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This paper explores the effects of the social security system on retirement and labor supply decisions. Due to the regulations established by Chilean social security law reform, two social security systems coexist in Chile: the “Pay‐As‐You‐Go” and the individual account system. The coexistence of the systems allows us to better understand the effects of both social security systems on retirement and labor supply. We find that (1) larger benefits in any social security system induce earlier retirement and (2) larger variance of benefits in the individual account system induces later retirement. We do not find major impacts of social security on labor supply of individuals in the labor force.  相似文献   

陈敏 《特区经济》2011,(6):207-208
现行库区城乡分割的根源于传统的二元经济结构和社会体制的二元社会保障体系面临困境。农业人口日渐上升的自然和社会风险、土地和家庭保障功能的弱化以及城乡居民社会保障权利的显著差距要求库区强化城乡统筹的社会保障体制建设,应在大力发展城乡经济,夯实其物质保障的基础上,加快城镇化进程,稳步推进城乡户籍改革,建立健全社会保障体系的城乡衔接机制,多元化社会保障资金筹集渠道,积极提高农业人口素质。  相似文献   

农民工社会保障制度探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农民工为我国经济、社会发展做出了巨大贡献,但他们的正当权益却屡遭忽视,社会保险也不容乐观。本文从农民工社会保障的现状出发,探讨了农民工社会保障制度的构想,如:要设计合理的农民工社会保障体系,尽快建立和完善农村社会保险制度,制定有关农民工方面的法律法规等。  相似文献   

Sound economic arguments exist for social security in a market system, since it can promote efficiency and equity. Furthermore, social security can reduce the risks of economic insecurities caused by unemployment, poverty and the new international economic environment to individuals and society. For a developing country, South Africa has a relatively well-developed social security system. However, it cannot address all the needs without major fiscal adjustments. The most viable approach may be to target only the most vulnerable groups, although such an approach may be criticised from an equity perspective. An important limitation of the South African social security system is that many unemployed individuals go without coverage, which may contribute towards instability. It may be necessary to revisit public works programmes in conjunction with the private sector.  相似文献   

魏青达 《特区经济》2008,(2):164-165
随着城市化和工业化进程加快,越来越多的农民失去土地,成为失地农民。据估计,目前我国完全失去土地或部分失去土地的农民可能高达4000~5000万人。"十一五"期间,预计每年新增被征地农民300万。与城市下岗职工相比,失地农民没有最低生活保障,没有稳定的就业渠道,缺乏政策和财政支持,显得更为弱势。目前,失地农民社会保障体系十分不完善,在很大程度上影响了社会和谐与稳定,近年来,失地农民上访案件呈急剧增加趋势。如何解决失地农民"种地无田,上班无岗,低保无份"的"三无"社会保障问题,是我国现代化过程中亟待且必须解决好的一大社会问题。建立完善的失地农民的社会保障机制,已成为解决失地农民问题的重中之重。  相似文献   

Amid increasing interest in how social relationships play an important role in health and health behavior, it remains unclear whether social activities and social capital in general benefit individuals' health literacy and in turn affect their health care consumption. More specifically, this article proposes a research hypothesis to address the question: Do individuals who are strongly tied to other individuals within the social networks become more health conscious or literate and hence use more health services? This paper extends prior research on social support, health literacy and health care utilization to investigate the association between social interaction and health service demand. Using the China Health and Nutrition Survey, the paper provides cross-sectional evidence that people who are socially active and connected with their friends made more visits to health care providers. It also finds that people of male gender, being single, having more years of education, and no health insurance coverage tend to avoid seeking health services. The quasi-experimental study, which examines the events that exogenously intensified social interactions in some but not all Chinese provinces, indicates that social capital is more an antecedent than a consequence of health service needs.  相似文献   

