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We show how bad and good volatility propagate through the forex market, i.e., we provide evidence for asymmetric volatility connectedness on the forex market. Using high-frequency, intra-day data of the most actively traded currencies over 2007–2015 we document the dominating asymmetries in spillovers that are due to bad, rather than good, volatility. We also show that negative spillovers are chiefly tied to the dragging sovereign debt crisis in Europe while positive spillovers are correlated with the subprime crisis, different monetary policies among key world central banks, and developments on commodities markets. It seems that a combination of monetary and real-economy events is behind the positive asymmetries in volatility spillovers, while fiscal factors are linked with negative spillovers.  相似文献   

Using Spanish stock market data, this paper examines volatility spillovers between large and small firms and their impact on expected returns. By using a conditional capital asset pricing model (CAPM) with an asymmetric multivariate GARCH-M covariance structure, it is shown that there exist bidirectional volatility spillovers between both types of companies, especially after bad news. After estimating the model, a positive and significant price of risk is obtained. This result is consistent with the volatility feedback effect, one of the most popular explanations of the asymmetric volatility phenomenon, and explains why risk premiums are much more sensitive to negative return shocks coming from the whole market or other related markets.  相似文献   

Despite the well known importance of volatility–volume relationship, there is a paucity of research on this topic in emerging markets. We attempt to partially fill this gap by investigating volatility–volume relationship in the most important exchange market in the Middle East. We test the effect of trading volume on the persistence of the time-varying conditional volatility of returns in the Saudi stock market. Overall our results support the mixture of distribution hypothesis at the firm level. We also use two different proxies for information arrival, intra-day volatility, and overnight indicators. We find that these are good proxies for information and are important as contemporaneous volume in explaining conditional volatility. We also test for the volatility spillover direction between large- and small-cap portfolios. Our results show that the spillover effect is larger and statistically significant from large to small companies.  相似文献   

Using high-frequency (5-minute returns) data, the transmission pattern of intraday volatility among three international stock markets (i.e., the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada) during their overlapping trading hours (9:30–11:30 a.m. New York time). The major findings are as follows. First, the conditional variance of a domestic market is affected not only by the volatility surprises of its own market, but also by those of foreign markets. This finding holds for the United States as well as for Canada and the United Kingdom, implying that the information contained in the volatility surprises of each national market is clearly transmitted to other national markets. The volatility spillover is not unidirectional. Second, the magnitude of volatility spillover does not decrease monotonically as the lag length increases, indicating that the effect of a foreign volatility shock on the conditional variance of the domestic market tends to persist.  相似文献   

The strong volatility spillover between crude oil and agricultural commodity markets reduces the diversification benefits and implies costly risk management process faced by portfolio managers and agricultural producers. This paper proposes a comprehensive study of their dynamic implied volatility spillover effects after the global financial crisis 2008–2009, while considering the transition between oil volatility's regimes. By using implied volatility, our analysis emphasizes on the forward-looking information that market traders usually convey in making decisions. We employ the generalized spillover indices within a fractionally integrated VAR model to capture the dynamic patterns of the volatility spillover effects alongside the Markov Switching Autoregressive model to extract the regimes of oil. Our results show new evidence that the net volatility spillover effect from crude oil to all agricultural commodities tends to decrease when crude oil remains in its low volatility regime. Conversely, this effect experiences an increasing trend when crude oil remains in its relatively high volatility regime. A dynamic strategy that combines oil and the most balanced agricultural commodity in terms of volatility transmission with oil (i.e., close-to-zero net volatility spillovers) depending on oil's regimes consistently outperforms the buy and hold strategy in terms of information ratio.  相似文献   

We investigate the predictive power of market volatility for momentum. We find that (1) market volatility has significant power to forecast momentum payoffs, which is robust after controlling for market state and business cycle variables; (2) market volatility absorbs much of the predictive power of market state; (3) after controlling for market volatility and market state, other variables do not have incremental predictive power; (4) the time-series predictive power of market volatility is centered on loser stocks; and (5) default probability helps explain the predictive power of market volatility for momentum. These findings jointly present a significant challenge to existing theories on momentum.  相似文献   

基于具有外生变量的二元VAR-MGARCH模型对中国货币市场利率和股价之间的关联进行了理论分析和实证研究。结果表明,利率和股价之间基本不存在价格溢出效应;货币市场利率和股价序列均表现出时变方差的特征和波动的持久性特征,货币市场和股市之间存在双向波动溢出效应;货币供给的正向冲击对利率的影响是正向的。  相似文献   

