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The question has recently been raised whether the basic needs approach to development conflicts with Third World aspirations for faster industrialization and the establishment of the New International Economic Order. This paper argues: (a) That to meet the basic needs of the poor in the Third World on a sustainable basis, it is necessary to transform its productive structures. In this transformation modern industry (including in most cases an appropriate capital goods industry) must play a central role. (b) That a properly conceived basic needs strategy should in general positively aid Third World industrial development. The paper concludes that accelerated industrialization and a substantially redistributive fiscal policy must be the two pillars of any effective basic needs programme.  相似文献   

South Africa's apartheid‐induced cities are on the threshold of a critical restructuring in the changing South Africa of the 1990s. The reform and planning of an effective post‐apartheid city require careful consideration of possible international similarities and links. This article seeks to provide answers to the following questions: What are the form and structure of international cities; what are the general characteristics of the South African city; and where do our cities fit in this international framework? Research has shown that the South African city corresponds to a multi‐faceted international profile of First World prosperity. Second World central intervention and Third World deprivation. While the South African city displays numerous similarities to international city form, it has obtained a unique character as a result of the legal enforcement of apartheid. Restructuring the post‐apartheid city will have to take account of the reality that the present South African city is intrinsically a deviant version of the colonial Third World city and that it is likely to revert increasingly to that city form as legal apartheid disappears.  相似文献   

《World development》1987,15(2):249-262
This article reviews the debate about the effects of IMF-sponsored stabilization programs in the Third World. After examining recent studies by Fund economists, results of a new study on a Latin American country set are presented. In this research, IMF programs are associated with insignificant changes in the current account, significant improvements in the overall balance of payments, increases in inflation, mixed effects on growth, and a strong and consistent pattern of reduction in labor share of income. The latter result is incorporated into a distribution-oriented critique of Fund policy.  相似文献   

There has been a trend towards increased Third World arms production since the 1960s and by the beginning of the 1980s some 46 developing countries were producing or planning to produce weapons domestically. This paper examines the arguments for indigenous Third World arms production in the context of the Turkish case. The evidence indicates that arms production will be inefficient, expensive and unreliable with limited export potential. The manufacturing base in Turkey is too weak to provide essential components, which will need to be imported, and licensed production will ensure technological dependence is maintained. Employment and backward linkages will be small and, given scarce resources, development will be affected adversely.  相似文献   

"This paper analyses various demographic and economic features of the urbanization process that is taking place in Third World (developing) and First World (developed) countries. A comparison of some demographic and economic differences between contemporary Third World urbanization and First World urbanization at a comparable stage of development is made. The aim is to see what South African urbanization can learn from the comparison between Third and First World urbanization."  相似文献   

《World development》2001,29(5):841-863
Uganda is often seen as an African show case for the beneficial effects of structural adjustment. High growth rates have been combined with a high degree of “ownership” of the reforms. At the same time, critics have pointed to continued aid dependence, and limited growth of the important agricultural export sector. The contribution of this paper to this debate is three-fold. First, “ownership” has not always been exemplary and is still fragile in some respects. Second, although aid has indeed been important for bringing about high growth, aid dependence has diminished over time. Third, there have been real supply responses from the agricultural export sector.  相似文献   

With more than 40% of the urban population of the Third World living in informal settlements, quasi- and extralegal adaptations have been utilized to appropriate land for housing. The most direct of these — squatting — has its inherent risks, however, for those who wish to improve their dwellings. Research has shown that house consolidation is more a function of resident perceptions than of strict legal categorization. This paper reports how such perceptions have triggered a greater rate of house consolidation among Javanese cemetery squatters than that in an adjoining area with formal land tenure.  相似文献   

Faced with rising Third World nationalism, multinational corporations engaged in resource exploitation are turning back to higher cost but apparently politically more secure investments in the industrialized states. To what extent does the dynamic of government– resource industry relations in an industrialized setting differ from the pattern observed in the Third World? To answer this question the article analyses the decision to nationalize the potash industry in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan using models of host government–MNC conflict developed by Vernon, Mikesell and Moran to study Third World cases. The research suggests that the dynamic logic of government-industry conflict in a developed country setting is very similar to the pattern observed in the Third World. The decentralized Canadian federation, the ideology of the party in power in Saskatchewan and the nature of the potash industry combine to structure a situation in which coercive nationalization of a resource industry was seen as the only policy option.  相似文献   

"第三世界"国家是指分布于亚非拉广大地区区别于发达国家的国家群体。世纪之初,第三世界国家遭受了发展的种种瓶颈。第三世界国家的困境及出路值得关注。  相似文献   

This paper is primarily concerned with the nature and extent of indigenous technological capability in peripheral countries. Set in the context of a recent survey article on this topic, it uses the case of open pan sugar technology to discuss the nature and significance of Third World technological capabilities. The paper has an additional relevance to readers of this journal in that it addresses itself to a topic — namely the choice of sugar technology — which has been extensively discussed in previous issues. It charts the impact which recent technological improvements in the small-scale technology have had in changing the private and social optimality of choice.  相似文献   

Trade does not necessarily benefit all trading partners and heavy dependence on trade is a precarious matter. Trade with socialist countries could confer special advantages on Third World trading partners thus making a net benefit more likely. However this requires conditions in which trade ceases to be ‘mere exchange of commodities’ and becomes an element of planned economic integration. Given a non-planned Third World country like Tanzania and given recent approaches to international trade by most socialist countries, it is not surprising that Tanzania is shown to have derived no particular benefits from its trade with the socialist countries. The trade was merely an exchange of commodities, with the possible exception of the trade with China.  相似文献   

