者收入现状不理想,与其付出相比,所获收入太低。国有企业经营者的人力资本,没有作为生产要素参与企业利润分配。这是国有企业在与其他性质企业争夺人才时非常不利的一个因素,应该引起国家有关部门的重视,否则国有企业人才流失…  相似文献   

徐金艳 《魅力中国》2009,(10):55-55
建筑业是国民经济的支柱产业,国有独资及由国有企业转换而成的绝对控股有限责任建筑施工企业.当前阶段,在建筑施工企业中无论从经营规模还是从业人数仍处于优势地位。由于国有大中型建筑施工企业从劳动力密集型向管理密集型转轨,建筑行业新技术、新材料、新工艺、新方法的大量产生和使用,市场经济新情况对企业管理的挑战,从而使传统的国有建筑施工企业从业人员无论从技术上还是管理上都存在着严重的先天不足,如果不能够正视这点,并采取相应有效措施.国有建筑施工企业将会在竞争激烈的市场上失去“人”这一企业管理中最重要的因素优势,使企业形成必败的局面。  相似文献   

部门预算制度存在的问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王秀芝 《山东经济》2009,25(5):100-103
实行部门预算制度是我国财政支出管理改革的一项重大举措,在实际的预算管理中取得了一定的效果。但在预算分配权、预算编制以及财政与其他政府部门间的关系等方面仍然存在着一些问题,需要根据部门预算制度运作的实际情况进一步完善,统一预算分配权,理顺财政与其他政府部门间的关系,细化预算,采用科学、规范的预算编制方法,制定科学的预算定额,尽快建立财政总额控制制度,建立部门预算特别是项目支出的绩效考核机制。  相似文献   

中国居民慢性病的经济影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
慢性病的经济负担在世界范围内增加,但基于个体经济层面的研究较少.利用中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)数据和Heckman两阶段模型,分析了慢性病对个体医疗支出、非医疗消费、家庭间转移支付及工作时间的影响,结果显示:慢性病显著地增加了医疗费用开支;慢性病患者的周工作时间下降;慢性病患者接受来自其他家庭(亲属)的转移收入明显增加,这表明个体能够通过家庭间风险分担的非正式制度处理机制,来应对慢性疾病的冲击;尽管有来自其他家庭的转移收入,慢性病人的非医疗消费水平降低;富裕个体在抵御慢性病冲击上明显比贫困的慢性病患者有利.最后,文章提出应当引入卫生筹资的政策干预.  相似文献   

部门预算主要反映的是部门的收入和支出情况。会计核算和部门预算相同,都是影响着企业单位生存发展的关键。但是在实际的执行过程中,二者往往会出现不协调的情况。文章主要对企业单位部门预算和会计核算之间的协调方式等相关的内容进行细致地分析,仅供参考。  相似文献   

国有林权制度改革的主体冲突及其化解   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国有林区三林问题的基本特征是林业资源枯竭、林区经济危困和林工生活艰难,其根源于林业忽视生态效益、林场利益机制不顺、林工存在制度性依赖。国有林权制度改革面临林业资源属性约束和国有林区体制约束。在国有林权制度改革中,政策设计者须明晰中央政府、地方政府、林业管理部门、林区和林工等不同利益主体之间利益诉求和利益实现约束的差异。  相似文献   

本文在一般均衡框架下构建理论模型,从微观视角考察国有资本功能在国有、民营两部门中的差异,讨论"双循环"战略下如何有效配置国有资本,推动竞争中性框架的建立.研究表明:国有资本在理论上具有正向的经济效率并促进企业积极承担社会责任,但经验证据显示其经济效率偏低,且在国有和民营部门有较大差异.在国有部门中,国有资本的经济效率显...  相似文献   

This paper is motivated by the recent debate on the existence and scale of China's ‘Guo Jin Min Tui’ phenomenon, which is often translated as ‘the state sector advances and the private sector retreats’. We argue that the profound implication of an advancing state sector is not the size expansion of the state ownership in the economy per se, but the likely retardation of the development of the already financially constrained private sector and the issues around the sustainability of the already weakening Chinese economy growth. Drawing on recent methodological advances, we provide a critical analysis of the contributions of the state and non-state sectors in the aggregate Total Factor Productivity and its growth over the period of 1998–2007 to verify the existence of GJMT and its possible impacts on Chinese economic growth. Overall, we find strong and consistent evidence of a systematic and worsening resource misallocation within the state sector and/or between the state sectors and private sectors over time. This suggests that non-market forces allow resources to be driven away from their competitive market allocation and towards the inefficient state sector.  相似文献   

