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杨登 《北方经贸》2014,(11):61-62
企业的经营活动由原来的以产品为中心的商业模式转向以客户为中心的商业模式,客户成为企业获得利润和竞争优势的重要资源。本文通过分析客户价值与企业电子商务战略目标的关系,提出了电子商务环境下客户价值的六种特性,并将客户价值细分为六个方面,并依此构建了电子商务环境下企业客户价值评价指标体系;最后,对电子商务环境下客户价值的评价。  相似文献   

ERP系统在企业应用中存在的问题及对策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在日益竞争激烈的社会,企业要想在竞争中立于不败之地就必须提高对资金、各种生产材料、人力资源等等的利用效率,并对供应商、客户等进行一系列的上下游管理,即价值链式的管理.ERP(企业资源规划)利用计算机信息网络技术对企业的人员,物料、资金等资源进行优化,对日常生产经营工作进行全面管理,实现人、财、物、供、产、销等各个环节、资源以及业务过程的以销定产、以产求供、动态协调、全面受控等等,最终以达到成本降低、利润提高、整体效益提高等效果,是提高企业竞争力的有效工具,文章从对ERP系统的简要介绍出发,主要分析其应用中具体存在的一些问题并有针对性地提供一些建议.  相似文献   

邓雪 《商业时代》2003,(7):9-10
传统经济时代,企业一般靠自身的资源来建立竞争优势,靠产品经营、资本经营创造企业效益。而新经济时代的到来,信息网络化和经济全球化,使企业面对一个全新的竞争环境和经营形势。在这样的时代背景下,不难发现,无论是基本的价值观念,还是具体的行为准则,新时代企业文化都将在很大程度上不同于传统企业文化模式,而具有以下几个发展趋势。 速度文化 新经济时代,惟一不变的东西就是变化。因此,一个企业的成败取决于其适应变化的能力,这就意味着“速度就是一切”。传统竞争因素的重要性在不断减弱,而竞争越来越表现为时间竞争。具体  相似文献   

晁钢令 《上海商业》2003,(11):57-59
市场营销学本质上是一种经营哲学,其主要表现为企业经营者因企业内外经营环境的变化而导致的经营思想的变化。工业革命促使了劳动生产率的高速增长,使成本导向型的经营思想占据了主导地位;以生产过剩为特征的经济危机爆发,使需求导向型的营销观念得以产生;全球化竞争态势的不断加剧,使竞争为导向的营销新观  相似文献   

基于供应链管理流程的退货逆向物流管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
退货时间的大量占用严重影响企业利润,逆向物流管理水平的高低日益成为企业间竞争的有力武器.退货逆向物流是供应链管理流程的一部分,是需要从整个供应链角度思考的问题.退货逆向物流管理有助于企业提高生存发展能力及退货快速反应能力,可以为企业赢得信用,改善企业形象,给企业带来很多收益.从经济价值方面看,实施退货逆向物流管理有利于提高企业利润与竞争力;有利于企业降低召回产品的费用:有利于企业提高退货处理速度,及时恢复产品价值,获得更高利润.从社会价值方面看,实施退货逆向物流管理有利于提高客户忠诚度,提高企业信誉;提高资源循环利用程度,促进社会可持续发展;提高环境质量,改善生存环境:构建退货物流信息化网络平台;消除物流环节潜在的事故隐患.  相似文献   

信息网络的广泛应用,深刻影响着资本的运营。对企业而言,资本是重要资源之一,企业为了能适应环境,提高竞争优势,必须深入了解基于信息网络的资本新特点。从资本流动、资本节约和资本投向等三个方面重点分析资本的相关变化,为企业经营决策提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>当今,企业竞争的环境发生着剧烈的动荡和变化。顾客忠诚以其对企业经营绩效产生的巨大贡献而日益成为人们关注的焦点。由于顾客忠诚可以为企业带来竞争优势和长期利润,许多企业实施"基于忠诚的管理"。客户忠诚度是由五个方面组成的:总  相似文献   

随着信息技术的飞速发展,企业间的竞争由产品经营竞争发展到智力资本经营的竞争,人力资源的价值成为衡量企业整体竞争力的标尺,创新一直是企业管理中备受关注的因素,而人力资源管理的创新在企业管理创新中发挥着关键作用。  相似文献   

