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Some Airbnb host communities display the characteristics of neotribes. The neo-tribe literature offers rich insights into the life of a neo-tribe, but their formation and ongoing functioning remain under-researched. This paper investigates these issues using a netnographic approach that explored the formation and practices of a Tasmanian Airbnb Host Forum. The results reveal the reason for its formation and the functions of the neo-tribe, particularly as a support mechanism for hosts and defiance against perceived marginalisation by the tourism industry that has refused to embrace hosts; residents who viewed hosts as traitors; the government who regulates their entrepreneurial activities; and the media who vilified them. This study contributes to theory by developing knowledge on the stages of neotribal formation, and the influence that these stages have upon the ongoing function of the tribe.  相似文献   

This study explores power dynamics in peer-to-peer (P2P) accommodation by examining how they manifest in the host-guest relationship. In so doing, it advances understanding on the role of hosts in the P2P practice and contributes insights on the factors conditioning the reciprocity of the P2P exchange. Drawing from power theories, the study uncovers how the interdependencies among hosts, guests and platforms influence power constellations emanating from P2P accommodation growth and reflexively redefine host practice. Specifically, the study illustrates how hosts are attempting to resist power imbalances characterising the exchange and how the dynamic environment of P2P accommodation leads to distinct representations of host types. The study makes explicit a conceptual framework that captures the power shifts noticeable in P2P accommodation that may be of theoretical and practical value to academics and policymakers alike.  相似文献   

This study employs the structural topic model to extract service quality attributes from 242,020 Airbnb reviews in Malaysia. 22 service related topics were extracted from the corpus and four topics have not appeared in previous Airbnb studies. A widely used modified SERVQUAL questionnaire (MSQ) is cross-validated in this study by comparing its service quality attributes with the results of the topic modelling, which indicates that this MSQ can cover general Airbnb service quality attributes. This study also examines the different preferences of Malaysian and international Airbnb users and the changing patterns of the top six service quality attributes during a five-year period. The findings reveal that Malaysian Airbnb users care more about the appearance and location of the property, and international Airbnb users pay more attention to whether the property can accommodate a group of people. In addition, communication with the host is found to play an increasingly important role in Airbnb users’ lodging experiences.  相似文献   

In recent years, what has become known as collaborative consumption has undergone rapid expansion through peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms. In the field of tourism, a particularly notable example is that of Airbnb. This article analyses the spatial patterns of Airbnb in Barcelona and compares them with hotels and sightseeing spots. New sources of data, such as Airbnb listings and geolocated photographs are used. Analysis of bivariate spatial autocorrelation reveals a close spatial relationship between Airbnb and hotels, with a marked centre-periphery pattern, although Airbnb predominates around the city's main hotel axis and hotels predominate in some peripheral areas of the city. Another interesting finding is that Airbnb capitalises more on the advantages of proximity to the city's main tourist attractions than does the hotel sector. Multiple regression analysis shows that the factors explaining location are also different for hotels and Airbnb. Finally, it was possible to detect those parts of the city that have seen the greatest increase in pressure from tourism related to Airbnb's recent expansion.  相似文献   

The advent of the “sharing economy” challenges not only the business of hotel industry but also the theories and models based on the conventional hotel industry. A key dimension of the hospitality industry is pricing. The aim of this study is to identify the price determinants of sharing economy based accommodation offers in the digital marketplace. Specifically, a sample of 180,533 accommodation rental offers in 33 cities listed on Airbnb.com is investigated using ordinary least squares and quantile regression analysis. Twenty-five explanatory variables in five categories (host attributes, site and property attributes, amenities and services, rental rules, and online review ratings) are explored for the intricacies of the relationships between pricing and its determinants.  相似文献   

‘Sharing economy’ platforms such as Airbnb have recently flourished in the tourism industry. The prominent appearance of sellers' photos on these platforms motivated our study. We suggest that the presence of these photos can have a significant impact on guests' decision making. Specifically, we contend that guests infer the host's trustworthiness from these photos, and that their choice is affected by this inference. In an empirical analysis of Airbnb's data and a controlled experiment, we found that the more trustworthy the host is perceived to be from her photo, the higher the price of the listing and the probability of its being chosen. We also find that a host's reputation, communicated by her online review scores, has no effect on listing price or likelihood of consumer booking. We further demonstrate that if review scores are varied experimentally, they affect guests' decisions, but the role of the host's photo remains significant.  相似文献   