农民工农村土地置换城市社会保障的改革探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
农民工的城市生存需要社会保障,而他们远在家乡的土地不能提供城市生活保障,反而不利于农村土地规模经营。因此,农民工在农村土地承包权可以一次性转换为城市社会保障,但这种转换需要农村土地制度改革和相关的农地管理制度、农民工参保制度的改革相配合。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国工业化和城市化的加速推进,城市郊区失地农民数量逐年递增,而城市郊区失地农民失去土地同时,也失去了基本的生产、生活和就业保障。因此亟待为失地农民建立安全有效的社会保障制度。通过对征地保障四个阶段的总结,发现正在进行的有关失地农民社会保障的实践仍存在诸多问题。为此,文章提出构建新型的失地农民保障体系、实现与现行保障良性对接的建议。  相似文献   

流行于西方国家并影响我国部分学者的社会保障"超意识形态论"是一种虚幻的乌托邦。资本主义福利国家不可能超越其阶级本质,所实行的福利政策不过是资本主义国家功能在社会保障领域的贯彻,难以改变社会保障"被支配"的地位和命运。当前,中国正致力于发展中国特色社会主义保障事业,一方面,需要借鉴、汲取西方资本主义社会保障方面的有益经验;另一方面,必须高度警惕其阶级本性和破坏性作用,不能丧失在社会保障领域意识形态的批判视角。  相似文献   

Using a short-run partial equilibrium model of social welfare, this paper examines the social welfare implications of changing Pigouvian taxes under three markets: perfect competition, monopoly, and Cournot oligopoly. The result for perfect competition supports the earlier finding that Pigouvian taxation increases social welfare [Buchanan, 1969]. However, in contrast to the previous result that Pigouvian taxes lower welfare under monopoly, the authors show that if the noncompetitive distortion is small, these taxes might still be useful in correcting monopoly-generated externalities and in improving social welfare. Cournot firms react to the tax depending upon their individual perceptions of the gain in post-tax marginal revenue. Policy implications of the study's results are discussed.  相似文献   

商业健康保险具有缓解社会保障支出的作用,对于社会保障具有积极影响。基于老龄化背景下针对中国商业健康保险的社会保障作用进行研究。研究结果发现当人均商业健康保险的保费收入增加时,全国社保基金中的人均医疗保险支出将可因此显著减少,这说明中国商业健康保险的发展有助于缓解社会保障支出,从而能够减轻政府财政支出的负担和压力,与当前政府所提倡的积极发展商业保险,从而推进"健康中国"的战略计划实行的政策相符。  相似文献   

Beliefs about social competition affect redistributive demands and the responsibility assigned to government regarding public provisions. Given the strong link between beliefs and the extent of support for social protection, it is important to explain the cross‐country differences. The paper analyzes the factors that are crucial in explaining redistributive demands across developing countries with a special emphasis on beliefs about social competition. While ideas about luck versus effort in determining economic prospects are explanatory in every country, our findings also suggest that in societies with high economic volatility the role of beliefs is amplified. Vast fluctuations in economic performance fuel the opinion that economic failure is a result of systemic characteristics, and individuals are not necessarily held fully responsible for their material faiths in such settings. Therefore, government is assigned a greater role in basic provisioning.  相似文献   

Local governments in China have used a large amount of funds from individual accounts to finance deficits in the pay-as-you-go social pooling account, resulting in explicit social security debt. It is undoubtedly useful to know how large the debt is and how it will evolve in the future. This paper assesses the debt in China's social security individual accounts. It shows detailed calculations of the revenue, the anticipated funds, expenditures, and the debt in the individual accounts since their inception in 1997. The social security debt for China reached 1.59% of the GDP in 2015. The paper also assesses the historical social security debt in the individual accounts for each province. It shows that social security debt is unevenly spread, reaching more than 10% in Heilongjiang province and being negative in Guangdong province in 2015. The determinants for high debt in the individual accounts are examined based on the data from thirty-one Chinese provinces from 1997 to 2015. The paper also forecasts social security debt in the future and finds that the social security debt will reach over 8% of GDP in 2025 if the current system remains unchanged. Various ways to reduce the social security debt are also explored.  相似文献   

