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This study constitutes a novel application of network analysis to explore the underlying mechanisms of tourist attraction network informed by tourist flows. Using survey data collected from a sample of 456 tourists visiting Xinjiang, China, the study applies the Quadratic Assignment Procedure (QAP) to test the relationships between region proximity, grade proximity, and tenure proximity, and the attraction network determined by tourists' free choice movements. Results show that while region proximity and tenure proximity among major attractions in a destination were positively related to attraction network, grade proximity was negatively related to the attraction network, indicating that same grade attractions were mostly competing with one another for tourists. The study contributes to the methodological development of social network analysis in tourism and advances understanding of demand-driven network relationships among tourist attractions in a destination. Destination management implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the symbiosis status of tourist towns by analyzing the dynamism between two subsystems of tourist town development: the town subsystem and the tourism subsystem. Drawing on the Lotka-Volterra model, we first developed a model for evaluating the status of harmonious symbiosis development for tourist towns, and then formulated a set of indicators to measure the key components in the model. An empirical study applying the model was conducted focusing on 18 tourist towns in Guizhou Province, China. Recommendations were proposed for more harmonious development of the tourist towns. This is among the first tourism studies that adopt the symbiosis systems approach and our proposed model provides fresh insights into tourist town development.  相似文献   

Although tourist development appears to be an effective approach for the further development of historic towns, researchers have often contended that a balance is difficult to maintain between protection and development. This article applies space syntax analysis to provide an understanding of tourist space at historic sites on Gulangyu Island. The relationship between street network integration and the urban fabric as well as tourist preferences collated from data mining are explored and verified. Then, results of the space syntax analysis along with the proposed historic site plan are compared to provide suggestions in plan evaluation. This research provides a visualized and quantitative approach to the field of tourist management via the application of Geographic Information System (GIS) to urban morphological features, tourist preferences and results gathered by way of planning practice. The effectiveness and limitations of this proposed new approach are also debated and substantiated.  相似文献   

This study examines the causal relationship between tourist expectations, tourist motivations, tour quality, tourist satisfaction, tourist complaints and tourist loyalty of Chinese tourists in the Republic of Korea using path analysis. It was found that tourist expectations have a negative effect on the perceived experiential quality of the tour, yet tourist motivation has a positive effect on the perceived tour quality. In turn, the perceived tour quality has a positive effect on tourist satisfaction. Similarly there is an inverse relationship between satisfaction and tourist complaints, and a positive relationship exists between satisfaction and loyalty. Equally, the higher is the number of complaints, the lower are the loyalty levels. These results will provide potential guidelines for inbound tour agents who plan to attract Chinese tourists to Korea and enable them to formulate appropriate strategies. This study also seeks to contribute to conceptual and policy formation by understanding the determinants of tourist satisfaction and loyalty.  相似文献   

旅游环境承载力是衡量旅游地可持续发展的重要理论依据和参考标准。本文选取Web of Science(WOS)核心合集和中国知网(CNKI)数据库中收录的492篇中英文文献为样本,系统回顾和比较近30年中外旅游环境承载力研究的发展历程、阶段特征与热点演变。研究发现,1992—2020年相关研究成果均呈现增长态势,虽然国外旅游环境承载力研究起步较早,但中外研究期均经历了时间跨度不一的三个阶段。在中国学者基于国外研究基础构建承载力约束下旅游业可持续发展理论体系的探索阶段,国外学者已从理论建构转向研究反思和实践应用。中国研究进入拓展阶段后,研究成果快速增多,初步完成了国外相关理论、方法的借鉴与转化应用;但这一阶段国外学者研究成果增速明显放缓,研究热点转向借鉴海洋、管理、心理等学科理论和方法,开展多学科交叉融合研究。第三个阶段,国外研究在新应用实践推动下,理论与方法体系不断系统化,进入开展新应用研究的转型;同期中国学者的理论研究与实践应用不断丰富,旅游环境承载力领域研究与实践的“中国特色”日益突出,中国情境下的国际化研究成果及其影响力不断提升。在人与自然共同体理念和生态文明建设的新时代背景下,旅...  相似文献   