王锡兵 《商》2013,(1):76-77
新的经济时代当中,整个宏观的市场条件以及环境都是在不断地变化着的,在市场当中,企业与企业之间不断地进行着竞争,如何让企业能够在市场的激烈竞争中进行创新型的市场营销,这个问题对于企业开拓出新的市场,以及有着更新的市场营销局面,对于自身的核心竞争实力的提升都有着非常重要的现实意义以及理论的意义。本文主要是联系当前新经济时代的企业发展实际,并且结合文献等进行研究,认为当前企业的市场营销发展是有着一定的新的趋向,其新的趋向包含着系统化的市场营销模式、可持续性的上次航营销理念、逆向思维的市场营销策略、营销组织趋向扁平化、营销管理更具有柔性等等,并且以这些研究为基础,对企业的创新性市场营销行为进行探索,并且对消费群体的偏好变化以及企业内的制度革新提出探讨,最终对应对策略提出了一些思考和建议。  相似文献   

梁新弘 《商业时代》2005,(21):65-66
进入21世纪,信息技术革命所引起的企业经营环境与竞争范式的变化,为企业战略管理提出了新的任务与挑战,企业所运用的战略管理工具与模式也随之发生了新的变化。本文在对信息技术与竞争战略文献综述的基础上,对信息技术的战略性作用、基于信息技术的企业网络战略等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   


This article develops and empirically tests a research framework that models the role of technological, organizational, and environmental factors in organizational intention toward using e-procurement systems. The partial least square analysis of survey data from 211 firms in China demonstrates that technological factors including perceived efficiency benefits and perceived ease, organizational factors including business to business commerce expertise, information sharing culture, and top management support, and an environmental factor, business partner pressure, shape in different ways organizational intention to adopt and to continue with e-procurement. The findings of the study not only offer valuable insights for stimulating the diffusion of e-procurement systems but also provide important guidance to systems vendors in strategizing their marketing campaigns and focusing limited resources on relevant strategic components.  相似文献   

Since enterprises have become aware of technological developments; they have started to give significant importance to information technology investments. As in all university departments, also management information systems (MIS) and business informatics programs analyze the change in the industry and aim to graduate students that fit the current needs. The authors aim to evaluate the critical skills of MIS graduates and industry based on industry demand. Providing information systems support, knowledge on latest systems, managerial knowledge, systems development, project management, and teamwork comprise the six critical factors for becoming a successful MIS professional.  相似文献   

Based on the lessons learned from the last 50 years, statements are derived of which the authors claim that these will continue to be valid in future: Information technology in the banking industry supports business processes – selecting and designing processes will continue to decide about economic success in future. The necessity of handling a growing business volume will still be the major driver for using new information technology in the banking industry. It will be even more important than the aim of reducing costs by automation. Industrialization of IT will also change the use of technology in the banking industry. Hence, banks do not necessarily have to run their systems alone but may outsource services if required. The definition of the major business fields will significantly influence the banks’ IT strategy and, among other factors, will decide on the market success of a bank. Technological development will have an increasing effect on the banking business, will change it, and enable new business models. Successfully dealing with technology-induced changes predominantly depends on a company’s employees.
Matthias Büger (Corresponding author)Email:

Value-Based CRM     
One major development within business practice is the increasing interest in customer relationship management (CRM) in recent years. CRM thereby focuses on establishing and maintaining profitable relationships with the customer using modern information technology (IT) and has emerged as a major research field in business and information systems engineering. However, despite huge investments many CRM projects fail to achieve their objectives as the complex and interdisciplinary nature of CRM is not addressed adequately. In fact an adoption of a customer-centric orientation within a value-based management requires not only a cross-functional integration of different business departments but also a selectively adjusted collaboration of those departments.  相似文献   


Self-Service Business Intelligence (SSBI) enables business users, such as executives, managers, analysts, and knowledge workers to build reports on a need-basis to support their decisions and actions toward business success. This suggests that business users are empowered not only to consume information but also to author it. Yet, research on SSBI is mainly concentrated at the industrial level, and furthermore little is known on the way SSBI is changing the current state of BI. To address this lack of knowledge, this study explores the attributes of SSBI that are necessary to extend the role of a business user beyond that of an information consumer by drawing on the literature of Self-Service Technologies (SST). This study provides a new definition of SSBI as a new approach to BI. Furthermore, it highlights the duality of high levels of co-production and low levels of dependency as key to the SSBI approach.  相似文献   