This paper draws from Lefebvre's spatial triad theory in examining Airbnb space, contributing to knowledge on how space discourses are constructed and in turn internalised in host and guest practices. The study identifies tensions in host-guest-platform relations, illustrating attempts to professionalise and standardise hospitality practices. We conceptualise Airbnb as a space of multiple meanings that reflects the transitionary nature of contemporary hospitality wherein notions, roles and practices are redefined. Conclusively, this paper advocates further research on hospitality's spatial dimensions to uncover the perplexed relations, inherent inequalities and potential opportunities characterising postmodern tourism.  相似文献   

Previous literature on consumer decision-making and innovations (e.g. Airbnb) largely concentrates on positive consumer responses and is prone to pro-innovation bias, while consumer discontinuance has yet to be considered. This research aims to investigate factors leading to consumer discontinuance in Airbnb usage by analysing online reviews. Data were analysed using an inductive qualitative content analysis approach. The findings distinguish between online and offline service issues as key determinants of discontinuance, and a graphic representation of discontinuance drivers is provided to better understand this phenomenon. This research highlights the importance of discontinuance as a new research stream and provides a grounded understanding of its antecedents.  相似文献   

Airbnb, a leader of P2P accommodation markets, has acknowledged that “trust is what makes Airbnb work” and has implemented several trust indicators over the years: reputation system, impression formation, and certification. We evaluate the changes in these indicators over time: 1. the modification of the reputation system, 2. the removal of hosts’ photos from the main search screen, and 3. the introduction of the Superhost program. We find that the change of the rating system was associated with a small, yet significant, reduction in ratings, that the removal of the hosts’ photos might have eliminated the price premium of trustworthy images, and that Superhost certification involves a price premium, but does not seem to compensate for established reputation.This article also launches the Annals of Tourism Research Curated Collection on Peer-to-peer accommodation networks, a special selection of research in this field.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which Airbnb supply affects employment in the hospitality, tourism, and leisure industries. Accordingly, we analyzed the effects of Airbnb supply on various sectors in the hospitality, tourism, and leisure industries in 12 major metropolitan statistical areas in the United States for the period between July-2008 and February-2018. The results showed that Airbnb supply positively affects employment in all sectors of the hospitality, tourism, and leisure industries. The magnitudes of these effects are not only statistically but also economically significant. Although prior studies have showed that Airbnb has an adverse impact on hotels' financial performance measures, our results show that employment in the hotel sector increases with increased Airbnb listings. While this outcome might be contradictory to the general conjecture, such evidence calls for a comprehensive investigation of Airbnb's overall economic impact. Research and practical implications are further discussed.  相似文献   

The present study explores sources of distrust in the Airbnb context. The study focuses on Airbnb customers' negative reviews posted in English on Trustpilot's website. The search for posts was employed with the keyword ‘trust’ to find online narratives from customers who had negative experiences of trust with Airbnb. Of the 2733 online reviews screened, the study concentrated on 216 negative reviews. The data analysis followed the grounded theory approach, which resulted in two themes that reflect the sources of distrust: Airbnb's poor customer service and the hosts' unpleasant behaviour. The managerial implications are that Airbnb should invest additional resources into minimising customers' negative experiences by focusing on trust-based relationships and maintaining quality in its core service elements. When customers report their complaints, their concerns should be addressed with prompt apologies, positive actions, and a willingness to compensate these customers to neutralise their distrust in the company.  相似文献   

