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本文采用文本分析技术提取年报研发文本信息,并从分析师预测角度解读其信息价值.研究发现:(1)R&D文本信息显著降低了分析师预测偏差及分歧度,而且信息透明度发挥了中介效应.(2)R&D文本信息披露越多,未来三年的创新产出以及政府研发补助越多,说明企业倾向于选择性披露有利于企业的研发信息.(3)企业披露动机越强,分析师获取私有信息的能力越弱,R&D文本信息对分析师预测偏差和分歧度的降低作用越显著.以上结论说明我国年报R&D文本信息具有一定信息含量,对分析师来讲“多说有益”.本文从研发文本视角以及分析师预测角度验证了我国年报文本信息的积极效应,有助于丰富R&D以及分析师预测文献.  相似文献   

研发支出的信息披露实际上是向市场传递了研发项目进展情况及未来盈利能力的信号,同时代表了企业创新与可持续发展的能力,是投资者进行投资决策的重要依据.但我国目前关于研发支出的信息披露规则不完善,导致企业有选择性地进行披露,致使市场过度反应,进而误导投资者.本文通过对重庆啤酒乙肝疫苗案例的全面分析,提出我国上市公司研发支出信息披露的对策建议.  相似文献   

本文以中国A股非金融行业上市公司为研究对象,以2007-2012年为样本期间,实证检验了非流动资产处置损益的价值相关性问题.研究发现,非流动资产处置损益具有显著的价值相关性,对股票价格和股票收益率有较强的解释能力.进一步分行业检验,发现制造业、信息技术等7个行业的非流动资产处置损益与股票价格和股票收益率存在显著相关关系;社会服务业、传播与文化等5个行业的非流动资产处置损益与股票价格和股票收益率没有显著相关关系.因此,在财务报告中披露非流动资产处置损益信息能够提高报表信息的透明度,有利于投资者对公司的盈利能力作出正确的判断,同时也为监管部门加强对非流动资产处置的监管提供参考.  相似文献   

R&D活动可以使企业获得持续性竞争优势。企业家作为企业的领导者,在面对投入高、风险大、不确定性极强的企业R&D活动时,推动作用不可忽视。本文选取2012~2014年深圳证券交易所创业板上市公司中已披露R&D信息的240家制造业企业为样本进行实证分析,研究结果表明:研发投入可以正向增进企业价值;企业家的异质性特征对企业研发投入和企业价值的关系有调节作用。基于研究结果和我国企业研发活动现状,提出如下政策建议:首先,应进一步增强研发意识,加大研发资金投入;其次,保持合理的企业家持股比例;最后,建立适度的政治关联战略。  相似文献   

王宗美  李军训 《时代金融》2013,(17):198+200
提高信息披露质量,能够缓解代理问题,减少信息不对称程度,切实保护中小投资者的利益。控股股东侵占外部投资者的利益主要通过资金占用、制定有利于自身的现金股利支付策略。高质量的信息披露可以约束控股股东机会主义行为,保障中小投资者的知情权。以2009~2011年深市的纺织行业上市公司为样本,建立多元回归模型,对信息披露质量与资金占用、公司价值和现金股利支付率之间的关系进行研究。  相似文献   

高质量的研发信息披露可以发挥创新信号传递的正能量,有利于展现企业创新实力,提升企业价值,对高新技术企业尤为如此。本文以2008-2011年高新技术企业上市公司为样本进行研究后发现,我国高新技术企业研发信息的披露比例逐年提高、披露内容不断增加,但存在着研发投入总额披露缺失、披露出处不统一等不足。随后从国家和企业两个视角剖析其主要原因,并相应提出对策建议。  相似文献   

本文探讨了企业战略差异度对会计信息价值相关性的影响。研究发现,当企业战略越偏离行业常规战略时,所有者权益的价值相关性就越高,而净利润的价值相关性则越低。在控制了企业破产风险、盈余持续性、收入成长性、企业成熟度和股票流动性等公司层面特征的影响之后,本文结论仍然保持不变。这表明,在股票定价过程中,投资者同时关注会计信息和战略信息。而且,投资者对会计信息的理解依赖于战略信息。因此,增加战略信息的披露有助于投资者更好地理解财务报表。本文的研究对于改进公司信息披露制度,以及更好地认识会计信息的价值相关性都具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   

本文通过网络爬虫技术收集了上市公司在“上证e互动”与投资者的问答记录,对上市公司与投资者之间的互动质量进行度量,进而实证分析了上市公司—投资者互动质量与股票价格信息效率之间的关系。结果发现:在控制其它因素之后,上市公司—投资者互动质量与股票价格信息效率之间呈现显著的正相关关系,且这种正向关系在低审计师质量、低分析师关注及高机构投资者比例的公司尤为明显。在进一步的分析中,我们还发现上市公司与投资者之间高质量的互动通过降低信息不对称水平,来影响股票价格信息效率;上市公司与投资者之间高质量的互动还可以降低盈余公告漂移效应。本文重点关注了网络互动平台信息披露的“互动性”的特征,考察了上市公司与投资者之间的互动质量对股票价格信息效率的影响,丰富了网络互动平台文本分析的研究。  相似文献   

