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Volatility prediction is the key variable in forecasting the prices of options, value-at-risk and, in general, the risk that investors face. By estimating not only inter-day volatility models that capture the main characteristics of asset returns, but also intra-day models, we were able to investigate their forecasting performance for three European equity indices. A consistent relation is shown between the examined models and the specific purpose of volatility forecasts. Although researchers cannot apply one model for all forecasting purposes, evidence in favor of models that are based on inter-day datasets when their criteria based on daily frequency, such as value-at-risk and forecasts of option prices, are provided.  相似文献   

We review a number of multi-population mortality models: variations of the Li & Lee model, and the common-age-effect (CAE) model of Kleinow. Model parameters are estimated using maximum likelihood. Although this introduces some challenging identifiability problems and complicates the estimation process it allows a fair comparison of the different models. We propose to solve these identifiability problems by applying two-dimensional constraints over the parameters. Using data from six countries, we compare and rank, both visually and numerically, the models’ fitting qualities and develop forecasting models that produce non-diverging, joint mortality rate scenarios. It is found that the CAE model fits best. But we also find that the Li and Lee model potentially suffers from robustness problems when calibrated using maximum likelihood.  相似文献   

We propose a fundamentals-based econometric model for the weekly changes in the euro-dollar rate with the distinctive feature of mixing economic variables quoted at different frequencies. The model obtains good in-sample fit and, more importantly, encouraging out-of-sample forecasting results at horizons ranging from one-week to one month. Specifically, we obtain statistically significant improvements upon the hard-to-beat random-walk model using traditional statistical measures of forecasting error at all horizons. Moreover, our model obtains a great improvement when we use the direction of change metric, which has more economic relevance than other loss measures. With this measure, our model performs much better at all forecasting horizons than a naive model that predicts the exchange rate as an equal chance to go up or down, with statistically significant improvements.  相似文献   

亚洲开发银行(亚行)发布的《2007亚洲发展展望更新》报告,增长强劲的出口和投资以及旺盛的消费将促使中国经济今年增长11.2%,高于早先的预测值10%.  相似文献   

Large quantitative models of the economy are increasingly being used to prepare short-term and long-term projections. In most cases inspection of each single equation is not sufficient to understand the functioning of a complete model, a situation which sometimes leads to so-called “counter-intuitive” results of model simulations. The authors briefly describe a method for the analysis of the causal structure of large models and apply this method to an analysis of the United Nations model of the future of the world economy directed by W. Leontief.  相似文献   

In the context of multiperiod tail risk (i.e., VaR and ES) forecasting, we provide a new semiparametric risk model constructed based on the forward-looking return moments estimated by the stochastic volatility model with price jumps and the Cornish–Fisher expansion method, denoted by SVJCF. We apply the proposed SVJCF model to make multiperiod ahead tail risk forecasts over multiple forecast horizons for S&P 500 index, individual stocks and other representative financial instruments. The model performance of SVJCF is compared with other classical multiperiod risk forecasting models via various backtesting methods. The empirical results suggest that SVJCF is a valid alternative multiperiod tail risk measurement; in addition, the tail risk generated by the SVJCF model is more stable and thus should be favored by risk managers and regulatory authorities.  相似文献   

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - In this paper, we estimate coefficients of bankruptcy forecasting models, such as logistic and neural network models, by maximizing their...  相似文献   

The computation of implied cost of capital (ICC) is constrained by the lack of analyst forecasts for half of all firms. Hou et al. (J Account Econ 53:504–526, 2012, HVZ) present a cross-sectional model to generate forecasts in order to compute ICC. However, the forecasts from the HVZ model perform worse than those from a naïve random walk model and the ICCs show anomalous correlations with risk factors. We present two parsimonious alternatives to the HVZ model: the EP model based on persistence in earnings and the RI model based on the residual income model from Feltham and Ohlson (Contemp Account Res 11:689–732, 1996). Both models outperform the HVZ model in terms of forecast bias, accuracy, earnings response coefficients, and correlations of the ICCs with future returns and risk factors. We recommend that future research use the RI model or the EP model to generate earnings forecasts.  相似文献   

The problem considered is the selection of a portfolio of international assets, particularly the forecasting of the inputs to a selection algorithm. Four models of the asset return generating process are considered, two of which ignore the international nature of the universe of assets, two which exploit it in different ways. Several estimation methods are considered for each component: expected return, variance and covariance of returns. The combinations of model and estimation method are first evaluated in terms of their forecasting performance for the components mentioned for the individual assets. The universe used is the components of the Financial Times Eurotrack 100 Index. Significant differences were found between the forecasting accuracy of the methods considered for each component. In the final stage of the analysis, a comparison of the returns on portfolios chosen using each combination showed a significant difference. The analysis suggests that the choice of estimation method is more critical than the choice of pricing model.  相似文献   


A Monte Carlo (MC) experiment is conducted to study the forecasting performance of a variety of volatility models under alternative data-generating processes (DGPs). The models included in the MC study are the (Fractionally Integrated) Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity models ((FI)GARCH), the Stochastic Volatility model (SV), the Long Memory Stochastic Volatility model (LMSV) and the Markov-switching Multifractal model (MSM). The MC study enables us to compare the relative forecasting performance of the models accounting for different characterizations of the latent volatility process: specifications that incorporate short/long memory, autoregressive components, stochastic shocks, Markov-switching and multifractality. Forecasts are evaluated by means of mean squared errors (MSE), mean absolute errors (MAE) and value-at-risk (VaR) diagnostics. Furthermore, complementarities between models are explored via forecast combinations. The results show that (i) the MSM model best forecasts volatility under any other alternative characterization of the latent volatility process and (ii) forecast combinations provide systematic improvements upon most single misspecified models, but are typically inferior to the MSM model even if the latter is applied to data governed by other processes.  相似文献   

