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The term NGO has been used more specifically to encompass nonprofit organizations engaged in international programs. In recent years, what Professor Lester Salamon of the Institute of Policy Studies of Johns Hopkins University has referred to as the ‘nonprofit sector’ seems popular worldwide. He defines nonprofit organizations as ‘organizations that share seven common features: they are formally constituted; organizationally separate from government; non‐profit‐seeking; self‐governing; voluntary to some significant degree; nonreligious; and nonpolitical (Salamon and Anheier 1994).’ To avoid confusion, the term ‘NGO’ is used in this paper in reference to nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations that are independent from any particular government office or private corporation and which are pursuing public interests.  相似文献   

The advent of Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT) exposes large swathes of local authority services to private sector competition. The challenge facing those in local government who wish to protect in-house services is how to adjust to a new commercial contracting culture without losing the values of public service.

The Audit Commission argues that such a culture requires a hard split between the Council as a client, who sets service standards and ensures value for money and its contractor side that concerns itself with performing to standard and price.

This article looks at both the legal and operational impetus for such a client-contractor split, from a DSO (Direct Service Organisation) perspective, and examines the strategic issues raised for local authority reorganisation.  相似文献   

何辉东 《新财经》2008,(3):88-89
随着北京奥运会的临近,人们对这项全球体育盛事的热情也越来越高。由于这届奥运会开在了家门口,我们对“奥林匹克”这四个字也有了更深的了解和认知——奥林匹克是一种竞技精神,一种生活态度,一种人生哲学,一种和谐、自由、健康、积极的现代伦理。奥运会给我们带来的已不仅仅是享受比赛这样简单,她有太多的内涵。  相似文献   

陈初昇 《特区经济》2007,(12):289-290
建设效率政府是我国经济社会发展的必然要求,而目前我国地方政府效率普遍低下,构建合理的地方政府绩效管理体系是建设效率型政府的有效途径。  相似文献   

南京市自2016年开始尝试使用区块链技术推进政务数据全面归集,在实践过程中笔者发现区块链除了可以解决数据归集问题外,在支撑跨部门业务协同办理方面也具有天然优势,并利用其智能合约特性进行了业务场景实践,取得了显著成效。文章首先简述了目前"互联网+政务服务"在推进中遇到的难点问题,介绍了南京市利用区块链技术在实现政务数据全面归集中的建设成果,然后对区块链支撑政务业务协同新模式的优势进行了归纳分析,阐述了智能合约技术在跨部门业务协同中发挥的作用,并在此基础上总结南京市应用研究成果,对"区块链+政务服务"未来发展进行了规划和展望。  相似文献   

中国县级政府电子政务实践:现存问题及应对措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩辉  秦竟芝 《特区经济》2008,(11):219-220
本文分析了基层政府发展电子政务的现状,指出了农村基层政府在推进电子政务过程中出现的问题,并提出了农村基层政府发展电子政务的途径。  相似文献   

This paper constructs a monthly Chinese business condition index (CBCI) by using a mixed-frequency state-space model to incorporate economic indicators from different frequencies. The modeling strategy is necessary to account for the Chinese labor market conditions. When choosing the components, we pay special attention to the reliability of Chinese data by avoiding the variables that are likely subject to government manipulation or mismeasurement. Comparisons of the CBCI and official indicators show discrepancies before 2009 and consistency afterwards, supporting the argument that Chinese official data improve markedly after 2008. An out-of-sample prediction justifies the usefulness of the CBCI in forecasting the private sector's perception of the business conditions.  相似文献   

关于外资银行在华业务发展的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古洁 《特区经济》2010,(3):84-85
20世纪90年代以来,随着中国市场经济的高速和纵深发展,国际贸易总额不断扩大,中国成了外资银行业务拓展的重要目标。这些拥有成熟市场营销理念、营销策略、营销手段的外资银行的涌入,给中资银行带来了一定的经营压力,使中国银行业竞争日趋激烈。但由于受资本规模、经营网点、业务品种、客户资源较少,以及金融监管较严格等因素的限制,在业务拓展上遇到较多困难。本文结合外资银行在中国业务发展的特点,就外资银行如何发挥自身优势,充分扬长避短,有效开拓中国业务展开探讨。  相似文献   

