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We study the relationship between the excess returns of REITs and volatilities of macroeconomic factors in developing markets (Bulgaria and South Africa) and a ‘benchmark’ developed market (USA). As expected, our results generally indicate that conditional volatilities of macroeconomic risks, extracted through the GARCH (1,1) process, are time-varying. GARCH coefficients are largely significant for excess returns and retained principal components implying conditional time-varying volatility. We use the GMM to examine the linkage between volatilities of macroeconomic variables and REITs returns. The general result here is that macroeconomic risk cannot explain excess returns on REITs. However, we document a positive relationship between variability in REITs returns and the real economy for the US. US REITs portfolio managers and investors should be wary of fluctuations in these variables as they may accentuate volatility in REITs returns.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of uncertainty shocks on REITs returns over a monthly period from 1972:01 to 2015:12, and sub-samples from 1972:01 to 2009:06, and 2009:07 to 2015:12, to accommodate for the possible effects of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and unconventional monetary policy decisions. We use the recently-proposed variations in the price of gold, around events associated with unexpected changes in uncertainty as an instrument to identify uncertainty shocks in a proxy Structural Vector Autoregressive (SVAR) model. Moreover, to control for news-related effects associated with these events, uncertainty and news shocks are jointly identified based on a set-identified proxy SVAR, as recently suggested in the VAR literature. Our results show that the uncertainty shock generates a larger negative impact on REITs returns over the post-GFC period to the extent that it also outweighs the impact of the otherwise dominant news (productivity) shocks. In addition, the impulse response dynamics related to the recursively identified uncertainty shock, as is standard in the literature, resembles the effects of a news shock, and somewhat contrary to intuition suggests that the impact of the uncertainty shock on REITs returns were higher during the pre-GFC era.  相似文献   

This study employs five methods to calculate the VaR of twelve REITs portfolios and evaluates the accuracy of these methods. Firstly, we find that the VaR varies among individual portfolios. The Hotel REITs has consistently the largest VaR. The low-leveraging portfolio tends to have the largest VaR measured by the parametric methods, while the high leveraging portfolio has the largest VaR calculated by the non-parametric methods. Secondly, each method performs differently at different confidence levels, and no method dominates the others. At the 95% confidence level, the EWMA method performs relatively well. The EQWMA and the two non-parametric methods perform equivalently and slightly overestimate VaRs. The EQWMAT method ranks the bottom and significantly overestimates VaRs for all portfolios. At the 99% confidence level, the EQWMA method performs the best. The EQWMAT and the two non-parametric methods perform equivalently and may overestimate VaR for all portfolios. The EWMA method turns out to be the worst and tends to underestimate the VaR. These findings may provide more insights for institutional real estate investors.  相似文献   

The lockdown measures that were implemented in the spring of 2020 to stop the spread of COVID-19 are having a huge impact on economies in the UK and around the world. In addition to the direct impact of COVID-19 on health, the following recession will have an impact on people's health outcomes. This paper reviews economic literature on the longer-run health impacts of business-cycle fluctuations and recessions. Previous studies show that an economic downturn, which affects people through increased unemployment, lower incomes and increased uncertainty, will have significant consequences on people's health outcomes both in the short and longer term. The health effects caused by these adverse macroeconomic conditions will be complex and will differ across generations, regions and socio-economic groups. Groups that are vulnerable to poor health are likely to be hit hardest even if the crisis hit all individuals equally, and we already see that some groups such as young workers and women are worse hit by the recession than others. Government policies during and after the pandemic will play an important role in determining the eventual health consequences.  相似文献   

The shareholder composition of listed property companies has changed from the fragmented, retail ownership, to more concentrated, institutional ownership over the past decade. In this paper, we first document significant variation in the composition of the shareholder base across the world's five largest listed property markets. We then examine the relation between the composition of the shareholder base and stock market performance and share turnover during the turbulent trading days of 2008 and 2009. By directly relating the shareholder base of firms to excess returns and turnover on these volatile days, we are able to isolate the importance of shareholder composition during periods when trading behavior is most likely to vary across different types of shareholders. We find that both large block holdings and high levels of institutional ownership decrease trading volumes and moderate stock returns; however, the effects largely occur when stock prices move sharply downward. Moreover, these effects are strongest when ownership concentration and institutional ownership exceed 25 percent. We also find that the disaggregation of institutional investors into distinct categories (banks, pension funds, advisors, etc.) increases our understanding of stock trading and share price dynamics of listed property companies.  相似文献   

Exploiting the panel VAR GMM estimator's features, macroeconomic country factors are combined with micro-economic bank data to test for the risk taking channel in the Euro Area. According to prior expectations based on an extended DSGE model, the analysis demonstrates that the monetary policy incentives bank risk taking by increasing the bank leverage, but it is not able to influence the level of credit risk. However, deeper investigations indicates the Taylor gap adds to the bank risk appetite in all its forms, while regarding the reactions to target variables, movements in the interest rate smooth the bank risk.  相似文献   

