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王新业 《经营者》2008,(17):108-108
《十全九美》这部电影,就是"山寨版国产电影"的一个典范。不要以为"山寨版"是无人问津的"托儿",它可是一个容易被人忽视却又能创造奇迹的"角儿"。这倒不是因为影片的内容如何,而是因为它们都以小成本赚得了大票房。  相似文献   

“山寨精神”的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在宏观紧缩.通胀压力重重的夏天,一种叫做“山寨手机”的物件.搅动起一池春水。  相似文献   

自从山寨手机“出炉”以来,一股山寨风瞬间横扫神州。一时间,从食品、服装到电脑、汽车,从网站、大学到电影、电视剧,从明星、春晚到白宫、天安门,都冒出了山寨版,可谓林林总总,五花八门。  相似文献   

吴静芳 《东方企业家》2009,(12):114-114
这本书实际上就是从美国顶级金融学府归来的博士周洛华,向那些无知经济学“砖家”挑战的书。  相似文献   

马宁 《监督与选择》2009,(12):27-28
“山寨机的召回公告也不乏山寨色彩。”深圳一位媒体从业人员笑称。这次召回,就是被称为“国内首例山寨机召回”的“黑钻”T5355手机的召回,其生产公司为深圳市洪霆科技公司。之所以说山寨式召回,是因为洪霆科技公司既没有网络上的官方网站,也没有关于公司的官方介绍资料,其召回公告只是发表在了某山寨手机论坛上。  相似文献   

近年来,山寨文化的瞬时崛起,突显出我国现行法律对知识产权保护不足的问题,知识产权单行法之间存在着一定的冲突,而且知识产权刑事立法不完善,应从山寨文化涉及的知识产权问题出发,对我国知识产权保护中的突出问题及原因进行调查分析,从而提出完善知识产权法律保护制度的有效建议。  相似文献   

马宁 《监督与选择》2009,(12):20-26
从山寨第一次走入人们的视线,到它成为2008新词语使用频次之首,起源于广东话的“山寨”二字已经成为众多名词的定语。作为最早被“山寨化”的手机,有的已经实现“去山寨化”,有的正在“去山寨化”的路上,有的已经在昙花一现中被市场的激流冲刷得无影无踪。 经历了备受非议的过渡,山寨手机又开始了新一轮的征程。  相似文献   

目前对"山寨"现象存在不同的观点和态度。本文从创新视角出发,界定"山寨"现象的本质并分析其创新特质,认为其同时包含模仿创新、集成创新、开放式创新、商业模式创新、文化创新及自主创新的成分,并就"山寨"企业的未来发展提出对策建议。  相似文献   

悟谛 《大众标准化》2008,(11):22-24
简直就像“从山寨里冲出来的一群土匪”,不管你三七二十一,搅得手机市场是天翻地覆,人仰马翻,于是,他们有了个响当当的名字叫“山寨手机”。  相似文献   

昝慧昉 《中国新时代》2006,(12):101-102
一汽丰田销售公司彻底改变了通过经销商接触消费者的营销模式,将销售管理链条从经销商延伸到了终端消费者,并把经销商卖给消费者的终端销售数字作为考核销售业绩的惟一标准  相似文献   

Chris Smith, Lecturer in Organisational Studies and Industrial Relations at Aston University Business School, and Tony Elger, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the University of Warwick, offer some constructive criticisms of the research design, reported in a recent issue of the HRMJ, for the large-scale project being carried out in the East Midlands to establish the degree of influence of the newly-built Toyota assembly plant at Burnaston near Derby on human resource policy and practice in the surrounding area.  相似文献   

随着越来越多的跨国公司在中国开设办公室,吸引和留住最优秀的本地人才正成为外企能否获得成功的一个日益重要的分水岭。一家高管猎头公司一一海德思哲国际咨询公司(Heidrick & Struggles)上海分部合伙人Emmanuel Hemmerle如是说。在这次视频采访中,  相似文献   

