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通货膨胀是较多的货币追逐较少的商品而引起的市场物价普遍上涨的现象,由于当前流动性过剩、美联储实施量化宽松政策、巨额外汇储备、要素成本上升、内外游资将助推资产价格泡沫等因素,导致通货膨胀的出现;控制通货膨胀要从增加供给、控制热钱和流动性泛滥、消化存量货币等方面入手,同时要区分控制通胀和抑制增长的界限,防止经济下滑。  相似文献   

通货膨胀的成因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通货膨胀是较多的货币追逐较少的商品而引起的市场物价普遍上涨的现象,由于当前流动性过剩、美联储实施量化宽松政策、巨额外汇储备、要素成本上升、内外游资将助推资产价格泡沫等因素,导致通货膨胀的出现;控制通货膨胀要从增加供给、控制热钱和流动性泛滥、消化存量货币等方面入手,同时要区分控制通胀和抑制增长的界限,防止经济下滑。  相似文献   

中国人民银行2008年工作会议指出,认真执行从紧的货币政策,防止经济增长由偏快转为过热和物价由结构性上涨演变为明显通货膨胀是今年央行工作的首要任务之一.落实从紧货币政策,意味着央行将严格控制货币信贷总量和投放节奏.合理运用利率杠杆.继续增强人民币汇率弹性.加大公开市场操作力度,吸收银行体系流动性.充分发挥信贷政策促进经济结构调整的积极作用,引导金融机构优化贷款结构,促进经济发展方式转变.……  相似文献   

本文分析了货币因素和货币政策影响能源价格上涨的内在机制和主要渠道,并在Gordon“三角模型”的框架内开展实证研究。结果表明:货币因素从需求拉动、成本推动和预期驱动三方面影响能源价格,其中需求拉动是主要渠道;货币因素对能源涨价的贡献度超过了产出缺口代表的需求因素和进口能源价格代表的供给因素;各种货币政策工具对能源价格均有影响,其中人民币汇率弹性的影响最明显,存款准备金率次之,利率影响最小。面对能源价格的结构性上涨,央行应密切关注包括能源在内的总体物价,逐步完善货币信贷政策和发展能源金融市场。  相似文献   

为防止物价由结构性上涨演变为通货膨胀和流动性过剩不断扩大的局面,2007年底中央经济工作会议决定将执行十年的货币政策中的“稳健的货币政策”,调整为“从紧的货币政策”。这是党中央、国务院总揽国家经济发展全局,深刻分析未来经济走势后作出的重大决策。  相似文献   

今年上半年我国经济呈现高增长、高物价的态势.经济增长的支撑条件不断改善,潜在经济增长能力提高,高增长是供需条件发生变化的必然反映;物价涨幅虽然较高,但是CPI上涨具有明显的结构性特征,不会引发全面通货膨胀;经济增长驱动力发生变化,出口需求和消费需求贡献率提高,经济增长的结构、方式以及质量正在向优化的方向转变.  相似文献   

新兴市场的物价上涨来自需求不足和流动性过剩的博弈,从目前市场需求的不稳定性和流动性的易变性来看,物价的上涨可能是短期内的一个阶段性特征。  相似文献   

流动性过剩对我国一般物价水平的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文考察了20世纪80年代中期以来我国流动性与物价变动之间的关系,分析了1990年代中期后我国物价水平保持基本稳定的原因。同时,本文也指出,流动性过剩大大增加了我国物价未来走势的不确定性和复杂性,短期内必须警惕由局部供给短缺冲击和流动性过剩相互交织而产生的一般物价和资产价格“双上涨”,中长期内还必须防范其他可能面临的风险。最后,在保持物价稳定的综合措施中,本文认为,应通过着力解决流动性过剩问题来改善宏观经济运行的基本环境。  相似文献   

曹亚兵 《中国外资》2011,(10):213-215
在本文中作者将土地供给弹性作为关键变量,在有无投机需求的情况模拟了中国房地产市场的价格运行形态。作者通过建立动态价格模型后仿真模拟得到结论:土地供给弹性和投机需求均是商品房价的主要影响因素;在土地供给不具有弹性且有投机需求的情况下,测得的长期价格比土地供给富有弹性且市场无投机需求的情况下要高100%。由此可见,土地供给是影响商品房价的关键性因素。  相似文献   

我国物价连续攀升,除经济持续高速增长带来的社会需求拉动,及粮食、肉禽食品的供给问题推动物价的上涨,把我国经济放在全球视角下观察,我国的物价上涨,明显有国际因素的影响。我国经济对外依存度高,尤其是对美国依存度高,美国经济走软、宽松的货币政策、美元贬值等美国一系列经济表现都不可避免地影响着我国物价的变动。  相似文献   

长期积累的高额流动性存量、如此之高的货币信贷投放,却未引发与之相匹配的高通货膨胀。货币主义的经典公式受到中国之谜的挑战。本文从经济的需求层面,通过有支付能力需求、有效需求与总供给的关系分析,研究了潜在通货膨胀的流动性压力及其形成渊源,并由货币结构分析视角,在定义M2和M1分别体现有支付能力需求和有效需求的基础上,运用统计方法,采用了2000年12月~2010年11月的月度数据,证明了在广义货币M2存量偏高、潜在通货膨胀压力增强的前提下,M1增长率低于M2增长率、M1占M2比率下降,则表现出沉淀或累积的有支付能力返归,向有效需求转化,预示着通货膨胀可能会由潜在转化为现实的论断。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study how the intertemporal supply/demand of a security affects trading strategy. We develop a general framework for a limit order book market to capture the dynamics of supply/demand. We show that the optimal strategy to execute an order does not depend on the static properties of supply/demand such as bid–ask spread and market depth, it depends on their dynamic properties such as resilience: the speed at which supply/demand recovers to its steady state after a trade. In general, the optimal strategy is quite complex, mixing large and small trades, and can substantially lower execution cost. Large trades remove the existing liquidity to attract new liquidity, while small trades allow the trader to further absorb any incoming liquidity flow.  相似文献   