Tourism has a leading role in heritage cities and this implies a major challenge. The overall objective of this paper is to evaluate the performance of tourism planning and management with the view of achieving sustainable tourism in the historic center of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The study addresses topics collected during a long research process of more than 10 years, such as strategic tourism plans, the implementation of quality management systems for tourism, the tourist supply and the regulation of flows. The results show a destination that has introduced alternatives to improve the tourism experience and diversify its offer beyond the Camino de Santiago. There is also growing concern in promoting the sustainability of the historic center. From our point of view, the strengthening of synergies between the different agents involved in the tourism sector of the city has been a key factor in dealing with this situation. However, in this sense, the main problem which is decongesting the tourist flows to the cathedral and its surroundings is still unresolved.  相似文献   

The rapid evolution of information and positioning technologies, and their increasing adoption in tourism management practices allows for new and challenging research avenues. This paper presents an empirical case study on the mining of association rules in tourist attraction visits, registered for 15 days by the Bluetooth tracking methodology. This way, this paper aims to be a methodological contribution to the field of spatiotemporal tourism behavior research by demonstrating the potential of ad-hoc sensing networks in the non-participatory measurement of small-scale movements. An extensive filtering procedure is followed by an exploratory analysis, analyzing the discovered associations for different visitor segments and additionally visualizing them in ‘visit pattern maps’. Despite the limited duration of the tracking period, we were able to discover interesting associations and further identified a tendency of visitors to rarely combine visits in the center with visits outside of the city center. We conclude by discussing both the potential of the employed methodology as well as its further issues.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the influence of the tourist’s perception of overcrowding on a destination’s appeal. To do so, the use of the population density estimates is suggested to measure degrees of overcrowding in a tourist area, which in this paper is undertaken using panel data analysis. A tourist demand model is estimated in the study case, which consists of a number of resorts located in five islands of the same archipelago, Canary Islands. This distinctive case of close but different destinations makes it possible to isolate variations in demand due to changes in population density and other supply-side factors from other demand-oriented ones. Annual tourists coming from two different European countries to the islands were considered as endogenous variables. The empirical findings provide an indicator of each island’s maximum capacity and test some policy measures laid down to extend these limits. The estimation of the effect of population density on demand can serve as a useful tool for planning the future development in destinations where tourist attraction is mainly based on the natural values of the site.  相似文献   

Can distinctive natural assets in tourist destinations be artistically recreated and used to improve destination image and attract more visitors? This paper analyses the formation of the tourist image based on artistically recreated local nature icons, and shows how those images can enhance the overall destination image. It focuses on the island of Lanzarote, a destination with its development based on promoting an environmental image founded on the creation of a network of multifunctional, high-quality art, culture and tourism centres exhibiting artistic recreation of its unique environmental assets. The methodology utilizes a questionnaire (n = 453) structural equations modelling approach in which the overall image of the destination is directly dependent on the image of the environmental conditions and indirectly influenced by the image of the artistically recreated centres. Results show that the destination's image is significantly grounded on the image of the art, culture and tourism centres using art based on Lanzarote's natural assets. They suggest that destinations have relevant opportunities to artistically enhance natural assets to improve their tourist image and marketing, that quality multi-functional visitor centres can be important within a sustainable tourism policy, and part of the emerging breadth of approaches taken by sustainable tourism marketing.  相似文献   

山岳型景区是重要的旅游目的地,景区活动关乎山地系统生态安全。构建山岳型景区生态安全格局是保护生态系统关键物种要素与维护生态系统整体功能的重要手段,也是景区可持续发展的重要保障。本文以山西省云丘山景区为例,选取吕梁山脉代表性珍稀物种褐马鸡(Crossoptilon Mantchuricum),基于GIS技术提取生态源地,运用最小累积阻力模型(Minimum Cumulative Resistance,MCR)与重力模型提取生态廊道并构建生态网络;综合连通性与敏感性对生态网络进行分析,提出云丘山景区生态安全格局优化建议。结果表明:云丘山景区生态源地总体规模较小,空间分布不均;网络连通性属于中等水平,位于网络核心区的源地间廊道较多,呈网状连接,位于网络边缘区的源地间廊道单一,呈树状连接;根据敏感性评价将景区划分为极度敏感、高度敏感、中度敏感、轻度敏感、不敏感5种类型区,生态网络所处区域整体敏感性程度较低,但仍存在高风险节点;根据生态廊道所处不同敏感性环境提出“降扰性保护”“恢复性保护”“修建性保护”3种廊道构建与优化建议。研究结果将为云丘山景区生态保护工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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