Using the conventional VAR identification approach, Cochrane (Quarterly Journal of Economics 107: 241–65, 1994) finds that substantial amounts of variation in GDP growth and stock returns are due to transitory shocks. Following the common trend decomposition of King etal. (American Economic Review 81: 819–40, 1991), we show that Cochrane's results depend on the assumption of weak exogeneity of one of the variables with respect to the cointegration vector. When this assumption holds both approaches coincide. If not, the shocks Cochrane called transitory are not totally transitory. In this case, the conventional VAR approach with the assumption of the weak exogeneity may overstate the magnitude of transitory shocks and understate that of permanent shocks. We find that the permanent components of GDP and stock prices are much larger than those estimates of Cochrane, although substantial (but much smaller than in Cochrane 1994) variations in GDP growth and stock returns are attributed to transitory shocks.  相似文献   

This study investigates the short-to-medium-term impact of Covid-19-related fiscal stimulus relief packages on reducing investor uncertainty expectations in eight major economies. We use three measures of volatility to assess investor uncertainty: implied volatility, volatility index, and realized kernel volatility of ETFs in each country. The data covers a three-year period from January 2019 to December 2021. Our findings indicate an increase in all three measures of volatility in the post-Covid to pre-stimulus period, which decreases after the announcement of the stimulus packages. The results show that, on average, the stimulus announcements alleviate investor uncertainty and facilitate economic recovery. However, the effectiveness of the stimulus packages varies across countries but not across sectors. Our results remain robust to several checks, including alternate econometric specifications, such as the Arellano-Blundell-Bond estimation for dynamic panel data.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the history of commercial property values over the past decade, and to compare different methods of constructing commercial property value indices and returns series. We examine three types of indices: (i) Indices that attempt to reconstructproperty market values by unsmoothing the appraisal-based Russell-NCREIF Index; (ii) Indices that trace average ex posttransaction prices of commercial property over time; and (iii) an index based onunlevering REIT share prices. By comparing the different historical pictures that result from the various index construction methodologies, one gains insight into the nature of commercial property price and valuation behavior. The REIT-based values lead the other indices in time but display greater short-run volatility. The transactions-based indices lag behind the other series in time, and are consistent with the idea that institutional investors attempt to hold onto properties until they can sell them for a price at least equal to the current appraised value, in effect trading off liquidity for reduced volatility.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of CDS spreads and potential spillover effects for Eurozone countries during the recent financial crisis in the EU. We employ a Panel Vector Autoregressive (PVAR) model which combines the advantages of traditional VAR modelling with those of a panel-data approach. In addition to variables that proxy for global and financial market spread determinants we also employ variables that proxy for behavioral determinants. We find that the determinants of CDS variance are neither uniform nor stable during different periods and different countries. For instance, as we move from 2008 to 2014 the impact of the slope of the term structure on CDS spread variance is increasing for peripheral countries such as Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Ireland, and decreasing for core countries such as Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium and Austria. Other findings indicate that investor sentiment was an important CDS spread determinant during the subprime crisis, along with other factors, while spillover effects run from larger peripheral economies such as Spain and Italy to core countries; spillover effects from Portugal, Greece, and Ireland are of minor importance.  相似文献   

The stimulus packages announced to deal with the economic slowdown has increased the fiscal deficit of many countries and it spurred the debate on the possible effect of these fiscal shocks on other economic variable especially the current account. In this study, we examine the effect of fiscal deficit on current account of India using the VAR as well as the Structural VAR (SVAR) analysis. Our analysis indicates that the fiscal deficit is positively affecting the current account deficit in India, as predicted by the twin deficit hypothesis. Therefore, the historical data indicates the presence of the twin deficits phenomenon in Indian context.  相似文献   

This paper examines the quantile dependence, connectedness, and return spillovers between gold and the price returns of leading cryptocurrencies, using quantile cross-spectral, the return spillovers based the quantile VAR, and quantile connectedness approaches. The results show that the dependencies within cryptocurrencies are highly symmetric and sensitive to different quantile arrangements. Under normal market conditions, we find a high positive dependence within cryptocurrencies and a low positive dependence between cryptocurrencies and gold. The dependence is higher at long term than intermediate- and short- terms before the pandemic during bearish market conditions. In contrast, the degree of dependence decreases at the intermediate- and long-terms during COVID-19 period than before. Moreover, the magnitude of return spillovers is higher at lower quantile (bearish market) than upper quantile (bullish market). Gold serves as a safe haven and diversifier asset for cryptocurrencies during COVID-19 outbreak at both intermediate and long terms.  相似文献   

