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“逆向跨国并购”(即并购发达国家企业)已成为中国企业获取海外战略性资产、提升全球竞争力的重要“跳板”。然而,与传统跨国并购相比,逆向跨国并购呈现“以弱并强”甚至“蛇吞象”的独特特征,导致并购双方存在显著的身份落差。身份落差使得并购后的“组织身份管理”变得尤为重要,因为不恰当的身份管理模式会对并购整合产生负面影响。基于此,本文综合采用探索性案例研究方法与大样本统计方法,探究中国企业逆向跨国并购后的组织身份管理模式。研究发现,组织身份落差的方向和强度是决定并购后组织身份管理模式选择的重要因素;高强度身份逆差与“单一隔离型”模式匹配,低强度身份逆差与“双元联邦型”模式匹配,身份顺差与“统一吸收型”模式匹配;不同身份管理模式在话语建构、业务运营、权力关系、象征行为等方面存在显著差异。进一步大样本统计研究表明,身份落差与身份管理模式的匹配关系具有较高普适性,但也受核心业务相关性、业务分割等因素影响。本文不仅揭示身份落差与身份管理模式之间的匹配关系,构建逆向跨国并购后的组织身份管理理论,也对中国企业在逆向跨国并购后有效管理双方组织身份、提升并购整合绩效具有启示意义。  相似文献   

OTT streaming services have been restructuring the global multimedia industry, and there have been strategic actions and reactions among OTT players and traditional pay-TV platforms. This study found that Pricing and Content investments are key factors affecting market share and subscribership in global OTT markets, and M&As have positive effects on the two performance measures, although with less statistical confidence. OTT-specialized firms in the UK, Germany, France, Japan, and South Korea did not expand subscribers to the same extent as those in the US, but they were able to expand their market share in the UK and Germany while failing to increase it in the other three countries. Local OTT players, especially those in Europe and Asia, might need to be more strategic in coping with US-based firms’ expansion by materializing the positive interaction effects among the three strategies to increase both their subscriber base and market share.  相似文献   

As a result of the speed of information and communications technology convergence, the concept of the business ecosystem has been adopted for understanding the business value chain. Within the business ecosystem, keystones play a central role. Currently, Google and Apple are the keystones of the mobile ecosystem, and they have been quite active in acquiring firms over the past years. This study empirically examines the effects of these two firms’ mergers and acquisitions (M&As), especially the different effects on the acquirer and the rival depending on the type of target firm. After the target firms are classified according to the businesses of the acquiring firm that each target firm is related to, the study examines the effects of different types of M&As on the values of the acquirer, the rival, or both. The results provide a basis for understanding the complex relationship between two keystones within the mobile business ecosystem.  相似文献   

财政转移支付制度存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财政转移支付制度是处理中央政府和地方政府间关系的重要制度安排,对实现公共服务均等化,促进社会和谐发展起到了至关重要的作用。但在实施过程中仍存在着事权和财权范围界定不够清晰、结构不够合理、支付标准不够科学、对专项转移支付资金的规范不够到位、立法不够完善等有关问题。本文针对以上问题,根据实际情况,结合发达国家财政转移支付的先进经验,提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

金融创新的产生对宏观政策的制定、金融市场运行、商业银行透明度都有影响,金融创新能够管理和控制金融风险,也能加剧金融风险的扩大,对金融稳定性会产生很大的负面影响。我国的金融监管应建立健全银行、证券、保险监管机构间以及同宏观调控部门的协调机制,通过中国金融监督管理委员会与国际性金融监管组织的合作,积极参与国际金融监管准则的制定,借鉴国外金融监管经验.不断提高金融监管的专业化水平。  相似文献   

The process of innovation often involves the participation of several firms and organisations in a network. This paper improves our understanding of the role of inter-organisational relations in such networks. It assesses how sustainable technologies in the Scottish social housing sector are introduced and diffused. Drawing on detailed interviews, the paper shows that despite policy initiatives by the National Housing Agency to encourage sustainable technologies and processes, a number of factors related to the organisational structure of the construction industry militate against the achievement of this objective. The different aims of the parties involved in the construction chain may not be easily reconciled and traditional approaches to construction may reinforce these differences, hindering efforts to introduce innovation.  相似文献   

Two firms propose a merger to the antitrust authority. They are uninformed about the efficiencies generated by the merger, but can hire an expert to gather information on their behalf. The authority is also uninformed about the merger’s efficiencies, but can run a costly internal investigation to learn them. We analyze the effect of the disclosure of the expert’s contract on consumer welfare, and show that consumers are not necessarily better off with disclosure. This possibility result hinges on a free-riding problem between expert and authority in the information acquisition game, and is more relevant in highly competitive industries.  相似文献   

