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Evaluating GARCH models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, a unified framework for testing the adequacy of an estimated GARCH model is presented. Parametric Lagrange multiplier (LM) or LM type tests of no ARCH in standardized errors, linearity, and parameter constancy are proposed. The asymptotic null distributions of the tests are standard, which makes application easy. Versions of the tests that are robust against nonnormal errors are provided. The finite sample properties of the test statistics are investigated by simulation. The robust tests prove superior to the nonrobust ones when the errors are nonnormal. They also compare favourably in terms of power with misspecification tests previously proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

In the empirical analysis of panel data the Breusch–Pagan (BP) statistic has become a standard tool to infer on unobserved heterogeneity over the cross-section. Put differently, the test statistic is central to discriminate between the pooled regression and the random effects model. Conditional versions of the test statistic have been provided to immunize inference on unobserved heterogeneity against random time effects or patterns of spatial error correlation. Panel data models with spatially correlated error terms are typically set out under the presumption of some known adjacency matrix parameterizing the correlation structure up to a scaling factor. This paper delivers a bootstrap scheme to generate critical values for the BP statistic allowing robust inference under misspecification of the adjacency matrix. Moreover, asymptotic results are derived for the case of a finite cross-section and infinite time dimension. Finite sample simulations show that misspecification of spatial covariance features could lead to large size distortions, while the robust bootstrap procedure retains asymptotic validity.  相似文献   

We discuss how to test the specification of an ordered discrete choice model against a general alternative. Two main approaches can be followed: tests based on moment conditions and tests based on comparisons between parametric and nonparametric estimations. Following these approaches, various statistics are proposed and their asymptotic properties are discussed. The performance of the statistics is compared by means of simulations. An easy-to-compute variant of the standard moment-based statistic yields the best results in models with a single explanatory variable. In models with various explanatory variables the results are less conclusive, since the relative performance of the statistics depends on both the fit of the model and the type of misspecification that is considered.  相似文献   

The most popular econometric models in the panel data literature are the class of linear panel data models with unobserved individual- and/or time-specific effects. The consistency of parameter estimators and the validity of their economic interpretations as marginal effects depend crucially on the correct functional form specification of the linear panel data model. In this paper, a new class of residual-based tests is proposed for checking the validity of dynamic panel data models with both large cross-sectional units and time series dimensions. The individual and time effects can be fixed or random, and panel data can be balanced or unbalanced. The tests can detect a wide range of model misspecifications in the conditional mean of a dynamic panel data model, including functional form and lag misspecification. They check a large number of lags so that they can capture misspecification at any lag order asymptotically. No common alternative is assumed, thus allowing for heterogeneity in the degrees and directions of functional form misspecification across individuals. Thanks to the use of panel data with large N and T, the proposed nonparametric tests have an asymptotic normal distribution under the null hypothesis without requiring the smoothing parameters to grow with the sample sizes. This suggests better nonparametric asymptotic approximation for the panel data than for time series or cross sectional data. This is confirmed in a simulation study. We apply the new tests to test linear specification of cross-country growth equations and found significant nonlinearities in mean for OECD countries’ growth equation for annual and quintannual panel data.  相似文献   

Most rational expectations models involve equations in which the dependent variable is a function of its lags and its expected future value. We investigate the asymptotic bias of generalized method of moment (GMM) and maximum likelihood (ML) estimators in such models under misspecification. We consider several misspecifications, and focus more specifically on the case of omitted dynamics in the dependent variable. In a stylized DGP, we derive analytically the asymptotic biases of these estimators. We establish that in many cases of interest the two estimators of the degree of forward-lookingness are asymptotically biased in opposite direction with respect to the true value of the parameter. We also propose a quasi-Hausman test of misspecification based on the difference between the GMM and ML estimators. Using Monte-Carlo simulations, we show that the ordering and direction of the estimators still hold in a more realistic New Keynesian macroeconomic model. In this set-up, misspecification is in general found to be more harmful to GMM than to ML estimators.  相似文献   

This paper develops a concrete formula for the asymptotic distribution of two-step, possibly non-smooth semiparametric M-estimators under general misspecification. Our regularity conditions are relatively straightforward to verify and also weaker than those available in the literature. The first-stage nonparametric estimation may depend on finite dimensional parameters. We characterize: (1) conditions under which the first-stage estimation of nonparametric components do not affect the asymptotic distribution, (2) conditions under which the asymptotic distribution is affected by the derivatives of the first-stage nonparametric estimator with respect to the finite-dimensional parameters, and (3) conditions under which one can allow non-smooth objective functions. Our framework is illustrated by applying it to three examples: (1) profiled estimation of a single index quantile regression model, (2) semiparametric least squares estimation under model misspecification, and (3) a smoothed matching estimator.  相似文献   

