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This study tests for the presence of periodically, partially collapsing speculative bubbles in the sector indices of the S&P 500 using a regime-switching approach. We also employ an augmented model that includes trading volume as a technical indicator to improve the ability of the model to time bubble collapses and to better capture the temporal variations in returns. We find that well over half of the S&P 500 index by market capitalization and seven of its ten sector component indices exhibited at least some bubble-like behavior over our sample period. Thus the speculative bubble that grew in the 1990s and subsequently collapsed was surprisingly pervasive in the US equity market and it affected numerous sectors including financials and general industrials, rather than being confined to information technology, telecommunications and the media. In addition, we develop a joint model for cross-sectional contagion of bubbles across the sectors and we examine whether there is evidence for bubble spillovers.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the importance of higher moments of return distributions in capturing the variation of average stock returns for companies listed in the leading S&P US and Australian indices. We find that Australian stocks are more negatively skewed but less leptokurtic than US stocks. As a result, we find that co-skewness plays a more important role in explaining Australian returns while co-kurtosis is consistently influential for US stock returns. We postulate that the differences in results are related to the underlying firm characteristics of the companies in the two indices, where principally the Australian firms are noticeably smaller than their US counterparts and concentrated in a smaller number industry sectors. This implies that for many smaller exchanges around the world higher moment characteristics displayed by the US market may not be applicable. We also show our results are robust to partly explaining average stock returns in the presence of size, value, and momentum effects.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between crude oil prices and banking sector market indices in the oil-exporting economies of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), using daily frequency data over 2010–2017. Controlling for global banking impacts (S&P500 Banking Index) and interest rates (T-bills), dynamic ordinary least squared (DOLS) and fully modified ordinary least squared (FM-OLS) analysis indicates that oil prices positively affect bank indices until the $95 per barrel mark, after which the impact becomes negative, close to the psychological barrier found in the US equity market. The S&P500 Banking Index positively affects the GCC banking sector, whereas the interest rate affects it negatively. The validity of an inverse U-shaped relationship between crude oil price and banking sector indices is demonstrated. Causality analysis reveals the existence of bidirectional causalities between the prices of crude oil, GCC banking sectors, and the US banking sector. This paper demonstrates a vital non-linear relationship for oil-banking portfolio management and hedging strategies with oil price risk.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of the movements in the capital-assets-management-earnings-liquidity-sensitivity to market risk (CAMELS) and the longterm Standard & Poors (S&P) bank ratings in the Czech Republic during the periods when the three largest banks, representing approximately 60 percent of the Czech banking sector's total assets, were first privatized (1998-2001) and then had sufficient time to operate under new owners (2002-2005). The same list of explanatory variables employed by the Czech National Bank's banking sector regulators, corresponding to the inputs of the CAMELS rating, are examined for both ratings to select their significant predictors. We employ an ordered-response logit model to analyze the long-run S&P rating and a standard panel data framework for the CAMELS rating. We find significant explanatory power for capital adequacy, funding spread, the ratio of total loans to total assets, the value-at-risk for total assets, and leverage.  相似文献   

We construct a comprehensive measure for the evolution of the US financial crisis by extracting the common components in the real estate market (S&P Case-Shiller composite-10 housing price index), the equity market (S&P 500 index), and the money market (M2 money multiplier). We then investigate the effects of this crisis on six Asian economies. Using the quarterly data from Q1 1991 to Q1 2010, we find that, surprisingly, the Asian equity markets are not contagious by the crisis; rather, trade contagion is the dominant transmission channel for the crisis to be transmitted to Asia. Finally, our empirical investigations suggest that monetary policy, rather fiscal policy, is a better choice for assisting Asian economies during this crisis.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the following question: has the global financial stress in the US markets during the subprime crisis induced a persistent volatility of Indian equity stocks? We answer this question using sector-based data and we propose a simple stochastic volatility model augmented with exogenous inputs (financial stress indicators in the US market). We derive analytically the autocorrelation of the squared returns using cross-moments and estimate the impact of several variables such as the CDS spreads, the ABCP spreads, market liquidity, the volatility of the S&P 500 using a Kalman filter approach with the impact captured through Almon polynomials. We find a strong evidence of persistent volatility irrespective of the sector and interpret this finding as the result of two factors: the lower liquidity of the Indian equity markets during the subprime crisis and a wake-up call effect.  相似文献   

