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This paper investigates factors affecting the effectiveness of knowledge sharing in globally dispersed expert groups in a professional service MNC. We specifically focus on possible moderating effects of managerial involvement on the relationships of dispersion and trust with the individual satisfaction with knowledge sharing within such groups. We test our hypotheses in the context of a large multinational software company. This paper contributes to a deeper understanding of how knowledge is shared in globally dispersed settings in the MNC and challenges traditional assumptions on the appropriate level of analysis in studies of knowledge flows within MNCs.  相似文献   

Through the lens of the institutional theory, we developed and empirically tested a contingency theoretical framework that examines the effects of formal and informal institutional distances on the quality of the headquarters–subsidiary relationship, and how such effects are contextualized by internal institutionalization of headquarters’ practices in subsidiaries of Chinese multinational enterprises (MNEs). Data were collected from both the headquarters of 297 Chinese MNEs and their respective subsidiaries. The results show that regulative and cultural distances are positively associated with the quality of the headquarters–subsidiary relationship, and that these positive relationships are stronger when subsidiaries institutionalize headquarters’ practices to a higher degree. Theoretical and practical implications are highlighted in the paper.  相似文献   

The MNE integration literature lacks coherence in the use and effectiveness of different integration mechanisms. In this study, we use meta-analytic techniques to quantitatively synthesize and evaluate the impact of centralization, formalization and socialization on knowledge transfer. Our analysis of 89 independent samples, including 15,506 subsidiaries, shows that socialization facilitates knowledge transfer more strongly than centralization and formalization. Socialization substitutes for formalization’s positive impact, and mitigates centralization’s negative impact on knowledge transfer. We further identify that directionality of knowledge flows is key in explaining the impact of centralization mechanisms. Finally, we point out important systemic problems in current empirical research.  相似文献   

Drawing on the social capital literature, this study examines the relationship between trust and shared vision and inward knowledge transfer to subsidiaries from both the subsidiary's corporate and external relations. Previous literature has acknowledged and theoretically suggested that potential differences may exist in knowledge transfer between intra- and inter-organizational relationships, it has not yet been well examined empirically. The study provides some initial insights into the literature by theoretically suggesting that the effects of trust and shared vision on inward knowledge transfer differ in importance in intra- and inter-organizational relationships. Hypotheses were tested on data collected from 75 Western MNCs’ subsidiaries located in China. The study represents an effort towards a better understanding of the context where trust and shared vision are more of vital importance.  相似文献   

The advantages of multinational enterprises (MNEs) over domestic firms have been widely acknowledged in several streams of literature. However, a more refined analysis on the sources of their advantages is lacking. Exploiting minimum wage hikes in China as an exogenous shock, we theorize that, due to multinational advantages, the employment of multinational subsidiaries may be less affected by minimum wages than that of domestic firms, and that their multinational advantages arise from both operational and financial advantages. Using nation-wide longitudinal firm data from 1998 to 2007 and border discontinuity design (BDD) to estimate the causal effects, we find supportive evidence for our hypotheses. We contribute to the literature on multinational advantages and minimum wages.  相似文献   

This study tests two competing views (namely, institutional theory and organizational learning theory) regarding the role of social networks on firms' new practice adoption from 1999 to 2008 in Taiwanese high-tech sector firms that operate under the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) supplier model. Empirical data analysis shows that the sampled suppliers adopt customer relationship management (CRM) systems mostly to gain legitimacy, while they adopt supply chain management (SCM) systems with joint desires of gaining legitimacy and seeking knowledge in the OEM network. The findings indicate that social networks provide firms with a dedicated mechanism for assessing the logic of adopting new practices.  相似文献   

We examine key factors affecting the extent of knowledge acquisition from multinational enterprises (MNEs) in their wholly owned subsidiaries (WOSs). As the volume of foreign direct investment (FDI) by MNEs is rapidly growing, empirical studies dealing with knowledge acquisition from parent firms in subsidiaries are in the limelight. However, as far as we know, none has attempted to identify primary mechanisms influencing subsidiary learning by dividing WOSs based on ‘investment mode’ and ‘investment direction’. We believe WOSs are characterized by these two issues and thus this research contributes to current literature by providing a detailed picture of learning mechanisms in subsidiaries. We advance a series of propositions to achieve the research objective by using a sample of WOSs established by MNEs in Korea. By doing this, we reveal that subsidiary learning depends significantly on absorptive capacity in learning organizations, relational capital and parent firms’ behavior. Also, we confirm that factors facilitating knowledge acquisition are influenced by investment mode and investment direction. Based on the results, this study provides some useful implications for MNEs and policy makers in local markets.  相似文献   