There is a lack of understanding of how social enterprises with their partners co-create opportunities to concurrently generate both social and economic value across the pyramid. Drawing on evidence from multiple case-studies, this paper addresses this gap to further our understanding of opportunity co-creation by social enterprises. We find that social enterprises co-create opportunities to simultaneously generate social and economic value with both the top of the pyramid (TOP) and bottom of the pyramid (BOP) partners; we thus call them Transcending Pyramid Social Enterprises (TPSEs). Opportunity co-creation comprises commercialising the social opportunity characteristics of prevalence, relevance, and accessibility to create both the demand and supply sides of a market. Supply side opportunity co-creation involves fulfilling institutional voids, developing relational capital with the BOP, and meeting the needs of the BOP. Demand side opportunity co-creation involves generating market access to the TOP, raising awareness of value generated by TPSEs, and fulfilling the needs of TOP customers. Co-created opportunities are thus capable of both addressing the economic and social and/or environmental issues of the BOP and meeting the altruistic and consumption needs of the TOP. The implications for social enterprises, their partners, and policy makers are discussed.  相似文献   

2015年全球油气资源并购市场走势低迷,全年全球油气资源并购交易发生数量创下近十年来最低值,平均月度交易发生宗数仅为近两年来均值的1/3.低油价对国际油气资源并购市场的参与双方、目标资产估值、交易驱动因素、并购交易结构及并购实施手段等都产生了较大影响.从石油公司的角度分析,由于2016年国际油价走势难以触底反弹,预测国际石油巨头、中小型国际石油公司、国家石油公司和私募基金等都将采用各自不同的策略参与全球油气资源并购活动;北美和俄罗斯-中亚等区域将成为低油价下国际油气资源并购交易的发生的"热点".  相似文献   

We used an experimental game to determine whether people imitate restaurant choice, reciprocate food gifts, and thus spread health choices. We randomly paired 138 subjects and recorded their decision to give or keep restaurant vouchers and their choice of restaurant. The majority (83.3%) chose an unhealthy restaurant if their randomly assigned partner chose an unhealthy restaurant. Similarly, 77.8% chose a healthy restaurant if their partner did (p = 0.005). The altruistic were more likely to choose a healthy restaurant (p = 0.017). In sum, restaurant choice is influenced by reciprocity. A cycle of projection, gifting and reciprocation may explain the social dynamics of food choice. We propose policies that capitalize on people’s tendency towards altruism and imitation.  相似文献   

2016年全球油气资源并购市场出现复苏态势。2016年全球油气资源并购市场呈现四大特点:一是各地区并购市场差异化发展,俄罗斯-中亚地区成为年度新热点;二是非传统上游油气工业背景交易主体表现活跃,各类石油公司并购活动保持理性;三是并购交易的评价油价临近5年内低点,与国际基准油价走势反向波动;四是非常规油气资源并购活动稳居市场半壁江山。预计2017年,全球将延续油气资源并购市场复苏态势,北美仍将是投资的热点,欧洲、亚太、拉美和非洲等地的油气资源并购市场的活跃程度也将有不同程度的提升;全球油气资源并购交易市场仍将维持买方市场;低碳发展开始影响全球油气资源并购市场。  相似文献   

The intensifying poverty and poorer living conditions, the need for greater social welfare along with ongoing damages to the natural environment in several contexts of the world have proved the increasing importance of social innovation for creating positive social and environmental change. This special issue addresses to the limitations in social innovation literature by providing insights into the role of inter-organizational collaborations in the process, practice and outcome of social innovation. Thus, the papers published in this special issue advance current knowledge and scholarship on different aspects of the social innovation phenomena occurring in inter-organizational contexts. The current paper reviews existing perspectives and studies on social innovation undertaken inter-organizational contexts, develops the future agenda for improving scholarship on social innovation occurring through inter-organizational collaborations, and provides the development of new theoretical ideas by focusing on some key studies in the literature and papers published in this special issue. With a focus on subsistence contexts that are characterized by limiting institutional environments, this paper identifies the types of partnerships that are being formed by social enterprises and individual social entrepreneurs, and how they may facilitate and foster social innovation practice and performance through social value creation.  相似文献   

