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城市环境规制刻画了地方政府在绿色创新中的角色特征。基于我国279个地级市面板数据,从知识作用视角,采用负二项分布模型测度我国城市环境规制强度的地区差异性对城市绿色创新质量的影响机制。研究发现:(1)邻近城市的高环境规制强度对本地绿色创新质量产生抑制作用,该抑制作用通过城市间知识宽度缩小、知识距离扩大两类中介效应影响本地绿色创新质量;(2)城市间的知识平衡度在邻近城市环境规制强度与本地绿色创新质量关系中发挥调节效应,当城市间知识平衡度较高时,邻近城市的高环境规制强度对本地绿色创新质量的影响由负转正。由此,获得如下政策启示:地方政府应重视环境规制政策带来的知识成分变化与知识结构调整,促进环境政策与绿色创新政策协同,同时,不同地方间应深化绿色创新主体合作机制,促进知识流动,提升城市绿色创新质量。  相似文献   

In this paper, the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) is applied in order toestimate the social benefits of a set of environmental and urbanimprovements planned for the waterfront of the City of Valencia (Spain) asa consequence of the expansion and restructuring of its trading port. Asthe data show a high rate of zero responses, we applied the Spike model,one of the most recent models in CVM literature, since traditional models(Logit and Probit) are not suitable, given the characteristics of our data.The non-parametric approach is also applied in order to test the validity ofthe Spike model. The results show certain similarities between the Spikemodel and the non-parametric approach.  相似文献   

肖葱 《经济问题》2007,339(11):45-47
由于环境服务的大部分内容具有公共物品属性,所以在我国长期以来主要由政府负责供给,对财政支出造成巨大的压力.在研究西方私人供给公共物品的理论的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,为我国私人参与公共环境服务供给提供现实的路径选择.  相似文献   

首先,将技术创新划分为技术研发和技术转化两阶段,应用CES生产函数分阶段推导环境规制与技术创新的数理关系。其次,根据污染排放强度将中国制造业28个细分行业划分为重度污染型、中度污染型及轻度污染型3种类型,以2003-2012年行业面板数据为样本,构建分阶段分行业的计量回归模型进行环境规制对技术创新的实证检验。数理推导证明:环境规制与企业技术研发和技术转化在数理上均存在正相关关系。实证检验发现:①环境规制对中国制造业技术研发专利成果和技术转化新产品生产具有显著促进作用,波特假说在制造业整体上得到验证;②环境规制对中度污染行业、轻度污染行业的技术创新具有显著促进作用,但对重度污染行业的影响并不显著,波特假说存在明显的行业异质性。最后,针对环境规制对技术创新影响的阶段性和行业异质性提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

基于2012-2015年全国高新技术企业税收数据,筛选仅享受研发加计扣除政策的高新技术企业微观数据,利用面板回归模型,检验研发加计扣除对研发投入的异质性激励效应。结果表明:加计扣除政策能够刺激企业进行研发投入。从地区看,加计扣除政策激励效应具有地域差异;从经济属性看,加计扣除政策对外资、民营企业研发激励效应较强;从行业看,加计扣除政策对科学技术行业激励效应最大。  相似文献   

生态环境保护旨在实现生态文明社会,法律是重要保护手段。当前我国生态环境保护的立法、司法、执法以及守法都存在诸多问题,这很大程度上是导致生态环境问题的根源。环境法治要求健全生态环境保护立法功能、加强生态环境保护执法功能、发挥生态环境保护司法功能以及践行生态环境保护守法功能。  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated agent-based model of recreational fishing behavior within a reef ecosystem as a platform for the evaluation of recreational fishing management strategies. Angler behavior is described using econometrically estimated site choice models, with site choice among anglers driven by site attributes and angler characteristics. The biophysical model represents the marine reef environment as a system with different trophic levels identifying algal and coral growth as well as two types of fish (piscivores and herbivores). Ecosystem dynamics are driven by interactions within the trophic levels and interaction between fish populations and fishing activities.The model is used to simulate recreational fishing activities and their interactions with the environment. Recreational fishing sites from the Ningaloo Marine Park, an iconic coral reef system in Western Australia, are used as a case study. A set of management strategies, including “business-as-usual” and different site closure durations, are assessed for two different levels of fishing pressures. The results show that not only the effectiveness but also the distribution of management impacts across space and over time can be very different from what one would expect without the benefit of integrated modeling.  相似文献   

