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信用是市场经济的基石,信用制度的完善与否关系到国家各项宏观调控政策能否真正得到贯彻落实。本文以我国的信用现状为出发点,分析了信用制度的缺失对中央银行在通过实施货币政策进行宏观调控时货币政策工具、货币政策中介目标、货币政策传导机制等方面的影响,认为信用缺失是造成我国货币政策效果不明显的关键因素。  相似文献   

This paper concerns theory and evidence of the monetary transmission mechanisms. Current research has deeply investigated factors, such as dependence of firms on bank credit, that amplify the impact of monetary policy impulses on aggregate demand exerting strong but temporary effects on output and employment. We present an intertemporal macroeconomic equilibrium model of a competitive economy where current production is financed by bank credit, and then we use it to identify supply–side effects of the credit transmission mechanism in data drawn from the Italian economy. We find evidence that the 'credit variables' identified by the model – the overnight rate as a proxy of monetary policy and a measure of credit risk – have permanent effects on employment and output by altering credit supply conditions to firms.
To save on space, mathematical proofs, statistical tests and data sources have been gathered in two separate appendices that can be examined on request.
(J.E.L.: E2, E5).  相似文献   

马勇 《金融评论》2012,(3):1-13,123
本文以主流宏观经济学的若干认识误区为切入点,对宏观经济理论中的金融因素及相关问题进行了初步的理论反思。这一反思主要围绕以下六个基本命题展开:一是金融因素在宏观经济中的影响被严重低估,二是主流货币政策框架的致命缺陷源于其政策视野的短期性,三是货币与信用的创造机制存在着本质差别,四是财政机制与信用机制并非独立,五是金融创新指向信用创造并改变了经济金融环境,六是泡沫问题金融化的本质在于杠杆扩大化。这些命题的共同启示是:宏观经济理论必须在纳入内生性金融因素的基础上予以系统重建。  相似文献   

信贷规模规避与货币政策调控   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
伍戈 《财经科学》2010,(9):10-16
随着紧缩性宏观经济调控措施的不断出台,我国商业银行的货币信贷投放行为受到抑制。在此背景下,商业银行转而加强与信托公司合作,规避信贷规模管理。本文在分析近期信贷规模规避典型模式的基础上,探讨了其对货币政策调控的具体影响和未来挑战。本文认为,应强化对货币信贷的统计分析,丰富货币政策工具,密切关注金融创新对货币政策的影响,充分考虑微观主体对各种宏观调控政策的博弈,从而有的放矢地制定出科学的宏观调控政策。  相似文献   

This paper examines the American post-WW1 boom and bust. It argues that the Federal Reserve’s monetary easing from 1919 to 1920 created an Austrian Business Cycle (ABC), or an unsustainable credit boom. The collapse of the boom initiated the Depression of 1920–1921. The subsequent laissez faire policy promoted a swift recovery. In particular, the natural recovery began following a severe liquidation of firms, reallocation of resources, and wage cuts stimulated by fiscal and monetary contraction. Contrary to some other accounts, we find that significant recovery began before the Federal Reserve’s 1921–1922 monetary easing affected the economy. We also address other criticisms of the credit-cycle interpretation.  相似文献   

Trade credit, bank lending and monetary policy transmission   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper investigates the role of trade credit in the transmission of monetary policy. Most models of the transmission mechanism allow firms to access only financial markets or bank lending according to some net worth criterion. In our model we consider external finance from trade credit as an additional source of funding for firms that cannot obtain credit from banks. We predict that when monetary policy tightens there will be a reduction in bank lending relative to trade credit. This is confirmed with an empirical investigation of 16,000 UK manufacturing firms.  相似文献   

中国货币政策的区域效应研究——来自信用观点的解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以货币政策的"信用观点"为理论前提,运用VAR模型对我国货币政策的区域效应进行了实证研究.分析结果表明,在我国直接融资还不发达、东、中、西部地区的银行体系特征还存在较大差异的现实背景下,中央银行统一的货币政策通过各地区的银行体系进行传导时,将通过影响各地区银行系统提供信贷的能力而影响各地区私人部门的信用可得性,从而导致各地区的经济发展水平体现出较大的差异,最终表现为货币政策的区域效应.为此中央银行必须实施差别化的货币政策和信贷政策以促进区域经济的协调发展.  相似文献   

