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Managers of international subsidiaries, especially subsidiary CEOs, operate at critical interfaces within multinational enterprises (MNEs) and hold strategic responsibility for the operations in their country. Yet, their impact on subsidiary performance has received scant research attention. Building on the subsidiary entrepreneurship and strategic leadership literatures, we develop a model of how subsidiary CEOs’ entrepreneurial leadership affects subsidiary performance, and how this relationship is moderated by the subsidiary context that determines managerial discretion. We combine survey data of 291 international subsidiaries in South Korea with archival data to test our hypotheses. Our results show that subsidiary CEOs’ entrepreneurial leadership enhances subsidiary performance and that this relationship is strengthened by managerial discretion. Our study highlights the pivotal role of subsidiary CEOs within MNEs and contributes to a microfoundational understanding of international subsidiary management.  相似文献   

How does distance attenuate the value of MNC parent intangible assets on affiliate profitability? Beyond the basic assumption of internalization theory about the positive relationship between parent intangibles and foreign affiliate performance, we test how this relationship, is contingent on ownership strategy, subsidiary experience, and is moderated by the distance between home and host economies, in terms of differences in technological capacity, intellectual property regimes, economic development, language and geography. Based on newly-available accounting data on intangible assets, we test hypotheses on a sample of over 2000 multinationals and 5000 of their overseas affiliates in 45 home and host economies.  相似文献   

Grounded in knowledge-based theories of the multinational corporation (MNC) and building on organizational learning literature, this paper develops and tests a model of MNC subsidiaries’ knowledge creation capability as a joint function of knowledge inflows to subsidiaries and their knowledge stocks (i.e., subsidiaries’ internal human, social, and organizational capital). Survey-based data from 106 subsidiaries located in the U.S. suggests that local (i.e., host country) knowledge inflows to a subsidiary are more effective in enhancing a subsidiary's knowledge creation capability compared to global knowledge inflows from other units of the same MNC. Furthermore, results point to a not-invented-here syndrome in the exploitation of knowledge sourced from the parent company; such that when a subsidiary's internal social capital is high, the relationship between global knowledge inflows and knowledge creation capability is negative and when it is low, the relationship becomes positive.  相似文献   

Prior studies examining the impact of organizational controls on subsidiaries’ strategic initiatives have to a large extent failed to find a significant direct association between the two. We argue that this lack of direct association may be due to the fact that the control mechanisms used exert their influence on subsidiaries’ strategic initiatives indirectly by suppressing subsidiaries’ decision-making autonomy. Drawing upon agency theory we consider the effects of two types of controls, monitoring and incentive alignment, as mediated by subsidiaries’ decision-making autonomy. We test this effect on data from 115 subsidiaries of foreign multinationals operating in Greece. The results of our analyses empirically validate this assertion for both mechanisms. Our findings further show that, when both mechanisms are present, one may accentuate the effect of the other, highlighting the value of employing a contingency approach to fully capture the effects of organizational controls on the pursuit of subsidiaries’ strategic initiatives.  相似文献   

The discussion that follows responds to Haugland's (forthcoming) questions regarding the justification for using the I-R framework, the appropriateness of using the framework's implied taxonomy as the basis for formulating hypotheses and conducting empirical tests of differentiated fit, and the usefulness of the implications thereby derived. This response also discusses the applicability of the alternative structural model proposed by Haugland from a theoretical and empirical point of view. The discussion shows that the fit approach by Lin and Hsieh (forthcoming) may better explain subsidiary strategies and management than Haugland's model does. This response demonstrates the appropriateness and extends the applicability of the I-R framework.  相似文献   

We examine how subsidiaries can implement business expansion successfully to capitalize on growth potentials. Building on our baseline hypothesis, which examines the effect of the extent of business expansion on subsidiary divestment, we identify the boundary condition of the tendency of subsidiary’s learning behavior in foreign expansion. Specifically, we argue that subsidiaries that expand multiple businesses through competence-creating learning behaviors are more likely to be divested due to increasing complexity. We further suggest a remedial condition to offer a viable approach to implement business expansion through competence-creating learning successfully. Based on a sample of 6040 foreign subsidiaries operating over 14 years, we show that affiliates are more likely to expand into unfamiliar business domains successfully if they have a higher level of absorptive capacity.  相似文献   

This study investigates an inverted U-shaped relationship between host country experience and subsidiary performance, and further explores the contingent relationship of host country experience and subsidiary performance under industrial and environmental contexts. In examining a sample of the 1596 Taiwan's electronics MNEs, this study finds that host country experience shows an inverted U-shaped effect on subsidiary profitability. When considering the industry similarity, this result demonstrates that the host country experience has stronger diminishing marginal returns on a focal subsidiary profitability in similar industries at high levels of experience. This study further examines the interaction effect of environmental contexts and host country experience on subsidiary profitability in similar industries, the results shows that the interaction effect of environmental difficulties and host country experience positively impacts subsidiary profitability, while the interaction effect of cultural distance and host country experience insignificantly affects on subsidiary profitability.  相似文献   