Are environmental services luxuriesor necessities? Are low-income groupsrelatively more willing to pay forenvironmental improvements than high-incomegroups? The discussion on the shape of theenvironmental Kuznets curve and environmentaljustice call for analyses that approach thesequestions. Following a survey-based approachfor modelling the demand for public goods, thispaper provides estimates of income and priceelasticities of demand for reduced marineeutrophication effects in the case of theBaltic Sea, using data from five Swedishcontingent valuation studies. Point estimatesindicate that reduced marine eutrophicationeffects can be classified as a necessity and anordinary and price elastic service. Confidenceintervals show however that the classificationas a necessity is not statisticallysignificant. Income elasticities of willingnessto pay, not to be confused with incomeelasticities of demand, are estimated for abroad range of environmental services inSweden. A basic finding is that income tends toinfluence willingness to pay positively andsignificantly. The elasticity estimates are inmost cases greater than zero, but less thanunity, indicating that the benefits ofenvironmental improvements tend to beregressively distributed. In a cost-benefitanalysis of a project suggesting environmentalimprovements, distributional concerns thereforecall for an introduction of weights or at leasta sensitivity analysis of how weighting wouldchange decisions about the project's socialprofitability.  相似文献   

从开放宏观的视角看环境污染问题:一个综述   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
陆旸 《经济研究》2012,(2):146-158
在全球化背景下,伴随着国际间的要素流动,环境问题越来越多地被赋予了全球化的内容。本文将环境与增长、环境与贸易、环境与就业、环境与人口迁移等研究文献纳入到一个开放宏观分析框架中,通过文献研究发现,国际分工使"南—北"之间存在了多纬度的"环境不平等":首先,环境与经济增长问题先后经历了三个发展阶段,即罗马俱乐部提出的"增长极限说"、环境库兹涅茨曲线假说、贸易与环境库兹涅茨曲线假说相关性的争论。随着研究的推进,环境与增长问题越来越类似于一枚硬币的两面,难以同时兼得,但是,由于国际分工模式的差异,发展中国家却为发达国家提供了"污染储藏地"。其次,虽然环境规制使企业损失了部分"棕色"就业,但是环境保护同样能够创造"绿色"就业,然而,在国际分工背景下,环境保护是否有利于发展中国家的整体就业还存在着争议。最后,环境恶化已经导致一些国家出现了"环境难民"以及随之而来的人口迁移。到2050年,全世界由气候变化引起的人口迁移很可能达到5千万至7亿。然而,穷国和富国的环境压力和迁移能力却不尽相同,从某种程度上,这也是国际分工产生的间接影响,但是,关于这一问题的研究还十分有限。  相似文献   

Valuation methods have been used for five main purposes in environmental decision-making. Cost–benefit analysis (CBA) of projects, CBA of new regulations, natural resource damage assessment, environmental costing, and environmental accounting. The relatively lower importance attached to economic efficiency in environmental decision-making in most European countries compared to the U.S.A., both legally and in practice, might account for our general finding that there are very few valuation studies in Europe which have served as a decisive basis for environmental policy and regulations. However, with EU's goal to establish environmentally adjusted national accounts and to apply CBA to environmental policy and regulations, time seems ripe for an increased use of valuation techniques in Europe.  相似文献   

收益法及其在企业价值评估中的相关问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收益法有关的数量模型在理财、金融投资等领域的理论与实践都已被认为是一种既比较科学又具有较强的可操作性的计量模型。但是,在评估理论与实践中,它仍有不少问题需要进一步探讨。本文就收益法的产生、发展及其计量基本模型,收益法与现金流折现法的关系,收益法在企业价值评估中存在的有关问题等进行了探讨。本文在参考有关资本价值模型思路相关文献的基础上,以企业价值分别是由投资和取得收益所构成的基本假设下推导出一种新的计量表达式,试图弥补之前收益法的计量表达式对收益期有限的评估不能计算其期末资产余值的不足。  相似文献   

Protecting human health is a primary goal of environmental policy and economic evaluation of health can help policy-makers judge the relative worth of alternative actions. Economists use two distinct approaches in normatively evaluating health. Whereas environmental economists use benefit-cost analysis supported by monetary valuation in terms of willingness-to-pay, health economists evaluate interventions based on cost-effectiveness or cost-utility analysis (CEA), using quality-adjusted life-years (QALY) or similar indexes. This paper provides background on the controversy about the relative merits of these approaches and introduces the remaining papers in the special issue. These papers (with one exception) were presented at a conference sponsored by the Department of Economics at the University of Central Florida with support from the US Environmental Protection Agency. Although CEA might not lead to substantially different implications for environmental policy than benefit-cost analysis, and QALY may provide a benefit transfer tool to fill gaps in the morbidity valuation literature, the papers in this issue raise serious concerns about the suitability of QALY-based CEA for environmental regulatory analysis. QALY does not in general appropriately represent individual preferences for health and CEA is neither independent of income distribution nor adequate to assess efficiency.  相似文献   

