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This paper examines Kenya's agricultural pricing policy, its role in the development of key sectors of the agricultural economy during the 1970s and its impact on different classes of producers. Toward this end, the paper describes the process of agricultural price determination in Kenya, and examines trends in real producer price indices for selected crop groupings and by size of holding.The most important finding of the paper is that agricultural pricing policy has been used in Kenya to create incentives for the growth of marketed agricultural production. In addition, the paper shows that the Government of Kenya has also used pricing and marketing policy instruments to achieve its goal of promoting the agricultural development of smallholders, who constitute the dominant mode of agricultural production in Kenya. Significantly, these findings are contrary to the widely accepted notion that pricing policy in developing countries has uniformly been biased in favor of the urban sector and against agricultural producers.  相似文献   

试论新疆农产品营销渠道创新   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
康勇 《新疆财经》2010,(2):75-77
农产品营销渠道是农产品销售的核心问题,农产品竞争力不仅取决于生产的成本和效率,很大程度上也取决于营销渠道的完善与否。农产品营销渠道体系的完善对于满足城乡居民的农产品消费需求、提高农民的经济收入和生产积极性、促进农产品生产持续发展、繁荣农产品市场有着十分重要的作用和意义。本文通过分析新疆农产品营销渠道存在的主要问题,提出了新疆农产品营销渠道创新的对策建议。  相似文献   

农产品开展网络营销可以扩大市场时空范围,加快产品的流通,提高农产品的竞争力。在分析常德市县域特色农产品实施网络营销意义的基础上,指出影响常德市县域特色农产品网络营销的因素,提出常德市县域特色农产品实施网络营销的基本思路和具体措施,从而促进常德市县域经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

初彦青  崔丙群 《科技和产业》2023,23(17):143-150
选取159家A股农业类上市公司数据,考察营销投入、高管激励对企业绩效的影响,并运用阿尔蒙(Almon)法测定营销投入对企业绩效影响的滞后期。研究发现:营销投入与企业财务绩效和市场绩效均呈显著倒“U”形关系;营销投入对企业财务绩效和市场绩效的影响分别滞后2期和3期;高管股权激励正向调节营销投入对企业绩效的影响;高管薪酬激励仅正向调节营销投入对财务绩效的影响。研究成果可为农业企业市场营销策略和政策制定提供决策参考。  相似文献   

张太海 《改革与战略》2008,24(10):137-139
绿色消费和绿色营销是当今国际国内农产品市场的主潮流。随着社会经济的发展和人们环保意识的增强,绿色农产品的需求量大大增加。开发绿色农产品,实现农产品绿色营销已经成为国际性发展的大趋势。文章从加强政府扶持和监管、强化农产品企业自律行为等方面入手,来探讨实现我国的农产品绿色营销的方案。  相似文献   

我国农产品营销渠道优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王礼力  李岩 《特区经济》2008,(3):294-295
农产品营销渠道问题是农产品营销研究的核心问题和学术前沿。本文从我国农产品营销渠道存在的问题着手,提出优化农产品营销渠道的三大路径,即:对现有农产品批发市场升级拓展、发展农产品流通合作组织和农产品产销一体化组织。  相似文献   

区域招商引资工作方兴未艾。本文首先介绍这一工作的成因及特点,然后指出需要、欲望和需求、产品、价值、交换、市场和营销者等市场营销学的核心概念同样适用于区域招商引资,并且提出要用市场营销观念指导这一工作。本文最后设计了在区域招商引资工作中应采用的市场营销组合策略,即区域对投资者的吸引力、价格制定方面投资政策、渠道策略和投资促进。  相似文献   

In the competition between national government and local co-operatives, a central contradiction in socialist rural development, the price system, market control and terms of trade are crucially related to the relative power and capacity of the central government to control ratios of accumulation and consumption. In Vietnam there is a dynamic interaction between government and agricultural producers over pricing policy and paradoxically, it is the co-operative, primarily viewed by the state as a means of providing cheap food, which has strengthened the collective bargaining position of agricultural producers. The government has had to introduce material incentives to expand agricultural production beyond subsistence levels and bow to pressure to alter the previous accumulation/consumption ratios in favour of consumption.  相似文献   

The recent exchange between Groenewald and Brand on the report tabled by the Committee of Inquiry into maize marketing arrangements makes for interesting reading. Professor Groenewald raises a wide range of important conceptual and pragmatic concerns, with the stinging conclusion that the Commission did not achieve its primary mission and an opportunity for substantive reforms was lost. Dr Brand countered by pointing out that the Commission focused on changes that were politically acceptable and would ‘set in motion a movement towards a more market‐oriented situation’. There is wisdom in the comments of both authors and the time is ripe for agricultural economists in South Africa to address an expanded research agenda on these issues.