A key question in the design of public assistance to the needy is how allocation of responsibility for funding and decision-making across different levels of government influences the level and type of assistance provided. The New Deal era was a period in which this allocation changed significantly in the United States, as provision of public assistance shifted from local governments to states and the federal government, accompanied by a large increase in government transfer payments. Focusing on assistance to the elderly and using variation in state laws governing the division of funding between local and state governments for the Old Age Assistance (OAA) Program, this paper investigates the responsiveness of OAA payments and recipiency to local government funding shares. Payments per elderly resident were significantly lower in states with higher local funding shares, driven largely by reductions in recipiency. The baseline results suggest that had local governments needed to fund half of OAA payments in 1939, on the lower end of local funding shares prior to the New Deal, the share of the elderly receiving OAA would have been 5 percent rather than 22 percent, and perhaps even lower. More speculative results suggest that greater local funding led to lower representation of blacks among OAA recipients relative to their share of the population, particularly in the South.  相似文献   

《World development》1999,27(1):115-136
This article provides evidence from a sample of 12 developing countries that countries which improved state-owned enterprise performance the most followed a comprehensive strategy of reforms, including a combination of privatization and corporatization. Further evidence that corporatization works better in combination with ownership and other reforms is provided through an analysis of government contracts with public managers, private managers and private owners. Contracts with private managers and owners did better than contracts with public managers in part because the property rights of the former gave them a larger stake in the outcomes. The article analyzes the political economy of state enterprise reform and finds that privatization and corporation have similar political costs and tend to succeed or fail together. Where reform was politically desirable, politically feasible, and credible, countries privatized and corporatized successfully. When countries were not politically ready to reform, alternative ownership strategies were not successful in improving performance.  相似文献   

经济全球化与中国的对外开放   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
浦江 《华东经济管理》2002,16(1):102-104
XML (eXtensibleMarkupLanguage,可扩展标记语言 是由万维网络联盟于 1998年 2月发布的一种标准 ,它以一种开放的自我描述方式定义了数据结构 ,人们可以利用XML的一组规则创建针对特定应用领域的标记语言。cnXML则是基于XML技术建立的一个符合中国大陆商业习惯、传统和商业流  相似文献   

韦夏婵 《特区经济》2007,221(6):174-176
为旅游者提供信息服务是地方旅游行政管理机构的重要职能,其印发的官方旅游指南起着市场上售卖的旅游图书无法替代的作用,但目前这一信息载体并未获得地方政府的重视。本文从出版发行、大小尺寸、内容等方面对中、美两国旅游行政管理机构印发的旅游指南进行比较研究,对改善我国官方旅游指南的出版发行提出了建议。  相似文献   

The abolition of the Nigerian government-instituted commodity marketing boards (CMBs) in 1986 is considered a positive step in view of the boards' method of market intervention, which is criticised as having brought disincentives to producers of agricultural exports. This study argues that, apart from the intervention activities of the CMBs, the lack of proper agricultural reforms in Nigeria would eventually have been equally unfavourable to the agricultural production. It therefore recommends that the authorities revisit three key policy issues, namely education, capital assistance and land reform, to revive production in the agricultural sector.  相似文献   

刘翔 《特区经济》2011,(1):150-151
成熟的市场经济是服务型政府构建与运转的重要基础。文章在论证市场经济的这种基础性作用的基础上,分析了中国市场经济不成熟性的种种表现,并结合服务型政府建设的需要对中国市场经济的完善和发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

现阶段我国政府财务管理暴露出来的问题不少,归结起来大概有4个方面。在信息技术日益发展的今天,政府财务管理能力的提升自然离不开先进的信息化手段。所以我国政府财务管理也必须顺应时代的呼唤,加强信息化进程,全面促进政府财务管理能力的提升。  相似文献   

地方政府作为我国法治政府建设的前沿,起着至关重要的作用。本文简要叙述了目前我国地方政府法治建设的现状,指出了我国地方政府存在的主要问题,并对我国地方政府法治建设的主要内容和重要举措进行了总结。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the government's roles in the healthcare sector in China. The paper begins with an introduction to the Chinese healthcare sector (supply and demand side) and to the current government's roles. It then reviews the recent transformation of the healthcare sector, with an emphasis on the change in the government's roles and the problems resulting from this transformation. The following is an examination of the latest healthcare reform policies and an exploration of pending government roles. Contrary to the opinion that problems existing in Chinese healthcare are primarily caused by market failure, this paper argues that the historically ambiguous and inappropriate roles of government in the provision of health care should be reexamined. This paper concludes that the most important issue facing the Chinese healthcare sector is finding the optimal balance between market and government.  相似文献   

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