A multinational enterprise’s (MNE) decision to commit more resources to a host country operation is a key aspect of internationalization. MNEs can change their foreign operation mode in several ways in order to increase host-country commitment after initial entry, but existing theory on mode changes provides little guidance on what drives MNEs to increase commitment in a certain way over another. In this paper, we differentiate between mode duplication, whereby an MNE replicates an existing operation mode in a host country, and mode elevation, whereby an MNE establishes a new, different mode of operation either in lieu of or in addition to an existing one. We subsequently leverage learning theory to argue that both deeper international experience and broader international experience increase the likelihood of implementing a mode elevation rather than a mode duplication due to the higher complexity of the former. We further argue that these relationships are not uniform across different levels of host-country institutional quality. We test our hypotheses in a primary dataset of 80 Austrian MNEs implementing 527 mode changes while internationalizing into 21 countries in Central and Eastern Europe over 24 years, and find support for our theory. Overall, this study contributes to the international business literature on mode changes by offering theory and evidence regarding the drivers of whether an MNE increases foreign commitment by establishing a new operation mode or by duplicating an existing one in a host country.  相似文献   

This article is based upon the premise that the personal network of the owner-manager is the most important resource upon which he or she can draw in the early days of the firm's development. This is particularly the case as the concept of personal networks is sufficiently general to include dimensions that include, for example, attention to customers, understanding of the business, market orientation, or stress on quality. As such, it is intuitively obvious that the nature and use of these networks must impinge upon the resultant strategy adopted in the firm, albeit often implicit rather than explicit. However, as yet there is no empirical evidence to support this conclusion. Therefore, this article probes one question: how do the characteristics of the owner-manager's network relate to the competitive strategy of new ventures? Clearly, within this, we expected to find relationships that were logically consistent.The research was conducted in two counties in England that possessed similar industrial structures and equal rates of new firm formation. A list of firms was obtained from local business directories, and all 629 firms that fit the criteria were contacted by telephone. Validation of the firms at this point resulted in a significant reduction in those that fit the sampling criteria.Four hundred twenty-three firms were mailed an 11-page questionnaire resulting in a 52% response rate.Preliminary analysis of the strategy variables identified six components that were consistent with previous literature. These were labeled as marketing differentiation, product innovation, market segmentation, distribution, growth through outside capital, and differentiation through quality. Correlation of these components with the networking characteristics of propensity to network, network activity, network density, network intensity, and content of network exchanges supports our proposition that entrepreneurs differ in their networking activities according to the competitive strategy pursued by the firm.Further classification of the owner-managers into strategic clusters demonstrates that most firms appear to follow multiple patterns of strategic behavior. Moreover, the comparison with the networking characteristics shows that owner-managers appear to differ in a logical manner in the use of their networks. Bailey, Montera, and Cardow (1992) argue that a firm's resource base consists of financial, physical, and human resources, and that the manner in which those resources interact is determined by the firm's strategy. Previous research on entrepreneurial networks has shown the amount of time and energy the owner-manager devotes to the development and maintenance of contacts. The underlying assumption of social-network theory is that through a personal network, the owner-manager of a new venture gathers access to critical resources, which for a variety of reasons the new firm does not possess internally. Consequently, this research has argued that this resource base cannot be ignored when attempting to understand the concept of “strategy” among new and small firms. In fact, this resource base may play a dominant role in formulating as well as implementing “strategy.”  相似文献   