The risk premia of linear factor models on economic (non-traded) risk factors can be decomposed into: i) the premium on maximum-correlation portfolios mimicking the factors; ii) (minus) the covariance between the non-traded components of the pricing kernel and the factors; and iii) (minus) the mispricing of the maximum-correlation portfolios. For a given set of assets available for investment, the first component is the same across models and is typically estimated with little bias and high precision. We conclude that the premia on maximum-correlation portfolios are appealing alternatives to the risk premia of linear factor models, with the dividend yield being the only economic factor significantly priced.  相似文献   

In this paper, we test whether directors’ (corporate insiders) trading in Australia, based on accounting accruals, provides incremental information in forecasting a firm's economic performance. We determine that directors’ trading on negative accruals in larger firms has greater forecasting content and is associated with 1‐year‐ahead bull market phases. Moreover, arbitrage portfolios set up to mimic insider trading can earn 1‐year‐ahead excess size‐adjusted arbitrage returns of up to 12.2 per cent. Results are consistent with directors hiding their trades in liquid well‐traded firms and in providing incremental information above that supplied by a continuous information regime.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence of security analyst (SA) superiority relative to univariate time-series (TS) models in predicting firms' quarterly earnings numbers and shows that SA forecast superiority in our sample is attributable to: (1) better utilization of information existing on the date that TS model forecasts can be initiated, a contemporaneous advantage; and (2) use of information acquired between the date of initiation of TS model forecasts and the date when SA forecasts are published, a timing advantage.  相似文献   

(G)ARCH-type models are frequently used for the dynamic modelling and forecasting of risk attached to speculative asset returns. While the symmetric and conditionally Gaussian GARCH model has been generalized in a manifold of directions, model innovations are mostly presumed to stem from an underlying IID distribution. For a cross section of 18 stock market indices, we notice that (threshold) (T)GARCH-implied model innovations are likely at odds with the commonly held IID assumption. Two complementary strategies are pursued to evaluate the conditional distributions of consecutive TGARCH innovations, a non-parametric approach and a class of standardized copula distributions. Modelling higher order dependence patterns is found to improve standard TGARCH-implied conditional value-at-risk and expected shortfall out-of-sample forecasts that rely on the notion of IID innovations.  相似文献   

Dynamic model selection is likely the best model for covariance matrix forecasting from both the statistical and economic perspectives  相似文献   

The realized-GARCH framework is extended to incorporate the two-sided Weibull distribution, for the purpose of volatility and tail risk forecasting in a financial time series. Further, the realized range, as a competitor for realized variance or daily returns, is employed as the realized measure in the realized-GARCH framework. Sub-sampling and scaling methods are applied to both the realized range and realized variance, to help deal with inherent micro-structure noise and inefficiency. A Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method is adapted and employed for estimation and forecasting, while various MCMC efficiency and convergence measures are employed to assess the validity of the method. In addition, the properties of the MCMC estimator are assessed and compared with maximum likelihood, via a simulation study. Compared to a range of well-known parametric GARCH and realized-GARCH models, tail risk forecasting results across seven market indices, as well as two individual assets, clearly favour the proposed realized-GARCH model incorporating the two-sided Weibull distribution; especially those employing the sub-sampled realized variance and sub-sampled realized range.  相似文献   

This paper studies whether it is possible to exploit the nonlinear behaviour of daily returns on the Spanish Ibex-35 stock index returns to improve forecasts over short and long horizons. In this sense, we examine the out-of-sample forecast performance of smooth transition autoregression (STAR) models and artificial neural networks (ANNs). We use one-step (obtained by using recursive and nonrecursive regressions) and multi-step-ahead forecasting methods. The forecasts are evaluated with statistical and economic criteria. In terms of statistical criteria, we compared the out-of-sample forecasts using goodness of forecast measures and various testing approaches. The results indicate that ANNs consistently surpass the random walk model and, although the evidence for this is weaker, provide better forecasts than the linear AR model and the STAR models for some forecast horizons and forecasting methods. In terms of the economic criteria, we assess the relative forecast performance in a simple trading strategy including the impact of transaction costs on trading strategy profits. The results indicate a better fit for ANN models, in terms of the mean net return and Sharpe risk-adjusted ratio, by using one-step-ahead forecasts. These results show there is a good chance of obtaining a more accurate fit and forecast of the daily stock index returns by using one-step-ahead predictors and nonlinear models, but that these are inherently complex and present a difficult economic interpretation.  相似文献   

Rethinking the causes of deforestation: lessons from economic models.   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Concern is rising over the deleterious effects of tropical deforestation. For example, the loss of forest cover influences the climate and reduces biodiversity, while reduced timber supplies, siltation, flooding, and soil degradation affect economic activity and threaten the livelihoods and cultural integrity of forest-dependent people. Such concerns have led economists to expand their efforts to model why, where, and to what extent forests are being converted to other land uses. This synthesis of the results of more than 140 economic models analyzing the causes of tropical deforestation brings into question many conventional hypotheses upon deforestation. More roads, higher agricultural prices, lower wages, and a shortage of off-farm employment generally lead to more deforestation. However, it is not known how technical change, agricultural input prices, household income levels, and tenure security affect deforestation. The role of macroeconomic factors such as population growth, poverty reduction, national income, economic growth, and foreign debt is also unclear. The authors nonetheless determine through their review that policy reforms included in current economic liberalization and adjustment efforts may increase pressure upon forests.  相似文献   

In this essay, Ian Miles reviews The New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction1 and in doing so reflects on the complex and shifting ways in which futures studies and science fiction interrelate and cross-fertilize, as well as the ways in which they differ distinctly.  相似文献   

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