How much the largest worldwide companies, belonging to different sectors of the economy, are suffering from the pandemic? Are economic relations among them changing? In this paper, we address such issues by analyzing the top 50 S&P companies by means of market and textual data. Our work proposes a network analysis model that combines such two types of information to highlight the connections among companies with the purpose of investigating the relationships before and during the pandemic crisis. In doing so, we leverage a large amount of textual data through the employment of a sentiment score which is coupled with standard market data. Our results show that the COVID-19 pandemic has largely affected the US productive system, however differently sector by sector and with more impact during the second wave compared to the first.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the intraday price formation process of country Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). We identify specific parts of the US trading day during which Net Asset Values (NAVs), currency rates, premiums and discounts, and the S&P 500 index have special effects on ETF prices, and characterize a special intraday and overnight updating structure between these variables and country ETF prices. Our findings suggest a structural difference between synchronized and non-synchronized trading hours. While during synchronized trading hours ETF prices are mostly driven by their NAV returns, during non-synchronized trading hours the S&P 500 index has a dominant effect. This effect also exceeds the one that the S&P 500 index has on the underlying foreign indices and suggests an overreaction to US market returns when foreign markets are closed.  相似文献   

How do changes in a rating agency's reputation affect the ratings market? We study the dynamics of credit ratings after Standard & Poor's (S&P) was shut out of a large segment of the commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) ratings market following a procedural mistake. Exploiting the fact that most CMBS have ratings from multiple agencies, we show that S&P subsequently eased its standards compared to other raters. This coincided with a partial recovery in the number of deals S&P was hired to rate. Our findings suggest that an agency can regain market share after suffering reputational damage by issuing optimistic ratings.  相似文献   

We examine both the contagion and the “too-big-to-fail” hypotheses in the context of the long-term capital management (LTCM) crisis in the US financial services industry. Our results show that those commercial and investments banks that were exposed to LTCM lost market values significantly around important events surrounding the near collapse of LTCM, but the losses experienced by investment banks are much higher than the losses faced by commercial banks. Smaller S&L institutions and bigger insurance companies were also affected by the crisis, implying a form of contagion effect in the financial sector. We find some evidence of a `too-big-to-fail' policy with the involvement of the Fed in LTCM, as perceived by the markets.  相似文献   

This study presents an empirical analysis of the short- and long-term relationships among stock prices in the US, Japan and the UK. We re-examine the evidence of market linkages and cointegration between S&P 500, Nikkei 225 and FTSE-100 stock indices. The results suggest that mature markets are cointegrated, indicating a stationary long-run relationship. Furthermore, Granger causality tests show a bi-directional causality between Nikkei 225–FTSE-100, and unidirectional causalities between S&P 500–FTSE-100 and S&P 500–Nikkei 225. These findings suggest that the potential for diversifying risk by investing in mature markets is limited.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examine the value-relevance of pension transition adjustments and other comprehensive income (OCI) components in the initial adoption year of Statement of Financial Accounting Standard (SFAS) 158—Employers’ Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Plans. Using a sample of 697 Standard and Poor (S&P) firms with the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2006, we perform several cross-sectional regression analyses to test the value-relevance of transition adjustments and OCI components in presence of various earnings measures. The results indicate that there is a negative relationship between both the level and change in stock returns and the magnitude of pension transition adjustments. We also find earnings measures and some OCI components are significantly associated with stock returns. When analyzed separately, we find our main results are mostly confined to the sample large S&P 500 firms. We do not find any result for the S&P mid-cap and small-cap firms. The overall results suggest the stock market negatively reacts to the adverse impact of SFAS #158 pension transition adjustments on net worth and future cash flows when the impact is substantial in its magnitude in dollar terms. The study further provides useful insight into the information processing by documenting that the market evaluates accounting information more effectively when such information is recognized in the financial statements rather than disclosed only in the financial footnotes.  相似文献   

This study provides a comprehensive empirical analysis of theearly exercise history of S&P 100 put and call option. Eventhough the S&P 100 index option market is generally consideredto be the most efficient options market in the world, we showthat many exercise decisions are inefficient because they occurwhen recorded bids are greater than exercise values. Due tomarket imperfections, some of the cases of inefficient exerciseare still rational, but we show that a substantial number ofthese decisions are clearly irrational since it would have beenpossible to realize a larger riskless net cash flow by selling.Unlike previous studies of early exercise, our tests of efficiencyand the rational decisions that presumably lead to efficientmarkets are model independent. We also provide evidence concerningthe relative significance of dividends and the wild card toindex option pricing models, and introduce and document theimportance of the option to exercise and avoid the indirectcosts of the spread. We also find evidence of a significantday-of the-week exercise effect, and present some likely explanationsfor that effect.  相似文献   