I analyze the shockwave effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on currency markets, with a comparison to the global financial crisis (GFC), employing Kapetanios m-break unit root test, investigations of standalone risk measures—downside variance, upside risk, volatility skewness, Gaussian Value at Risk (VaR), historical VaR, modified VaR—and Diebold–Yilmaz volatility spillover analysis. Standalone risk analysis shows that the turmoil in the initial months of COVID-19 was not as severe as that in the GFC. However, examination of co-movements and volatility spillovers illustrates a different scenario. According to the results of the static connectedness measure of Diebold–Yilmaz, the shockwave of the COVID-19 pandemic in the total volatility spillover is about eight times greater than that of the GFC. Among standalone risk measures, the results closest to this finding are obtained from volatility skewness analysis. Additionally, of six foreign exchange rates, the Brazilian real and Turkish lira are the currencies experiencing the greatest increase in received volatility during the GFC and the COVID-19 pandemic, respectively. These findings suggest the severe effect of crises on emerging financial markets.  相似文献   

通过建立一个四自变量两层级的面板向量自回归模型(PVAR),以2004年1月~2012年9月中国31个省际面板数据为研究样本,针对货币政策与财政政策的区域效应进行了实证检验。结果表明,经济发达地区的经济增长对货币政策中的存款准备金比率调整较为敏感,而经济不发达地区对货币政策中的公开市场操作的敏感性更强;财政政策对经济次发达地区和经济不发达地区的经济增长和物价水平增长的影响较为显著,对经济发达地区影响相对较小。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on cryptocurrency returns for a sample of 100 highly capitalized cryptocurrencies from January 2016 to May 2021. The results of the panel data analysis and quantile regression show that increases in global EPU have a positive impact on cryptocurrency returns for lower cryptocurrency returns quantiles and an adverse impact for upper quantiles. In line with the existing literature, the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in higher returns for cryptocurrencies. Inclusion of a Covid-19 dummy in the models strengthened the impact of EPU on cryptocurrency returns. Furthermore, the relationship between the change in EPU and cryptocurrency returns was direct in the pre-Covid-19 period but inverse in the post-Covid-19 period. These results imply that cryptocurrencies act more like traditional financial assets in the post-Covid-19 era.  相似文献   

现代商业银行资产负债管理的基本理念是以客户为中心,在不影响客户关系的基础上实现资产负债管理的目标,提出利用金融工程的剥离技术,将利率风险和部分信用风险从银行资产负债组合中剥离出来,运用套期保值技术协调风险控制和客户关系.本文指出传统商业银行资产负债管理的最大缺陷并论证了客户关系在现代商业银行资产负债管理中的重要地位.  相似文献   

Two strands of real estate research—that concerned with the relationships between securitized real estate and the underlying market and that dealing with the role of property in the wider economy—rarely are considered together. The paper utilizes the U.K. equity market and property company share data to explore the relationships between real estate and the rest of the economy, using a two-sector analytic model. Causality analysis suggests that the wider economy leads the real estate market in the short term but that, with a longer lag structure, positive real estate returns may point to negative future returns in the rest of the economy. This provides weak confirmatory evidence for theories of capital switching between sectors.  相似文献   

This commentary provides insights on the issues faced by women and/or caregivers in accounting academia at Canadian postsecondary institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Personal reflections from 23 contributors across Canada were compiled and analyzed using thematic content analysis. Results show that COVID-19 has adversely impacted research, teaching, and other areas of work and life for this demographic. Research stopped or slowed, lower productivity was experienced, concerns over academic integrity increased, interactions with students decreased, academics left the profession, mental health was adversely impacted, and academics lost dedicated work time. In addition, the contributors provide suggestions to address these issues moving forward to help equity-seeking groups. Suggestions include support from postsecondary institutions at all levels, additional funding, adjustments to tenure and promotion criteria, and the option for a reduced workload.  相似文献   

2019年底突发新冠肺炎疫情。在持续性疫情的影响下,我国各产业都受到了不同程度的影响。为分析各产业经济受疫情影响程度,本文构建基于协方差矩阵的精准选择模型,分析高频次特性股票数据与疫情发展数据的相关性,该模型解决经济变量存在内在关联的问题以及数据不稳定和不一致的特性带来的统计误差。根据模型检验得出服务业、房地产业和农业受疫情影响相对较大的结论,在此基础上本文进一步剖析相关产业所受疫情影响的深层次原因,并从宏观和中观维度提出有效应对的政策建议。  相似文献   

Proposing and applying a new spillover index approach based on data-determined structural vector autoregression to measure connectedness, we examine the daily housing market information transmission via transaction volume among Chinese city-level housing markets from 2009 to 2018. We document substantial information transmission on Chinese housing markets even within one day and find that the role a city-level housing market may play in the information transmission network resembles a pattern observed on other financial markets, which can be generally classified into three distinctive groups: prime senders, exchange centers, and prime receivers. City hierarchy and some fundamental economic factors, such as GDP per capita and average wage, appear to be significant determinants of such a pattern. The findings extend the existing voluminous literature solely based on housing prices or price volatility spillovers and shed new light on the China’s government intervention strategy on the housing market.  相似文献   

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