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The Performance Persistence of Closed-End Funds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The purpose of this study is to extend the research on mutual fund performance persistence to net asset value and market price performance of domestic closed‐end funds. While research has assessed the performance persistence of open‐end mutual funds, it has not assessed the performance persistence of closed‐end funds. Yet, the unique characteristics of closed‐end funds allow stronger arguments for their persistence than the arguments previously submitted for open‐end mutual funds. The results show evidence for risk‐adjusted performance persistence.  相似文献   

Using a sample of Australian Multi-sector trusts we examine selectivity and market timing performance and extend the analysis to include the relatively new measure of volatility timing. This is of particular relevance to our data set, as high levels of volatility persistence are prevalent in Australia. In addition we consider the stability, asymmetry and seasonality of the various performance and risk measures. A survivorship adjustment procedure is also employed in order to assess the impact of survivorship on selectivity, market timing and volatility timing performance.  相似文献   

We propose an alternative mutual fund performance index which addresses the benchmark problem and controls for economies of scale in managing mutual funds. We advance a new concept of 'return-cost' efficiency as another important element in evaluating portfolio management, in addition to the mean-variance efficiency concept. Our index based on a non-parametric estimation is shown to be similar to the Sharpe index with multiple slopes (or factors). We have shown that all fund categories, except income funds, have similar average efficiency scores after controlling for economies of scale. Most funds operate in increasing returns to scale and seem to be successful in holding mean-variance efficient portfolios, but unsuccessful in allocating transaction costs efficiently, evidenced by excessive turnovers and loads.  相似文献   

We examine the motivation and performance of closed‐end funds that engage in seasoned public or rights offerings. We find that closed‐end funds are more motivated to engage in seasoned offerings when their shares exhibit a relatively high premium (compared to their corresponding NAV) and have a high degree of liquidity. We also find a significant negative valuation effect on average in response to seasoned offerings by closed‐end funds. Our cross‐sectional analysis reveals that the valuation effect at the time of the seasoned offering is more unfavorable for funds that have relatively high expense ratios and are relatively large. Furthermore, we find that the closed‐end funds experience significant negative valuation effects over the three‐year period subsequent to the seasoned offering, implying poor post‐offering performance.  相似文献   

Recent papers which have examined unit trusts have controlled either for a 'fund size effect' or for the 'small firms effect' in the investment portfolio. The contribution of this paper is an analysis of the 'small firms effect' whilst simultaneously controlling for the 'fund size effect'. We show that the ethical unit trusts have significantly greater exposure than general unit trusts to the 'small firms effect', and that net of this there is no significant evidence of over or under performance by ethical trusts using an adjusted Jensen measure. Using two cross-sectional approaches, we demonstrate that whilst a 'small firms effect' has a role to play in explaining unit trust performance, fund size is not correlated with the financial performance of unit trusts. This cross-sectional analysis also provides some evidence that ethical unit trusts may perform less well than general unit trusts.  相似文献   

We examine the performance of enhanced index and quantitative equity funds. Both types of funds use quantitative models in investment selection. Enhanced index funds set an explicit objective to outperform a benchmark index. Proponents of quantitative funds argue that their management style takes human emotions out of the investment decision‐making process and leads to more objective stock selection. We find evidence of outperformance by quantitatively managed growth funds, especially those investing in small cap stocks.  相似文献   

We employ a United Kingdom data set of weekly returns from a sample of investment trust companies available on the Datastream database. We analyse the relative performance of the funds and determine whether a 'good' (above-median), past-performance is indicative of future performance. Our study focuses on within sample relative performance. We examine persistence in performance in the short and long run based on a number of tests. Overall we find that both raw and risk-adjusted returns exhibit evidence of persistence in performance in the long run but not in the very short run.  相似文献   

Pension funds require the managerial expertise of financial intermediaries, who must be paid a fee or spread. The spread significantly reduces the value of the pension fund over longer holding periods, and implies significantly greater incentive conflicts for defined contribution-funded pension funds than for defined benefit-funded pension funds. The magnitude of the intermediary spread and those factors affecting the demand for financial intermediary reputation and the marginal fee for this reputation are examined for a sample of 66 defined contribution and 54 defined benefit Australian pension funds during 1991–93. The intermediary spread significantly reduces the average net return provided to individual investors, particularly for defined contribution pension funds. Agency-related factors affecting the demand for financial intermediary reputation and its marginal fee reflect underlying contract-based differences between these types of fund.  相似文献   

We investigate the price performance of closed‐end funds that announce share‐repurchase programs. Closed‐end funds experience positive average stock‐price reactions to the announcements. The long‐run buy‐and‐hold abnormal returns of repurchasing funds over the subsequent three years are significantly higher than a nonrepurchasing control sample matched by size, type, investment style and geographic diversification. Funds with larger discounts, international funds, equity funds, and funds that announce larger repurchases or frequently announce repurchases, experience more positive stock‐price reactions. Except for larger repurchases, the same characteristics are associated with more positive long‐run buy‐and‐hold returns.  相似文献   