Foreign investors generally need to overcome a liability of foreignness stemming from contextual distance between their home country and the target country. We argue that they can limit that liability more easily by investing in a global city rather than elsewhere in the target country. Accordingly, we hypothesize that the contextual distance to a target country has a positive effect on a firm’s propensity to invest in a global city in that country. We also predict that this effect is stronger for investments in knowledge-intensive activities and weaker for investors with more target-country experience in general and target-country experience in global cities in particular. Our hypotheses receive considerable support in an analysis of 11,748 foreign greenfield investments by 1025 manufacturing and service firms during 2008–2012. Our findings suggest that global cities are superior subnational locations for gathering contextual knowledge about target countries and limiting the liability of foreignness.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study is to propose and investigate the integrative model which was formulated by modifying and extending the Triandis model (TRIANM); this explores the structural relationships among knowledge-sharing enablers, process, and outcomes in hotels from a holistic perspective. The hypotheses are examined with data from 327 employees in 10 five-star hotels in Busan, Korea. Anticipated usefulness and reciprocal relationships are confirmed as the two most important enablers of employees' knowledge-sharing behaviour. Other significant enablers include facilitating conditions and social factors. New enablers, enjoyment in helping others and knowledge self-efficacy, that we have added to the TRIANM are also found to be significant. The path from knowledge-sharing behaviour to organizational innovation capability, the path from organizational innovation capability to organizational performance is found to be significant, respectively. The findings and theoretical and practical implications are then discussed.  相似文献   

Alternative food networks (AFNs) are growing in number and relevance in Germany. Those networks include new models of production and distribution, such as food cooperatives (FoodCoops), self‐harvest gardens or community‐supported agriculture (CSA) schemes. AFNs, as an alternative to conventional food supply systems, are characterized by a close producer‐consumer interaction. They are typically located within urban or peri‐urban areas. The study aims to identify the rationale and motivation of urban residents in participating in AFNs and developing a consumer typology. We also assess whether AFNs potentially lead to collective action with societal impact. Therefore, we conducted a qualitative content analysis based on 18 interviews with members of existing AFN projects in three German metropolitan regions. Our results revealed that the willingness of urban consumers to participate in AFNs is driven by a broad range of motives. They include personal desire for high‐quality food (in terms of taste or freshness) and health reasons, but also political or environmental motives (opposition to conventional agriculture or short transport distances). Furthermore, consumers often want to support a certain farmer and his/her philosophy or they appreciate the community‐building aspect. Three different consumer types were derived from the motive combinations. Many consumers communicated a sense of belonging to a societal movement, however, our study revealed a lack of organization and collective action. Although AFNs can influence the consumption patterns of individuals, their potential to induce social change and to challenge traditional models of consumption in the near future does not appear to be high.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(2):135-160
After 1888, Lever Brothers expanded into the United States and Canada. The surviving archival evidence suggests that the Canadian subsidiary was more successful than the American one. This article considers a number of factors that help to explain why this was the case. Some of the factors considered, such as differences between the Canadian and American tariffs, Canada's more robust system of trademark protection, and the absence of an anti-trust law in Canada before 1908, are related to themes very familiar to business historians. This article also applies concepts that are not part of the normal toolkit of business historians. The article draws on the literature on identity economics and argues that the greater success enjoyed by Lever Brothers in Canada was, in part, rooted in Canada's strongly British identity. The impact of identities on the policymakers, managers, and consumers who collectively shaped the two North American subsidiaries is assessed.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of technology spillover in international trade, this paper discusses the technological innovation effect of trade by taking the influence of domestic trade into account. Under the constraint of the production possibility frontier, there is either complementarity or substitutability between domestic and foreign trade. It must be decided whether resources should be concentrated in one of the sectors (trade specialization) or instead allocated equally (trade equalization) between the two sectors. This paper firstly discusses how domestic trade and foreign trade work together to influence technological innovation, and how trade equalization and specialization affect different types of innovation. Using a provincial-level panel dataset from 2007 to 2015 in China, this paper constructs the indicators of domestic and foreign trade linkage and examines the impact of trade on innovation. The findings show that trade equalization mainly promotes incremental innovation, while trade specialization improves radical innovation. Thus, in the area of incremental innovation, attention should be paid to the equalized development of domestic and foreign trade, while in areas pursuing radical innovation, emphasis should be put on the specialization of the trade sector, avoiding equal allocation of resources to the two sectors.  相似文献   