We adopt a BEKK-GARCH framework and employ a systematic approach to jointly examine structural breaks in the Hong Kong cash index and index futures volatility and volatility spillovers from the S&P 500 cash and futures. Multiple switching dummy variables are included in the variance equations to test for any structural changes in the autoregressive volatility structure due to the events that have taken place in the Hong Kong market. Abolishment of the up-tick rule, increase of initial margins and electronic trading of the Hang Seng Index Futures (HSIF) are found to have significant impact when US market spillovers are excluded from a restricted model. Volatility spillovers from the US market are found to have a significant impact and account for some mis-specification in the restricted model.  相似文献   

I find evidence of regime shifts in interest rate volatility using short-rate data from the U.S., the U.K., Japan, and Canada. The regime shifts, if unaccounted for, could lead to spurious volatility persistence when the volatility processes are estimated with the stochastic volatility (SVOL) model. In contrast, the apparent persistence in volatility drops sharply in three out of the four countries when I estimate the volatility processes with the regime-switching stochastic volatility (RSSV) model. I also contribute to the literature by showing how to account for correlation in the regime-switching stochastic volatility model, which is important for modeling asymmetric volatility.  相似文献   

Prior studies find that the CBOE volatility index (VIX) predicts returns on stock market indices, suggesting implied volatilities measured by VIX are a risk factor affecting security returns or an indicator of market inefficiency. We extend prior work in three important ways. First, we investigate the relationship between future returns and current implied volatility levels and innovations. Second, we examine portfolios sorted on book-to-market equity, size, and beta. Third, we control for the four Fama and French [Fama, E., French, K., 1993. Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds. Journal of Financial Economics 33, 3–56.] and Carhart [Carhart, M., 1997. On persistence in mutual fund performance. Journal of Finance, 52, 57–82.] factors. We find that VIX-related variables have strong predictive ability.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the most prevalent stochastic properties of key metal futures returns have been affected by the recent financial crisis using both mapped and unmapped data. Our results suggest that copper and gold futures returns exhibit time-varying persistence in their corresponding conditional volatilities over the crisis period; in particular, such persistence increases during periods of high volatility compared with low volatility. The estimation of a bivariate GARCH model further shows the existence of time-varying volatility spillovers between these returns during the different stages of such a crisis. Our results, which are broadly the same in relation to the use of mapped or unmapped data, suggest that the volatilities of copper and gold are inherently linked, although these metals have very different applications.  相似文献   

I examine the causes of conditional volatility in a small, internationally integrated stock market using the Irish stock market as an example. I relate Irish stock market conditional volatility to British stock market conditional volatility and business cycle variables from July 1975 to May 1994. Exchange rate volatility is a more significant determinant of volatility in a small, internationally integrated stock market than is interest rate volatility. It follows that a potential benefit of membership in the European Monetary System may be reduced stock market volatility in the smaller member countries.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of returns and of volatility of the Chinese ADRs as listed at NYSE. Using an autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) model and data from 16 April 1998 through 30 September 2004, we find that Hong Kong stock market (underlying market), US stock market (host market), and local (Shanghai A and B) markets all are important determinants of returns of the Chinese ADRs. However, the underlying Hong Kong market has the most significant impact on mean returns of the ADRs. In terms of the determinants of the conditional volatility of the ADRs returns, only shocks to the underlying markets are significant. These results are consistent with [Kim, M., Szakmary, A.C., Mathur, I., 2000. Price transmission dynamics between ADRs and their underlying foreign securities. Journal of Banking and Finance 24, 1359–1382] who find that the most influential factor in pricing the ADRs in Japan, UK, Sweden, The Netherlands and Australia is their underlying shares. Implications of the results for investors are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explores the spillovers between economic policy uncertainty (EPU) and stock market realized volatility (RV). The monthly index of Chinese and US EPU and RV are used to analyze the pairwise directional spillovers. We find that RV is a net receiver that is more vulnerable to shocks from U.S. EPU than to shocks from Chinese EPU. We further decompose the RV into good and bad volatility to test the asymmetric spillover effect between the stock market and EPU. The results suggest that EPU has a bigger effect on bad volatility in the stock market throughout most of the sample period. However, we find that good volatility spillovers become larger during periods of stimulated reform, whereas bad volatility spillovers become larger during periods of international disputes. We show that Chinese stock market volatility is sensitive to both U.S. and Chinese EPU and that the spillover is asymmetric in different periods.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between daily market volatility and the arrival of public information in four different financial markets. Public information is measured as the daily number of economic news headlines, divided in six categories of news. Statistical analysis of the news data suggests the presence of particular seasonality effects, as well as a strong degree of autocorrelation. Over the period 1994–1998, significant effects of specific news categories on the volatility of US stocks, treasury bills, bonds and dollar were detected. However, the effects – in size and duration – vary by news category and by financial market. It is demonstrated that most of the volatility persistence, as observed by GARCH models, tends to disappear when news is included in the conditional variance equation.  相似文献   

