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Despite its theoretical and practical importance, the evolution and development of entrepreneurs’ networks has attracted a little attention of researchers. The emerging research literature on this topic found that the dynamics of entrepreneurial networks were contingent upon venture lifecycle, industry and region, and resource needs of the firm. In addition and contrast to the previous research, this article examines the effects of the initial network structure, and firm performance of previous years on the changes in entrepreneurs' network structure, relations, and resources over 4 years. The empirical data is composed of the face-to-face interviews with 75 Russian entrepreneurs in 1995, and the follow-up interviews with 56 original respondents in 1999. I found that the greater the initial network size, the less the increase in network size, strong and weak ties, and resources over time. Further, the findings indicate that revenue growth of previous years predicts the changes in networks in the reverse manner. Thus, I found that the greater the average revenue growth, the less the increase in network size, weak ties, and resources over time.  相似文献   

This paper examines how district size affects the bargaining power of teachers’ unions and the allocation of school resources. Our identification strategy exploits the fact that 33 states mandate collective bargaining while 5 states prohibited it. In states that mandate collective bargaining, we find that beginning salaries and the premium paid to experienced teachers increase with district size while the teacher–pupil ratio declines with district size. In contrast, in states that prohibit collective bargaining we find a negative relationship between district size and the premium paid to experienced teachers. District size also has a stronger positive effect on beginning salaries and a weaker negative effect on teacher–pupil ratios in states that prohibit collective bargaining. Collectively, our results suggest that more powerful unions bargain for more generous returns to teacher seniority at the expense of staffing ratios and base salaries.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the effects of demand and supply on the determinants of labor sector (school, home work, informal, and formal) participation between Torreon and Tijuana, Mexico for married and single women. Comparisons between the two cities are used to capture differences in labor demand. Torreon is a traditional city with an agri-industrial base and Tijuana is a border city with large export processing (maquiladora) and tourism sectors, both of which demand female labor. Factors influencing labor supply include both individual and household characteristics. Married women, given the strong cultural tradition of working in the home, do not significantly increase their paid labor participation with higher labor demand or changing characteristics of the household. Personal characteristics have the greatest impact on labor sector participation. Single women do, however, increase their formal sector participation with additional employment opportunities and respond to household needs by moving in and out of the paid labor market. Results indicate that increases in labor demand in Mexico from the NAFTA could expand formal sector labor force participation of single women.  相似文献   


The article presents the study of the criteria that Kazakhstan’s government used for granting a public–private partnership (PPP) contract to a private investor for construction and operation of eleven kindergartens in the city of Karaganda during 14 years. From the perspective of value creation for critical stakeholders, there was often misalignment between bidders’ views of these criteria and the perceived value for citizens and the government. The latter may significantly enhance the creation of shared values in a PPP by actively engaging stakeholders in the design of the bids’ assessment criteria.  相似文献   

The methodology of conduct, presented in this publication, allows conducting the study of clients’ satisfaction of services in a complex manner and at the same time, it allows getting to know all problems appearing in the process of their provision. Gap no 5 expresses a general client’s perception of services and allow defining his satisfaction. Gap 4 allows defining in what range the organization provides clients with false and distorted information in its promotion and advertising materials, which in consequence influence on their satisfaction. The result from gap no 4 can be used when planning promotion campaign. Gap no 2 and 3 allow defining if the organization is realizing the planned strategy of quality. It allows defining which employees provide services of a low quality and then by means of the application the appropriate motivation tools it allow to cut it out. Finally, gap no 1 which allow defining problems connected with marketing communication. It allows finding client’s needs which organization does not know and which should be included in its strategy.  相似文献   

In this paper we show how the triple helix model provides an organising regime within which participant firms can extend their capabilities for explorative innovation through funded collaborations with academia. In so doing, we adopt Felin et al.’s multi-level framework to examine the microfoundations of participant firms’ capabilities for explorative innovation in university partnerships. In our qualitative case study of a set of research projects that comprise a national research programme, we decomposed the microfoundations of the processes, interactions and the structures that facilitated the extension of member firms’ explorative innovation capabilities nurtured within each university-industry partnership. We explain the attitudinal and behavioural modifications of the firms’ individuals involved in the research project collaborations with university partners that aggregated into firm-level capabilities. Ultimately, we show that using a microfoundational lens allows for a deeper understanding of how triple helix programmes can influence the capabilities of firms for explorative innovation.  相似文献   

