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房地产市场主要通过房产的直接财富效应、抵押效应、缓冲储备效应和分布效应等传导渠道影响住户消费支出。本文对近年来房地产市场影响消费的传导渠道的研究文献进行了回顾和归纳,并给出相关评论。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the dynamic interactions between real estate markets, in the US and the UK and their macroeconomic environments. We apply a new approach based on a dynamic coherence function (DCF) to study these interactions bringing together different real estate markets (the securitized market, the commercial market and the residential market). The results suggest that there is a common trend that drives the different real estate markets in the UK and the US, particularly in the long run, since they have a similar shape of the DCF. We also find that, in the US, wealth and housing expenditure channels are very conductive during real estate crises. However, in the UK, only the wealth effect is significant as a transmission channel during real estate market downturns. In addition, real estate markets in the UK and the US react differently to institutional shocks. This brings some insights on the conduct of monetary policy in order to avoid disturbances in real estate markets.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to test whether the credit market conditions affect the strength of transmission of real estate wealth effects on household consumption in the US economy. Although many different works have dealt with the analysis of the existence of a real estate wealth effect, most of them as a reaction to the dramatic increase of housing prices in several OECD countries, there are only few papers analysing whether the consumption response depends on the positive or negative sign of the wealth shock and, as far as we know, none of them takes the effects of credit market conditions on that asymmetric response into account. This article tries to fill the existing gap in the literature on this matter. From an econometric perspective, we estimate the asymmetries in the consumption response within the momentum threshold autoregressive model (M-TAR) proposed by Enders and Siklos (2001), but following Stevans (2004), it is applied to a multivariate framework. The main results show that the credit market conditions play a significant role in the transmission of changes in real estate wealth to consumption. In addition, we find that there exists an asymmetric behaviour in the US aggregate consumption spending responses to real estate wealth and credit market shocks, which is only significant when a negative shock takes place.  相似文献   

This article investigates the possible explanations of the stockholding puzzle by focusing on housing and other uninsurable risks (associated with income, health and business). Taking the French household wealth survey (Patrimoine 2004, French National Statistical Institute), we find that the share of financial wealth invested in stocks depends on transaction and information costs, risk aversion, exposure to real estate risk and, to a lesser extent, labour market risk. These results are obtained by controlling for endogenous home ownership status.  相似文献   

本文基于1999年第一季度至2009年第二季度的我国房地产销售价格指数、居民消费支出和收入有关数据,运用动态分布滞后模型和可变系数的状态空间模型,研究表明,房地产的边际消费倾向为正值,表现出对消费的促进作用,并发挥了理论预期中的积极的财富效应。政府应从政策导向上保持房地产市场的持续、稳定、健康发展,一方面打击人为的房地产炒作,另一方面限制房价过快增长,防止泡沫的过度膨胀和破裂的风险。  相似文献   

本文首先基于住房财富效应,构建了房价变动对居民消费的跨空间影响的分析框架。该框架阐释了住房财富效应的区域差异:不同地区间房价的空间传导、居民的异地消费以及消费的示范效应,使得本地房价变动可能引起周边地区居民消费的连锁反应。其后,本文利用中国278个地级市2000—2018年数据,通过空间面板杜宾模型,实证考察了不同地区住房财富效应的差异,以及房价变动对居民消费的跨空间影响。结果显示:(1)虽然中国整体上存在住房财富效应,但西部城市财富效应并不显著,并且核心城市还存在负财富效应。(2)不同城市间房价对消费存在跨区影响。东部城市和核心城市对周边城市消费的正向影响很显著,而边缘城市则对周边城市消费有显著的负向影响。(3)不同城市间的消费也具有空间上的示范效应。最后,本文从房价和居民消费空间联动的视角,为政府扩大内需、调控房地产市场提供了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

本文首先基于住房财富效应,构建了房价变动对居民消费的跨空间影响的分析框架。该框架阐释了住房财富效应的区域差异:不同地区间房价的空间传导、居民的异地消费以及消费的示范效应,使得本地房价变动可能引起周边地区居民消费的连锁反应。其后,本文利用中国278个地级市2000—2018年数据,通过空间面板杜宾模型,实证考察了不同地区住房财富效应的差异,以及房价变动对居民消费的跨空间影响。结果显示:(1)虽然中国整体上存在住房财富效应,但西部城市财富效应并不显著,并且核心城市还存在负财富效应。(2)不同城市间房价对消费存在跨区影响。东部城市和核心城市对周边城市消费的正向影响很显著,而边缘城市则对周边城市消费有显著的负向影响。(3)不同城市间的消费也具有空间上的示范效应。最后,本文从房价和居民消费空间联动的视角,为政府扩大内需、调控房地产市场提供了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