A longstanding macroeconomic issue is how monetary policy affects the real economy. There are economists placing an emphasis on the role of bank lending in monetary transmission. Their view, called the credit view, is that a monetary tightening shifts the supply schedule of bank loans left, thereby forcing bank‐dependent borrowers to cut back on expenditures. In the literature, the credit view is typically studied in a closed‐economy context. In reality, however, banks make international loans through their overseas branches and subsidiaries. This suggests that the credit view should be studied in an open‐economy context. This paper proposes the international credit view: a monetary‐policy shock originated in one country propagates to another through banks’ reallocation of funds between the two countries. For testing the hypothesis, Australia and New Zealand provide an excellent case to study. This is because Australian‐owned banks dominate the banking market in New Zealand. This paper aims to test the international credit view within a framework of vector auto‐regression models. A significant and robust finding is that the supply schedule of loans shifts left in New Zealand after a monetary tightening in Australia.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence of the credit channel of monetary policy often relies on the observance of flight to quality during monetary tightening. The identification assumption is that the typically smaller firms facing financing constraints, are disproportionally affected by the stance of monetary policy. I argue that when credit constrains are widespread, as may be the case in Emerging Markets, flight to quality should not be expected during monetary contractions. Indeed, in my model, among constrained firms, those with tighter financing constraints are less responsive to monetary conditions. I find evidence supporting my model in a sample of firms from the Emerging Market of Chile.  相似文献   

This paper examines the evolution of credit reallocation from a geographical location perspective using data from Korean non-financial firms 1984 to 2013. Employing a Bayesian dynamic latent factor model, I decompose local credit reallocation rates into national, region-specific, and idiosyncratic allocation components. This paper uncovers evidence that the national factor, which explains the movement of credit reallocation across 14 administrative districts, intensified after the 1997 financial crisis and played a major role in driving local credit reallocation rates. Furthermore, district-specific factors, which exhibit heterogeneous patterns across districts, also account for a significant portion of credit reallocation fluctuations, which is attributable to districts' heterogeneous geographical properties and dominant industries. Importantly, district-specific factors are the main driver for reallocation dynamics for small firms, suggesting that small firms' financing is more affected by local financial market conditions, whereas the national factor explains more of large firms' debt financing.  相似文献   

本文为了揭示中国上市公司商业信用周期性变化的宏观经济动因,构建了一个宏观经济因素影响上市公司商业信用行为的理论分析框架,从宏观和微观两个层面分析了宏观经济发展状况、货币政策和通货膨胀水平对中国上市公司商业信用周期性变化的影响机理。利用中国上市公司季度面板数据进行了实证检验。结果显示,随着货币政策宽松、宏观经济扩张和通货膨胀水平的增加,中国上市公司提供的商业信用净额都显著降低。这些研究结果折射出,当货币政策收紧或宏观经济收缩时,商业信用资金从上市公司部门流向非上市企业部门;反之,当货币政策过度宽松或宏观经济过度扩张时,上市公司部门通过商业信用渠道从非上市企业部门吸纳商业信用资金。  相似文献   

This article studies the impact of monetary policy shocks on equity returns and their volatility among nine industries and their affiliated firms in the United States. We use an extension of the traditional CAPM as the analytical framework and approximate policy shocks with the unexpected component of the federal funds rate. Data on the characteristics of firms and industries are obtained from Compustat and the Center for Research in Security Prices, covering a sample period from 1987 to 2009. Our results clearly show that responses to policy shocks vary by industry and across firms. Furthermore, credit availability matters in certain industries, and small, financially constrained, and bank-dependent firms are found to be more vulnerable to unexpected federal funds rate shocks.  相似文献   

文章将产业政策分成供给型、需求型与环境型,依托中国战略性新兴产业分析了不同政策通过政策资源的直接配置以及企业间配置两种作用路径对企业(产业)绩效的影响。研究发现:与供给型政策相结合的补贴行为通过以上两个路径抑制了企业绩效提升;产业政策对不同大小企业的影响存在差异,供给型政策资源的配置在小企业间并未呈现显著的集中特征,但在大企业间政策资源更为集中;供给型政策主要通过政策资源在企业间的配置路径降低大企业绩效,而通过补贴直接配置路径抑制小企业绩效提升;整体看环境型政策对投资、补贴等行为没有显著影响,但对大企业而言,其对政策资源在企业间的分散配置具有负向作用,而这一影响在小企业中则为促进作用。研究还发现,需求型政策有利于资源再配置,供给型政策则尚未显示出积极的资源再配置作用。  相似文献   