This project examines the effects of the introduction of new small high schools on student performance in the Chicago Public School (CPS) district. Specifically, we investigate whether students attending small high schools have better graduation/enrollment rates and achievement than similar students who attend regular CPS high schools. We show that students who choose to attend a small school are more disadvantaged on average, including having prior test scores that are about 0.2 standard deviations lower than their elementary school classmates. To address the selection problem, we use an instrumental variables strategy and compare students who live in the same neighborhoods but differ in their residential proximity to a small school. In this approach, one student is more likely to sign up for a small school than another statistically identical student because the small school is located closer to the student’s house and therefore the “cost” of attending the school is lower. The distance-to-small-school variable has strong predictive power to identify who attends a small school. We find that small schools students are substantially more likely to persist in school and eventually graduate. Nonetheless, there is no positive impact on student achievement as measured by test scores.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of the economic cycle on workplace accidents. In particular, the effect of the usual factors of the economic cycle (GDP per capita, Unemployment) is examined along with the effect of working hours (to account for flexible employment) on fatal injuries (to exclude the effect of under-reporting data) for the period 1971?C2007 in UK. Detailed multiple regression analysis is applied, which indicates a controversial and inelastic relation of GDP per capita (negative) and unemployment rate (positive), but also an elastic relation of working hours (positive) to fatal injuries. Further research in data of various countries is proposed before arriving to certain conclusions.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2022,46(1):100942
This study analyzes the impact of increased protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in importing countries on the inventing countries’ exports in the presence of “third countries.” In this study, “third countries” include all countries that compete with the inventing countries in exporting similar products to the importing countries. The most significant contribution of this study is to develop an alternative empirical approach for analyzing the impact of IPRs on trade flows. This approach considers three players (the inventing/exporting country, the importing country, and “third countries”) and thus is tentatively called the “three-country model.” The findings confirm that our “three-country model” provides important insights into the impact of IPR protection on international trade, especially in the context of increasingly fierce competition in international trade. We found that the emergence of a third country restrains the market power effects and stimulates market expansion effects. Specifically, when a third country appears, the increased protection of IPRs in the importing countries encourages the inventing countries to increase their exports. However, the export elasticity of IPR protection is highest for primary products and lowest for technology-intensive and human capital–intensive products.  相似文献   

This article investigates how competition for network orchestration sustains high tech clusters rejuvenation by avoiding early lock-in and stimulating exploration. Based on evidences drawn from the comparison of the evolution of two nano-electronics clusters, i.e., Grenoble (France) and Catania (Italy) clusters that share the same anchor tenant firm, namely STMicroelectronics, this article infers that cluster rejuvenation comes from scientific and technological diversity, competition for orchestration, overlap amongst networks and the ability of sleeping anchor tenant organizations to renew actors and technologies. As soon as the process of specialization (asset specificity, network specificity and technology speciation) starts, competition for orchestration stimulates sleeping anchor tenant organizations to influence research avenues within the cluster, and shape new networks within and outside the cluster.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between the inventory dynamics and long-term stock returns of a large panel of U.S. manufacturing firms over the time period from 1991 to 2010. We propose two measures of inventory dynamics: one metric to assess the fluctuations of quarterly inventories within the year and a second metric to quantify relative year-over-year inventory growth. Our results indicate that within-year inventory volatility (IV) and abnormal year-over-year inventory growth (ABI) are associated with abnormal stock returns. Both metrics cannot be entirely explained by common risk factors. We find that firms with high IV and low ABI have the best long-term stock returns, and that stock performance decreases monotonically with higher ABI values. Our results are robust to various control variables including size, book-to-market value, industry and prior performance. We therefore conclude that changes in inventory levels provide valuable insights into the risks and opportunities faced by a company.  相似文献   

This study intends to unveil the current innovation landscape of South Korea in an attempt to examine the underlying patterns of inter-regional technology collaboration occurring at the triple helix level. Social network analysis techniques are used to quantify the structure of the four types of inter-provincial co-inventorship network between university, industry, and government (UIG). The findings confirm the declining centrality of Seoul as the primary research center with the emergence of new regional players such as Gyeonggi and Daejeon. However, they also reveal that these three main innovative regions have become strongly linked in recent years and constitute the core of the inter-regional collaboration networks. The poor linkage between the research core and the periphery, in turn, raises some concerns regarding the unfair geographical concentration of innovation resources and technology activities, hindering the synergy in the national and regional innovation systems. To create a dynamic innovative milieu for bolstering Korea’s national innovation system, therefore, interactive learning between the core and the periphery, as well as between the various UIG actors, must be further facilitated.  相似文献   

The most frequently cited reason by corporate managers for switching their firm’s trading location from Nasdaq to the NYSE is to improve visibility. This study examines whether these perceptions about listing are real or illusory and whether firm size affects media visibility. Based on a large sample of firms that listed on the NYSE compared with a matched sample of firms remaining on Nasdaq, the results show that NYSE listing does not lead to gains in media visibility during the period immediately after listing. Over a longer period, small- and medium-sized firms experience significant gains in media visibility compared with large firms. Additional tests show that increased media coverage is attributable much more to the rapid earnings growth before listing than to listing. Therefore, managers erroneously attribute the visibility gains to NYSE listing.  相似文献   


What makes one type of entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) more conducive to entrepreneurial dynamics than another? EE research is a hot topic, and considerable progress has been made as regards its elements, network, and actors’ components. However, some scholars regret the absence of an empirical analysis of EE as a whole to understand how EE configuration operates. To introduce this perspective, we propose an unexplored inter-organizational ties analysis among all EE actors, at a country-level scale. Based on the network theory perspective, we conduct an exploratory research in five low-income African countries, using innovative research methods (the quantitative graph theory, web scraping, the fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis) to understand the organizational patterns in these EEs, and their impact on entrepreneurial outcomes. At the core of this perspective lie inter-organizational ties measures of closeness, cohesiveness, and inter-connectedness, which are key causal conditions for high entrepreneurial dynamics levels and rates in low-income countries. This research underlines the importance of EE network attributes to facilitate the easy distribution of entrepreneurial nurturing components to entrepreneurs. It also highlights the importance of ease of information and knowledge flow, as well as a strong collaborative and coopetitive environment to make an EE more conducive to entrepreneurial dynamics.