房地产对居民消费的财富效应一直是关注的焦点。产生房地产财富正效应的条件为:城市居民二套住房拥有率要大于有潜在住房购买力的家庭占比率。我国应加大调控力度,降低房价,增加公共住房保障供给,大力发展适合中低收入阶层家庭的商品房项目。  相似文献   

杜泊含 《经济与管理》2012,26(6):18-21,25
目前,我国新建商品房交易量显著萎缩,二手房交易市场逐渐升温.房产中介作为卖、买房者之间的沟通桥梁,能有效促进二手房产交易.但现实中部分房产中介的败德行为影响了房产的顺利交易,如隐瞒经营主体资质、隐瞒从业人员真实素质、隐瞒商品信息、收费不合理等.适当提高房产中介的售房报酬、加大对败德行为的惩罚力度、建立连续评价机制和提高中介商的职业素质能有效抑制房产中介的败德行为.  相似文献   

商业银行信贷配给控制中国房地产业信贷规模和结构,造成供给和需求的规模与结构扭曲,影响货币政策和财政政策的调控效果,容易引起房地产业波动。本文通过构建信贷配给模型,测算不同波动时期当中,商业银行信贷配给程度的变化趋势,以及对房地产业的影响。实证结果显示,信贷配给程度的变化与房地产业波动显著相关,信贷配给改变了投资和消费在推动房地产产出过程中的结构,并制约路径依赖对产出的影响,同时影响财政政策和数量型货币政策稳定房地产业的效果。本文认为,可以通过逐渐弱化商业银行在房地产金融市场中的垄断地位,丰富房地产信贷供给层次和结构,以及加强信贷供给监督来缓解信贷配给的消极作用。  相似文献   

This paper explores the causal relations between real estate prices and the current account using recently developed econometric methods for recursive systems. Using a variety of high-quality real estate indices, we find little evidence that current account deficits (capital account surpluses) directly drove real estate prices in the United States, Spain, and Ireland. There is some evidence for this linkage in England; however it is transitory and not persistent. There is also strong evidence that current account surpluses have direct impacts on mortgage rates in the United States, providing an indirect channel for stimulating the real estate market mediated through the financial markets.  相似文献   

This note empirically analyses how exchange rate fluctuations affects firms’ optimal production and exporting decisions. A firm’s elasticity of risk aversion determines the direction of the impact of exchange rate risk on exports. Based on a flexible utility function that incorporates all possible risk preferences, a unique structurally estimable equation is derived. Quantile regression method is used to estimate this equation and compute the risk aversion elasticities for a panel of Indian firms. This approach allows us to demonstrate how characteristics of exporters at the intensive margin varies with the level of elasticities across the conditional exchange rate distribution.  相似文献   

近几年,政府的宏观调控政策层出不穷,房地产市场受到影响的同时,各参与主体的心理也产生了极大的冲击。文章首先选择线性模型构建购房者信心指数,利用因子分析法确定各项指标的权重系数,计算合成购房者信心指数。然后在向量自回归模型基础之上,分析其和房地产开发综合景气指数之间的互动关系来评价购房者信心指数的性能。通过脉冲响应函数分析和方差分解分析,研究二者的脉冲响应特性。Granger因果关系检验结果表明,购房者信心指数和房地产开发综合景气指数之间存在单向的因果关系。脉冲响应分析和方差分解分析表明,购房者信心指数对房地产开发综合景气指数的影响远远大于后者对购房者信心指数的影响。因此,购房者信心指数能够反映消费者对房地产市场的心理变化,对未来房地产市场的发展有指导和预测作用。  相似文献   

The collapse of real estate prices has historically jeopardized banking stability and triggered systemic banking crises. This paper studies risk contagion in a banking system in real estate price shock by adopting complex network theory. Modelling the real estate-related asset as a common exposure of banks to the real estate market, we propose a model that incorporates two main risk contagion channels, i.e., the financial network and asset fire sales, and reveal how the real estate price shock is transmitted and propagated across banks. We demonstrate that banking stability is highly sensitive to the real estate price shock. Moreover, due to the particularly low liquidity of the real estate market, the asset fire-sales of real estate assets overwhelms the financial network, playing the dominant role in risk contagion. Our model can be adopted by regulators to conduct stress testing and to forge effective risk management strategies.  相似文献   