The creation of a new competence-based framework of National (and Scottish) Vocational Qualifications (N/SVQs) in the UK has been fraught with difficulties and the ensuing debate has sharply divided those involved in education and training. Some argue that the N/SVQs are doomed to failure because the underlying philosophy is fundamentally flawed or see their introduction as part of a political conspiracy of the right to wrest power away from liberal educationalists; others see national standards and N/SVQs as a way of ensuring that education and training better meet the needs of employment; a few hold on to the original idealistic vision of opening up access to qualifications and giving credit where credit is due, especially for those workers who have been disadvantaged in the education system. Early implementation has been puncuated by scandals and, with a few notable exceptions such as the Care Sector, take-up rates have fallen well below what is necessary for achievement of National Education and Training Targets for the year 2000. In 1996, the publication of three major reviews of 16–19 qualifications, of assessment in General National/Vocational Qualifications and of the top 100 most commonly used N/SQVs, marked a crisis in confidence in the emerging UK system. Yet variations on the outcomes-based approach established by NCVQ/SCOTVEC are increasingly finding favour in the European Union and in New Zealand, Australia and the new South Africa, not least because they hold out the promise of greater transparency for all stakeholders. Extensive changes are now anticipated but they may be too little too late to get this radical innovation back on course.  相似文献   

When foreign and local firms compete, they face competitors acting quite differently from themselves. Specifically, their ability to engage in timely and frequent actions is influenced by, respectively, the Liability of Foreignness (LoF) and the Liability of Localness (LoL). We explore how the trade-off between LoF and LoL influences the aggressiveness of competitive actions firms take in emerging markets. Specifically, we argue that LoF results in weaker government ties that inhibit the aggressiveness of competitive actions of multinational subsidiaries, while LoL results in weaker technological capabilities that inhibit competitive aggressiveness of domestic firms. We apply structural equation modelling on Chinese survey data to test hypotheses derived from these arguments and find empirical support. Our results shed new light on competitive dynamics in an emerging economy.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether foreign shareholders, foreign board members, and cross-listing, are related to corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure in Russia. A sample of 223 Russian listed companies is analyzed for the period 20122015. In line with legitimacy theory and agency theory, our empirical results demonstrate that foreign board members and cross-listing help companies to raise their accountability through increased CSR disclosure. At the same time we report that foreign ownership does not enhance CSR disclosure, as the majority of foreign shareholders of Russian companies are registered in offshore domiciles that are used for more efficient tax allocation.  相似文献   

Does FDI affect knowledge sourcing activities, innovation and productivity growth of domestic firms? This study employs firm‐level panel data from Estonia’s manufacturing sector to investigate different channels through which FDI affects domestic firms. Based on instrumental variables approach, I find no evidence of an effect of FDI entry on local incumbents’ short‐term productivity growth. However, there is positive association between the entry of FDI and the more direct measures of spillovers. FDI inflow to a sector is associated with more knowledge flows to domestic firms and increase in their innovation activities.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether three classes of donors – multilateral organisations, regional institutions and bilateral donors – tailor their mix of grants and loans to reflect international benefit spillovers and recipient‐specific benefits, derived from aid‐funded activities in developing and transition countries. To account for recipient benefit shares, donors should use a greater share of grants when supported activities yield a larger portion of international public benefits. A greater reliance on loans is appropriate when a large portion of recipient‐specific benefits are associated with the assistance. By reflecting recipient benefit shares in the grant‐loan mix, donors’ assistance also promotes allocative efficiency. Using the Credit Reporting System (CRS) database from OECD for 1980–2000, our analysis establishes that various donor classes apply different grant‐loan mixtures when supporting the environment, health, knowledge and governance sectors of recipient countries. We employ analysis of variance and other statistical comparisons of the means to investigate differences among donor classes. We demonstrate that bilateral donors do the best job in tailoring their grant‐loan mix to accord with the extent of international public good benefits embodied in the aid‐supported activity. Multilateral organisations’ grant‐loan mix is intermediate of the three types of donors, with some evidence of them relying more on grants to finance activities that possess a larger share of international public good spillovers. Regional institutions, however, do not discriminate their grant‐loan mix by either sectors or the associated public good spillovers. This finding suggests that regional development banks need to adjust their grant‐loan mix to better account for international benefit spillovers if these institutions are to warrant the increased funds to underwrite regional public goods that they have been seeking. If, however, their mix is institutionally set, then the stakeholders must give these institutions greater flexibility to tailor their grants and loans to who benefits from the aid‐supported public goods. This is the first paper to empirically ascertain whether the grant‐loan mix is tied to the inherent publicness of the aid‐funded activities.  相似文献   

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