研究目标:考察中国企业参与全球价值链的持续时间及其决定因素。研究方法:采用2000~2007年中国企业面板数据,通过生存分析模型进行研究。研究发现:中国企业进入和退出全球价值链(GVC)的企业数量大体呈上升趋势,企业总体嵌入GVC的持续时间较短,均值为1.827年,且随着持续时间增长企业生存的危险性逐渐降低。其中东部地区企业、加工贸易企业、民营企业和外资企业在GVC中的生存率更高,风险率更低,持续嵌入GVC的能力更强。出口发达国家的企业、加工贸易企业、民营企业、外资企业和具有较好研发能力、全要素生产率较高、规模较大、融资约束较小、年龄较小的企业退出GVC的概率更低,嵌入GVC的持续时间更长。研究创新:构建企业层面价值链嵌入程度指标,并运用生存分析创新性地考察中国企业在全球价值链中的进入退出行为。研究价值:对评析贸易开放的利得以及寻求“中国制造”在全球价值链中持续经营的模式具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

Battle in the Boardroom: A Discursive Perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines the centrality of discourse in achieving managerially relevant outcomes, with a focus on the in-situ performance context of corporate storytellers. The Ricœurian concept of speech act, capturing both the intentionality of organizational discourse and the social context of its production and reception, implicitly guided our research effort. The article has at its core a story of how senior organizational officers exploited the volatile circumstances of a public takeover in Singapore. By looking at the social construction of narratives in their many fragments we come to see how a key protagonist carves out a powerful position. The efficacy of his performances can be seen to be dependent upon the effective use of poetic tropes and the receptiveness of listeners to particular Chinese archetypal relationship-driven themes. In crafting our story we use multiple texts which were produced in and around two case organizations. As such we offer a carefully constructed collage, a mixture of production and reproduction, sticking closely to forms of communication that key organizational actors used to plan, enact and interpret their actions and those of others. Whilst our story offers insights to readers with an interest in organizational discourse, corporate governance and Asian management practices, we refrain from imposing an authoritarian interpretation that insists on identifying with the intentions of the authors.  相似文献   

宣传部经理康文以前是一名普通 员工,后来因为工作表现突出,被提拔 为宣传部经理,他手下的员工,都是以 前工作过的同事,因此他与他们保持 着一种哥们儿关系。但最近员工晓伟 为私事耽搁了工作进度,康文以上司 的身份批评了他一顿。 今天他刚接近办公室,就听到晓 伟在抱怨:“真不知道经理这些天是怎 么了。前天下班时,他还和我们一块儿 出去吃饭,像以前一样有说有笑的。可 昨天他把我叫到办公室里,把我训了 一通,说我工作进展缓慢。一会儿把我 当朋友,一会儿又要做我的老板。没想 …  相似文献   

从健身教练到舞蹈教练,从公司的管理者到兼职主持人——赵守镇靠发起中国第一支专业的舞蹈拉拉队一战成名2009年2月的一天早晨,赵守镇刚刚进入位于建外SOHO的办公室还未定神,门外便传来一阵急促地敲门声。  相似文献   

Over recent years many businesses have recognized that there are strong competitive advantages in developing co-operative partnerships with suppliers. An important challenge for many companies is to identify the factors to enable them to move from relationships characterized by strong buyer power and bargaining position, to partnerships based on trust and co-operation. The purpose of this paper is to consider factors that may influence the development of co-operative buyer–supplier relationships. A case study is presented which illustrates the developing relationship between an automotive manufacturer, Toyota Australia, and its suppliers, as part of a new supplier strategy. Several factors are proposed which provide areas for further research. These include the consideration of similarities between the industry and technologies of buyer and suppliers, prior experiences of change among suppliers, effective communications between buyer and suppliers, and the importance of experiential learning in the acceptance of change.  相似文献   

斯柯达中国与上海大众汽车有限公司在上海正式宣布,备受关注的斯柯达紧凑型SUV车型Yeti,正式确定国产,并将于2013年正式投放中国市场。  相似文献   

Through Monte Carlo experiments the effects of a feedback mechanism on the accuracy in finite samples of ordinary and bootstrap inference procedures are examined in stable first- and second-order autoregressive distributed-lag models with non-stationary weakly exogenous regressors. The Monte Carlo is designed to mimic situations that are relevant when a weakly exogenous policy variable affects (and is affected by) the outcome of agents’ behaviour. In the parameterizations we consider, it is found that small-sample problems undermine ordinary first-order asymptotic inference procedures irrespective of the presence and importance of a feedback mechanism. We examine several residual-based bootstrap procedures, each of them designed to reduce one or several specific types of bootstrap approximation error. Surprisingly, the bootstrap procedure which only incorporates the conditional model overcomes the small sample problems reasonably well. Often (but not always) better results are obtained if the bootstrap also resamples the marginal model for the policymakers’ behaviour.  相似文献   

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