This commentary article discusses the appropriateness of using the integration-responsiveness framework for studying subsidiary management. The framework is frequently used and highly accepted in the international business literature, but the research contributions of applying the framework can be questioned. This commentary article discusses the applicability of the framework from a theoretical point of view, and furthermore, argues that it is difficult to empirically test subsidiary strategies and management based on hypotheses derived from the framework, and that the implications that can be drawn have limited theoretical content.  相似文献   

This study draws on the cultural fit hypothesis to examine interactive effects of host country context and four (Multicultural Personality Questionnaire) expatriate personality traits – Cultural Empathy, Social Initiative, Emotional Stability, and Open Mindedness – on job satisfaction. The cultural fit hypothesis maintains that it is not only the expatriate personality traits per se, but the cultural fit between expatriate personality traits and host country cultural values, norms, and prototypical personality traits that predict expatriate adjustment in host countries (Searle & Ward, 1990). Providing partial support for the cultural fit hypothesis, data derived from 191 expatriates in Brazil and Japan shows that the importance of two personality traits varies in these countries. Specifically, expatriates with high Cultural Empathy were more satisfied with their jobs in Japan than in Brazil, whereas Social Initiative was more important for expatriates in Brazil.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that multinational enterprises (MNEs) from emerging economies invest actively in host countries with substantial risks, we have limited understanding of how they manage environmental risks to achieve desirable performance in their overseas subsidiaries. Drawing on resource dependence theory, we argue that different localization strategies serve as a mediating mechanism linking environmental risks and overseas subsidiary performance. Our findings based on a sample of Chinese MNEs show that industry risks significantly reduce the levels of input localization and marketing localization of Chinese MNEs’ subsidiaries, and thus negatively affect subsidiary performance. Political risks have an insignificant impact on input localization and marketing localization, but a positive direct impact on Chinese MNEs’ overseas subsidiary performance. We also find that state-owned MNEs’ localization strategies are more sensitive to industry risks compared with privately owned MNEs.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the MNC subsidiaries’ trade-off between the need for knowledge creation and the need for knowledge protection, and relates it to the extent of knowledge outflows generated within the host location. Combining research in International Business with Social Theory, we build a conceptual framework suggesting that subsidiaries that extensively draw on external knowledge sources are also more likely to generate knowledge outflows to local firms. We argue that this may be explained by the subsidiaries’ willingness to build the trust that facilitates the establishment of reciprocal knowledge linkages. However, when the value of the subsidiary's knowledge stock is very high, the need for knowledge protection restrains reciprocity mechanisms in knowledge exchanges, thus reducing the extent of knowledge outflows to the host location. This study contributes to the literature on the firm-level antecedents of FDI-mediated local knowledge outflows, as well as to the broad IB literature on the relationship between subsidiaries and their host regions. The implications for managers and policy-makers are also discussed.  相似文献   

This empirical paper studies how MNEs from developing and emerging markets may learn through their choice of entry mode and subsidiary network configuration, and use this knowledge to increase their responsiveness to pro-market reforms in their home market. The paper proposes that entry modes and network configurations that facilitate knowledge acquisition provide firms from developing countries an advantage when responding to such institutional changes. The analyses use data for the largest Latin American companies from 1989 to 2008. The findings provide evidence for a positive moderating effect of equity international joint ventures, international acquisitions, and subsidiary network centrality closeness on the relationship between reforms and profitability.  相似文献   

Horizontal and vertical subsidiary knowledge outflows in multinational corporations (MNCs) are argued to be central to effective MNC performance. Building on the knowledge-based view of the firm, we develop a conceptual model to investigate the performance consequences, determinants and interaction effects due to coordination and control mechanisms, of horizontal and vertical MNC subsidiary knowledge outflows. The hypotheses are empirically tested with a dataset comprised of survey and archival data from over 200 MNC subsidiaries. Results indicate that explicitness and communication positively influence vertical and horizontal subsidiary knowledge outflows and that national cultural distance, centralization, formalization, and specialized resources moderate these influences. We also find that knowledge outflows to headquarters and to peer subsidiaries enhance an MNC's financial performance (i.e., return on assets). The results provide substantive evidence as to how vertical and horizontal knowledge operate within MNCs.  相似文献   