我国开放式和封闭式基金绩效比较的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来我国新设立的开放式基金远远多于封闭式基金。在数量迅速增长的情况下,开放式基金能否取得优于封闭式基金的绩效受到市场的普遍关注。本文选取了10家基金管理公司,每家公司各选一只开放式基金和一只封闭式基金,从收益率、风险调整后的绩效和择时能力三个方面比较了2004年1月至2005年4月期间开放式基金与封闭式基金的绩效。实证结果显示,在我国目前情况下,开放式基金的绩效略高于封闭式基金,但并不存在显著的差异.  相似文献   

In this article, we evaluate the performance of mutual funds in China between 2006 and 2014. We first estimate time-varying abnormal returns of each mutual fund using an active peer benchmark-augmented factor pricing model. An index of riskiness is then estimated and used to calculate the augmented performance measure (APM). By construction, the APM separates the managerial premium of the fund from systematic risk premium, so it is better than the economic performance measure. The APM incorporates information beyond the first and second moments of the distribution of fund abnormal return; therefore, it is more informative than the Sharpe ratio.  相似文献   

基金投资风格漂移及其对基金绩效的影响研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文选取一轮完整行情为研究期间,并将其划分为牛市和熊市两个子期间,采用Sharp(1992)提出的基于收益率的投资风格分析法确定基金在两个子期间的实际投资风格,将动态的实际投资风格和宣称的投资风格进行比较,对整个研究期问的“风格漂移”现象进行了研究。在此基础上,考察了“风格漂移”对整个研究期问基金绩效的影响。研究发现,发生明显“风格漂移”的基金绩效要优于未明显发生“风格漂移”基金的绩效。  相似文献   

We analyze U.S.‐based emerging market bond funds over a ten‐year (1996–2005) complete cycle of ups and downs in the dominant emerging bond markets. Emerging market bond funds outperform comparable domestic and global bond funds. The results are robust across both conditional and unconditional models. The funds also provide international diversification benefits to U.S. and international bond and equity portfolios. The funds exhibit persistence in performance and seasonality. Active funds, large funds and funds with high minimum purchases perform better on a total return basis but not on a risk‐adjusted basis.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of daily return compounding, financing costs, and management factors on the performance of leveraged exchange‐traded funds (LETFs) over various holding periods. We propose a new method to measure LETFs’ tracking errors that allows us to disentangle these effects. Our results show that the compounding effect generally has more influence on tracking errors than other factors, especially for long holding periods and in a “sideways” market. The explicit costs (i.e., the expense ratios) and other factors (e.g., financing costs) can materially affect the performance of LETFs, especially for those with high leverage ratios and bear funds.  相似文献   

In this paper, we test the selectivity and timing performance of the Fidelity sector mutual funds during the 1989–1998 time period. We use the S&P 500, the Dow Jones Industry Group Total Return Indexes, and the Dow Jones Subgroup Total Return Indexes as benchmarks. When we use the Dow Jones Industry benchmarks, our results indicate that many sector fund managers have positive selectivity but negative timing ability. We also find that the results are sensitive to our choice of benchmark and timing model.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Using a proprietary data set to study how past performance affects the determinants of mutual fund flows for a sample of load fund investors, I provide evidence that the determinants of fund flow depend on market conditions for both redemptions and purchases. Specifically, I show that, for redemptions, relative performance and risk adjusted performance are important determinants during a period of record flows into mutual funds. Conversely, during a period of poor performance, absolute performance becomes much more important and relative performance and risk adjusted performance become less important. For purchases, absolute performance, risk adjusted performance, and most relative performance measures become more important during the bear market.  相似文献   

政府扶贫资金投入方式与扶贫绩效的多元回归分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从我国扶贫资金的来源结构上看,政府扶贫资金占绝大部分和绝对比重.本文通过政府扶贫资金及其具体投向对提高农业总产值和农民纯收入、降低农村贫困人口及其比例的回归分析,从而来考察我国政府扶贫资金使用的绩效,并提出相应对策.  相似文献   

本文利用数据包络分析法(DEA)对我国开放式基金2003~2008年的投资管理效率进行总体分析,发现我国开放式基金投资效率很低,基金风格、基金管理公司、规模大小、分红等都会影响其综合技术效率、纯技术效率与规模效率。进一步利用Malmquist生产率指数对其动态效率进行分析表明,开放式基金整体效率存在改善,主要来自于技术进步。  相似文献   

Abstract:   We examine whether the sensitivity of pay to performance is associated with the amount of insider trading that managers undertake. Because insider trading profits represent an alternative form of compensation, we expect that firms will consider the compensation component provided by insider trading when designing remuneration contracts. Employing a proxy for insider trading that captures the degree to which managers trade on private information, we find evidence that an increased (a decreased) level of insider trading is associated with a decreased (an increased) pay‐performance sensitivity.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the forecasting ability and performance of Latin American fund managers by evaluating changes in portfolio country exposure. It employs a methodology based on attribution returns. An attribution return is defined as the difference between the actual monthly fund return and the return that would have been generated by the previous month portfolio's country exposure. The study finds three major results. In the aggregate, Latin American fund managers demonstrate forecasting ability as evidenced by a positive and statistically significant attribution return. The fund managers outperform a regional benchmark when measured with Jensen's alpha, and the attribution return is positively correlated with alpha. Attribution returns are mostly negative during periods of financial instability in the region.  相似文献   

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