We estimate a flexible affine model using an unbalanced panel containing S&P 500 and VIX index returns and option prices and analyze the contribution of VIX options to the model’s in- and out-of-sample performance. We find that they contain valuable information on the risk-neutral conditional distributions of volatility at different time horizons, which is not spanned by the S&P 500 market. This information allows enhanced estimation of the variance risk premium. We gain new insights on the term structure of the variance risk premium, present a trading strategy exploiting these insights, and show how to improve S&P 500 return forecasts.  相似文献   

We analyse the reaction of the foreign exchange spot market to sovereign credit signals by Fitch, Moody’s and S&P during 1994–2010. We find that positive and negative credit news affects both the own-country exchange rate and other countries’ exchange rates. We provide evidence on unequal responses to the three agencies’ signals. Fitch signals induce the most timely market responses, and the market also reacts strongly to S&P negative outlook signals. Credit outlook and watch actions and multiple notch rating changes have more impact than one-notch rating changes. Considerable differences in the market reactions to sovereign credit events are highlighted in emerging versus developed economies, and in various geographical regions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the stock market reacts to unsolicited ratings for a sample of firms rated by S&P between January 1996 and December 2005. We first analyze the stock market reaction to the assignment of an initial unsolicited rating. We find evidence that this reaction is negative and particularly accentuated for small Japanese firms. We then analyze the stock market reaction to changes in unsolicited ratings for a Japanese sub-sample and find that here too the stock market reacts negatively. Our results imply that unsolicited ratings convey new information to the stock market and that investors react to this information. Although unsolicited ratings are based on publicly available information only, the stock market seems to be inefficient in processing this information for Japanese companies.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the effect of competition between credit rating agencies (CRAs) on the information content of ratings. We show that a monopolistic CRA pools sellers into multiple rating classes and has partial market coverage. This provides an opportunity for market entry. The entrant designs a rating scale distinct from that of the incumbent. It targets higher-than-average companies in each rating grade of the incumbent's rating scale and employs more stringent rating standards. We use Standard and Poor's (S&P) entry into the market for insurance ratings previously covered by a monopolist, A.M. Best, to empirically test the impact of entry on the information content of ratings. The empirical analysis reveals that S&P required higher standards to assign a rating similar to the one assigned by A.M. Best and that higher-than-average quality insurers in each rating category of A.M. Best chose to receive a second rating from S&P.  相似文献   

This study examines the abnormal returns, trading activity, volatility and long-term performance of stocks that were added to the S&P 500 index. By using a three-factor pricing model that allows for firm size and value characteristics as well as market risk, we are able to shed new light on the widely observed ‘index effect’. We find that the CAPM tends to overstate the performance of large firms and to understate the performance of small firms. We also find a transitory increase in trading volume between the announcement and a few days after the effective date. In terms of the firm's operating performance, we find a significant increase in earnings per share after inclusion, which combines with the stock price rise to leave the average price-earnings ratio largely unaltered. Examining a unique sample of deletions of international companies and replacements with US companies, we find that deleted stocks experienced a considerable and permanent fall in price, inconsistent with the Investor Recognition Hypothesis. The “seal” of S&P 500 index membership has very long-term effects and inclusion appears not to be an information-free event.  相似文献   

We investigate the rating channel for the transmission of changes in sovereign risk to the banking sector, analysing data from Moody's, S&P and Fitch before and during the European debt crisis. Sovereign rating downgrades and negative watch signals have strong effects on bank rating downgrades in the crisis period. The impact is stronger for multiple-notch sovereign rating downgrades, and more pronounced in PIIGS countries. Secondly, we investigate rating agencies' competition in the banking sector during the same periods, finding significant differences in rating policies across the agencies. S&P credit actions tend to be the more independent ones, while Moody's appears to be more cautious, although it is by far the most likely to assign multiple-notch downgrades. In the pre-crisis period, we find no evidence that bank rating actions are linked to sovereign rating signals (nor vice versa) nor to prior bank rating changes by a competing agency.  相似文献   

Firms may exploit the option of choosing among different rating agencies in order to pick the highest rating offered. This possibility, known as rating shopping, is relatively limited on the US corporate bond market because the two main rating agencies (S&P and Moody's) rate virtually all large bond issuers. In this study, we use the data on corporate bond ratings assigned by two Israeli rating agencies affiliated with S&P and Moody's during the period 2004–2012. We show that while one agency (Midroog) systematically assigned higher ratings, the ratings of the other agency (S&P-Maalot) were inflated due to rating shopping. However, despite the many features that encourage rating inflation, the resulting distortion was relatively small (one notch). This may be a fair price for maintaining a competitive rating industry.  相似文献   

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