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The impact of horizontal and vertical FDI on host's country economic growth   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper, we contribute to the literature investigating the impact of FDI on host country economic growth by distinguishing between the growth effects of horizontal (market seeking) FDI and vertical (efficiency seeking) FDI. Using a new database, we estimate the growth effects of vertical and horizontal US MNE activity into 44 host countries over the period 1983–2003, also using traditional total FDI figures as a benchmark. Controlling for endogeneity and absorptive capacity effects, we find that horizontal and vertical FDI have positive and significant growth effects in developed countries. Moreover, our results indicate a superior growth effect of horizontal FDI over vertical FDI. In line with existing literature, we find no significant effects of horizontal or vertical FDI in developing countries.  相似文献   

文章旨在研究中国企业海外直接投资活动的服务寻求动机,并对服务寻求型海外直接投资的影响因素进行分析。文章采用面板数据的实证方法,对2003-2009年中国企业对40个国家的OFDI数据进行检验。文章研究结论认为,中国企业OFDI具有服务寻求的目的,东道国生产者服务业的技术含量越高越能够吸引中国企业对其进行投资。并且,这种服务寻求型OFDI与生产者服务业FDI之间存在明显的替代关系。母国严格的投资管制使得服务业FDI受到限制,进而会促使企业以OFDI的方式获取东道国的服务投入。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the reverse green innovation spillovers of outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) in Chinese multinational companies and how environmental regulation stringency in host countries moderates the relationship between OFDI and green innovation. The empirical analysis is based on an integrated dataset of publicly listed firms from 2008 to 2018. The findings demonstrate a significantly positive relationship between OFDI and the green innovation performance of multinational companies. It is also shown that environmental regulation stringency in host countries positively moderates the relationship between OFDI and green innovation. Further analysis reveals the variation of the findings across multinational companies in host countries at different development stages, with different ownership and in industries with different pollution intensities. The observations in this paper imply that the institutional environment of investment destinations matters for reverse technology spillovers, particularly reverse green technology spillovers from OFDI.  相似文献   

Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows into Africa have increased since the turn of the millennium, mainly due to FDI growth into African countries by multinational enterprises (MNEs) from developing economies. While African governments view this growth as a positive development for the continent, many governments in the West have raised concerns regarding the institutional impact of investments from developing economies. This paper examines the impact of FDI flows on institutional quality in African countries by distinguishing investments from developed versus developing economies. Previous empirical studies have found a significant relationship between FDI flows and institutional quality in African countries but regard the relationship as MNEs rewarding African countries for adopting institutional reforms. However, little attention has been paid to the reverse causality, i.e. that FDI can cause an institutional change in African countries. Using bilateral greenfield FDI flows between 56 countries during 2003?2015, we find no significant FDI effect from developed and developing economies on institutional quality in host countries. However, aggregate FDI flows from developed and developing economies have a significant positive effect on host country institutional quality but differ concerning the impact's timing. In contrast, we find no significant effect of FDI flows from China on host country institutional quality. Our results are robust to alternative measures of institutional quality.  相似文献   

We estimate the effect of public participation in host countries on Chinese outward FDI (OFDI) for a panel of 58 countries along the Belt and Road from 2004 to 2019 in a Heckman selection model. Our model captures effects along both, extensive and intensive margins. We find that public participation, and the differences between public participation in home and host countries, significantly affect Chinese OFDI. Effects are sensitive to the presence of access to local investment networks and change after the introduction of the Belt and Road Initiative.  相似文献   

我国对外直接投资的区位选择——基于投资动机的视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从对外直接投资动机的视角,采用54国2003-2006年的面板数据,在对样本国聚类的基础上考察了我国对外直接投资区位选择的影响因素。发现在控制了东道国治理基础和双边贸易量后,对我国直接投资而言,发达国家的区位优势在于较高的科技水平,而发展中国家则在于丰富的矿产能源禀赋或潜在的国内市场。同时,发达国家的市场对我国直接投资并不具有吸引力,而在对一些资源丰富的发展中国家进行投资时市场因素的作用也不明显。  相似文献   

发展导向的“一带一路”倡议是否需要完善知识产权保护规则?文章以世界经济论坛知识产权保护指标作为核心解释变量,运用面板数据模型,实证考察了知识产权保护对中国对外直接投资存量的影响。发现东道国加强知识产权保护对中国对外直接投资具有显著的促进作用,而且这种作用有两个显著的特点,一是在“一带一路”沿线国家样本中强于非沿线国家样本,二是在低知识产权保护度的国家样本中强于高知识产权保护度的国家样本。“一带一路”沿线多为发展中国家,知识产权保护度较低,中国企业在这些国家进行投资更多是处于被模仿的地位,需要通过双边或者多边协定,敦促沿线国家加强知识产权保护。文章结论为在“一带一路”倡议中完善知识产权保护规则的政策导向提供了实证基础。  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of China's “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI) on Chinese firms' outward foreign direct investment (OFDI). Overall, the BRI positively impacts on Chinese OFDI activities. However, both the direction and the magnitude of this impact depend on the host countries' willingness to participate in the BRI. The BRI promotes more OFDI to developing countries that welcome China's economic engagement and alters the effect of Chinese domestic push factors on its OFDI patterns. In addition, Chinese firms in construction and infrastructure, manufacturing, and trade-related sectors are more responsive to the BRI than firms in other sectors.  相似文献   

