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This paper applies the standard risk-neutral valuation framework to tax shields generated by dynamic debt policies. We derive a partial differential equation (PDE) for the value of the debt tax shield. For a class of dynamic debt policies that depend on the asset's free cash flows, value, and past performance, we obtain closed-form solutions for the PDE. We also derive the tax-adjusted cost of capital for free cash flows and analyze the conditions under which the weighted average cost of capital is an appropriate discount rate. Finally, we derive closed-form solutions for equity betas, which differ from the formulas that have traditionally been used to lever and unlever equity betas.  相似文献   

We study the renminbi covered interest differential, an indicator of the effectiveness of capital controls. It is found that the differential is not shrinking over time and, in fact, appears larger after the global financial crisis than before. That is, capital controls in China are still substantial and effective. In addition to exchange rate changes and volatilities, the renminbi covered interest differential is affected by credit market tightness indicators. The marginal explanatory power of these macroeconomic factors, however, is small relative to the autoregressive component and the dummy variables that capture changes in China's policy.  相似文献   

This article confronts two distinct perspectives of the labour market: the institutionalist view?–?highlighting equilibrium and labour market institutions?–?and the Chain Reaction Theory?–?emphasizing dynamics and the growth drivers’ role in labour market performance. We consider the ratio of public to private capital stock as a growth driver relevant to the labour market; provide different economic rationales for this ratio to exert a negative influence in wage setting; and explore its empirical relevance in the context of a wage setting curve for Spain comprising the standard variables. There are two main results. First, several institutional variables taken to be critical to explain unemployment in the mainstream literature are not relevant for the Spanish wage setting curve. Second, there is a negative and significant influence of the ratio of public to private capital stock, which is robust to different specifications of the wage setting equation.  相似文献   

薛德余  高雷 《技术经济》2009,28(7):90-99
本文选取了2000—2006年我国17家商业银行的时序与截面混合数据,采用Logit回归及多元回归法对影响我国商业银行资本充足率的因素进行了实证分析。实证结果表明,资本充足率与银行规模、资产收益率、上一期资本充足率、股权结构、资本市场回报率呈正相关关系,与银行信誉、不良资产率和宏观经济状况呈负相关关系。最后,对我国商业银行资本金的管理提出建议。  相似文献   

Economists have contributed a great deal of research, both theoretical and empirical, to the study of marital formation and dissolution. Many empirical examinations of marriage and divorce rates exist based on Becker's seminal contributions to the literature. All of these divorce studies are single equation models, with female earnings assumed exogenous. As discussed by Becker (1981), however, causality may run in the opposite direction as well: the divorce rate may influence female earnings. This paper estimates a simultaneous equations model in which divorce rates and female earnings are the jointly endogenous variables. Data are by state, for 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990. The state-wide divorce rate equation is an extension of Waters and Ressler (1999), and the specification of a state-wide earnings equation follows standard human capital theory. The specification of joint endogeneity between female earnings and the divorce rate allows valid inferences to be made regarding the effect of female earnings on divorce for the first time. Most previous single equation studies of divorce have found that increases in female earnings significantly increase divorce rates. A simultaneous equations model will allow inferences to be made regarding the possibility of joint determination, which may cause a reevaluation of previous results.  相似文献   

Regarding the output-capital ratio in heterodox macroeconomic simulation studies, a surprisingly wide range of numerical values can be found. The paper discusses quarterly US data that are publicly available where, in order to capture depreciation, the construction of the capital stock by the perpetual inventory method relies on detailed estimates of its lifetime. Subsequently the paper builds up a capital stock series by alternatively having recourse to the statistics about capital consumption and furthermore determining an initial level by an assumption about the long-term growth of capital. This procedure leads to somewhat different results. In addition, the rates of depreciation and profit are studied that are implied by the two approaches. The paper closes with two numerical proposals for the steady state values of these variables and the output-capital ratio that could be readily employed for macrodynamic modelling, and that are quite different from many of the aforementioned examples.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of equilibrium wage and unemployment rates in Belgium within the framework of a quantity rationing, right-to-manage model with decentralised wage-setting. Empirical results are obtained by first using the Johansen maximum-likelihood procedure for the analysis of cointegration among the variables of interest. The information from this stage is then used to estimate a three equation econometric model explaining the wage share, the unemployment rate and the capital gap. The slowdown in world trade is depicted as the most important factor explaining the rise in unemployment in Belgium, with dampening effects due to wage control policies imposed in the eighties. Because we obtain only two cointegrating relations, for three endogenous variables, our results are compatible with the hypothesis of path dependency and multiple equilibria.  相似文献   