Airbnb is one of the most transformative developments in the traditional accommodation system. Due to the social impact it entails, Airbnb is currently a present topic in the press, although studies on how Airbnb is treated in the press are very scarce. Thus, this article aims to analyse the treatment of Airbnb controversial issues in the press and its evolution. The analysis method is first to follow the evolution from 2016 to 2018, second, to conduct a computerised quantitative content analysis, and finally to analyse the importance of information published through compositional data analysis. Results show that topics appearing most in the news are legal issues and regulations followed by gentrification, new forms of tourism and sharing economy, mainly being treated from a negative perspective, although are evolving towards a more positive vision. Results can be useful for local and national authorities to understand and manage this phenomenon.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the determinants of listings' survival on peer-to-peer marketplaces. Working on a dataset of Airbnb listings in Ibiza, we implement survival analysis to estimate the relationship between listings' key attributes and the probability to leave the platform. In addition, we highlight the importance of user-generated content to reduce the asymmetry of information and prevent adverse selection. Results confirm that listings' characteristics, location, degree of local competition and hosts' managerial skills, significantly affect the survival chance. Moreover, we found that low quality listings (proxied by the customer rating) are intended to disappear: the reviewing system successfully signals the quality on this market and drive the market selection process.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyze the market value impact of actions taken in response to disruptive innovation; specifically, actions that incumbent lodging firms implement to adopt the innovation of peer-to-peer trading-based accommodation rental. As incumbent firms need to device strategies to accommodate the disruption stemming from a new entrant with a disruptive business model, we analyze the differentiated efforts of four incumbent lodging firms to compete with the peer-to-peer lodging firm Airbnb. This study is the first to quantify the effects of innovation on incumbent tourism firms challenged by a disruptive entrant. It finds that adoption speeds, that is first vs. late adoption, make a difference as the former are awarded a significant increase in market value.  相似文献   

Across the Western World there has been significant expansion in the multi-ownership of tourism accommodation complexes in recent years. Despite this development, this is believed to be the first study to attempt a holistic synthesis of the range of forms and structures that multi-owned tourism accommodation (MOTA) complexes can assume. A spectrum of MOTA types is developed based on the notion that MOTA complexes can exhibit varying degrees of ownership. This synthesis of MOTA types lays the basis for an evaluation of the relative merits of different MOTA types. A commentary is provided concerning the difficulty of quantifying MOTA growth and the nature of challenges that MOTA can present to a range of stakeholders.  相似文献   

在构建“双循环”新发展格局的时代背景下,共享民宿的科学布局对有效释放旅游市场需求潜力,促进国内大循环的畅通和发展,具有积极的意义。本文以北京市Airbnb为例,综合运用空间分析和地理探测器等方法探究了共享民宿的空间集聚特征及其影响机制。结果表明:(1) Airbnb在空间上呈显著的集聚分布,整体上表现出“大集聚、小分散”的空间形态,形成4个明显的高密度核心区;(2) 置信度高于99 %的热点区所占比重最大,主要集聚在市中心周围至东四环附近地区,且Airbnb与其他相关地理要素存在不同程度的空间集聚;(3) 休闲娱乐设施数量、距市中心距离和公共服务设施数量等因素的解释力较强,双因子交互作用的解释力均强于单因子,休闲娱乐设施数量对因子交互作用的影响最大;(4) 在影响机制中,房东作为供给者,其选址行为和主观意愿为基础因素;房客作为需求方,其多样化的需求成为主导因素;政府作为监管者,其宏观调控举措是调节因素;平台作为管理者,其战略决策和市场推广是引导因素。不同利益主体之间的耦合交互与权衡制约,各类要素在不同发展阶段的综合作用,最终形成了影响共享民宿空间集聚特征的合力。  相似文献   

This study aims to provide a theoretical framework explaining how tourists' revisit intentions to home-based accommodations are formed. It does so by inserting constructs related to co-creation experience (experiencescape, perceived value, and memorability) into the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and by considering the moderating effect of co-creation behavior. The study results (n = 413) from structural equation modeling (SEM) indicated that the extended TPB has better predictive power than the original TPB. The findings also showed that all proposed paths were significant, identified the role of co-creation experience in generating intention, and verified the mediating role of study variables. Furthermore, the invariance test indicated that tourists' co-creation behavior played a moderating role between experiencescape and customers' internal factors (perceived value, memorability, and attitude). Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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