The study seeks to determine the maximum willingness to pay (MWTP) among a random sample of Norwegians, for membership in the largest environmentalist association in Norway, Norges Naturvernforbund (NNV). The study includes three stages: (1) a contingent valuation study, testing hypothetical MWTP; (2) those whose stated MWTP is at or above the current membership fee are then asked to pay this fee; (3) those individuals who do not pay in stage 2 are interviewed, and asked to consider revising their MWTP statement. The study is seemingly the first of its kind in comparing hypothetical and actual MWTP by typing valuation of a public good (the environment) to the value of a private good (membership of the NNV). The results show a rather poor correspondence between hypothetical and actual MWTP, since only 6 out of 64 who stated that they were willing to pay the membership fee in stage 1, actually paid this voluntarily in stage 2. Possible reasons for this discrepancy are discussed, on the basis of data from the telephone interview in stage 3, and on information gathered in stage 1. The data indicate that a substantial part of this discrepancy is due to MWTP being overstated in stage 1, but that other reasons also are important.  相似文献   

高等院校是推进协同创新的重要力量,相关研究议题日益受到国内外学者关注。在对高等院校协同创新模式进行研究的基础上,以科技型人才聚集为视角,提出高等院校协同创新复杂系统。通过分析协同创新环境与高等院校协同创新系统的作用过程,基于系统动力学方法构建相应模型,运用Vensim PLE软件进行系统仿真,并利用拟合优度方法验证系统有效性。应用灵敏度分析方法,结合工作实际,得到高等院校协同创新管理启示如下:制定以科技型人才为主导的协同创新战略,强化高等院校协同创新的政策制度支撑,完善高等院校协同创新投入机制。  相似文献   

本文分析了我国农村存在的环境问题,从经济学角度分析了农村环境问题产生的原因,并提出了农村环境问题的治理措施与途径:消除其公共物品性和外部性。  相似文献   

After‐tax income inequality has risen since the mid‐1990s, as increases in market income inequality have not been offset by greater fiscal redistribution. We argue that the substantial increase in the diversity of consumer goods has mitigated mounting political pressures for redistribution. Within a probabilistic voting framework, we demonstrate that if the share of diversified goods in the consumption bundle increases sufficiently with income, then an increase in goods diversity can reduce the political equilibrium tax rate. Focusing on OECD countries, we find empirical support for both the model's micro‐political foundations and the implied relation between goods diversity and fiscal policy outcomes.  相似文献   

策略性环境政策:环境税和减排补贴的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章把战略性贸易政策模型扩展到环境领域,策略性环境政策认为政府有动机通过降低环境标准补贴出口企业,以达到利润转移的目的.文章分析了策略性环境政策中比较受忽视的一部分--环境技术补贴,本国政府结合使用环境税和减排补贴,我们验证了政府使用策略性环境政策的动机,得到了最优的污染排放税率,认为虽然环境政策仍旧不能消除生产带来的环境损害,但是环境技术补贴提高了本国的环境标准,企业会更少地遇到绿色壁垒报复.  相似文献   

The role of the environment is an important issue in policy making andthe accurate assessment of the environmental conditions is vital. Inthis paper, using nonparametric techniques, an environmental efficiencyindex is developed for each of the OECD countries. These indexes allowone both to do cross section comparisons on the state of each country'sproduction process in its treatment of undesirable outputs and also totrace each country's modification of their production processesovertime. Furthermore in this study we investigate the factorsunderlying societies' environmental concerns that eventually lead tochanges in the environmental efficiency. The results provide furtherempirical evidence for the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis.  相似文献   

The article presents a stochastic interaction model based on Gibbs random fields to analyze technological competition in a population of heterogeneous adopters with local or global externalities. The relationships between both heterogeneity and externalities and imperfect and asymmetric information are first emphasized. When local externalities and heterogeneity coexist, the technological landscapes of the industry are then shown to depend on the relative influence of these two parameters, with a phase transition: technologies coexist either in approximately equal market shares when heterogeneity is high enough or with one of the technologies only surviving in technological niches when local externalities dominate. Niches do also spontaneously appear: technological options survive in economic space due to the existence of some amount of heterogeneity among agents. On the contrary, when global externalities are added, pure standardization almost always occurs. We finally argue that different public policies should be designed so as to fit with different technological landscapes.  相似文献   

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