Novel transition-based misspecification tests of semiparametric and fully parametric univariate diffusion models based on the estimators developed in [Kristensen, D., 2010. Pseudo-maximum likelihood estimation in two classes of semiparametric diffusion models. Journal of Econometrics 156, 239-259] are proposed. It is demonstrated that transition-based tests in general lack power in detecting certain departures from the null since they integrate out local features of the drift and volatility. As a solution to this, tests that directly compare drift and volatility estimators under the relevant null and alternative are also developed which exhibit better power against local alternatives.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the properties of the Lagrange Multiplier [LM] test for autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) and generalized ARCH (GARCH) in the presence of additive outliers (AOs). We show analytically that both the asymptotic size and power are adversely affected if AOs are neglected: the test rejects the null hypothesis of homoscedasticity too often when it is in fact true, while the test has difficulty detecting genuine GARCH effects. Several Monte Carlo experiments show that these phenomena occur in small samples as well. We design and implement a robust test, which has better size and power properties than the conventional test in the presence of AOs. We apply the tests to a number of US macroeconomic time series, which illustrates the dangers involved when nonrobust tests for ARCH are routinely applied as diagnostic tests for misspecification. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We develop a test for the linear no cointegration null hypothesis in a threshold vector error correction model. We adopt a sup-Wald type test and derive its null asymptotic distribution. A residual-based bootstrap is proposed, and the first-order consistency of the bootstrap is established. A set of Monte Carlo simulations shows that the bootstrap corrects size distortion of asymptotic distribution in finite samples, and that its power against the threshold cointegration alternative is significantly greater than that of conventional cointegration tests. Our method is illustrated with used car price indexes.  相似文献   

In structural equation modeling the statistician needs assumptions inorder (1) to guarantee that the estimates are consistent for the parameters of interest, and (2) to evaluate precision of the estimates and significance level of test statistics. With respect to purpose (1), the typical type of analyses (ML and WLS) are robust against violation of distributional assumptions; i.e., estimates remain consistent or any type of WLS analysis and distribution of z. (It should be noted, however, that (1) is sensitive to structural misspecification.) A typical assumption used for purpose (2), is the assumption that the vector z of observable follows a multivariate normal distribution.In relation to purpose (2), distributional misspecification may have consequences for efficiency, as well as power of test statistics (see Satorra, 1989a); that is, some estimation methods may bemore precise than others for a given specific distribution of z. For instance, ADF-WLS is asymptotically optimal under a variety of distributions of z, while the asymptotic optimality of NT-WLS may be lost when the data is non-normal  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》1986,33(3):367-385
This paper compares numerically the asymptotic distributions of parameter estimates and test statistics associated with two estimation techniques: (a) a limited-information one, which uses instrumental variables to estimate a single equation [Hansen and Singleton (1982)], and (b) a full-information one, which uses a procedure asymptotically equivalent to maximum likelihood to simultaneously estimate multiple equations [Hansen and Sargent (1980)]. The paper compares the two with respect to both (1) asymptotic efficiency under the null hypothesis of no misspecification, and (2) asymptotic bias and power in the presence of certain local alternatives. It is found that (1) full-information standard errors are only moderately smaller than limited-information standard errors, and (2) when the model is misspecified, full-information tests tend to be more powerful, and its parameter estimates tend to be more biased. This suggests that at least in the model considered here, the gains from the use of the less robust and computationally more complex full-information technique are not particularly large.  相似文献   

We consider within-group estimation of higher-order autoregressive panel models with exogenous regressors and fixed effects, where the lag order is possibly misspecified. Even when disregarding the misspecification bias, the fixed-effect bias formula is quite different from the correctly specified case though its asymptotic order remains the same under the stationarity. We suggest bias reduction methods under the possible time series misspecification.  相似文献   

Growing-dimensional data with likelihood function unavailable are often encountered in various fields. This paper presents a penalized exponentially tilted (PET) likelihood for variable selection and parameter estimation for growing dimensional unconditional moment models in the presence of correlation among variables and model misspecification. Under some regularity conditions, we investigate the consistent and oracle properties of the PET estimators of parameters, and show that the constrained PET likelihood ratio statistic for testing contrast hypothesis asymptotically follows the chi-squared distribution. Theoretical results reveal that the PET likelihood approach is robust to model misspecification. We study high-order asymptotic properties of the proposed PET estimators. Simulation studies are conducted to investigate the finite performance of the proposed methodologies. An example from the Boston Housing Study is illustrated.  相似文献   

