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There is general agreement that attitudes towards entrepreneurship are determinant factors to decide to be an entrepreneur. In this context, this research is focused on analyzing the relationship between desirability and feasibility on university student’s intentions to create a new firm in Catalonia. A structural equation model supported by Krueger & Brazeal’s Model was tested with different groups of students. The main results reveal most of university students consider desirable to create a new firm, although the perception of feasibility is not positive. Also, there is a statistical significant and positively relationship between credibility and the intention to create a new firm.
David Urbano (Corresponding author)Email:

The role of values and motivations in understanding the entrepreneurial cognitive process deserves closer attention. So far, the predominant approach has been studying the entrepreneurial intention. This has been a very fruitful avenue of research. However, there is still much to be known to fully understand how the decision to start a venture is formed, and how the individual acts to implement that decision. Values and motivations are closely related, since both of them are linked to the notion of goals. The higher the importance attached to a goal, the more likely the person will form action plans to achieve it. In this paper, we present some ideas on how values and motivations could be integrated into the predominant entrepreneurial intention model. Firstly, we propose that values may help to explain the formation of intention antecedents (e.g., attitudes), and also moderate their effect on the entrepreneurial intention. Secondly, we point to the possibility that values and motivations may also play a role in the intention–action link. In particular, they may be instrumental in overcoming the barriers and obstacles toward effective start-up. In addition, this paper is also an introduction to the special issue, and we present the four papers selected to be included and highlight some of the most interesting aspects of their contributions.  相似文献   

Most research and popular writing includes entrepreneurial role models as an important factor in the decision to start a business. Few, if any, studies compare the influence of business owner role models between two different countries. Further, studies cite the importance of role models for potential entrepreneurs but ignore how the role model process actually works. This study looks at activities that role models might engage in and compares their influence on respondents in the US and Mexico. This is the first study that examines differences in role model influence between two countries. Ten of the variables are significantly different between respondents in the two countries. Nine of the differences were rated as being significantly more influential among Mexican students than US students while only one variable was rated as being significantly less influential. Results of the study, especially as related to the specific influence of role models on career intentions, may be relevant in designing entrepreneurship programs. The results may also be appropriate in courses that discuss entrepreneurship in different countries (e.g., international entrepreneurship). The results may also be relevant in family businesses where eventual continuity of family ownership through succession is desired.  相似文献   

International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal - Green entrepreneurship is playing an increasing role in ecological environmental protection. Based on existing literature, this study aims to...  相似文献   

Research on the impact of the regional environment in the very early phase of the business start-up process is currently limited. This paper contributes to the literature by analysing the influence of regional factors on the formation of entrepreneurial intentions within the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) framework. The rationale is based on the previous literature which posits that regional conditions have implications for individual perceptions, which, in turn, constitute the foundation of the three antecedents of intention in the TPB model: attitudes, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control. A multilevel analysis based on a random sample of 834 Finnish working-age individuals, combined with the official national statistics at the municipality level supports the proposition that regional conditions have an indirect impact on the intent to become an entrepreneur. The population density, the level of education, income and wealth and the rate of public and manufacturing sector employment of a region are found to moderate the individual formation of entrepreneurial intentions. This study supports further development of the theoretical understanding of entrepreneurial intentions by demonstrating that regional characteristics are important moderating influences in the TPB model.  相似文献   

  • The marketing concept fails to explain marketing behaviour of small firms. Similar comments are now being made of large firms. This gap between theory and practice is even more significant in non-profit and arts organisations where sector specific philosophies often determine how marketing is embraced, with its underlying notions of the customer and profitability. Many of these organisations must overcome severe resource constraints by thinking creatively. This paper investigates the relationship between art, marketing, entrepreneurship and creativity in order to reach a clearer understanding of how creativity can assist both the arts organisation and those involved in researching the sector. There have been increasing calls within the academic marketing community to instil a creative philosophy within the research process. This call has not resulted in much research on the phenomenon within marketing, and certainly not from a nonprofit perspective. This paper discusses creativity as a concept drawing on a diverse range of literatures outside the management discipline. The link between creativity, marketing, entrepreneurship and art is analysed. Justification of the incorporation of creativity in the research process is presented for practitioners and theorists in marketing and the arts, so that they can learn from each others' disciplines. Implications for future research are presented, where creativity is viewed as the centre of a non-linear, free thinking understanding of artistic truth.
Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Empirical research has recently paid considerable attention to the role of environmental factors in explaining regional variations in entrepreneurial activity. However, cognitive models have not usually included these factors in their analyses. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to identify some of the environmental cognitive elements that may explain regional differences in start-up intentions. Thus, an entrepreneurial intention model is developed, theoretically based on the planned behaviour approach, institutional economic theory and social capital theory. The empirical analysis is carried out using structural equation techniques over a sample of 549 final year university students from two Spanish regions (Catalonia and Andalusia). Results confirm that valuation of entrepreneurship in each region helps explain regional differences in entrepreneurial intentions. As expected, social valuation of the entrepreneur was higher in the more developed region (Catalonia), positively affecting perceived subjective norms and behavioural control. In Andalusia, the influence of perceived valuation of the entrepreneur in the closer environment was more important, affecting attitude towards the behaviour and subjective norms. These results explain some of the differences in the pool of potential entrepreneurs in each region. They also justify the need by public-policy decision-makers to promote more positive entrepreneurial values in relatively backward regions.  相似文献   