本文首先构建关于实际外部财富、劳动生产率、贸易条件与实际汇率关系的跨时一般均衡理论模型,然后利用1981-2009年相关时间序列数据,检验中国实际外部财富、贸易条件以及国内外两部门劳动生产率对人民币实际汇率的影响。结果表明,从长期看,中国实际外部财富的急剧攀升会引发人民币实际汇率快速升值;中国贸易部门相对非贸易部门劳动生产率上升会促使人民币实际汇率升值,而国外贸易部门相对非贸易部门的劳动生产率提高则会降低人民币实际汇率,净效应表现为劳动生产率并不能解释20世纪80年代以来人民币实际汇率的长期波动;中国贸易条件对人民币实际汇率的影响不明显。短期内,中国实际外部财富对人民币实际汇率的作用关系与长期一致。根据上述结论,本文提出了保持人民币实际汇率相对稳定的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国房地产业十多年的高速发展在改善人居环境和促进经济发展方面做出了巨大贡献,但与此同时也积累了大量矛盾.如何化解这些矛盾是处于调整转型期的中国房地产业必须直面的难题,而"解题"的第一步是要深刻认识关系房地产业发展的八大关系:部门经济与国民经济的关系、市场化与住房保障的关系、过分依赖与适度发展的关系、居住功能与过度消费的关系、外资进入与产业过热的关系、市场供需与结构性失衡的关系、适度降温与适度规模的关系、市场规律与社会公平的关系.  相似文献   

热钱、房地产价格波动、银行信贷三者之间存在着一种自我强化的互馈机制,呈顺周期运行特征,会导致金融体系的不稳定,进而影响宏观经济。通过使用SVAR模型对我国房地产市场进行实证分析,结果发现:热钱推高了房价并且加剧了房价的波动,至少可以直接解释25%左右的房价波动,若进一步考虑货币供应量导致银行信贷扩张这一间接机制,其效果将更为可观。因此,要提高房地产调控政策的有效性、稳定金融市场,就必须加强对短期资本流动的监控,合理引导我国房地产市场的发展以及加速发展我国房地产金融体系,以达到控制和分散金融风险的目的。  相似文献   

A mean‐variance framework is applied to Australian household financial portfolios in order to provide estimates of relative risk aversion in the economy. Controlling for various socio‐economic characteristics, we explore whether risk aversion heterogeneity is a function of wealth heterogeneity. In contrast to most studies, we find evidence of very high risk aversion amongst the majority of households of poor households but vastly lower risk aversion amongst the high percentiles in the wealth distribution. Applying a first differences model across three survey waves spanning 2002 to 2010, we find that risk tolerance increases significantly with wealth. Risk tolerance is positively associated with mortgage payments, but rental payments have no relationship. In addition, we found no evidence that holding a university education has any discernible impact on risk aversion. Lastly, we present some preliminary findings as to the impact of financial advice on observed risk aversion. Financial advice is found to accentuating risk aversion, particularly amongst the wealthiest households. The findings have potential implications for the distribution of wealth in Australia that has received renewed interest recently.  相似文献   

目前,我国住宅房地产价格明显偏离正常值。对房价结构的分析表明,房价结构中33.86%的资金流向了政府。经过房价结构这一隐秘机制的运行,本来属于居民消费领域的购房资金被转变为政府投资资本,导致经济结构中投资与消费之间的比例失衡。这与我国加快经济结构调整,增加消费在促进经济增长中的比重相悖。为应对上述情况,加快优化房价结构是促进经济结构转型的有力举措。  相似文献   

本文在生命周期-持久收入(LC PIH)模型基础上分析了资产价格波动对居民消费及物价水平的影响,发现资产价格波动可以通过预算约束效应、实际收入效应、预期收入效应与替代效应四个渠道影响资产持有者的消费行为,进而影响物价水平。在此基础上,本文运用ARDL UECM模型实证分析了资产价格对物价水平的影响,实证结果发现股票、房地产价格在长期内与物价存在相关关系,房地产价格是影响物价水平的重要因素,但股票价格对物价的影响不显著且不稳定。  相似文献   

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