The aim of this study is to present some measures of the performance of banks operating in Australia since the deregulation of the Australian financial system in early 1980s; including the periods of financial market instability (the early 1990s and mid to late 2000s). In undertaking this measurement two approaches will be used. The first simply applies standard financial indicators. The second approach applies data envelopment analysis (DEA), to determine Malmquist indices of the levels of and the changes in the efficiency and productivity of Australian banks. The empirical results demonstrate the effect of deregulation and periodic financial crisis’s on the performance of individual banks, and the major part of the Australian banking sector. Overall the productivity performance of the Australian banks tended to improve considerably in those periods of strongest economic growth (i.e. the mid 1980s and 2000s).  相似文献   

We employed the log-periodic power law singularity (LPPLS) methodology to systematically investigate the 2020 stock market crash in the U.S. equities sectors with different levels of total market capitalizations through four major U.S. stock market indexes, including the Wilshire 5000 Total Market index, the S&P 500 index, the S&P MidCap 400 index, and the Russell 2000 index, representing the stocks overall, the large capitalization stocks, the middle capitalization stocks and the small capitalization stocks, respectively. During the 2020 U.S. stock market crash, all four indexes lost more than a third of their values within five weeks, while both the middle capitalization stocks and the small capitalization stocks have suffered much greater losses than the large capitalization stocks and stocks overall. Our results indicate that the price trajectories of these four stock market indexes prior to the 2020 stock market crash have clearly featured the obvious LPPLS bubble pattern and were indeed in a positive bubble regime. Contrary to the popular belief that the 2020 US stock market crash was mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have shown that COVID merely served as sparks and the 2020 U.S. stock market crash had stemmed from the increasingly systemic instability of the stock market itself. We also performed the complementary post-mortem analysis of the 2020 U.S. stock market crash. Our analyses indicate that the probability density distributions of the critical time for these four indexes are positively skewed; the 2020 U.S. stock market crash originated from a bubble that had begun to form as early as September 2018; and the bubble profiles for stocks with different levels of total market capitalizations have distinct temporal patterns. This study not only sheds new light on the makings of the 2020 U.S. stock market crash but also creates a novel pipeline for future real-time crash detection and mechanism dissection of any financial market and/or economic index.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between economic policy uncertainty (EPU) and housing price at the macro-level in China as a developing country. The empirical evidence indicates that EPU has a leading effect on China’s housing market. In general, the housing market is prosperous when economic policy is stable and there is a positive relationship between housing price variation and EPU, which means housing market risk grows under unstable economic policies in this developing economy. Moreover, economic policy variation affects low-amplitude changes in housing prices. A variation of policy uncertainty enhances the risk premium of the housing market. By contrast, the level of EPU influences high-amplitude changes in housing prices, which reflects the trend of EPU dominating China's housing market.  相似文献   


Spatial variations in entrepreneurial activity have been shown to be a time persistent phenomenon in many countries. This paper analyses how these spatial variations have been affected by the recent financial crisis within the context of theories of regional resilience and adaptability. The analysis applies Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis techniques to data on firm births across Local Authority Districts of Great Britain during the period 2004–2012. The results demonstrate that, whilst the overall shape of the spatial distribution of firm births remained persistent, there is evidence of an increase in regional inequality. This is primarily associated with a divergence between London and the rest of the distribution. London, together with part of its surrounding area, appears to constitute a resilient entrepreneurial regime that has generated a dynamic, adaptive response to the crisis with high rates of new firm formation in contrast to other regions which have remained locked into lower rates of entrepreneurship. This supports the view that regional entrepreneurship is a path dependent process: entrepreneurial regions are more adaptable to the effects of an exogenous shock than less entrepreneurial regions. Accordingly, entrepreneurship is a critical factor influencing the resilience of regions in responding to an economic crisis.  相似文献   

This longitudinal case study in a Japanese owned manufacturing company examines the relationship between union‐based representation and organisation and other forms of employee voice. The study covers the period before and after the passage of the Employment Relations Act 1999. During that period the Company voluntarily agreed to the recognition of an independent trade union at the same time as abandoning a pre‐existing employee works council and its replacement by a Japanese‐style company advisory board. The study investigates, inter alia, how far, and to what extent the inpending EU directive establishing mechanisms for employee information and consultation could influence existing trade union representation and organisation.  相似文献   

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