This paper uses La Porta et al.'s [La Porta, R., De Silanes, F.L., Shleifer, A., Vishny, R.W., 1998. Law and finance. Journal of Political Economy 106 (6), 1113–1155] capital markets regulatory classification to analyse the impact of information contained in various futures contracts on the magnitude and persistence of volatility spillovers between markets. The focus here is to examine the impact of futures contracts on comovement between markets. We examine the behavior of foreign cross-listed shares that have listed in different regulatory environments. In particular, the paper analyses spillover effects between foreign cross-listings in tougher, similar and more lax regulatory environments with respect to the relevant domestic indices (FTSE100) and also with the home portfolios of cross-listed equities in the UK. We find that futures variables have a significant impact on the magnitude and persistence of volatility spillovers between markets.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes dynamic volatility spillovers between four major energy commodities (i.e., crude oil, gasoline, heating oil and natural gas) in the oil-natural gas future markets. We construct a time-varying spillover method by combining the TVP-VAR-SV model and the spillover method of Diebold and Yilmaz (2009, 2012, 2014). We use the spillover method to obtain time-varying total, directional and pairwise volatility spillover indices. Our results summarize as follows: (1) The volatility spillover indices present peaks and troughs during some periods, such as shale gas revolution, financial crisis, and oil price crash; (2) After the U.S. shale gas revolution, the size of volatility spillover from natural gas future market has reduced sharply, but volatility doesn't decouple from the other three oil future markets; (3) The directional spillover is asymmetric. The crude oil and heating oil futures market are main net transmitter of volatility risk information, while the gasoline and natural gas futures markets are the net receiver; (4) For natural gas future market, the pairwise volatility spillover from crude oil future market has the most significant influence.  相似文献   

We investigate the conditional covariances of stock returns using bivariate exponential ARCH (EGARCH) models. These models allow market volatility, portfolio-specific volatility, and beta to respond asymmetrically to positive and negative market and portfolio returns, i.e., “leverage” effects. Using monthly data, we find strong evidence of conditional heteroskedasticity in both market and non-market components of returns, and weaker evidence of time-varying conditional betas. Surprisingly while leverage effects appear strong in the market component of volatility, they are absent in conditional betas and weak and/or inconsistent in nonmarket sources of risk.  相似文献   

VW common and preference stock prices are modelled and analyzed using models which allow for multivariate conditional heteroscedasticity. The relationship between the conditional variances of the variables is investigated by suitable impulse responses or conditional moment profiles. It is found that there is a clear asymmetry in the volatility of the series which react quite differently to positive and negative shocks in the market. Also some differences in the reactions of preference and common stocks are uncovered. No significant evidence is found for size effects, that is, the way the variables respond to unexpected shocks in the market depends more on the sign of the shocks than on their size. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper extends the literature on low-frequency analysis of the causes and transmission of stock market volatility. It uses end-monthly data on stock market returns, interest rates, exchange rates, inflation, and industrial production for five countries (Britain, France, Germany, Japan, and the US) from July 1973 to December 1994. Efficient portfolios of world, European, and Japanese/US equity are first constructed, the existence of multivariate cointegrating relationships between them is demonstrated, and the transmission of conditional volatility between them is described. The transmission of conditional volatility from world equity markets and national business cycle variables to national stock markets is then modeled. Among the main findings are: first, world equity market volatility is caused mostly by volatility in Japanese/US markets and transmitted to European markets, and second, changes in the volatility of inflation are associated with changes of the opposite sign in stock market volatility in all markets where a significant effect is found to exist. To the extent that the volatility of inflation is positively related to its level, this implies that low inflation tends to be associated with high stock market volatility.  相似文献   

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