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An economic topology can have many uses to the academician, student and practitioner. Refining a topology of economic systems helps to bring together seemingly disparate characteristics and to point out potential long run trends. The progression of economic systems over time and also brief explanations of each system are given. We argue that most modem economic systems have some remnants of earlier forms, that is, most economies today are some mixture of what might be considered pure systems. Measurable characteristics to identify a particular system are developed that allows progress to or from a particular classification to be charted for individual countries.  相似文献   

Since the Reform and Opening-up in 1978,China’s economy,society and other fields have developed very rapidly.Economic growth has achieved leapfrog development,and the three industries have achieved great development,but the overall industrial structure needs to be improved.At present,China’s economy has entered the “New Normal”.In order to achieve “Sound and Rapid” economic development,it is imperative to transform the industrial structure.Using econometric analysis and based on China’s economic...  相似文献   

From economy to political administrations, education to health, environment to human rights, many problems we met have gained a global importance in recent days. Existing state systems, political parties and nation states are not adequate for solving these problems in question effectively on their own. Not only governments and local authorities but also voluntary organizations based on completely voluntary activities have significant roles in solving these problems. Effective performance of voluntary organizations depends on increasing volunteer population. Individuals' attitudes or their perception of understanding volunteerism play an important role in their contributions to voluntary organizations. The aim of this study is to determine individuals' ways of perceiving volunteerism concept and their tendency towards it. Furthermore, differences between men and women's perception and attitudes towards volunteerism concept have been examined. For this purpose, a survey has been conducted over university students of bachelor's degree. Tendencies and attitudes towards volunteerism compared to gender differences have been tested via logistic regression method. Research results reveal that women take part in voluntary activities more than men and women perceive volunteerism as "a political position" while men perceive volunteerism as "a learning atmosphere and learning process".  相似文献   

The present economical conditions on today's world require specific point of view and policy making in business agencies. In this competitive world to achieve competence, competitive advantages in order to better governance, organizations have to increase their competitive powers through promotion and productivity. One of the fundamental approaches to elevate the productivity level is finding the complications and obstacles, and arise planning to remove them. In order to understand organizational complication, we have tried to take critical factors of success and continue improvement into consideration to demonstrate a model to find the main and radical problems and complications and recognize the recoverable areas in the business agencies. In order to verify and validate the performed research, he planned model has been accomplished in the Hydropower Plant Department, positive and acceptable results were obtained and organizations total factor productivity improvement was achieved which was appreciated by the organization.  相似文献   

Based on statistical analysis, this paper states that four types of rural infrastructure as roads, electrcity,communications, and education have statistically significant effects on agricultural production, nonagricultural production, and farmers‘ income in China. However, the specifics and the degrees of these influences are different.Therefore, different policies have to be implemented respectively to make full use of the limited funds in China.Meanwhile, the maturity level of rural infrastructure as with rural economic development has regional discrepancy.The levels of maturity decrease from east to west. it is urgent that the current weak situation of the rural Infrastructure in western China needs to be improved.  相似文献   

Socially-responsible business and ethical behavior of companies have been of interest to academia and practice for decades, but the focus has almost exclusively been on large corporations, while small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have not received as much attention (Hammann, et al., 2009). Worthington, et al (2006) recognized the need to encourage socially-responsible business practices among the 90 per cent or more of the world's businesses that are classified as SMEs. Perrini, et al (2007) found that size explains the differences in firms' willingness to define and implement such specific corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies, while Murillo and Lozano (2006) concluded that it still remains to be explored whether manufacturing companies tend to apply CSR more extensively, or whether businesses oriented to other business have a tendency to incorporate CSR into their management patterns to a higher degree. Moreover, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, in her 7 June, 2002 speech, recognized the importance of Chinese-Filipinos in helping improve the Philippine economy, and yet, not much research had been done on this sub-sector. Thus, this paper focuses on the effect of finn size and finn activities on the social responsibility practices of selected 30 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Metro Manila which are owned by Chinese-Filipinos. Survey questionnaires and interview were used for gathering data, while a correlations test was used to analyze the data and to conclude whether finn size and finn activities have an effect on the sampled companies' CSR practices.  相似文献   