This paper proposes several tests of restricted specification in nonparametric instrumental regression. Based on series estimators, test statistics are established that allow for tests of the general model against a parametric or nonparametric specification as well as a test of exogeneity of the vector of regressors. The tests’ asymptotic distributions under correct specification are derived and their consistency against any alternative model is shown. Under a sequence of local alternative hypotheses, the asymptotic distributions of the tests are derived. Moreover, uniform consistency is established over a class of alternatives whose distance to the null hypothesis shrinks appropriately as the sample size increases. A Monte Carlo study examines finite sample performance of the test statistics.  相似文献   

Recursive residuals may be used to detect functional misspecification in a regression equation. A simple t-statistic and a related Sign test may be constructed from the residuals. The powers of these tests compare favourably with the Durbin–Watson and other tests commonly used to detect functional misspecification from residuals. In addition the tests are relatively robust to serial correction in an otherwise correctly specified model, and this is a further point in their favour.  相似文献   

In this paper, tests for neglected heterogeneity and functional form misspecification of some commonly used parametric distributions are derived within a heterogeneous generalized gamma model. It is argued that the conventional test of heterogeneity may not be valid when the underlying hazard function is misspecified. Hence, if the estimated hazard function is deemed restrictive, tests for functional form misspecification should accompany any test of heterogeneity. An empirical illustration based on Kennan's (1985) model of strikes is used to show that incorrect inferences may be drawn, as in a number of previous analyses, if the relevant restrictions are not tested jointly.  相似文献   

To test the existence of spatial dependence in an econometric model, a convenient test is the Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test. However, evidence shows that, in finite samples, the LM test referring to asymptotic critical values may suffer from the problems of size distortion and low power, which become worse with a denser spatial weight matrix. In this paper, residual-based bootstrap methods are introduced for asymptotically refined approximations to the finite sample critical values of the LM statistics. Conditions for their validity are clearly laid out and formal justifications are given in general, and in detail under several popular spatial LM tests using Edgeworth expansions. Monte Carlo results show that when the conditions are not fully met, bootstrap may lead to unstable critical values that change significantly with the alternative, whereas when all conditions are met, bootstrap critical values are very stable, approximate much better the finite sample critical values than those based on asymptotics, and lead to significantly improved size and power. The methods are further demonstrated using more general spatial LM tests, in connection with local misspecification and unknown heteroskedasticity.  相似文献   

We discuss a method to estimate the confidence bounds for average economic growth, which is robust to misspecification of the unit root property of a given time series. We derive asymptotic theory for the consequences of such misspecification. Our empirical method amounts to an implementation of the subsampling procedure advocated in Romano and Wolf (Econometrica, 2001, Vol. 69, p. 1283). Simulation evidence supports the theory and it also indicates the practical relevance of the subsampling method. We use quarterly postwar US industrial production for illustration and we show that non‐robust approaches rather lead to different conclusions on average economic growth than our robust approach.  相似文献   

This paper studies an alternative quasi likelihood approach under possible model misspecification. We derive a filtered likelihood from a given quasi likelihood (QL), called a limited information quasi likelihood (LI-QL), that contains relevant but limited information on the data generation process. Our LI-QL approach, in one hand, extends robustness of the QL approach to inference problems for which the existing approach does not apply. Our study in this paper, on the other hand, builds a bridge between the classical and Bayesian approaches for statistical inference under possible model misspecification. We can establish a large sample correspondence between the classical QL approach and our LI-QL based Bayesian approach. An interesting finding is that the asymptotic distribution of an LI-QL based posterior and that of the corresponding quasi maximum likelihood estimator share the same “sandwich”-type second moment. Based on the LI-QL we can develop inference methods that are useful for practical applications under possible model misspecification. In particular, we can develop the Bayesian counterparts of classical QL methods that carry all the nice features of the latter studied in  White (1982). In addition, we can develop a Bayesian method for analyzing model specification based on an LI-QL.  相似文献   

This paper introduces tests for residual serial correlation in cointegrating regressions. The tests are devised in the frequency domain by using the spectral measure estimates. The asymptotic distributions of the tests are derived and test consistency is established. The asymptotic distributions are obtained by using the assumptions and methods that are different from those used in Grenander and Rosenblatt (1957) and Durlauf (1991). Small-scale simulation results are reported to illustrate the finite sample performance of the tests under various distributional assumptions on the data generating process. The distributions considered are normal and t-distributions. The tests are shown to have stable size at sample sizes as large as 50 or 100. Additionally, it is shown that the tests are reasonably powerful against the ARMA residuals. An empirical application of the tests to investigate the ‘weak-form’ efficiency in the foreign exchange market is also reported.  相似文献   

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