完善的社会组织保障体系是中国特色社会组织科学成长发展的“护卫舰”。通过对我国特色社会组织保障体系发展的历史脉络的梳理,系统分析构建我国特色社会组织发展的保障体系的模型架构,主要包括社会组织发展道路所依赖的制度体系、法制体系、政策体系和资金体系,更深入探讨社会组织保障体系的影响因素:政治法律、社会治理、组织自身,最终提出完善社会组织发展的保障体系的建议:创新政社关系,革新管理体制;完善法律法规,健全法律机制;优化社会组织发展的社会环境;提升自身专业素养,提高持续发展能力。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the substitution and trade-off effects of homeownership and housing price on social security expenditure. We construct a theoretical model to investigate the optimal choice for individual and government in social security system with estate transaction. The model predicts that the government is more likely to decrease (increase) social security spending under a higher home rate when house price rises (falls). We test 35 metropolises panel data which spans the year of 1998–2012 under a two-way fixed effects framework. Our empirical analysis supports the theoretical prediction. The estimation results show that at the current home rate 82%, 1% increase in housing price will lead to 1.15 Yuan reduction in social security spending per capita.  相似文献   

秦梦 《特区经济》2012,(7):30-32
人口结构、社会保障关系到人们的储蓄与消费问题,本文将两者结合起来分析其对居民储蓄的影响,并运用广东省1990~2010年的数据对社会保障支出水平、老人赡养比、儿童抚养比与广东省居民储蓄进行验证。通过协整与误差修正模型研究发现:社会保障水平无论是在短期还是在长期都会对居民的储蓄水平产生影响,人口结构也是影响居民储蓄的一大因素,并在此基础上给出相应的建议。  相似文献   

徐倩  李放 《改革》2012,(2):47-52
利用1998~2009年的统计数据,考察我国财政社会保障支出的总量变化和结构演进。研究显示:我国的财政社会保障支出在1998年以后出现明显上升,但总体水平仍相对滞后;对社会保障的各种补助支出已成为财政社会保障支出中最主要的组成部分;我国的财政社会保障支出存在着明显的地区差距和城市偏向。应着力提高社会保障支出占公共财政的比例,优化财政社会保障支出的项目结构等,确保财政社会保障的顺利开展。  相似文献   

张胜民 《特区经济》2011,(7):128-130
本文分别从税费理论和各国的社会保障税或费的制度实践对社会保障税费进行比较分析,认为社会保障税并没有严格优于社会保障费。就筹资手段而言,无论名税还是费,其实质都是相似的。在我国,社会保障费改税更多的是一种手段,旨在提高社会统筹层次,提高社保资金的利用效率,更深层的原因是更加突出了政府在社会保障中的责任。社保税的开征将使得政府的责任显性化,但即使改征社保税也仅限于社会统筹资金部分。  相似文献   

Abstract: In this paper we test for risk pooling within and among social networks to see if the extent of informal insurance available to individuals in rural Ghana varies with their social visibility. We identify a distinct subpopulation of socially invisible individuals who tend to be younger, poorer, engaged in farming, recent arrivals into the village who have been fostered and are not members of a major clan. While we cannot reject the null hypothesis that individual shocks do not affect individual consumption and that individual consumption tracks network and village consumption one‐for‐one among the socially visible, risk pooling fails for the socially invisible subpopulation. These results have important implications for the design of social protection policy.  相似文献   

郭连锋 《特区经济》2012,(5):225-227
新生代农民工正以一种不可忽视的力量在我国的社会变迁中发挥着重要作用。这一群体在融入城市的过程中需要解决的问题复杂而多样,主要包括:耐受性差,主动适应能力欠缺;心理压力问题突出,易诱发不安定行为;遭受的社会性歧视根深蒂固;城市入户条件苛刻,门槛依然很高;自身权益缺乏保障等。针对这些问题,笔者提出了相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

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