本文基于2011~2017年中国沪深A股上市公司的面板数据,实证检验了商业信用再配置对企业研发(R&D)投入的影响机制,并探讨了投资者情绪在商业信用再配置与企业R&D投入之间的调节效应。研究结果表明:企业的R&D投入与其在商业信用再配置中获得的商业信用显著正相关,投资者情绪在商业信用再配置与企业R&D投入的正向关系中具有负向调节效应,即高涨投资者情绪会弱化商业信用再配置对企业R&D投入的正向效果。研究结论有助于从非理性视角理解商业信用再配置对企业R&D投入的影响效应,对上市公司、政府监管部门进行科学决策具有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

当前,我国企业研发成本资本化核算与国际会计准则逐步接轨.但是在实务中,企业研发支出资本化还存在一定的不足.因此,本文对生物医药企业研发支出资本化问题进行研究,探索生物医药企业研发支出资本化信息披露规范的建议,旨在为企业研发支出资本化的实务提供理论依据与实践指导.  相似文献   

刘瑞琳  李丹 《金融研究》2022,508(10):170-188
提高资本市场资源配置效率是注册制推行的重要目标之一,本文以此为出发点,构建了多期倍分法(DID)模型,探究了科创板(试点注册制)公司信息披露对同行业公司的溢出效应。研究发现,科创板公司信息披露会促使同行业公司提高研发投入,且该效应随着信息披露内容的丰富、精确度的增加而有所提高。机制分析表明,该溢出效应源自信息不确定性的降低和竞争压力的产生。同时,创板信息披露提高了同行业公司管理层对创新的认知程度以及增加了媒体关注度,进而促进公司研发投入。进一步研究发现,同行业公司研发投入受到正向溢出效应影响的同时,固定资产投入有所降低,投资结构的改变最终导致投资效率提升,显著抑制了过度投资。本文为强制性信息披露的溢出效应研究提供了因果证据,也为注册制改革政策效果的全面评估提供了支持。  相似文献   

以高科技企业为样本,研究其在研发投入实现价值创造过程中由创新深度和创新广度两个因素所产生的中介效应.结果表明:我国高科技企业研发费用率与企业的 ROA 和 ROE 呈显著正向关系,研发费用率与企业价值不相关.研发费用率与研发广度之间的相关性不显著,研发费用率与创新深度之间在1%的显著性水平下呈现显著的正相关关系,研发费用率越高,创新深度越强,创新广度与创新深度是企业研发费用率与企业绩效之间的显著中介变量,但创新广度与创新深度不是企业研发费用率与企业市场价值之间的显著中介变量.  相似文献   

R&D的重要性及其信息披露方式的改进   总被引:69,自引:2,他引:69  
本文以在上海证交所上市的公司为研究对象 ,以 1995 - 1999年作为研究考察区间 ,考察了我国上市公司R&D信息披露现状及R&D信息披露对我国上市公司会计信息有用性的影响。研究结果表明 ,企业对R&D信息的不当披露是导致我国上市公司会计信息有用性逐年下降的重要因素之一。在借鉴国外对R&D信息披露规范的基础上 ,我们提出了改进我国上市公司R&D信息披露的建议  相似文献   

The substantial growth of R&D expenditures over the last two decades, together with the continuous substitution of knowledge (intangible) capital for physical (tangible) capital in corporate production functions, has elevated the importance of R&D in the performance of business enterprises. At the same time, however, the evaluation of corporate R&D activities by investors is seriously hampered by antiquated accounting rules and insufficient disclosure by corporations. Despite the fact that the expected benefits of R&D stretch over extended periods of time, corporate investments in R&D are immediately written off in financial reports, leaving no trace of R&D capital on balance sheets and causing material distortions of reported profitability. After a brief review of statistics documenting the growth and economic importance of corporate R&D in the U.S., the article presents a comparison of R&D disclosure regulations among industrialized nations that shows U.S. rules to be the least flexible in allowing management discretion in how they measure and report R&D. Next the author surveys the large and growing body of empirical research on R&D, which provides strong testimony to the substantial contribution of R&D to corporate productivity and shareholder value. Moreover, despite widespread allegations of stock market “short termism” throughout the 1980s and early '90s, the research indicates “unequivocally” that capital markets consider investments in R&D as a significant value-increasing activity. But if investors clearly demonstrate a willingness to take the long view of R&D, there is also evidence of undervaluation of some R&D-intensive companies—particularly those with low profitability—as well as other potential costs to corporations and investors stemming from inadequate public information about R&D. To help correct the reporting biases and distortions of R&D, the author offers some suggestions for investors and analysts that follow R&D-intensive companies. In particular, he proposes (1) adjustment of reported data to reflect the capitalization and amortization of (instead of expensing) corporate R&D and (2) the use of various quantitative measures for gauging research capabilities and output, including citations of the firm's patents and measures indicating the share of current revenues coming from products developed within recent years.  相似文献   