Northwestern area is the most arid and underdeveloped area in China. Lots of researches have been doneto find the approaches to alleviate poverty. But there are some problems, for example, how to invest, how to use capital,and why the utilization rate is ambiguous. Water, capital and human resources are analyzed in this paper to be comparedwith their Utilization rates. As a result, according to the dependences of economic growth on those resources, a newapproach has been selected to organize the integration ways among these resources for economic development innorthwestern China. The efficient ways to develop northwestern China are: firstly, use the wanting resources mosteffectively to make an efficient integration model of multiple resources. For example, enhance the utilization rate of waterto raise the value of other resources. Secondly, invest more in basic factors for economic development to upgrade thecompetitiveness in the western China. For example, invest more in primary education and sustainable development ofbasic natural resources in order to have more power for sustainable development.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate supply chain management (SCM) in China dairy industry. The result shows that it can make enterprises cut the expenses and raise the efficiency by implementing of SCM. However, compared with other enterprises which do not implement SCM, those companies which have implemented SCM have not received the anticipated benefit. The reason is that those companies usually implement vertical integration before SCM. This practice normally saves the information cost while increasing the operation cost. it is very difficult to implement SCM system among domestic enterprises that have only business relationship. It is a new subject that the industry faces to implement the SCM by combining each related enterprises of the business together, based on the analysis of vertical integration suiting to enterprise's own situation.  相似文献   

How I Work     
Many successful women have become successful because they're just awfully good at being compulsive and organized and doers. But at some point that becomes paralyzing. I think men have traditionally been much better at not micromanaging. It's hard to be su…  相似文献   

Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) have become an important obstacle to the export of Chinese agricultural products. This paper illustrates the characteristics of TBT and measures their influence on the export of Chinese agricultural products and food. In conclusion, some countermeasures are discussed for China responding to TBT.  相似文献   

The Economist April8,2013 Several prime ministers have occu-pied 10 Downing Street for as long as,oreven longer than,Margaret Thatcher.Some have won as many elections-Tony Blair,for one.But Mrs Thatcher(later Lady Thatcher),Britain’s solewoman prime minister,remains the onlyoccupant of Number 10 to have becomean"-ism"in her lifetime.She left behind  相似文献   

During the 1990's South African society experienced a period of rapid transformation. Authoritarian, exclusivist structures and practices have comecrashing down, only to be replaced by social formations based on democratic and inclusivist principles. Whilst the remnants of the past still remain,in general terms an irreversible transition to democracy has occurred.This has certainly been so at the level of local government where democratically elected and accountable local councils have been p…  相似文献   

For years, the US and China have cooperated closely on manufacturing programs, which helps China become the world manufacturing center. While they both have gained much from the cooperation, there are also increasing frictions, disputes, complains and dissatisfaction with each other because of the huge trade unbalance problem and other significant issues. The US is eager to expand export to China, but China seems hesitating to decide what to import from the US. This paper presents an analysis about the benefits of the US-China cooperation with a primary focus on the service sector, which remains a large and untapped opportunity for China. The goal of the paper is to explore a new route to relieve the trade balance issues as they separately impact both nations. While focusing on analyzing several immediate opportunities, the paper also investigates several new ideas that rest on technology as well as entrepreneurial development.  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore the impact of policy of giving rewards and subsidies(GRS) for grassland ecological conservation in Tibetan Plateau implemented by the Chinese government since 2009.Taking Gerze County in Ngari Prefecture in the Tibetan Autonomous Region(TAR) as an example,it discusses the objective,implementation and outcome of that policy with regard to the ecological reconstruction and problems that have ensured.Located in the northern part of the Qiangtang Plateau,Gerze is the largest county in Ngari Prefecture.It covers more than 7.8 million acres of pastureland,of which 6.2 million acres are usable for pastoralism; 3.4 million acres,however,lack water source.In recent decades,due to the increased population and other reasons,pastures of the area have shown signs of overgrazing,thus leading to serious degradation,desertification and salinization of the grassland.Since 2009,when neighboring Coqin County was chosen as a pilot site for the national ecological incentive and subsidy policy(or: ecological compensation policy),Gerze has also started to adopt this policy and brought ful implementation in 2010.Its purpose is to solve the problem of overgrazing.But like other policies carried out in Gerze,its implementation is faced with many challenges.First,it is difficult to define the types and scopes of the incentives and subsidies,which have become a major source of complaints of the local herdsmen.Second,the local herdsmen are also concerned with the fairness of assigning rewards and subsidies.Third,the high cost of the policy’s implementation and supervision reduces its effects.Fourth,the fact that the herdsmen are not willing to reduce livestock population makes it difficult for the policy to achieve actual results.The author thinks it’s necessary to revise and improve the current ecological incentive and subsidy policy.  相似文献   

After the appearance of the globalization process post of 1980's, world has becaming a big village, that had been brought many important outcomes related with cooperatives which are aimed to emit the capital to the base. These conditions have been forced the movement to adopt themselves to this process vitally. As of year 2007, there are 26 several types of cooperatives with 90.086 unit cooperatives which have total number of 8,561.618 partners that are all dependent to Turkish cooperative association as well as Ministry of Industry and Commerce. In this study, the web sites of Turkish agricultural cooperatives were examined in terms of their contents. Also, it is tried to find out the sufficiency level of their electronic marketing activities. Within the context of this study, web sites of 5 agricultural cooperatives are examined in terms of their design.  相似文献   