The theoretical literature has discussed different channels through which foreign direct investments (FDI) promote host country’s economic growth, but empirical analyses have so far been rather inconclusive. In this paper, exploiting the information of a disaggregated data set on a panel of 14 manufacturing sectors for (a sample of) developed and developing countries over the period 1992–2004, we are able to provide robust evidence on the positive and statistically significant growth effect of FDI in recipient countries. Moreover, we find that this effect is stronger in capital‐intensive and technologically advanced sectors. The growth enhancing effect comes primarily from an increase in total factor productivity (TFP) and from factors accumulation. Our results are robust to the inclusion of other determinants of economic growth and to controlling for potential endogeneity.  相似文献   

Integrating agency and institutional theories, this paper examines the impact of top-executive compensation and regional institutions on the outward FDI(OFDI) of a sample of Chinese-listed firms. The results show that top-executive cash pay and equity ownership have a positive association with OFDI. Differing from previous studies focusing on cross-country institutional variances, we take variations in within-country institutions into account and find that regional institutions in terms of product markets, factor markets and legal systems play an important role in OFDI and positively moderate the governance role of managerial equity ownership.  相似文献   

王海军 《财贸研究》2012,23(1):110-116
利用中国大陆企业对外直接投资(OFDI)统计数据和两类政治风险指数进行实证研究,结果发现:来自东道国的政治风险对OFDI有着显著的负向影响;本土的政治风险对于OFDI也有实质影响;经济增长、经济开放程度以及政府政策等因素对OFDI也有显著作用。  相似文献   

This study investigates how the state influences the outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) of hybrid state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in China. Previous studies have provided conflicting arguments and empirical findings on the internationalization of SOEs, with some studies proposing a positive relationship between state ownership and OFDI, while others propose a negative relationship. In this paper, we argue that the mixed effects are due to different influences of different levels of state ownership and different types of political connections. We investigate our proposed hypotheses based on a sample of publicly listed hybrid Chinese SOEs between 2009 and 2016. We find an S-shaped relationship between state ownership and OFDI such that at low levels of state ownership, OFDI increases as state ownership increases; at medium levels of state ownership, OFDI decreases as state ownership increases; at high levels of state ownership, OFDI increases again as state ownership increases. We further find that executive-branch political connections between boards and top management teams of firms and the government have a negative effect on OFDI, while legislative-branch political connections have no significant effect on OFDI.  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化背景下,企业对外直接投资行为的兴起激发了国内外学术界对其动机的研究。发展中国家和发达国家由于市场发展程度存在较大的差别,企业对外直接投资动机也大相径庭。通过对比归纳发现,发达国家企业对外直接投资动机较为集中,受东道国因素影响较多并大多有市场推动;而发展中国家企业对外直接投资动机较复杂多样,主要受母国因素影响且政府政策推动具有较大作用。这一比较研究也表明,在我国针对企业对外直接投资经济影响的研究中,应先考虑并区分不同动机企业对外直接投资产生的差异化结果。  相似文献   

For FDI to help alleviate absolute poverty and stimulate economic growth in developing countries, two conditions have to be met. First, developing countries need to be attractive to foreign investors. Second, the host‐country environment in which foreign investors operate must be conducive to favourable FDI effects with regard to overall investment, economic spillovers and income growth. This paper argues that it is more difficult to benefit from FDI than to attract FDI. The widely perceived concentration of FDI in few developing countries tends to obscure that, in relative terms, various small and poor countries are fairly attractive to FDI. Yet, the mobilisation of domestic resources remains by far, more important than attracting FDI for financing investment and stimulating economic growth. Furthermore, high inward FDI is no guarantee for poverty alleviation and positive growth effects. In particular, the empirical evidence suggests that host‐country conditions typically prevailing in poor countries, including weak institutions and an insufficient endowment of complementary factors of production, constrain the growth‐enhancing and poverty‐alleviating effects of FDI. The crux is that creating an environment in which FDI may deliver social returns will take considerable time exactly where development needs are most pressing.  相似文献   

This paper finds that significant variation in FDI spillover effects on local industry is obscured through the aggregation common in most studies. Breaking Chinese industrial data for 2001 down by category of ownership of foreign investor, local firm, and by host industry, we find evidence of greater positive spillovers from FDI in technology-intensive industries than in labour-intensive industries. We also find that overseas Chinese affiliates from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan (HMT) generate spillovers to locally owned enterprises (LOEs) in labour-intensive industries, in contrast to western affiliates, which positively impact on the performance of LOEs in technology-intensive industries. Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) benefit from the presence of both HMT affiliates in labour-intensive industries and of western affiliates in technology-intensive industries. Other LOEs (OLOEs), however, benefit only from HMT affiliates’ presence in labour-intensive industries. These findings offer some support to host government policies offering generous incentive packages to attract foreign investors in high-technology industries. We find that some aspects of China's status as a transition economy—for example the considerable resources and effective control deployed by the state and SOEs—has helped its development process; however we argue that it is possible for non-transition developing economies to implement similar policies.  相似文献   

