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"综合分析"的概念与方法 应用综合分析对顾客信息进行定量处理已有近30年的历史.Haar则将这一分析方法具体应用于对顾客所认定的产品或服务的某项性能和特性的价值进行评估,以便公司进行设计的权衡决策.传统分析法(所谓分解分析)是对各项性能和特性分别进行评估的,而综合分析则是对将完整的产品概念提供给顾客进行评估. 相似文献
基于竞争性顾客价值的中间产品顾客满意 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文从战略角度出发,提出了企业在实施顾客满意度调查时应注意的两个方面:顾客价值和水平对比;分析了中间产品与最终产品在实施顾客满意度调查上的区别;结合上海日立电器有限公司开展中间产品顾客满意度调查实践,进行了探讨。 相似文献
营销经理们所面临的最大挑战之一,就是怎样将“顾客的声音”设计入新的产品和服务中去。本文提出一种对公司所提供的产品和服务进行“精调”的三步法,并以一个办公设备行业的高新科技跨国公司的案例说明:如何使用“联合分析法”来消除公司与其顾客间的信息脱节-即公司打算提供的价值与顾客所期望的价值间的差距,设计并提供高价值的新产品和服务。 相似文献
对顾客份额的产生背景进行分析,通过顾客份额策略与市场份额策略的关系比较,提出了顾客份额的基本观点以及顾客份额策略的适用条件。将顾客份额运用到顾客终身价值模型中,提出了一个新的顾客终身价值模型。最后,给出了顾客份额对我国企业营销实践的有关启示。 相似文献
顾客竞争性评价是顾客满意度的一个重要组成部分,对提高企业的市场竞争力起着越来越重要的作用。本文提出了顾客竞争性评价一般程序和方法,并给出了应用实例。 相似文献
创造与提升顾客价值的新途径 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在当今市场经济竞争十分激烈的环境下,一个企业的生存、发展完全取决于它能为顾客创造及提升价值。只有当企业为顾客做出贡献,提升顾客价值,企业才能获得顾客价值的回报即销售收入及利润。因此,每一个企业管理者应积极探索创造及提升顾客价值的途径。 相似文献
在激烈的市场竞争中 ,企业生存、发展主要靠内部的管理与创新。一方面是向顾客提供领先的产品 ,提高产品竞争力 ,一方面为顾客提供优质服务 ,提高顾客满意度。这就要求企业能使自己的产品在顾客需要的多个方面领先于对手 ,而且要为顾客提供超越竞争对手的让渡价值。因此 ,研究并重视顾客让渡价值就显得非常重要。一、顾客让渡价值的意义顾客让渡价值是指顾客总价值与顾客总成本之间的差额。顾客总价值是指顾客购买某一产品与服务所期望获得的一组利益 ,包括产品价值、服务价值、人员价值和形象价值等。顾客总成本是指顾客为购买某一产品所耗… 相似文献
美国顾客满意度指数的实证分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
在美国的总体经济状况指标中,有一个非金融性统计指标,那就是美国顾客满意度指数ACSI。该指数每季度发布一次,包括全美国近200家企业和政府部门的顾客满意度。通过对ACSI的统计分析,我们发现,顾客满意不仅是一种现代企业的经营理念,还是提高企业竞争能力和经济效益的普遍适用的重要手段。1美国顾客满意度指数ACSI顾客满意是指顾客通过对一个产品/服务的感知效果或结果与其期望值相比较后,所形成的愉悦或失望的感觉状态,而满意度则是顾客满意水平的量化。美国顾客满意度指数的设计目的,就是要反映整个国家的经济状… 相似文献
高山 《北京市经济管理干部学院学报》2014,(4):33-38
顾客忠诚是顾客保持与企业良好关系的强烈意愿,企业实行会员制的最终目的是提高顾客的忠诚度。本文以深圳市城市客栈为研究对象,通过问卷调查和实证分析得出结论:顾客的期望、顾客对产品和服务的感知以及顾客对价值的感知影响顾客的忠诚;长期性、可靠性、人际关系、企业形象声誉,影响顾客的忠诚;机会成本、沉没成本、风险成本、搜索成本和认知成本,影响顾客的忠诚。在管理上,应通过提高会员满意度、会员关系信任、会员转换成本建立顾客忠诚。 相似文献
The rise in front-end service outsourcing in recent years, despite its advantages, has also exposed buyer firms to unique challenges. One of the most salient risks for buyer firms in service triads is service failure due to the service provider. Indeed such service failures may be more costly for firms due to the greater relational and operational costs that may arise from the presence of the third-party provider. Yet, neither the services literature nor extant operations literature on service triads has paid much attention to the financial consequences to the buyer firm – i.e., service risks – of such service failures in triads. To fill this gap, we investigate the financial penalty of service failures due to the service provider using the event study methodology and a sample of 146 customer information security breaches as our empirical context. Analysis of the abnormal returns reveals that service failures due to the front-end service provider lead to greater shareholder losses than such failures due to the buyer firm. This provides important new insight into the financial risks arising from outsourcing front-end services. Further, we investigate the ability of the buyer firm's employee and financial resources to temper these shareholder losses. We find that buyer firm employee productivity can moderate the greater financial penalty associated with such triadic service failures but that buyer firm leverage tends to not have such a mitigating effect. This provides new guidance for theory and practice regarding how buyer firms can position themselves to buffer the financial risks arising from service failures due to front-end service providers. 相似文献
Gary Warnaby Jill Finney 《International Journal of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Marketing》2005,10(3):183-195