The liquidity effect of money supply increases, as policy-oriented measures, would generally lead to a decline in interest rates. This is the direct effect. However, such money supply increases lead to a sum of the direct effect plus the positive indirect price and income effects. In sum, the net effect may be positive leading to a net increase and not a decrease in the interest rate. The regular money demand function is suitably modified to capture the structural changes of the Indian economy to verify the net effect of monetary policy-induced money supply movements. The empirical evidence indicates the presence of a perverse liquidity effect.  相似文献   

Market liquidity is modeled as being determined by the demand and supply of immediacy. Exogenous liquidity events coupled with the risk of delayed trade create a demand for immediacy. Market makers supply immediacy by their continuous presence and willingness to bear risk during the time period between the arrival of final buyers and sellers. In the long run the number of market makers adjusts to equate the supply and demand for immediacy. This determines the equilibrium level of liquidity in the market. The lower is the autocorrelation in rates of return, the higher is the equilibrium level of liquidity.  相似文献   

Banks can make suboptimal liquidity choices and gamble for lender of last resort (LOLR) support. Endogenous bailout rents are driven by the need to preserve bankers' incentives under uncertain net worth. In equilibrium, banks can herd in risk management, choosing suboptimal liquidity when they expect others to do so. Optimal liquidity can be restored by quantitative requirements, but such regulation is costly. An LOLR policy incorporating bank capital information can reduce distorting rents and allow for a more efficient solution, but may only be possible in transparent economies.  相似文献   

合理的流动性管理要求银行用尽可能低的成本组织流动性供给,以实现流动性均衡.不同的流动性供给方式在满足不同发生概率的流动性需求水平时,有不同的成本结构.备付金、可转换资产和主动负债这三种基本的流动性供给方式的成本构成,都可以表示为备付成本和交易成本之和.通过对各种流动性供给方式的成本进行比较,确定一个成本最低的流动性供给方案,在坐标图中即不同流动性供给方式的成本曲线组成的曲线簇下边界.当影响流动性供给成本的市场因素发生变化时,银行根据成本最小化原则确定的最佳流动性供给方案也将有所变动.  相似文献   

This paper represents an equilibrium model for the demand and supply of liquidity and its impact on asset prices and welfare. We show that, when constant market presence is costly, purely idiosyncratic shocks lead to endogenous demand of liquidity and large price deviations from fundamentals. Moreover, market forces fail to lead to efficient supply of liquidity, which calls for potential policy interventions. However, we demonstrate that different policy tools can yield different efficiency consequences. For example, lowering the cost of supplying liquidity on the spot (e.g., through direct injection of liquidity or relaxation of ex post margin constraints) can decrease welfare while forcing more liquidity supply (e.g., through coordination of market participants) can improve welfare.  相似文献   

We investigate the determinants of direct office real estate returns by analyzing rents, capital appraisals, and total returns. A recently compiled global database of major cities in Asia, Europe, and the United States provides a unique opportunity to give a macro-view on the effects of economic growth and supply and demand factors on nominal real estate returns. The global database provides quarterly observations from 1986 to 1999. To address the smoothness problem of appraisal-based price data and regulated rents, we employ the Generalized Method of Moments to estimate a dynamic panel-data model. The model allows us to combine the cross-sectional and time-series dimension in our quarterly data. We find that gross domestic product, inflation, unemployment, vacancy rate, and the available stock all have an effect on real estate returns.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of ample liquidity provision by the European Central Bank on the functioning of the overnight unsecured interbank market from 2008 to 2014. We use novel data on interbank transactions derived from TARGET2, the main euro area payment system. To identify exogenous shocks to central bank liquidity, we exploit the timing of ECB liquidity operations and use a simple structural vector auto-regression framework. We argue that the ECB acted as a de facto lender-of-last-resort to the euro area banking system and identify two main effects of central bank liquidity provision on interbank markets. First, central bank liquidity replaces the demand for liquidity in the interbank market, especially during the financial crisis (2008–2010). Second, it increases the supply of liquidity in the interbank market in stressed countries (Greece, Italy and Spain) during the sovereign debt crisis (2011–2013).  相似文献   

In this study, we use both quote and trade data for the FTSE-100 futures for 2001–2004 in order to examine asymmetric volatility in the context of extreme sells. We define extreme sells as ask quotes that involve large percentages of total depth, selling orders executed at prices much closer to bids than to asking prices, and consecutive sell-initiated trades. Sell trades tend to demand higher liquidity than buys, while extreme trading conditions demand more liquidity than non-extreme ones. In extreme sells, liquidity demand surpasses supply. We show that asymmetric liquidity (quote demand vs. supply) better explains the asymmetric volatility observed in high-frequency data than trade information does. Ask-depth share plays a dominant role in asymmetric volatility, while order flow (sell-initiated volume share) makes a far smaller contribution.  相似文献   

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