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责任保险在大规模侵权中的运用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着大规模侵权事件的不断出现,传统侵权法仅由"加害人承担损失"的观念正逐渐改变,责任保险成为侵权领域中一种新的救济方式.本文在对大规模侵权的可保性进行深入分析的基础上,提出责任保险与其他救济方式相比存在独特的优势,并从法律和保险实务两个角度明确了其保障范围、保障程度及发生责任竞合时的处理方式.  相似文献   

现代社会是一个市场经济社会,也是一个风险高发的社会,风险多发和侵权范围广泛之特征要求侵权责任法立法必须对此作出应对。大规模侵权法律责任制度的构建即是因应这一特征的重要制度设计。大规模侵权责任制度的构建要考量公共政策的因素,考虑受害人的不确定性,以及在侵权责任构成要件方面判断的特殊性。同时,我们必须考虑大规模侵权行为多发生在商业领域,作为商业侵权行为的重要表征形态,要将此制度设计与商业侵权责任制度体系有机统合,形成内在和谐、统一的制度架构;必须考虑现代社会大规模侵权责任制度的构建与保险法律制度、社会保障法律制度的整合;必须考虑大规模侵权责任制度的实现与程序法规则的完善的内在一致性。  相似文献   

在绿色发展背景下,基于环保部公布的投保环境污染责任保险企业名录,实证检验环责险对企业创新的影响及其作用机制。结果显示:投保环责险能促进企业创新能力提升,其在企业创新治理方面发挥着积极作用;环责险通过缓解融资约束提高企业创新能力;环责险对非国有企业创新水平促进效果更显著;环责险与环境规制不能发挥协同作用。结论丰富了企业创新影响因素以及环责险经济后果的理论研究,对深化绿色保险改革、实现创新驱动发展具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

环境污染侵权案件伴随着当代经济高速大规模发展日益增多,我国环境污染侵权责任制度已经建立了较好的基础,但在环境权确立、侵权责任认定以及责任方式与救济途径等方面仍然存在不少问题与缺陷。文章通过对上述问题进行阐述分析,借鉴国外先进理论与制度,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

Journal of Quantitative Economics - By now, it is well known that damage awards under a liability rule affect the efficiency of the rule. Due to variety of reasons, damage awards fixed by courts...  相似文献   

The paper estimates the contingent liability of the Thai government to their banking system prior to the 1997 financial crisis by maximizing a likelihood function that utilizes the established result that deposit insurance can be modeled as a put option on the value of bank assets. The results show that the estimated value of the government guarantee was large and statistically greater than the premium banks paid for this guarantee, suggesting that guarantees provided a subsidy to Thai banks. Additionally, the estimates are able to identify weak banks before the crisis emerged. These results suggest that the estimated value of implicit deposit guarantees can serve as an early warning indicator of banking crises. The paper contrasts the option pricing results with traditional balance sheet indicators, and demonstrates that these alternative indicators are unable to identify weaknesses in the Thai banking systems before the crisis.  相似文献   

Environmental accidents often involve ambiguous risks, i.e., the relevant probabilities are unknown. This paper studies how liability rules are affected by ambiguity. The injurer and the victim choose a level of care, which is observable, and an unobservable action. Both actions may affect the size and/or likelihood of loss. We analyze the welfare implications of tort rules. First, we show that with ambiguity, negligence is likely to perform better than strict liability. Second, we propose a tort rule of negligence and punitive damages, which gives the efficient levels of both care and unobserved actions.  相似文献   

证券争议:两种法律解决途径的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新兴加转轨的中国证券市场中,披露虚假信息、内幕交易、非法关联交易、操纵市场等欺诈行为猖獗,由此产生了大量的证券争议.证券争议法律解决途径主要有证券侵权民事赔偿诉讼以及证券纠纷仲裁制度.笔者认为,中国目前有关证券侵权赔偿的司法救济途径存在较多问题,应当在司法解决途径之外,考虑借鉴美国的证券仲裁制度,在中国大力推广非诉的争议解决方式--仲裁.  相似文献   

杨屏 《时代经贸》2007,5(5X):125-126
责任保险的发展水平是衡量一国保险业发达程度的重要尺度,我国的责任保险尚落后于发达国家,本文试从责任保险市场的供求环境分析我国责任保险现状的主要成因。  相似文献   

环境责任保险是以被保险人因污染环境而应承担的以损失赔偿和治理责任为标的的责任保险形式。在我国,建立和推广环境责任保险,不仅满足了保险市场的供给与需求,更重要的是可以建构国家(环保部)——保险公司——污染企业双层环境污染监督体制,有利于我国环境保护事业的发展。  相似文献   

Abstract.  Risky products inflict two costs on society; the accident and the insurance costs. The expansion in the scope of product liability since the late 1970s has increased the cost of third-party liability insurance. However, the economic analysis has, traditionally, focused on only the accident costs. Some recent works suggests a strict trade-off between minimization of the accident costs and the insurance costs. In this paper, we extend the analysis by considering both types of costs. An efficiency characterization of product liability rules is provided by assuming informational asymmetry about the risk. We show that it is possible to achieve efficiency with respect to the insurance costs as well as the care levels.  相似文献   

存款保险制度的产生发展及其理论基础   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文通过对存款保险制度在国际上产生发展的背景分析 ,发现该制度在实践中有内在的必然性 ,在理论上有坚实的基础 ,银行的存在是金融效率所在 ,尽管挤兑可能会发生甚至迅速演化为银行危机 ,但不能否定银行的客观必要性。相反 ,需要防止挤兑和银行危机发生的制度安排 ,其中没有任何一种安排能够取代存款保险制度。中国现在比以往任何时候都需要采纳这一制度以适应市场化金融改革开放的需要 ,当然相应的技术问题仍需要解决。  相似文献   