- Public sector organisations are being increasingly subjected to both legislative and competitive pressures forcing them to reconsider their relationships with users and customers (Chapman and Cowdell, 1998 ) in order to develop a more overt marketing orientation (defined as focusing on customer needs as the primary drivers of organisational performance (Jobber, 2004 )). The creation of customer value underlies the development of a meaningful marketing orientation, and is a nettle that more public sector and not‐for‐profit organisations will have to grasp. This article considers how a more marketing‐oriented approach was adopted by the British Library in order to clarify and communicate its value proposition to its identified target markets, and in doing so, hopefully achieving a sustainable competitive advantage on an ongoing basis.
Art T. Weinstein Donovan A. McFarlane 《International Journal of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Marketing》2017,22(1)
Libraries have a rich tradition of solid customer service. Good service today, however, is often not good enough. Libraries can improve the customer experience by understanding what it means to truly deliver outstanding value. Implementing customer‐centric marketing and the latest technology can increase the perceived value of library usage before, during, and after service delivery. The evolving library experience framework explains how library administrators can prepare for current challenges and future changes to enhance customer service. A customer value‐based services perspective will help libraries strengthen overall user experiences to keep a larger “share of customer” from formidable information rivals such as search engines, online databases, news sources, video sharing sites, internet service providers, and content creators. 相似文献
客户关系管理和数据挖掘都是近几年发展起来的新兴学科,对现代企业的发展有着举足轻重的作用。聚类是数据挖掘中的典型算法,其中的K-均值算法是最基本的算法,由该算法产生了许多经典而高效的算法。文章对数据挖掘成果进行了归纳,深入研究了K-均值算法,并将其运用在客户关系管理的客户分类中,这对研究数据挖掘中的其他算法是很有利的。 相似文献
营销模式变革凸显顾客价值 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
过往的百年,是营销领域从孕育、生长到壮大发展的百年,是营销管理思想不断创新与丰富的百年.在营销领域差不多每隔十年就会产生创新的思想、创新的作法,营销思想的创新是营销领域前进的动力和知识源泉. 相似文献
An increasing number of firms are outsourcing customer support to external service providers. This creates a triadic setting in which an outsourcing provider serves end customers on behalf of its clients. While outsourcing presents an opportunity to serve customers, service providers differ in their motivation and ability to fulfill customer needs. Prior research suggests that firms with a strong customer focus have an intrinsic motivation to address customer needs. We suggest that in an outsourcing context, this intrinsic motivation does not suffice. Using a Motivation–Opportunity–Ability framework, we posit that the effect of a provider's customer focus will be moderated by a set of relational, firm, and customer characteristics that affect its ability to serve end customers. We test our conceptualization among 171 outsourcing clients from the Netherlands and then validate these results among 135 Indian outsourcing providers. The findings reveal that customer-focused providers achieve higher levels of customer need fulfillment but this effect is contingent on their ability to serve end customers. In particular, customer-focused providers more effectively fulfill customer needs when clients and providers share close relational ties, when clients also have a high level of customer focus, and when end customer needs exhibit a low degree of turbulence. In addition, we find that, in turbulent markets, equipment-related services offer greater opportunity for effective customer need fulfillment than other outsourced services. 相似文献