文章以资本结构理论为基础,利用国内产险公司2001~2004年的财务数据,运用结构方程模型探讨产险公司资本结构与承保风险对获利能力的影响。实证结果发现,资本结构的变化对我国产险公司的获利能力有正负两方面的影响,而资本结构与风险之间是相互影响的。当不考虑风险的影响时,资产负债率的提高会增强公司的获利能力,而随着资产负债率的提高,公司承保风险加大,对公司的获利能力有显著的负向影响。因此,产险公司不应一味地通过提高资产负债率来取得短期获利,还应注意控制风险,增强长期获利能力。  相似文献   

One clear result in the tax competition literature is that, when head taxes on immobile residents are available, the optimal capital tax rate for local government is zero. However, zero tax rate, when resident taxes are available, is incompatible with the phenomenon actually observed. In most countries, local governments use capital taxes as policy variables for choosing a nonzero tax rate. This paper presents a model of a two‐period economy with imperfect mobile capital to explain the behaviour of local government providing capital subsidies on capital. It further examines an equilibrium tax rate where local government’s objectives include Niskanen‐type revenue‐maximizing.  相似文献   

资金流量存量核算与金融风险的关系已受到众多学者关注,但学界对这一问题尚未进行系统性梳理并取得整体认知.本文通过回顾资金流量核算、资金存量核算、间接测算的金融中介服务、存量流量一致性理论模型等分析金融风险的相关文献发现,现有资金流量存量核算中,存在忽视名义变量和交易量、将金融风险计为GDP的增长、对存量流量一致性理论模型...  相似文献   

This study reaffirms the empirical evidence of public capital spillovers and endogenous growth by using data for the period 1966Q3–2012Q3 in Taiwan. Avoiding the use of a 100% depreciation rate for generating public and private capital stock series that is applied in some related studies, this study estimates these series by using disaggregate data of various investment assets and applying their individual depreciation rates, as calculated by Jorgenson and Stiroh (2000). The results show that, first, (per capita) output, private capital stock, and public capital stock cointegrated in the sample period. Second, the contribution of private capital to output is 50% higher than that of public capital. Third, in the presence of significant and sizeable public capital spillover effects, growth in Taiwan is strictly endogenous. Finally, the dynamic model with a cointegration equation helps in studying some sensible short-run properties of the model and bi-directional effects among variables.  相似文献   

In this short note, I reinvestigate a recent paper of Azariadis and Pissarides (Unemployment dynamics with international capital mobility, European Economic Review, 2007(51), 27–48) where wages are determined in a competitive search setting. I show that their equation on the equilibrium wage rate is incorrect. I derive a correct wage equation and perform the numerical analysis. The correction does not change their result and high capital mobility still raises the variability of the unemployment rate.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship among deficit-financing fiscal policy, risk and economic growth in a stochastic endogenous growth model with private and public capital. We show that there are positive balanced-growth rate and a debt-to-GDP ratio that depend on deep parameters such as the income tax rate and the standard deviation of the growth rate of private and public capital. Investment and fiscal shocks influence the mean and variance of the growth rate and the debt dependency rate through portfolio changes and capital accumulation. In particular, an increase in the risk of private investment destabilizes the economy and reduces the mean growth rate if the portfolio change is drastic, and this increase in risk increases the debt-to-GDP ratio. In contrast, an increase in the income tax rate stabilizes the economy, increases the mean growth rate, and has a positive or negative effect on the debt-to-GDP ratio according to the ratio of public to private capital if the income tax rate is sufficiently small.  相似文献   