It is well known that in a small open economy with full capital mobility and a fixed exchange rate, monetary policy is ineffective in influencing real output (e.g. the works of Fleming [Int. Monetary Fund Staff Pap. 9 (1962) 369.] and Mundell [Can. J. Econ. Polit. Sci. 29 (1963) 475.]). However, Wu [Int. Rev. Econ. Finance 8 (1999) 223.] finds that when the credit channel is added to this model, monetary policy can have real effects under a fixed exchange rate system. This conclusion hinges on the assumption that open market operations have no effect on foreign exchange reserves of the central bank when evaluating how a change in monetary policy affects the loan market. This assumption is incorrect because under a fixed exchange rate regime, the quantity of foreign reserves becomes endogenous in the model. It is shown that when this assumption is relaxed, monetary policy is still ineffective in influencing output under a fixed exchange regime, even with an operative credit channel.  相似文献   

货币政策、民营企业投资效率与公司期权价值   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
本文首先考察了货币政策对民营企业融资约束和投资效率的影响。研究发现,宽松的货币政策减少了民营企业的融资约束,但对投资效率的影响则呈现非线性关系。本文进一步从实物期权的角度考察了货币政策对公司增长与清算期权价值的影响,结果表明:高盈利能力公司的增长期权价值在宽松货币政策时期更大,而低盈利能力公司的清算期权价值在紧缩货币政策时期更高。本文的研究结论有助于理解在不同的货币政策状态下,资本逐利这一经济规律的表现形式;同时,本文的经验证据还有助于从投资效率和公司价值的角度评价宏观经济政策对微观经济实体的影响,从而为决策部门制定恰当的经济政策、促进宏观经济体系的良好运转提供政策性建议。  相似文献   

I analyse the response of inventories and short-term debts to monetary policy using disaggregated data on Japanese manufacturing firms classified by firm size. I find that monetary contraction decreases the inventories of large firms; however, inventories of small and medium firms increase considerably for the first several quarters. This implies that in a subcontracting system small and medium subcontractors serve as a buffer and alleviate the monetary shocks felt by their large parent firms. Moreover, inventory build-ups are financed by increases in accounts payable. I also find that for small firms land asset is important in easing credit conditions and increasing inventories.
JEL Classification Numbers: E22, E32, E44, E51.  相似文献   

小企业融资理论及实证研究综述   总被引:80,自引:0,他引:80  
田晓霞 《经济研究》2004,39(5):107-116
本综述主要围绕小企业融资需求、信贷配给及宏观经济政策冲击三方面的内容展开。严重的信息不对称以及所有者个人与企业的高度融合决定了小企业融资需求与传统理论之间存在着相当的差距 ,信贷配给问题在小企业当中表现突出。但也有观点认为 ,引入决定企业存活的真正因素———人力资本之后 ,新建企业并不存在信贷配给 ,这为相关政策的制定开启了新的思路。最后 ,由于小企业受宏观政策变化的影响较大 ,也需要引起有关部门的足够重视 ,以达到不同规模企业协调发展的目的  相似文献   

Shifts in credit supply could have a bearing on house prices e.g. through financial innovations and changes in regulation independently of the existence of a bank lending channel of monetary policy. This paper assesses the responses of US house prices to an exogenous credit supply shock and compares them with the effects from variations in credit supply associated with a bank lending channel. The contribution of the study is twofold. First, innovations in credit supply are identified using a mortgage mix variable, thereby accounting for the market-based financial intermediaries. As a robustness check a survey variable of bank lending standards for mortgage loans is also used. Second, the policy-induced credit supply effect on house prices is disentangled and compared with the effect from an exogenous credit supply shock. It is shown that in the first 3 years credit supply shocks affect house prices exogenously rather than through the bank lending channel. Monetary policy has still a large impact on house prices, even when the bank lending channel is ‘turned off’.  相似文献   

We provide some evidence consistent with a heterogeneous credit channel of monetary policy transmission in the European Union. Using the techniques of cointegration and Error Correction Models, we have shown that the external finance premium is one important leading indicator of real economic activity in Germany and Italy. No evidence is found for France and the UK. Therefore, a common monetary policy implemented by the European Central Bank might be transmitted in different ways across the member countries of the monetary union, thus exacerbating existing regional disparities among the member countries.  相似文献   

货币经济学新范式下我国货币政策对信贷的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先介绍并对比了传统货币经济学与新范式所持的观点,指出在由货币政策到信贷的传导过程中两者观点的主要不同之处在于传导方式和影响程度,新范式认为银行行为决定信贷总量并且在货币政策向信贷的传导过程中存在多种效应。其次基于VAR模型对我国货币政策对信贷量的影响进行了实证研究,结果表明新范式观点在我国现阶段基本正确。最后提出了相应的政策建议:在法定存款准备金政策的运用上,要把握稳、准、狠的原则;在利率政策的运用上,要着重强调对存贷利差的调节,引导银行的贷款行为。  相似文献   

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