Enterprises seem to entirely operate on their management. But behind the scenes directors play a very important role. On a strategic level (in the long term) they will determine the direction of the company.Even though on the level of daily management a great deal of quality instruments and control systems exist, this is not the case on the highest level, the board. It is in this specific area that the idea of corporate governance must be situated.In 2000 the Association of Christian Employers and Executives in Flanders (VKW) facilitated the formation of a consultation committee consisting of leading employers and business executives, having the task to translate this idea of corporate governance into useful working instruments. The author of this paper was the secretary to this consultation committee.One of the main questions in this area considers the ethics of the board. The other way around corporate governance is a very important instrument realising more responsible business, because it depends on the specific business model in the board and the firm.The first results were presented in February 2001. In February 2002 a first update was published, with some new insights, information and working instruments.  相似文献   

The small business sector is one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy. The firms in this sector are becoming increasingly dependent on information systems (IS) for their operations. Traditional research in IS has primarily focused on large corporations. The problems, opportunities, and management issues encountered by small business in the IS area are unique, and research is too limited to provide useful guidelines. This study compares the research literature on IS implementation and research on IS in small business, examines the commonality and differences, and identifies research gaps. An overall research framework is developed to review the research in the two areas and determine areas of opportunity. As a follow-up of this analysis, a research model is developed to explore the factors influencing the adoption of computer-mediated communication technologies in small business. The model incorporates some of the innovation factors that are identified as potential gaps in the earlier analysis. The research model evaluates the impact of 6 factors-perceived usefulness, cost, compatibility, top management support, competitive advantage, and size-on the adoption of computer-mediated communications technologies. A telephone interview was used to collect data from 207 firms. The results of data analysis reveal that competitive advantage, top management support, and size are important determinants of adoption of computer-mediated communication technologies.  相似文献   

The authors examined the publications and impact of highly productive business and management education (BME) scholars across the business disciplines of accounting, economics, finance, information systems, management, marketing, and operations management. Results from a hierarchical cluster analysis revealed five clusters of scholars: leading BME Scholars, leading discipline-focused BME scholars, high-profile BME scholars, focused BME scholars, and recognized BME scholars. The article includes a discussion of findings and their implications for BME scholarship, future BME scholars, and business schools.  相似文献   

Despite decades of efforts to improve the management of Information Technology (IT) projects, failure rates remain high. This article first reviews literature about information systems success and IT project success. Most of the improvement efforts have focused on advancing variations of the traditional project management paradigm, such as embodied by the Project Management Body of Knowledge. This article describes a new way of thinking about managing IT project called Value-Driven Change Leadership (VDCL), and reports the results of an initial empirical exploration to identify project success factors stemming from VDCL as well as the traditional paradigm. The results are based on data collected from 16 medium-sized IT-intensive projects at eight Chicago-based organizations from six different industries. The results, although not based on a large sample, point to several project management practices associated with project success that stem from both the traditional paradigm as well as VDCL. For example, traditional practices managing stakeholders’ expectations, scope, and schedule are associated with project success, as are practices stemming from VDCL, such as managing the end-product’s architecture, business value added, and the organization change associated with systems implementation. The results of this study also suggest that further research into new ways of thinking about IT project management may be fruitful.  相似文献   

As information technology infrastructure becomes strategic to organizations, the author examines business-school programs that educate future infrastructure analysts. Information systems (IS) 2010 and information technology (IT) 2008 curriculum models are used to survey courses required by telecommunications and IT infrastructure programs in business schools. Of 525 Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business–accredited schools, 259 have IS/IT programs and 18 have telecommunications and infrastructure-related programs. IT Infrastructure, Networking-Advanced, and IT Security are the top three infrastructure-related courses. Programs also require courses including IS Project Management; Social and Professional Issues; and IS Strategy, Management and Acquisition. Data collected are used to develop a new curriculum model of IT infrastructure management program that can be offered by business schools.  相似文献   

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