Drawing on 50 semi-structured interviews in a case study of a Belgian multinational and its foreign subsidiary in Poland, we develop new insights into how using different types of international assignments (long-term expatriation, short-term expatriation, short-term inpatriation) allows a HQ-subsidiary dyad to transfer different types of knowledge (declarative, procedural, axiomatic, relational), both from and to HQ, during and after the assignment. We show how each type of assignment acts as a unique knowledge transfer channel, and why it is critical that HQ-subsidiary dyads use an appropriate combination and sequence of international assignments reflecting their specific knowledge transfer needs.  相似文献   

Most of previous studies seek to understand buyer perspectives in green supply chain relationships and devote inadequate attention to the strategic role of upstream suppliers. Drawing on a market-oriented approach to sustainability, this paper examines the enabling factors and processes that underpin how export suppliers from emerging economies leverage their strategic intent to develop knowledge integration capacity for achieving improved export performance. The results from a sample of Chinese exporters show that the relational capacity of knowledge integration mediates the performance impact of market-oriented environmental sustainability, and such a mediating process of leaning is further enhanced by international buyer involvement. We reveal that relationship efforts should be directed at developing integrative capacity involving key partners for implementing proactive environmental strategy in international business-to-business (B2B) markets. This study contributes to the research of supply chain sustainability in a global context.  相似文献   

We investigate whether the degree to which a bilateral investment treaty (BIT) protects against expropriation (i.e., its “stringency”) influences the international strategy of multinational enterprises (MNEs) as they invest in countries with varying levels of political instability. We draw on institutional logic and insights from political economics to hypothesize that BIT stringency will moderate the established positive relationship between host country political instability and minority ownership. Analysis of a sample of 289 foreign investments made by AEX-listed Dutch MNEs in 34 countries between 2004 and 2013 provides support: a more stringent BIT will encourage the MNE to choose a majority stake as political instability rises. Robustness tests provide further support for our argument. The results have both managerial and policy implications relating to the role that BIT stringency plays in determining MNE strategy.  相似文献   

Corporations seek various relationships, such as board interlocks, with other firms to reduce resource dependencies. The consistent theoretical expectation and empirical finding that physical proximity is an important driver for board interlock formation is seemingly at odds with the emerging and growing literature on transnational board interlock ties. We argue that the effect of proximity on multinational corporation (MNC) board interlock formation can also be attributed to the firms’ internationalization strategy, namely, when they have co-located subsidiaries in foreign markets. We call this “proximity at a distance”. We test our assumptions on a dataset covering almost 43,000 board interlocks among MNC headquarters and their 12 million subsidiary co-location pairs. We confirm that proximity among headquarters increases the odds of interlocking but also find robust evidence that co-located subsidiaries also increase firms’ propensity to interlock, particularly for transnational board interlocks. Our results help provide an explanation for the “paradox of distance” by showing that the interlock between two distant MNCs may be driven by proximity to their foreign subsidiaries. As such, we illustrate how MNCs’ resource-dependent strategic responses can occur at the headquarters level to address uncertainties experienced at the subsidiary level.  相似文献   

This study examines the moderating effects of institutional forces on the capabilities–performance link by combining the resource-base view and institutional theory. From a survey of 324 Chinese manufacturers, this study tests the impacts of the importance of guanxi (an informal institutional factor) and legal support (a formal institutional factor) on the performance advantages of firm capabilities. The results indicate that both marketing and technology capabilities relate positively to performance, but the performance advantage of technology capabilities is less prominent when guanxi is important and the legal system is ineffective. In addition, guanxi importance strengthens the performance advantage of domestic firms' marketing capabilities but reduces that of foreign firms' marketing capabilities in China.  相似文献   

A service provider achieves competitive advantage by configuring appropriate strategic orientation and customer value type. This paper addresses three important issues: (i) which customer value type (economical, relational or technical) is important for bank customers? (ii) which strategic market orientation (customer or competitor) helps in achieving the desired value type? and (iii) which value type significantly predicts market performance? We propose that a strategic market orientation pursued by a firm shall influence the customer value it intends to offer so as to maximize the market performance. Using data collected from 538 bank customers, this study reveals that when there is a perfect match between strategic market orientation and value being perceived by its customers, a firm shall achieve strategy-value fit and realize optimal market outcomes in the form of customer satisfaction, acquisition, retention, cross-selling, and up-selling. Furthermore, a bank shall realize maximum level of market performance if it pursues both customer and competitor orientation and endeavors to deliver technical/functional value to its target customers. The paper concludes with managerial implications and future research directions.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of knowledge management capacity in the relationship between strategic human resource practices and innovation performance from the knowledge-based view. This study uses regression analysis to test the hypotheses in a sample of 146 firms. The results indicate that strategic human resource practices are positively related to knowledge management capacity which, in turn, has a positive effect on innovation performance. The findings provide evidence that knowledge management capacity plays a mediating role between strategic human resource practices and innovation performance. Finally, this study discusses managerial implications and highlights future research directions.  相似文献   

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