将2003—2012年细分为8个时间段,具体分析8个时间段内中国短期国际资本流动的情况及其影响因素。结果显示:正的国内外利差对短期国际资本流入的吸引力较小;2003—2012年期间的2个短期国际资本流入高峰是由人民币快速升值引致的;高股价收益率的持续时间较短,其对短期国际资本流入的总体影响较小;正的房价收益率能够引致稳定的短期国际资本净流入。  相似文献   

A differential structural equation system including latent variables was applied for analyzing the sources of technical change in the agricultural sector of Iran, 1971–2005. The findings indicated that international knowledge spillover, human capital, and internal research and development expenditures have a significant role in technical progress in the agricultural sector of Iran. The findings showed that international knowledge spillover has been a more effective factor on the technical progress related to internal R&D. The technical progress was found out to be Hicks-neutral.  相似文献   

印浩  田贵良  钱晓燕 《技术经济》2019,38(11):109-116
本文构建了一个两部门DSGE模型,同时考虑了创新扩散的一般规律(“S型扩散”)与企业绿色技术创新扩散的独特作用(节能作用和减排作用)。基于人口老龄化的预测,模拟随着企业绿色技术创新扩散的波动,经济系统所做出的响应。结果表明:经济变量对于企业绿色技术创新扩散的波动呈现出不同的响应路径,其中资本存量的响应具有滞后性;资本报酬率为首的相关经济变量对于正向冲击的响应出现了“翘尾效应”。最后,本文给出了稳定、正向引导市场预期和在资本市场采取预调机制的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the economic implications of institutional arrangements by which foreign investors are required to reinvest a certain percentage of their capital within the host country. Our analysis shows that foreign capital inflow can produce long-lasting economic benefits to the host country only when the foreign capital reinvestment rate is sufficiently greater than the host country's saving rate. In this case, the economy evolves into a unique steady state equilibrium, which is also asymptotically stable. The paper also presents several comparative static results regarding the responses of steady state capital-labour ratio and the proportion of foreign capital in total capital to changes in the population growth rate, the rate of capital depreciation, the host country's saving rate and the foreign capital reinvestment rate.  相似文献   

This paper obtains a simple algebraic derivation of the transitional dynamics of a two-sector endogenous growth model. This paper finds that the return to capital and the growth rate of output fall over time on the transition path if the initial ratio of physical capital to human capital is lower than the steady state level. It also shows that two sector endogenous growth models are consistent with the evidence on conditional convergence found by Barro (1991) and Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1991). Neoclassical growth models and endogenous growth models are impossible to distinguish in terms of the falling rate of return on capital or in terms of conditional convergence. [O41]  相似文献   

Firm investment in transition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper a model based on the Euler equation of optimal capital accumulation in the presence of convex adjustment costs is developed and estimated. The theoretical model explicitly allows for differential financial status across firms. The empirical analysis uses Romanian manufacturing firm panel data to estimate dynamic investment models with the generalized method of moments (GMM‐IV) technique and tests the derived hypotheses. The results indicate that the model based on the perfect market assumptions is rejected. The version of the model that allows for differential financial status of firms by using a theoretically derived sample selection rule is not rejected by the data. Controlling for soft budget constraints, common for transition economies, further improves the performance of the model.  相似文献   

Most empirical capital flow studies have estimated individual models, many by assuming exogenous interest rates. None of these studies has examined interest rate interdependence from the perspective of the models. In this study, a simultaneous equation model of capital flows containing previous models as special cases is estimated using the cross spectral technique of model discrimination. Based on examination of both the flow-differential link and interest rate interdependence resulting from capital flows, the evidence 1) supports a simultaneous equation stock adjustment model, and 2) suggests that interest rate endogeneity may not imply serious simultaneous equation bias for those previous studies which assume exogenous interest rates.  相似文献   

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