在地方政府招商与国有企业非理性投资背景下,非国有经济发展呈被动状态,再次引发了政府、企业以及理论界对国进民退问题的激烈讨论。经济转型中计划经济调控手段存在引发国有企业的寻租行为,产生对产业、市场以及信贷资金的挤出。国进民退蔓延容易造成市场与政府的双重失灵。深化经济体制改革,消除制度性歧视和根除地方政府直接参与市场行为,是解决国进民退问题的核心。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how financial, trade, institutional and political liberalisation policies have affected financial sector competition in Africa using updated data to appraise second‐generation reforms. The “freedom to trade” and “economic freedom” indices are employed. Hitherto, unexplored financial sector concepts of formalisation, semi‐formalisation, informalisation and non‐formalisation are also introduced. The following findings are established. First, relative to money supply, (i) with the exception of the economic freedom mechanism, liberalisation policies have generally decreased the growth of the formal financial sector to the benefit of other financial sectors; (ii) apart from the foreign direct investment and economic freedom channels, liberalisation policies have been fruitful for semi‐formal financial development at the cost of other financial sectors and; (iii) with the exception of economic freedom, both the informal and non‐formal sectors have developed owing to liberalisation to the detriment of the formal financial sector. Second, relative to gross domestic product, the semi‐formal, informal and/or non‐formal financial sectors have also generally improved as a result of liberalisation. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》2007,18(1):87-111
This paper examines whether institutional changes have affected the interaction between the real economy and monetary policy in China. We find evidence that structural changes in the financial and real sectors over the period of our study did influence the way in which monetary policy affected the real economy. There were an increasing influence of interest rates on output over 1984 to 1997 and non-state owned enterprises were increasingly reacting to monetary policy changes, suggesting that banking sector reforms were having effects, despite the fact that most credit was allocated to the loss-making State sector.  相似文献   


This article estimates firm mark-ups to evaluate market competition in Korean manufacturing industries for the period of 1982–2004 and analyzes how the mark-ups differ across industry sectors. For the manufacturing sector as a whole, our results lead us to reject the null hypothesis of a competitive market, although market imperfection varies across industry sectors. Meanwhile, the parameter for union bargaining power over firm profit was much smaller than those found in the previous studies and insignificant in some industry sectors. Our firm-level results indicate that intra-industry variation in mark-ups and returns to scale is greater than inter-industry variation as shown in the sector analysis. Also, we find that mark-ups respond counter-cyclically to aggregate demand shocks and that the magnitudes of responses differ from industry to industry.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the cost and profit efficiency of the Chinese domestic banking sector to evaluate the effectiveness of China's financial reforms since 1978. We use the performance of foreign banks as the benchmark because foreign banks, subject to intensive worldwide competition, are perceived as possessing superior governing structure and organization, more advanced technologies and better trained labor force. On the other hand, competition in China's banking sector is mainly in the form of nonprice measures, thus putting foreign banks at a disadvantage. We find domestic banks have gradually caught up the cost advantage of foreign banks in a manner consistent with the increased competitive pressure. On the other hand, the profit advantage of domestic banks over foreign banks is widening because of institutional arrangements, cultural and social networks as well as the profit scope and revenue scale economy.  相似文献   

“国进民退”的学术论争及其下一步   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来,我国少数行业出现了国进民退现象,2009年这一现象变得更为明显。国进民退并非市场公平竞争的结果,而是受国有企业过多的留存利润、歧视性的产业政策、国有银行的信贷支持以及地方政府对中央国企的支持等体制性因素扭曲所致。因此,国进民退不仅不利于效率的提高和社会福利的改进,还会在民营企业的发展、收入分配、产业结构优化、金融风险和增长方式的转型等方面对我国经济产生不利影响。为防止国进民退,应对国有企业进行合理定位,划定其必要的经营范围。  相似文献   

Abstract: Since 1991, Tanzania has made important improvements in reforming its financial sector, dismantling the state‐dominated banking sector and allowing foreign bank entry. Despite this, the banking industry is still concentrated with low accessibility to financial services. Large foreign banks dominate the financial landscape, preventing competitive dynamism to permeate the sector. This paper analyses the competitive nature of the Tanzanian banking industry from 2004 to 2008. Utilizing a rich bank level data set, we employ the Panzar–Rosse methodology to compute the competitive index, taking into account risk, efficiency, regulatory and macroeconomic factors. The results show that banks in Tanzania earned their income under conditions of oligopolistic conduct. Moreover, the competitive index derived from an interest revenue equation was not significantly different from that obtained using an aggregate revenue measure. This suggests that the degree of contestability from traditional intermediation activities approximates overall bank behaviour. The overall message is that greater market contestability can be achieved by adopting measures aimed at stimulating competitiveness in the banking sector, including consolidating gains on the macroeconomic front and allowing more foreign bank entry so as to increase the spread of banking services.  相似文献   


This paper provides an analysis of the impact of natural, industrial and terrorist disasters on the Australian capital market using the Box and Tiao intervention analysis and the data on daily returns in the following 10 market sectors: consumer discretionary, consumer staples, energy, financial, healthcare, industrial, information technology, materials, telecommunication services and utilities. Inter alia, it was found that the shocks provided by natural disasters have an influence on market sector returns, depending upon the sector in question. The sectors most sensitive to disasters of any type are the consumer discretionary, financial services and materials sectors while the most significant single event during the past 8 years would appear to be the September 11 terrorist attack, at least in terms of its impact upon the capital market.  相似文献   

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