Although the impact of family business exposure on offspring’s entrepreneurial intentions has attracted significant attention, assessments of this impact remain inconsistent. To solve this puzzle, we switch the focus from the presence of family business exposure to the content of exposure by examining the learning experiences of business family offspring. Specifically, we test the impact of perceived parental entrepreneurial rewards on entrepreneurial intentions and explore the underlying process in this relationship. Findings from a sample of 131 Chinese business family offspring support that perceived parental entrepreneurial rewards are positively related to entrepreneurial intentions, and this relationship is found to be partially mediated by entrepreneurial self-efficacy; additionally, offspring’s family business involvement weakens the positive impact of perceived parental entrepreneurial rewards on entrepreneurial intentions but strengthens the impact of entrepreneurial self-efficacy. The findings from this research contribute to the social cognitive career theory, family business, and entrepreneurial cognition literature. We also provide practical guidance for parent entrepreneurs by clarifying the impact of perceived parental entrepreneurial rewards and family business involvement on their children’s entrepreneurial intentions.  相似文献   

  • Currently charities have to depend more on individual donors and less on the government for funding. Hence, understanding the individual donor and what motivates them to contribute to charities is something, which has been of increasing interest to nonprofit marketers. In this article, a path model for the charitable donation process of a religious individual is developed and tested. The variables that are used in the model are religiosity, attitude towards helping others (AHO), attitude towards charitable organizations (ACO), attitude towards the advertisement (Attad) and behavioral intentions (BI). The results suggest that AHO by itself does not cause BI. Altruistic people need to be targeted with an appropriate advertisement message. Since religiosity is an important causal variable for AHO, segmenting and targeting individuals who are religious would be pertinent. Attempts to build favorable ACO would also be worthwhile.
  • Religiosity
  • Charitable donation intentions
  • Charity advertisements.
  • Path model for predicting intentions to donate.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Despite the presence of the term ‘entrepreneurial role model’ (ERM) in the discourse on entrepreneurship, existing empirical evidence on the effects of role models is rather limited. By investigating 86 published journal articles, we provide a structured overview of the academic research on role models’ effects on entrepreneurial intentions and behavior. We reveal that prior research focuses particularly on different types of role models (by whom), at which stage of life (when) and in which context the exposure to role models occurs. We use these research areas to structure our review. By expanding the understanding of the current state of ERM research, we reveal research gaps and provide future research recommendations. Our work could help policy makers and educators consider the different types of role models, the sociocultural context and the life cycle stage of the participants in structuring their entrepreneurship education programs.


Students’ predictions of the affective consequences of starting their own business encompass, simultaneously, positive and negative thoughts and feelings (anticipated affective ambivalence). We theorize that anticipated affective ambivalence constitutes a significant element in the entrepreneurial process holding a central role in the realization of entrepreneurial intentions. In the herein presented research, we propose and test a model within which anticipated affective ambivalence is expected to moderate the impact of attitudes towards entrepreneurship (ATT), subjective norms (SN), and perceived behavioral control (PBC) on entrepreneurial intention. Results from a large sample of university student participants found that anticipated affective ambivalence moderated the effects of ATT and SN on entrepreneurial intention (INT) but not the effect of PBC on INT. Theoretically the findings introduce affective ambivalence in the area of nascent entrepreneurship and within the Theory of Planned Behavior model. Practically, the study highlights affective ambivalence in the context of universities’ increasing interest to promote entrepreneurship and to develop suitable educational programs.  相似文献   