随着企业R&D投入的不断增长,R&D支出会计选择的经济后果变得重要。我国新会计准则由R&D费用化政策转为可选择的有条件资本化政策,面对会计政策的变迁,研究上市公司管理层R&D资本化选择的动机与影响因素成为首要问题。选取2007~2010年高新技术行业公司为样本,研究发现,大规模企业、国有控股公司、机构投资者持股比例越高的公司管理层倾向于选择资本化R&D政策,"四大"审计并未抑制R&D资本化,而债务融资约束不能解释R&D资本化选择动机。我国上市公司管理层选择资本化R&D会计政策既有提高和平滑利润的盈余管理动机,亦有向市场传递研发信号的动机。  相似文献   

The Credibility of Voluntary Disclosure and Insider Stock Transactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examine stock price reaction to voluntary disclosure of innovation strategy by high‐tech firms and its relation with insider stock transactions before the disclosure. We find that, despite the qualitative and subjective nature of strategy‐related disclosure, there is positive stock price reaction to the disclosure. The evidence suggests that investors view the disclosure as credible good news. We also find that the disclosure is associated with more positive stock price reaction when it is preceded by insider purchase transactions. This evidence is consistent with insider purchase enhancing the credibility of the disclosure. The credibility‐enhancing effect is found to be stronger for firms with higher degrees of information asymmetry (younger firms, firms with lower analyst following, loss firms, and firms with higher research and development (R&D) intensity). Our evidence also indicates that predisclosure insider purchase is associated with greater future abnormal returns, suggesting that managers are privy to good news shortly before the disclosure.  相似文献   

Many previous studies document a positive relation between research and development (R&D) and equity value. Though R&D can increase equity value by increasing firm value, it can also increase equity value at the expense of bondholder wealth through an increase in firm risk because equity is analogous to a call option on the underlying firm value. Shi [2003] tests this hypothesis by examining the relation between a firm's R&D intensity and its bond ratings and risk premiums at issuance. His results show that the net effect of R&D is negative for bondholders. We reexamine Shi's [2003] findings and in so doing make three contributions to the literature. First, we find that Shi's [2003] results are sensitive to the method of measuring R&D intensity. When we use what we argue is a better measure of R&D intensity, we find that the net effect of R&D is positive for bondholders. Second, when we use tests that Shi [2003] recognizes are even better than the ones that he uses, we find even stronger evidence of the positive effect of R&D on bondholders. Third, we examine cross‐sectional differences in the effect of R&D on debtholders. Consistent with our main finding, we document a negative relation between R&D increases and default risk. The default risk reduction is also more pronounced for firms with higher initial default scores (where the debtholders have more to gain from an R&D increase) and for firms with more bank debt (where the debtholders have greater covenant protection from the possible detriments associated with R&D increases).  相似文献   

The accounting treatment of exploration expenditure in the extractive industry has historically been a challenging issue for regulators. This paper examines the accounting policies for, and value relevance of, the exploration assets of firms listed on the London Stock Exchange from the oil & gas and mining sectors. The policies used by oil & gas firms range from the relatively conservative Successful Efforts to the most aggressive Full Cost method, whereas mining firms employ a range of policies from the Successful Efforts to the most conservative Expense All method. The results suggest that the income statements of Main Market-listed extractive firms contain value relevant information regardless of the policy followed by the firm. There is no significant difference between the value relevance of exploration asset disclosures by Main Market-listed oil & gas firms following the Successful Efforts or Full Cost methods. For AIM-listed oil & gas companies only the Full Cost method provides value relevant information on exploration assets. In the mining sector, exploration-related asset disclosures are only value relevant for AIM-listed firms following the Expense All method. The results suggest that flexibility in accounting for exploration expenditure is necessary to facilitate the disclosure of value relevant accounting information.  相似文献   

利用中国股票市场和高技术产业1997~2009年的面板数据,分别建立股票市场的融资规模和流动性对高技术产业的R&D内部资金支出、新产品产值以及经DEA分析得到全要素生产率影响的回归模型,考察股票市场融资规模和流动性对高技术产业技术进步的影响,结果显示股票市场融资规模的扩大将有助于高技术产业技术进步;而股票市场流动性对处于不同产业发展阶段的高技术产业影响效应不同,当高技术产业处于创业阶段,股票市场流动性对其技术进步作用不显著,而高技术产业处于二次创业产业化阶段,股票市场流动性对其技术进步具有明显的推动作用。  相似文献   

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