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近年来,随着金融的全球化趋势及金融市场的波动性加剧,商业银行的信用风险管理一直是国内外金融界关注的焦点.目前,我国商业银行的发展只处于起步阶段,信用风险管理体系还不健全,为此,应建立有效的风险预警管理,树立良好的银行信用文化,有针对性地加强信用风险管理. 相似文献
近年来,随着金融的全球化趋势及金融市场的波动性加剧,商业银行的信用风险管理一直是国内外金融界关注的焦点。目前,我国商业银行的发展只处于起步阶段,信用风险管理体系还不健全,为此,应建立有效的风险预警管理,树立良好的银行信用文化,有针对性地加强信用风险管理。 相似文献
浅议我国商业银行信用风险管理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
一、商业银行信用风险及信用风险管理 (一)商业银行信用风险 信用风险(Credit Risk),即贷款者违约风险,指商业银行的贷款客户在贷款到期时发生财务困难,不归还贷款本金和支付利息的风险;是由于借款人或市场交易对方违约而导致损失的可能性,以及由于借款人的信用评级的变动和履约能力的变化导致其债务的市场价值变动而引起的损失的可能性. 相似文献
随着我国金融体制改革步伐的加快和金融业开放程度的提高,国内银行业日益面临参与国际竞争的严峻挑战。在金融全球化的新形式下,我国商业银行必须借鉴国际上先进的信用风险管理经验,强化信用风险管理,适应《巴塞尔协议》新框架的需要。始于2007年的波及全球的美国次贷危机,对我国商业银行具有重要的警示作用,所以很有必要对我国商业银行的信用风险管理进行探讨。 相似文献
随着经济全球化和一体化进程的不断推进,金融发展已经与国民经济不可分割.我国商业银行在金融市场中占据了主导地位.面对现今复杂的经济金融市场环境,对于商业银行来说,在经营过程中面临着各种风险,其中尤为突出的是信用风险,这种风险越来越复杂,出现的概率越来越常态化,这样对于商业银行的风险管理来说压力不断的增大.通过对商业银行信... 相似文献
目前,我国商业银行的风险管理水平还相对较低,与外国商业银行的信用风险管理水平还有比较大的差距。在对商业银行信用风险成因进行比较分析的基础上,指出我国的商业银行在进行自身的风险管理时存在的问题,提出通过加强内部控制、外部监管,完善信用评级等措施来解决我国商业银行体系范围内所存在的风险管理相对落后的问题,力图在风险管理方面取得良好成效。 相似文献
商业银行信贷的信用风险管理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目前我国形成了以中国人民银行为领导的、三大政策性银行及四大国有商业银行为主体,包括多家股份制全国性和区域性的商业银行及外资银行在内的银行体系。中国在入世谈判中允诺逐步开放银行及其他金融服务业。面对外资银行的竞争,我国商业 相似文献
我国商业银行运营中面临的风险众多,其中最主要的一种就是信用风险,如果不能做到有效的风险规避与管理,将会对商业银行的正常营业造成极大的困扰.基于此种严峻形势,本文中对商业银行信用风险管理问题进行了深入剖析,希望为同行提供借鉴. 相似文献
试论我国商业银行的金融创新 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
加入WTO后,我国商业银行已不可能依靠对外资银行的限制来对国内银行业进行保护,中资银行将直接面对国际金融市场的竞争,直接面对资金实力雄厚、管理手段先进、服务质量高效的国外金融机构的竞争。要在竞争中求生存、谋发展,惟有加快金融创新的步伐。 相似文献
Robert A. Eisenbeis Paul M. Horvitz Rebel A. Cole 《Journal of Regulatory Economics》1996,10(3):275-290
This paper examines the performance of Texas commercial banks specializing in mortgage lending during the difficult times of the late 1980s and early 1990s to investigate how representative their experience as compared with that of banks concentrating in real estate lending across the country. The results show that Texas REBs performed very poorly during the 1980s and early 1990s, but this was because the Texas REBs were clearly different from the majority of the banks classified as REBs in the rest of the country. In contract to non-Texas real estate specializing banks, those in Texas banks put substantial assets into much riskier construction and development loans, and in loans on commercial property, such as office buildings, hotels and shopping centers. In a poor real estate market, these loans performed very poorly. The analysis indicates that the Texas experience is not a basis for rejecting the view that the commercial bank industry can safely replace the declining thrift industry as a major source of residential mortgage financing. 相似文献
《International Review of Economics & Finance》2007,16(3):429-443
This paper investigates Japanese banks' earnings management behavior under three distinct economic environments: (1) high-growth with asset price bubble economy (1985–1990); (2) stagnant growth with financial distress economy (1991–1996); and (3) severe recession with credit crunch economy (1997–1999). Using bank balance sheet information of 78 Japanese banks, we find that earnings management behavior by Japanese banks differ considerably across the three periods. Our results indicate that banks used security gains as a means to manage earnings throughout all three periods. We also find that banks used loan loss provisions to manage earnings; however, this behavior is only prevalent during the first two periods. Due to the fact that banks faced record-high non-performing loans during the latter severe recession period, banks on average may have been restrained from using loan loss provisions to smooth income and/or to replenish regulatory capital. Consistent with previous studies, we find that the Japanese banks significantly lowered their lending with increased provisions. 相似文献
We are grateful to Andrew Economopoulos and to Charles Kahn for comments; to an anonymous referee for several helpful suggestions; and to the Research Board of the University of Illinois for providing support. 相似文献