This study assesses the value of a city by using the housing price function with a geographically weighted regression model, including various social, economic, and environmental factors. To assess these values, various specific data scores—such as those related to ethnic groups, green areas, crime rates, education, unemployment rates, number of entrepreneurs, and environmental quality—were considered in a case study of London. The results indicate that some variables such as time to city center and entrepreneurship have a positive impact on the local areas’ value in London, as shown by housing prices, while those related to unemployment have a negative impact. Moreover, although the London city center has benefitted more in terms of value than its outskirts have, a few specific policies related to startups and entrepreneurship have succeeded in connecting these areas to existing companies and entrepreneurs. In general, large cities may be better equipped to promote such startup and entrepreneurship policies under local industry plans for future development.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present a multi-layered relational framework of entrepreneurial learning by embedding the conceptual tools of a continental thinker, Pierre Bourdieu, in a social constructionist paradigmatic approach. Through a longitudinal study based on participant observation and in-depth qualitative interviews, entrepreneurial learning processes of five nascent entrepreneurs who have formed a venture team have been examined as a case study. Relational qualities of entrepreneurial learning can be illuminated by exploring dispositions and different forms of capital that nascent entrepreneurs hold at the micro-individual level, which are inextricably linked to the meso-relational level of developing an entrepreneurial habitus as they navigate through the process of business venturing. Such a multi-layered conceptualisation of entrepreneurial learning transcends individual-, team-, firm- and network-level analyses of the subject by generating insights from both micro- and meso-layers.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurial opportunity discovery (EODI) and opportunity exploitation (EOEX) are two critical entrepreneurial activities which heavily depend on external social network. The present study provided a nuanced investigation on the roles of affective and cognitive trust in the relationship between network ties (strong and weak ties) and opportunity discovery and exploitation. We examined the hypothesized relationships using longitudinal data collected from a sample of 207 nascent entrepreneurs in China. Our results showed that affective trust mediated the positive effects of network ties on EODI and EOEX. Further, cognitive trust moderated their relationships, that is, high level of cognitive trust enhance the positive relationship between weak ties and EODI as well as the positive relationship between strong ties and EOEX. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Moneer Alam 《Socio》1985,19(2):81-86
Projecting demand for various occupations on the assumption that their shares will remain fixed in the total employment over the entire period of projection might not be empirically justifiable. Further, it overlooks the complementarity and substitution possibilities between different occupations. An attempt is made in this paper to relax some of these unrealistic assumptions. Using a first-order Markov chain relationship between vectors of occupational proportions, we demonstrate, with Indian data, that this method may be used as a first approximation to the evolution of occupational structure at the aggregate level. An added justification of this formulation—in particular for the developing economies—is its modest data requirements. It may, however, be noted that a complete adjustment mechanism visualized here for the occupational structure is best viewed as a starting point for a more general formulation posited on a partial adjustment mechanism which allows for the interoccupational differences in their educational and training requirements.  相似文献   

Small firms are said to produce more entrepreneurs than larger ones (“small firm effect”). Applying existing theories, we analyze how different management positions influence employee entrepreneurship in small firms. Based on a panel study of 4832 cases, we provide evidence for the fact that small firms indeed produce more entrepreneurs. Moreover, we show that lower management positions of small firm employees are responsible for this small firm effect. We conclude that small firms seem to create an environment in which employees on low management positions strongly benefit from knowledge spillover effects as they are educated necessary skills, knowledge and expertise, and are able to build up networks conducive to entrepreneurship (“knowledge spillover effect”), while not having the multifaceted advancement opportunities as in large companies (“blocked mobility effect”).  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze the gender differences in entrepreneurial intentions by studying a range of socioeconomic and psychosocial factors. Furthermore, we aim at analyzing these differences in three groups of countries depending on the stage of economic development of each country according to the Global Competitiveness Report. Using a logistic regression analysis and data from the 2008 APS (Adult Population Survey) database which is part of the Project GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor), results show the existence of gender differences in entrepreneurial intentions. The model proposed in the study has decreasing explanatory power as the degree of economic development increases, and is also more conclusive for men than women. An important methodological innovation we implemented in the current study is the use of the variable gender as a dependent variable rather than a variable of a socio demographic nature.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to explore the relationship between the internship quality, entrepreneurial desirability, entrepreneurial feasibility and entrepreneurial intention(EI) through a structural equation model. The sample is composed of 702 graduating engineering students from two research universities within China. The results revealed that students’ internship quality has positive and significant impact on their EIs. More specifically, the internship quality significantly affects students’ EIs both directly and indirectly. Furthermore, entrepreneurial desirability and feasibility partially mediate the relationship between the internship quality and students’ EIs. There are some substantial differences among gender subgroups, those being family characteristics and entrepreneurial experiences which were examined by the multiple group comparison test. Theoretically the findings provide new insights on the role of internships played in university students’ EIs. Practically, this study highlights the importance of improving internship quality which can increase students’ entrepreneurial desirability and feasibility, thereby promoting their EIs.  相似文献   

This study explores the origin of culinary creativity and trainability in culinary education from the perspective of industry and academic chefs in Chinese culture in Taiwan. This study was conducted by mixed methods in 3 stages: first, face-to-face interviews were conducted to gather rich data of culinary creativity development to develop the second stage of Analytic hierarchy process (AHP); second, this study applied the AHP method to evaluate and prioritize culinary creativity components; and third, we employed the Modified Delphi method to reach a consensus of defining culinary creativity. The results show that the constructing model of culinary creativity is based on creativity in general by adding specific principle and influenced by education and training. The AHP result shows that the chefs’ perspectives in evaluating and prioritizing culinary creativity components. Lastly, the major consensuses from the modified Delphi method is that culinary creativity can fit into creativity in general with certain conditions. On trainability, culinary creativity could be trained and educated to improve and advance the quality and quantity of culinary creativity.  相似文献   

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