At the outset, it should be made clear that no special knowledge of the maize marketing system in South Africa is claimed. However, the current debate bears many similarities to that which is currently engulfing agricultural policy observers in Canada and the United States. Agricultural reform and the need to remain competitive in an increasingly open world market is a theme that has thrust itself on policy analysts. In Canada, agricultural economists have engaged in an active professional debate on the merits of supply management and one‐channel marketing systems over the past ten years. Although the strengths and weaknesses of these systems have been well documented from theoretical and conceptual bases, the major impetus for change has come from empirical analysis and the realization that Canada had created an environment which fosters unproductive agricultural sectors, International uncompetitiveness, and food prices that penalize consumers, expecially those in low-income categories. In some cases, prices are so far out of line with the United States that border crossings are deluged on weekends with Canadian shoppers returning home with goods purchased. Food items, expecially those under one-channel supply management marketing systems, figure prominently in the goods brought back to Canada. The system of supply management is in crisis and even the marketing boards have acknowledged that significantly more market orientation is necessary.

Agricultural economists can make a significant contribution to the policy debate in South Africa. Brand is quite right in pointing out that the process will be evolutionary — what is politically unacceptable today may become the policy of tomorrow. The time frame of policy reform fits well into that which is needed to conduct empirical research. But this research must focus on the important issues, even though they may be unpopular. Groenewald makes an important first step in this direction by drawing attention to the issues of productivity and pricing. However, more steps are needed. A critical issue, from my perspective, is the capitalization of benefits from protective agricultural policies.  相似文献   

农业产业链“公司+农户”组织模式再造   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对农业产业链“公司+农户”组织模式存在的利益冲突和由利益关系引发质量难以控制的问题,借鉴国外先进的农业产业链组织经验,从产业链纵向组织结构分析入手,将“公司+农户”组织模式改造为“公司+农业产业工人”、“品牌+农户+市场”、“供销合作社+品牌+农户”三种新模式。通过典型实例分析了新模式的战略优势、实施障碍与风险。  相似文献   

时代背景已经由单纯的加工制造/种植变为“金融+制造/种植”,国内农产品价格受到全球价格尤其是期货价格的影响.在金融市场与农产品及其加工业关系不断深化的过程中,文章从农产品期货、现货市场以及季节性特点出发,剖析各品种产业链特点,明确不同产业上中下游企业所需差异化服务,设计出期货公司服务农产品产业客户的模式,对于促进产业发展和培育成熟的期货市场,夺得农产品定价权具有深远意义.  相似文献   

We examine whether prior findings on the market pricing of accruals quality (AQ) can be attributed to other forms of accounting-based anomalies. Using hedge portfolio analysis and cross-sectional regressions, we find that the return predictive power of AQ overlaps with several other accounting signals. We also find that, similar to other accounting-based anomalies, especially the accruals anomaly, the AQ pricing effect (i) is likely due to mispricing instead of risk pricing, (ii) is attenuated in recent years, and (iii) disappears among firms with cash flow forecasts or long-term growth forecasts. Our findings highlight the importance of controlling for existing return predictive signals when evaluating the market pricing of AQ.  相似文献   

论中小企业的市场营销策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着国民经济的不断发展和综合国力的不断增强,我国的中小企业在市场营销的发展方面取得了长足的进步,但在市场营销方面还存在标准不统一,不规范,融资困难,管理混乱,缺少人才,现代企业制度难以建立等问题。要全面提升我国中小企业的营销能力,应通过政策性融资安排,促进商业性金融的开展,发挥中小型商业融资组织在其中的重要作用,企业要着重抓好成本管理、财务管理和质量管理,建立一个有效的吸引人才的机制,进行产权改革,使之适应经济发展。  相似文献   