谢绍芬 《经济与管理》2011,25(12):83-87
中国大陆在2008年间出现婴儿食用三鹿牌奶粉导致的食品安全事件。中国台湾在2011年5月掀起了塑化剂食品危害健康的风波。为此,该如何应对食品风险危害以免于消费市场失序成为食品业亟待解决的问题。食品瑕疵造成的风险会危害到众多层面,如食品业、消费者及消费市场秩序等。因此,理性的食品业应投保产品责任保险,其价值取向包括取代食品业的民事赔偿责任、消费者直接向保险公司请求赔偿和巩固消费市场的经济秩序。  相似文献   

民事责任竞合来源于法律规范竞合理论。现代法律都作抽象规定,并且从各种不同角度对社会生活加以规范,所以,经常发生同一个事实符合几个法律规范的要件,致使这几个法律规范竞合。同一民事违法行为同时符合数种民事权利保护的规定,就构成民事责任竞合。民法上的民事责任竞合,就是民事请求权竞合。民事责任的竞合包括多种情况,主要讨论侵权责任与违约责任的竞合。  相似文献   

以2011—2019年我国A股上市公司为研究对象,通过手动收集企业董事高管责任保险及绿色专利数据,实证考察董事高管责任保险对绿色创新的影响,结果发现:①董事高管责任保险能够显著促进企业绿色创新,即董事高管责任保险是企业绿色创新的激励工具,而非管理层阻碍绿色创新的自利手段;②通过Heckman两阶段模型、倾向得分匹配缓解可能存在的内生性问题,并经过一系列其它稳健性检验后,基本结论仍保持不变;③董事高管责任保险对绿色创新的促进作用在不同规模、不同股权集中度的企业间存在差异,主要表现为对中小型企业的影响大于大型企业,对股权较为集中企业的影响大于股权分散企业。从董事高管责任保险这一全新视角对企业绿色创新进行解读,可为加速我国上市企业董事高管责任保险知识普及,驱动企业绿色创新跨越式发展提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

环境污染责任保险补贴制度构建中涉及的诸多问题均与各地区的经济发展水平、产业结构、高环境风险行业布局等密切相关。结合广州市经济发展中的环境污染状况,针对环境污染责任保险补贴制度构建的路径依赖,探讨了环境污染责任保险补贴制度构建的对策。  相似文献   

杨莹 《经济研究导刊》2014,(17):291-293
法律经济学是20世纪后半叶法学界对传统法学最重要的发展之一。相对于传统法学定性的研究,法经济分析把定性、定量相结合,极大地促进了法学研究。由于经济学交易成本、外部性和潜在利润的存在,侵权责任法为侵权立法指明取舍标准,平衡个人理性、集体理性,并且促成个人福利的最大化,以达到社会效用最大化的目的。  相似文献   

This article predicts escalating premiums and a greater risk of malpractice suits based on the increasing frequency and cost of claim payouts. The number of insurance claims increased by 12% in 1978 after a decrease of 11% in 1976 and by 2% in 1977. The percentage of premium income paid out has followed the same pattern. It was a high of 66.5% in 1975 and then fell into the 40% range in the next two years. Last year it bounced back to 60.6%. Some insurance authorities view the 1976-77 drop in claims as artificial and attribute it to a reluctance to file suits during the period immediately following new malpractice laws. The reluctance to sue has apparently relaxed. About 16% of the cases actually go to court. Out of those, 90% of the verdicts favor doctors. The rise in cases going to court shows that reform! legislation passed in several states to reduce malpractice litigation is not yet working. The average payout was up 20% between 1976 and 1978 with the greatest rise in large awards; million-dollar settlements are not uncommon. Escalating payouts are attributed to general inflation anf rising medical costs. In addition, the public has become better medically informed and been taught that for every wrong ther is a remedy.  相似文献   

The thrift crisis has presented the federal government with a cleanup bill of unparalleled magnitude. Estimates of the present-value cost range from $90 billion to $140 billion. Most observers acknowledge that the economic cost of the crisis already has occurred in the form of lost investment opportunities and a lower capital stock. Fewer acknowledge, however, that full payment of the cost can be made only through a reduction in private sector claims to wealth so as to match the misuse of deposits and soured loans made by thrifts. Some of that reduction has occurred through equity write-downs in businesses and thrifts, but much of the necessary reduction has yet to occur. The necessary reduction constitutes an increased tax burden.
The thrift insolvencies, coupled with deposit insurance and bankruptcy of the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC), threw the economy's books out of balance: Claims on real assets in the form of insured deposits exceeded the value of assets owned by thrifts and insurance reserves of the FSUC. In the absence of deposit insurance, a write-down of claims would have occurred through the market mechanism and the bankruptcy courts. In the presence of deposit insurance, the write-down must be through taxation and the political mechanism. Recently enacted legislation will effect the writedown by spreading the taxation over time through debt finance, relying primarily on future taxes to service the debt. The desirability of debt finance hinges on whether the legislation also will prevent a recurrence of future crises. Critics maintain that prevention must entail reform of deposit insurance.  相似文献   

易令正 《经济研究导刊》2012,(26):130-132,134
我国环境污染责任保险的试点探索离预期的要求有相当的差距,因此,有必要对推进环境污染责任保险的难点和对策选择基点加强研究,以有利于该项工作的顺利推进。  相似文献   

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