中小商业银行持续较快发展受资产结构的影响和制约越来越突出,时下正在推进的信贷资产证券化业务为其优化资产结构提供了一条新路子。中小银行探索信贷资产证券化,有利于改进资产的流动性结构、盈利性结构和信贷结构,提高资产使用效率及资本节约,被释放出来的资本可用以支持资产结构优化。中小银行开展信贷资产证券化业务有着诸多有利条件,但必须防范战略风险和信用风险。 相似文献
Southeast Asian financial liberalization policies have enthused both performance evaluation (a pro) and earnings management (a con). Using a sample of ASEAN commercial banks for the period 2007–2014, this study decomposes their banking performance into managerial and profitability efficiencies. An efficiency analysis reveals that Singaporean banks obtained the highest overall and profitability efficiencies, while Bruneian banks had the lowest rates of banking performance. In the stage of managerial efficiency, the most inefficient banks are those of the Philippines, whereas the greatest level is related to Malaysian banks. A frontier projection analysis suggests that Singaporean banks and Malaysian banks are generally more efficient in managing their expenditures and long-term assets in generating income in the long run. With respect to the con, a regression analysis indicates that loan loss provisions are negatively related to banking performance. Overall, it is advisable that policy makers with oversight function should promote performance evaluation from a multidimensional perspective, and keep an eye on estimates of loan loss provisions at banks over years because increases/decreases in loan loss provisions mean decreases/increases in net income or return on assets. 相似文献
The lagging development of many minority communities has had an adverse effect on economic growth in the United States. One factor historically associated with creating or exacerbating this minority problem is the unwillingness of banks to service minority communities adequately. The federal government used two initiatives to address banks' reluctance to aid minorities: the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) that ended the practice of redlining and required all federally regulated banks to demonstrate that they served the convenience and credit needs of their local communities, particularly minorities, women, and other underserved groups, and the establishment and preservation of minority owned banks that were expected to be more sympathetic to the needs of their communities. This paper evaluates the extent to which minority banks have met the needs of minority communities. The assessment is conducted in the context of the ratings received by minority banks on their Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) audits. Through the use of CRA audits, the performance of minority banks is also compared to the performance of the general banking community to determine the validity and success of the government's minority banking initiative. Analysis of CRA audit ratings also compares the performance of minority banks among different ethnicities. 相似文献
中国商业银行经营多元化的实证研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
衡量企业经营多元化程度的Entropy 指标对中国商业银行的多元化经营绩效及引致风险有着重要作用, 从经营多元化程度与利润变异系数呈现微弱的负相关性及股份制商业银行的经营多元化指数与利润变异系数呈现较强的正相关性的分析研究看,中国商业银行实施多元化经营战略要谨慎而行,避免自身资源过度分散而对主营优势业务产生“挤出效应”。 相似文献
This paper presents evidence that extreme negative shocks for the global systemically important banks (GSIBs) are contagious to Australian banks. Our logit regression models predict transmission of adverse extreme shocks in the distance to default (DD) of GSIBs to the Australian banks. While most previous studies consider contagion across national stock markets, we investigate the degree of contagion risk for Australian banks spreading from GSIBs. Our results point to the critical importance for the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) (2015) to closely observe and monitor developments across the major GSIBs and direct appropriate local policy measures accordingly. 相似文献
杨槐璋 《经济理论与经济管理》2001,(6):17-20
就目前而言,我国四大国有商业银行产权属性均属于国有独资产权制度。所有权属全民所有,这种制度特征表现为:一是国有商业银行本身不具有完整意义上的独立产权形式和资格,因而没有完全处置财产和经营的条件;二是国有商业银行和国有企业作为债权和债务人最终属于产权主体-国家所有。为此,双方并无本质意义的借贷交易,而更像是“内源融资”,对银行资金的使用近似于一种公共资源;三是多年来国有商业银行实施了一系列内部体制改革,然而,始终未涉及到体制的重大转换,没有出现产权属性的变化。 相似文献