Indonesia's cloves meet higher quality Standards than most of her other agricultural commodilies. This paper presents the results of research on Ambon, Maluku, whose smallholder clove farming System is representative of the principal system used by Indonesien clove producers, in which cloves form part of a well-diversified agricultural portfolio. The paper examines the clove marketing system, the factors involved in clove quality, and the system of quality premia and penalties applied in the marketing of cloves. The largest buyers of cloves, the major kretek cigarette companies, demand high-quality produce, because of the highly competitive domestic market and their more recent attempts to penetrate the international market. These buyers transmit their preferences along the marketing chain through the well-defined incentive system, while poorer quality cloves are bought by smaller kretek producers. The result is a system in which high quality standards are maintained.  相似文献   

安徽省农产品企业的营销策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安徽是一个农业大省,农业产值约占全省GDP的25%。农业增效、农民增收,发展农产品是关键。然而,全省农产品企业的整体实力与安徽省作为农业大省的地位不相符合,在国内市场上无明显的竞争优势,在国外市场上更是步履维艰。本文剖析了安徽省农产品加工市场的现状与问题,就农产品企业的营销策略调整提出自己看法。  相似文献   

7.Pricing Policies 50. Some members of the Working Party noted that China had made extensive use of price controls, for example in the agricultural sector. Those members requested that China undertake specific commitments concerning its system of state pricing. In particular, those members stated that China should allow prices for traded goods and services in every sector to be determined by market forces, and multi-tier pricing practices for such goods and services should be eliminated. Those members n...  相似文献   

农村产业扶贫机制是调动政府、企业、贫困户多方主体积极性的有效开发式扶贫机制。但是,当前农村产业扶贫依然面临着扶贫产业结构不优、农产品精深加工不足、农产品产销对接不畅、利益联结机制不健全等诸多实践困境。要破解上述实践困境,需要通过正确处理产业扶贫与区域发展的关系,不断夯实农产品加工业发展的支撑体系,积极探索农产品产销无缝对接的新模式,不断深化贫困人口与市场主体利益联结机制等举措才能实现。  相似文献   

我国农产品品牌发展战略定位和策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李敏 《改革与战略》2010,26(2):90-92,107
文章针对我国农产品品牌的主要特点和品牌建设的实际现状,围绕农产品品牌价值提升这一核心目标,借鉴国外先进经验,对我国农产品品牌发展战略定位和策略进行探讨。提出运用工业思维发展农产品品牌物质基础;运用品牌营销构建农产品品牌的内涵和整体形象;培育品牌发展和谐的市场环境;充分发挥政府宏观调控职能;完善品牌发展的长效机制,为政府和企业发展农产品品牌,参与国际竞争提供决策依据。  相似文献   

当前我国农村商品流通市场普遍存在着流通渠道长、渠道成员利益不均等、信息不流畅、渠道不稳定、宏观监管不到位等问题,这些成为严重制约我国农村商品流通市场体系发展的不利因素。解决农村流通问题关键在于解决农业生产与农产品销售、农业生产资料与日用消费品供应等流通渠道问题,并且要在现有流通渠道模式的基础上不断创新。很多厂商企业在开拓农村市场时,建立了独特的流通渠道模式,这些企业及模式为进一步繁荣农村市场提供了宝贵的经验。另外,21世纪的网络时代,网购将成为农村市场一种新型的流通渠道方式。  相似文献   

Electric utilities in the United States are subject to a cost-plus normal profits pricing that is designed to align the market value of equity with the balance sheet book value. Perfect alignment implies the equality of the market and book values. Extant empirical evidence suggests that, for these utilities, actual cost/profit recovery does not follow a pure cost-plus pricing, raising the prospect that income statement items contribute to the determination of market value. What is not obvious is the extent to which the noted departure from pure cost-plus pricing results in misalignment of the market and book values, or the relative contribution of income statement items to the valuation of electric utility shares. This study pursues this question, using benchmark results for a sample of manufacturing firms to highlight the degree of market-to-book alignment for regulated and competitive firms. The results show a considerable alignment of the market and book values for utilities. In examining the relevance of book value and income statement items in the determination of market value, it is found that the contribution of earnings level to explaining market value diminishes markedly in the presence of book value for electric utilities, and the contribution of earnings change to explaining returns diminishes markedly in the presence of earnings levels. Earnings level complements book value in explaining market value for manufacturing firms, while earnings change complements earnings level in explaining returns. The results further show that the market and accounting values exhibit pronounced misalignments in returns-earnings models, especially for utilities.  相似文献   

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