The study examines the relationships between knowledge acquisition from social media, two forms of market orientation (proactive and reactive), social media strategic capability, and brand innovation strategy in the context of China's online technology industry. Analysis of 357 online technology ventures, created during the past 6 years, suggests that brand innovation is affected by both knowledge acquisition from social media and market orientation. Social media strategic capability positively affects brand innovation and acts as a moderator between knowledge acquisition, market orientation, and brand innovation. It further enhances both types of market orientations in achieving brand innovation, suggesting that on social media, customer's needs, both expressed and latent (or unexpressed), can be identified more comprehensively than that of the traditional setting. Hence, the context of social media provides a different set of rules for competition and strategic behavior, in which online technology ventures should note. Implications are useful to improve the current understanding of social media brand innovation strategy, here in China's dynamic social media scene.  相似文献   

Research Summary: We use a large‐sample inductive approach to explore the impact of two social liberalization policies (legalization of same‐sex civil unions and medical marijuana) and one anti‐liberalization policy (passage of abortion restrictions) on innovation. First, we show that liberalization policies increase state‐level patenting, while the anti‐liberalization policy reduces patenting. Next, we examine three possible mechanisms that could explain the findings. The results suggest that liberalization policies can increase the collaboration diversity of inventors, and hence, the rate, novelty, and impact of their innovation output, through promoting more liberal views and more openness to diversity. We also find speculative evidence that social liberalization policies increase entrepreneurial entry through promoting more diverse social interactions. We do not find evidence for liberal policies attracting top inventors from other regions. Managerial Summary: How does the social context impact the rate and direction of innovation? This article examines this question by exploring the impact of two social liberalization policies (legalization of same‐sex civil unions and medical marijuana) and one anti‐liberalization policy (passage of abortion restrictions) on innovation in the United States. We first show that liberalization policies increase patenting, while the anti‐liberalization policy reduces patenting. Further analyses highlight the impact of these policies on individuals’ openness to diversity as a driving mechanism. We show that inventors collaborate with more diverse partners after the implementation of liberalization policies, producing more innovations and more novel and impactful ones. We discuss the implications for firm location decisions, the impact of corporate social responsibility on innovation, and sources of regional competitive advantage.  相似文献   

As an outcome of the economic crisis, the global manufacturing sector is collapsing. Focusing on Chinese manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs), this study investigates whether marketing innovation, defined as improvements in the marketing mix, can assist in withstanding the challenges of operating under the current economic conditions. A conceptual model linking market orientation, marketing innovation, competitive advantage and firm survival is tested using structural equation modelling. Three key findings are derived. First, the examined Chinese manufacturing SMEs had a greater perceived likelihood of survival had they developed and sustained a competitive advantage. Second, marketing innovation assisted in developing and sustaining competitive advantages based on differentiation and cost leadership strategies. Third, marketing innovation capabilities improved when the examined manufacturing SMEs were competitor oriented and had good inter-functional capabilities.  相似文献   

The impact of corporate social performance on firm financial performance has been examined previously with mixed results. This study examines the possibility that corporate social performance enhances financial performance by allowing the firm to differentiate, and that this effect may be moderated both by innovation, which also drives firm differentiation, and the level of differentiation in the industry. Hypotheses concerning both direct and moderating effects are developed and tested using secondary data. Our results support both innovation and the level of differentiation in the industry as moderators for a positive relationship between corporate social performance and financial performance: corporate social performance most strongly affects performance in low‐innovation firms and in industries with little differentiation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to explore the dynamics and impact of open social innovation, within the context of fab labs and makerspaces. Using an exploratory methodology based on 12 semi‐structured interviews of fab lab founders belonging to The Centres for Maker Innovation and Technology (CMIT) programme – a network of 170 fab labs located in Eastern Europe – this research explores the impact of an adopting an open approach in relation to the different stages of social innovation (prompts, proposals, prototypes, sustaining, scaling and diffusion, systemic change) as well as social impact. The main results of this study are that while the CMIT programme provided each fab lab with similar initial conditions (identical funding, objectives and rules), the open social innovation approached adopted enabled to give birth to a wide diversity of fab labs, each being very well adapted to the local environment, social needs and constraints and able to deliver social impact in just a matter of years; a result that would be hard to achieve with a centralised top‐down approach. The study identified three types of CMITs – Education, Industry and Residential – which could be similar or different depending on the stage of social open innovation. Furthermore, this paper discusses the main difficulties social entrepreneurs encounter as a part of the open social innovation process, as well as means to overcome them. In this respect, this study adds to the literature on fab labs by providing more comprehensive view of the challenges faced by fab labs (and makerspaces) founders, as well as suggestions of strategies enabling to ensure their long‐term sustainability.  相似文献   

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