Foreign-invested enterprises' influence on China's enterprises' technology is one of the most important issues. We use the panel data of China's state-owned enterprises to analyze this influence. The result shows that the foreign-invested enterprises have a significant influence on the native enterprises. We find that the extent of the technology spillover is positively related to the technological level of the foreign-invested enterprises, while their caoital and asset scales have rather comnlicated influences.  相似文献   

Recently, international movement measures that may be causing tension between the of cargo had been the subject of increasing border control needs for security and the needs for trade facilitations. On the one hand customs authorities are charged with the responsibility for policing a country's borders, and consequently they need to have in place measures to ensure that only legitimate trade takes place and that this trade does not present security concerns. On the other hand we have the requirements of traders, who benefit from an environment of trade facilitation with speedy and efficient movement of cargo across international borders, with minimal bureaucratic intervention. This paper focuses on and provides early discussion and comments on the possible ramifications of the introduction of the 24-hour rule in China, effective for all exports and imports of sea freight container traffic since January 1, 2009. The new rules will have significant impact on the logistics flows of exporters and importers alike. Specifically, the reporting requirements timelines are likely to result in increased costs in cargo processing at wharves that traders will have to bear; place added pressure on storage facilities at wharves, or at container depots; and may additionally increase the amount of inventory buffer because of the timing of the data reporting requirements. The paper concludes that security needs have prevailed over trade facilitation considerations and that traders should urgently implement a review of existing practices to ensure they comply with the China Customs requirements, whilst simultaneously minimizing cost increases.  相似文献   

The manufacturing industry today due to worldwide competition is focused on shorter development cycle. In this situation, computer aided education (CAE) technology as a tool for simultaneous achievement of quality, cost and delivery (QCD) plays an important role. The hardware-software environment surrounding CAE has evolved. Though technological problems have been understood and general solutions have been derived and reflected in the CAE analysis software, research findings that boost the credibility of CAE have still not been incorporated fully enough into the development of design process. The real technical mechanism issue is not precisely capture. Therefore, it is important to clarify the real cause in CAE results through CAE simulation in order to assure product reliability and assurance. It is the aim of this study to realize the prediction of design analysis process through understanding of unclear technical mechanism in abnormal occurrences with the utilization of CAE simulation. In other words, it is the aim of this study to focus on issue in automotive transaxle oil seal leakage to understand, grasp, and visualize the main cause through usage of CAE analysis process. It is understood that the point of contact and pump volume was related and this could contribute towards seals quality design. Plus, the utilization of CAE analysis in prediction phase to realized design development is also possible  相似文献   

The national health system (NHS) complexity increase requires a review of the managerial human resources evaluation and recruiting methods, considering that nowadays doctors need to improve not just their clinical capabilities, but also managerial competences. At this end it is important to develop performances control models and to identify appropriate results indicators, with the aim of introducing an effective doctors selection system for managerial roles. The paper considers the Italian situation and tests the current evaluation and selection methods, by analysing the literature and the existing legislation and by interviewing experts. Moreover, in order to reach an innovative model, complex organizations have been taken into account as benchmarks. Three different categories of experts have been interviewed and texted: national health care organizations managers, companies managers, and business consultants. The 137 interviewed experts have been asked about four main questions concerning the evaluation for hiring managers as chief medical director, department director, and head of complex units. The conducted research suggests four different options in order to evaluate and to select heads of complex unit for the most strategic roles. By consequence, the analysis shows that required characteristics must be managerial attitudes as well as clinical capabilities.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to relate serendipity, the natural ability to make interesting or valuable discoveries by accident (Longman Discovery of Contemporary English) with notable discoveries and inventions. It connotes the profound ability of finding out valuable things different from those who have been exploring by spending a lot of time or for years. The author will illustrate as many cases as possible within a given time constraint, so that surrounding environments and situations may be clarified, and such discoveries and inventions may be plausibly accomplished by accident or with rich reasons. These illustrations include historical as well as more recent cases. One of the cases is beyond the scope of our environment on the earth with preconceived notion, while other cases have given great impacts to our politics and also military intelligence. It should be noted that business and technological intelligence are deeply connected with discoveries, inventions and serendipity. In concluding remarks, the essence of serendipity will be summarized and how to side with the serendipity at the most important moment will be examined by viewing time series endeavors of the inventors and those who have devoted much time to discoveries.  相似文献   

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