The paper examines the medium-term prospects for supply and demand balance in five base metal industries of interest to Third World producer countries (lead, zinc, copper, nickel and aluminium). It argues that growth in demand for the five metals will be stagnant or sluggish in the medium-term and that existing capacity, plus additions already in the construction pipelines, will be adequate, or more than adequate to meet it. Nevertheless, the Third World's share of productive capacity is likely to go on increasing, as it has done throughout the recent recession. The reasons for this shift are examined, along with the future policy dilemmas it poses for Third World producers.  相似文献   

从邓小平的对外开放观到“统筹国内发展和对外开放”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李裕鑫 《特区经济》2007,3(3):22-24
科学发展观是开放的发展观。统筹国内发展和对外开放是科学发展观的重要内容。从十一届三中全会后邓小平提出的对外开放到以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央提出“统筹国内发展和对外开放”,标志着我国对外开放将朝着更加自觉、更高水平和更有利于发展的方向前进。  相似文献   

The paper surveys the extensive research on the measurement of poverty and inequality in Southeast Asia over the last five decades. It examines the work carried out by both independent scholars and international agencies including the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank. The paper argues that the household surveys carried out by national statistical agencies across the region, and used by most researchers, are often flawed. These flaws have led to rather misleading results both for individual countries and for cross‐country comparisons. Further problems have been found in the data on purchasing power parities (PPP) which have been used by the World Bank to estimate poverty both in Southeast Asia and in other developing countries. The paper also points out that estimates of poverty and inequality are often politically sensitive, and argues that a more accurate understanding of the estimation problems will only emerge if governments support rather than suppress open debate over measurement problems.  相似文献   

Trade and growth     
The National Economic Association introduced the W. Arthur Lewis Distinguished Lecture series in December 1985 at the Allied Social Sciences Association meetings in New York City. The Lewis Lecture is named in honor of the 1979 Nobel Laureate in Economics, much of whose research has been devoted to the problem of Third World economic development. In the same spirit, the Lewis Lectures are intended to explore the themes of global inequality. Third World poverty, and prospects and possibilities for change. The inaugural Lewis address was delivered by Lance Taylor, professor of economics and nutrition at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Taylor, an immensely creative economist, has led contemporary development economists in the analysis of disparities in the structural relationships between Northern (that is, more-developed) and Southern (that is, less-developed) countries. Taylor’s subject matter, “Trade and Growth,” constituted both a provocative assessment of the stale of knowledge in this area and a compelling indictment of the insights offered by conventional economics. Taylor’s address, presented December 28, 1985, provides a sterling beginning to what promises to be an important lecture series.  相似文献   

陈传洁  盛科荣 《科技和产业》2023,23(24):262-268
随着农业现代化进程的推进,涉农专利的重要性日渐显现。基于地级市视角,揭示2005—2020年不同维度下中国涉农专利申请数的时空分化情况,利用泰尔指数测度区域差异,并通过空间杜宾模型探究其影响因素。结果得出,中国涉农专利产出水平提高,在技术领域、申请主体方面差异明显,空间趋势基本一致;涉农专利空间分布不均,省内差异影响最大,但总体都有所缩小;人均GDP、农业科技经费和人员等多种因素影响专利产出,部分因素的空间溢出效应显著,且对四大区域影响参差不齐。实行差别政策,合理配置农业科技要素有利于涉农专利的持续健康发展。  相似文献   

We examine the long run relationship between innovation and economic development in Australia, using 150 years of data on patenting activity, and aggregate and sectoral economic indicators. Our initial results point to several important causal relationships, particularly the effects of patents on real GDP and of private capital formation on patents. We delve deeper at the sector level and find important causal relationships of patents with real foreign direct investment (FDI) since World War II. Australia's dependence on FDI for private capital formation served as an important stimulus for knowledge creation in key sectors including manufacturing, agriculture and mining.  相似文献   

The existence of a strong cartel in shipping, operated by developed countries in their own interest, has long been a subject of resentment and criticism by the less developed countries. This paper describes the structure of international shipping, the way in which ‘Liners Conferences’ operate, the efforts of UNCTAD to get a better deal for the Third World, and the options open to developing countries to improve their relative economic position in this vital industry.  相似文献   

孙振明   《华东经济管理》2009,23(11):53-57
在过去的10年中,集群提升政策被广大政策制定者和研究者所鼓吹。西方国家一些成功的集群更是争相被广大发展中国家所复制和学习。但是,在全球化过程中这些集群范本发展演变趋势被忽视。另外,缺少一个广为接受的集群定义,弱化了集群提升政策制定过程当中对集群的界定。关注集群这两个"副作用"对中国产业集群提升政策的制定有匡正作用。  相似文献   

Is the real appreciation of the Chinese yuan essential for correcting global imbalances? The present study offers a new perspective to the debate by drawing upon the rich international experience embodied in World Bank's World Development Indicators database. We find that the price levels of China and the United States are both low relative to the world's average. Therefore, the discrepancy between the price levels of China and the United States has been, in fact, close to zero since 2002. The difference in per capita income can fully account for the price difference between China and the United States. However, the Balassa–Samuelson effect is not a reliable guide for projecting the trend of real appreciation. According to the experience of those economies that have experienced real currency appreciation against the US dollar in 1985–2005, the mode of faster wage growth and inflation is as common as nominal appreciation, far more common for economies with a low initial price level. We do not find empirical evidence to substantiate the claim that low price levels tend to cause external surpluses. But real appreciation has a powerful effect in boosting job creation in the service sector. Therefore, the real appreciation of the Chinese yuan would contribute to restructuring the Chinese economy towards a domestic demand-based growth track.  相似文献   

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