利用外资与对外投资已经成为发展中国家参与经济全球化与国际竞争的重要手段。外资的流入不仅带来了资本,还带来了技术和知识等企业经营资源,改变了发展中国家的要素禀赋、比较优势、经济结构、市场容量。发展中国家企业所有权优势的增强和国家区位优势的改善最终会促使发展中国家的企业进行对外直接投资。本文运用投资发展周期理论,实证检验得出目前我国双向投资已经进入第三发展阶段的结论。为此,我国应从企业和政府两个方面增强企业所有权优势和国家区位优势,促进双向投资协调发展。  相似文献   

随着我国与“一带一路”沿线国家交流的加深,我国对“一带一路”沿线国家的直接投资(OFDI)规模呈增长趋势,且绿色技术溢出效应显著。为进一步推动“一带一路”沿线国家经济高质量发展,贯彻人类命运共同体理念,选择2005—2018年“一带一路”沿线26个国家的面板数据,利用基于数据包络分析法的曼奎斯特指数法(DEA—Malmquist)测算我国OFDI绿色技术溢出,实证分析其对沿线国家全球价值链参与度和地位跃升的影响,并以地区、发展程度、产业为分组依据进行分样本回归,考察OFDI绿色技术溢出对全球价值链升级的异质性影响。研究结果表明,我国OFDI绿色技术溢出显著促进了“一带一路”沿线国家全球价值链参与度和地位的跃升。尽管OFDI绿色技术溢出与全球价值链参与度和地位具有非线性关联和时序异质性,但均处于非线性曲线的上升阶段;在区际经济地理禀赋约束下,OFDI绿色技术溢出的全球价值链升级效应呈现出禀赋异质性、空间异质性、状态依存性特征。首先,与“一带一路”沿线欧洲国家和发达国家相比,我国OFDI绿色技术溢出对“一带一路”沿线亚洲国家和发展中国家的全球价值链升级效应更显著;其次,与农业和工业相比,服务业的全球价值链升级效应更显著。为实现“一带一路”沿线国家全球价值链向高端环节跃升,既要通过扩大规模、提高质量、多元发展的方式增强我国对“一带一路”沿线国家的OFDI绿色技术溢出效应,又要切实提高区际经济外向度与契约质量,加强营商环境建设,充分利用东道国禀赋优势,强化OFDI绿色技术溢出的全球价值链升级效应。  相似文献   

谢凤燕 《北方经贸》2006,(12):85-87,93
改革开放以来,我国吸引外商直接投资规模逐年增加,处于世界领先地位,但对外直接投资方面则处于世界落后地位。截至2004年,我国对外直接投资存量为449亿美元,仅占全球对外直接投资存量的0.55%。根据我国企业在对外直接投资方面的竞争力水平,很难在短期内大规模进入欧美等发达国家的投资市场,但在对其他发展中国家的直接投资———南南直接投资中,我国企业无论与发展中国家的竞争对手相比还是与发达国家的竞争对手相比,均有一定的竞争优势。我国企业应当正确认识自身的竞争优势,以南南直接投资为突破口,培植国际竞争力,推动“走出去”战略。  相似文献   

众多的决策者与学者相信外商直接投资(FDI)有利于促进东道国的经济增长。但是实证研究结果却表明,FDI的经济增长效应在许多发展中国家却并不明确,主要原因在于FDI效应受到东道国自身环境和条件(即吸收能力)的制约。东道国的金融发展主要通过人力资本效应、技术创新效应、产业关联效应以及市场环境优化效应等机制对FDI与经济增长的关系产生影响。金融发展已经成为东道国FDI效应有效发挥的核心要素。也是未来FDI研究的一个重要的新方向。  相似文献   

Drawing on the investment development path (IDP) framework and foreign direct investment (FDI) spillover literature, this study attempts to identify the contingent and dynamic effect of inward FDI (IFDI) on outward FDI (OFDI) at a provincial level. Using panel data from China, our findings reveal that the positive effect of IFDI on OFDI is stronger in provinces with high economic development, albeit at a diminishing rate over time. However, the level of corruption weakens the effect of IFDI on OFDI over time. Despite that, we find that the effect of IFDI on OFDI is not contingent on trade openness overall. By decomposing trade openness into two dimensions, that is, import intensity and export intensity, our findings indicate that the effect of IFDI on OFDI depends on export intensity, rather than import intensity. Our study provides insights into the complex effect of IFDI on OFDI from a contingent and dynamic perspective.  相似文献   

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