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11月8日至12日,“宝石·矿物晶体”珍品鉴赏会在京举办。此次展出的展品均为世界各地罕见的精品,以宝石晶体为主,其珍稀的品种、艳丽的色泽、完美独特的晶型,令人大饱眼福。其中的自然金、祖母绿、红宝石、碧玺、托帕石、海蓝宝、锂辉石、鱼眼石、白钨矿和辉锑矿等晶体,都代表了国际顶尖的水平。  相似文献   

Studies of fish consumption focus on recreational or subsistence fishing, on awareness and adherence to advisories, consumption patterns, and contaminants in fish. Yet the general public obtains their fish from commercial sources. In this paper I examine fish consumption patterns of recreational fishermen in New Jersey to determine: (1) consumption rates for self-caught fish and for other fish, (2) meals consumed per year, (3) average meal size, and average daily intake of mercury, and (4) variations in these parameters for commonly-consumed fish, and different methods of computing intake. Over 300 people were interviewed at fishing sites and fishing clubs along the New Jersey shore. Consumption patterns of anglers varied by species of fish. From 2 to 90% of the anglers ate the different fish species, and between 9 and 75% gave fish away to family or friends. Self-caught fish made up 7–92% of fish diets depending upon species. On average, self-caught fish were eaten for only 2–6?months of the year, whereas other fish (commercial or restaurant) were eaten up to 10?months a year. Anglers consumed from 5 to 36 meals of different fish a year, which resulted in intake of mercury ranging from 0.01 to 0.22?μg/kg/day. Average intake of Mako shark, swordfish, and tuna (sushi, canned tuna, self-caught tuna) exceeded the US Environmental Protection Agency’s oral, chronic reference dose for mercury of 0.1?μg/kg/day. However, computing intake using consumption for the highest month results in average mercury intake exceeding the reference dose for striped bass and bluefish as well. These data, and the variability in consumption patterns, have implications for risk assessors, risk managers, and health professionals.  相似文献   

We analyze the intra-week evolution of bookie-quoted National Football League betting lines in New York City and its implications for market efficiency. Our unique data set includes three sequential lines: (i) an outlaw line set by a single agent at the beginning of the week; (ii) Tuesday's opening line shaped by bets from a group of eight to ten agents; and (iii) a game-time closing line shaped by the wider public. While forecast encompassing tests show that information content increases during the betting week, consistent with a reasonably well-functioning market, we also uncover significant evidence of pricing inefficiencies relating to sentiment measures. In addition, actual bets made by a number of professional gamblers appear profitable, pointing to the existence of superior analysts.  相似文献   

2011年10月,银行间市场平稳运行,主要特点是:货币市场利率呈U型走势,银行间国债收益率曲线整体下移;境内即期美元盘中汇率大幅偏离基准价格,境内外价差持续倒挂,竞价市场成交份额显著增长;利率互换中以Shibor为浮动端参考利率的品种成交量居首位;外汇衍生品交易环比下滑,境内外衍生品价格倒挂程度减轻。  相似文献   

Mass human starvation is currently likely if global agricultural production is dramatically reduced for several years following a global catastrophe, e.g. super volcanic eruption, asteroid or comet impact, nuclear winter, abrupt climate change, super weed, extirpating crop pathogen, super bacterium, or super crop pest. This study summarizes the severity and probabilities of such scenarios, and provides an order of magnitude technical analysis comparing caloric requirements of all humans for 5 years with conversion of existing vegetation and fossil fuels to edible food. Here we present mechanisms for global-scale conversion including natural gas-digesting bacteria, extracting food from leaves, and conversion of fiber by enzymes, mushroom or bacteria growth, or a two-step process involving partial decomposition of fiber by fungi and/or bacteria and feeding them to animals such as beetles, ruminants (cattle, sheep, etc.), rats and chickens. We perform an analysis to determine the ramp rates for each option and the results show that careful planning and global cooperation could maintain humanity and the bulk of biodiversity.  相似文献   

2011年7月,银行间市场平稳运行,交易稳步增长。主要特点是:货币市场利率震荡下行,银行间国债收益率曲线上移明显;外汇即期市场交易延续活跃,外汇掉期曲线整体上移,汇率升值预期减弱,人民币外汇期权交易进一步活跃。人民币外汇掉期、远期净额清算试运行,净额清算业务向衍生品市场延伸。  相似文献   

2011年5月,银行间市场平稳运行,交易量稳步增长。主要特点是:货币市场资金面大幅收紧,短期利率全线大涨;银行间国债指数继续上行,收益率曲线平坦化;人民币外汇即期市场主要汇率趋稳,交投活跃,非美货币中间价波动剧烈;人民币利率互换交易量显著增长,短期化特征依然明显;人民币外汇期权交易放大,外汇衍生品市场发生结构性变化。  相似文献   

2011年上半年,银行间市场运行平稳,交易稳步增长。主要特点是:货币市场资金面大幅收紧,主要货币市场利率大幅上升;银行间国债指数震荡上扬,国债收益率曲线整体上移;人民币对美元汇率中间价保持较快升值速度,非美货币即期交易显著活跃;利率互换交易量大幅增长,利率互换交易确认服务推出;汇率衍生品市场交易稳定增长,期权产品上线完善外汇衍生产品体系。  相似文献   

2011年8月,银行间市场平稳运行,交易量较上月小幅增长。主要特点是:货币市场利率先抑后扬;银行间国债收益率曲线平坦化;人民币对美元汇率中间价升值步伐明显加快,交易价波动加剧;利率互换交易再创单月历史新高;外汇掉期曲线整体小幅上移,显示升值预期减弱;外汇即期竞价清算业务正式移交上海清算所。  相似文献   

2011年上半年,我国货币政策保持稳健,政策累积效应逐步显现。银行间债券市场的主要运行特点是:债券指数受资金面影响呈一波三折的走势,收益率曲线平坦化;除央票发行量下降外,包括政府和各类企业的实际融资需求和融资量仍有显著上升;债券余额小幅增长;回购交易持续活跃;现券交易同比上升,环比下降;利率衍生产品交易规模大幅增长。  相似文献   

基于2011-2018年沪深A股上市公司样本,实证检验超额商誉对审计收费的影响以及高管激励的调节效应.研究表明:超额商誉提高了审计收费,且在民营企业更显著;而高管不同激励方式对超额商誉与审计收费的调节具有异质性:股权激励具有抑制作用,而薪酬激励具有增强效应;从作用机制来看,超额商誉通过增加经营风险和审计投入,进而提高审计收费.  相似文献   

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