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笪凤媛 《财贸研究》2011,22(5):85-92
交易费用的变动可作为衡量中国体制转型绩效的一个重要尺度。通过借鉴已有研究成果,构建MIMIC模型,测算中国自改革开放以来交易部门的交易费用和非市场交易费用及其变动趋势。结果显示,改革开放以来,中国的交易服务水平并未显著提高,且非市场交易费用居高不下。应将推动服务业发展作为产业结构优化升级的战略重点,加快建立法治政府和服务型政府,积极推进"十二五"期间的经济转型升级。  相似文献   

本文是在追踪国际研究动态的基础上,考虑到中国改革开放以来制度结构变化和交易显化的情况,以现行人口普查数据和国民经济核算数据为基础,采用诺斯的“交易部门“和“交易服务“的方法,分别对我国1982年、1990年、2000年的交易费用进行了估算.  相似文献   

假设基于一个由供应商和制造商构成的供应链,从交易费用理论的角度来分析供应链交易风险的影响因素以及这些影响因素对买卖双方风险的影响。最后基于交易费用理论,针对供应链合作伙伴关系,分析其对交易风险的影响。  相似文献   

石奇 《财贸研究》1993,4(3):46-48
现代经济学中的交易费用理论直接导致了企业组织理论的产生和发展。用交易费用这块透镜透视我国供销社这一经济现象以及对这一现象的研究现状,我们不难得出一些新结论:供销社的存在理由并不是先验充分的,研究供销社问题时把供销社的既定存在作为分析前提也是值得讨论的;供销社的全面企业化既是一个理论结果,也是现实经济所呼唤的必然走势。  相似文献   

交易费用是现代经济学核心概念之一,测度交易费用是交易费用从理论概念转为现实经济指标的关键。交易费用可以分为微观层次的交易费用和宏观层次的交易费用。微观层次的交易费用是在既定的制度下具体某项交易行为产生的费用;宏观层次的交易费用则是运行某种制度或体制所有交易行为产生的总量费用。  相似文献   

鉴于目前关于交易费用测度研究存在的不足,本文通过对安徽凤阳小岗村制度变迁的经济分析,对交易费用测度进行了研究,探讨了交易费用测度的标准和方法,就交易费用测度研究提出一管之见。  相似文献   

阮俊凯 《现代商业》2012,(14):152-153
近几年来人力资源外包这种新的管理模式在我国得到了迅猛的发展,但在其发展过程中受到各种因素的制约。本文从经济学的交易费用理论出发对该行业进行分析,并提出降低行业交易成本、促进行业健康发展的有效建议。  相似文献   

传统经济学认为,企业是一个简单的生产单位,是一个内部组织无需解释的"黑匣".经典西方经济学认为企业规模呈现日益扩大的趋势,对于某些自然垄断行业来说,扩大企业规模甚至会减少生产单位产品所投入的成本.但是,在实际经济活动中,没有一家企业能够实现无限制的扩张,针对这个问题科斯提出的交易费用理论恰好弥补了传统经济学理论在这方面缺乏解释力的缺陷.但企业的交易费用不同于生产成本,很难对其进行核算.本文旨在总结前人对交易费用理论研究的基础上,得出交易费用的核算公式,量化企业交易费用的核算,为企业确定最佳规模提供理论上的可行性.  相似文献   

交易费用理论认为,企业的最优边界在于市场费用等于企业协调成本均衡点,一个可持续发展的企业常常伴随着边界的不断外张和规模的不断扩大.本文主要论述交易费用理论下企业边界的界定和企业边界理论对于现实企业运营的双刃剑作用,从而给企业的边界理论提供一个一般性的标准,为深入企业改革提供依据,以此推动企业的整体市场竞争力.  相似文献   

对于企业理论的分析,理论界主要有两种观点:一种观点是马克思主义经济学的分工理论。另一种观点是以科斯为代表的交易费用理论。两种观点都具有一定的片面性。研究企业的存在,应该从生产组织的发展变化中寻找原因:分工和协作引起了企业的产生,而企业规模的大小又受到交易费用的制约。  相似文献   

The Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) theory developed by Oliver Williamson has provided a deep understanding of factors behind the vertical integration decisions of firms. This paper begins with a brief case study of forward integration in the early years of select industries. The analysis suggests that other factors, such as capabilities, can complement the TCE approach. The paper shows how TCE has been combined with these other concepts and the Profiting From Innovation framework to provide a more complete analytical toolkit for evaluating forward vertical integration decisions, particularly in the context of innovation.  相似文献   

In this analysis, we empirically investigate market‐based transaction costs. We measure market‐based transaction costs indirectly by examining variations in market prices when selling Morgan Silver Dollars on eBay. We find that the reputation of both the seller and the coin‐rating agency employed significantly influences the price premium obtained. Moreover, we find that the use of a coin‐rating agency with a poor reputation proved more damaging than the use of no coin‐rating agency. Thus, we find support for the suggestion that the reputation of sellers and third‐party verification agencies have a significant influence on perceived market‐based transaction costs.  相似文献   

This paper studies the transaction cost economizing effects of authoritarian management in organizations and systems subject to higher transaction costs originating from various sources. We analyze the nature, mechanisms, and transaction cost aspects of the authoritarian management style. We argue that the higher the transaction costs of internal organization, the more autocratic the manager is likely to be. We discuss the features of authoritarian managers, illustrating some of our key hypotheses with the example of Henry Ford and his running of the Ford Motor Company. In the context of non-market economies, we relate authoritarian leadership to economic centralism in high transaction cost systems such as East European societies with significant transactional or organizational opportunism, as well as other sources of market failure.  相似文献   

This review article synthesizes Erin Anderson's academic contribution, with an emphasis on two path breaking aspects of her work, namely the operationalization of TCA in different contexts and the refinement of the theory. We review the measures that she developed to reflect key TCE constructs, and identify five contexts in which Erin Anderson's application of TCE concepts broke new paths. These are employee or representative salesforces, choice of foreign entry mode, new market entry and innovation, countertrade, and ethics. We highlight a number of ways in which her research integrates other theories to transaction cost economics, thereby deepening our understanding of key issues involving make or buy decisions. Finally, we draw attention to directions for future research identified through her work.  相似文献   

This paper is an autobiographical recollection of how my interest in and work on transaction cost economics progressively developed. It begins with an overview of the transaction cost economics project. A sketch of my undergraduate and graduate education follows. Key events in the 1960s that set the stage for my 1971 paper on “The Vertical Integration of Production” are then described. This paper would turn out to be the entering wedge from which transaction cost economics would take shape and continues today, as set out in the closing pages of the article.  相似文献   

Building on the argument put forward by North and Wallis (1994) that the transaction sector enables economic growth by lowering the costs of transacting, we investigate how internationalizing firms’ host and home country bank relationships affect their international specific investments and growth. Banks provide payment, liquidity, and risk management services, which are essential to international business relationships, yet little is known about how banks affect international business relationships. In a sample of 255 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), we find that host and home country bank relationships affect the dependent variables differently. We contribute to the literature by explicating the role and effects of banks in international business relationships. Our findings have implications for understanding transaction services in international business as well as the choices made by their customers.  相似文献   

以中国2010年至2019年沪深A股上市公司为样本,运用社会网络分析(SNA)方法,研究股东网络、两类代理成本与企业创新绩效之间的关系。结果表明,股东网络有利于企业创新绩效的提高,两类代理成本在股东网络与企业创新绩效之间有部分中介效应。同时发现,第一类代理成本的中介效应低于第二类代理成本的中介效应,原因在于第一类委托代理关系中股东网络降低了股东与高管之间的信息不对称,进一步降低了第一类代理成本,从而提升了企业的创新绩效;而在第二类委托代理关系中股东网络较大幅度地增加了中小股东的谈判能力,进而降低了大股东对中小股东的剥削程度,也就降低了第二类代理成本,进而也提升了企业的创新绩效,但是第一类代理成本的降低可能小于第二类代理成本的降低。这一研究深化了股东网络与企业创新绩效的认知,细分了两类代理成本的作用机制。  相似文献   

科斯定理的多种解读都表明交易费用概念表面上具有合作的形式,但缺少分配的属性。从而导致在使用交易费用概念分析产权改革具有了片面性和内在矛盾冲突:如果交易成本太高,包括既得利益集团的阻碍、集体行动的搭便车问题等,则新的更有效的制度创新难以出现。如果交易成本太低,则承诺的不可置信会激励更多的利益集团将生产性资源投入到重新变革分配性制度的活动中,从而减少社会生产,降低经济效率。所以,国有企业的产权改革既要解决利益冲突,也要避免国家机会主义。  相似文献   

扩大内需是现阶段稳定我国经济增长的关键因素之一。在现有异质性企业模型的基础上,本文通过建立一个异质性企业选择模型阐述了贸易成本对内部需求的影响机制。该模型表明贸易成本是影响企业国内外市场选择行为的关键因素,政府可以通过调节企业的相对贸易成本来实现扩大内部需求的目标。同时利用我国工业企业层面的数据,对模型进行了实证检验,检验结果符合理论模型的基本预测。  相似文献   

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