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Financial factors influencing the business cycle have received considerable attention in recent years in the aftermath of the global financial crisis in 2008. This paper examines the role of financial factors in the business cycle by considering Korea, a small open economy, that experienced a severe financial crisis in 1997 as well as the recent global financial crisis. We estimate small open economy Bayesian DSGE (dynamic stochastic general equilibrium) models with financial factors and analyze the role of these financial factors in the business cycle in the context of Korea. The results indicate that the model based on an endogenous financial accelerator and a modified monetary policy rule provides a better explanation to the data than that without the financial factors and justify the recent attention to financial factors influencing the business cycle.  相似文献   

This paper develops and estimates a dynamic optimizing model of the current account. The model focuses on real factors that determine the evolution of saving and investment and hence the external balance. Three types of shocks are at the center of the analysis: productivity shocks, shocks to labor input, and tax policy shocks. While our approach is in line with the real business cycle models of the current account, the distinguishing feature of the work is the application of econometric methods to time series data for a small open economy so as to directly estimate the parameters governing saving and investment under rational expectations restrictions.  相似文献   

We build a small open economy New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model for South Africa similar to Steinbach et al. We abandon their assumption of complete risk sharing with the foreign economy, and introduce country risk shocks to allow deviations from uncovered interest rate parity. These changes allow us to include the exchange rate as an observable variable in the estimation of the model. Using forecast error variance decompositions and historical decompositions, we show that country risk shocks have sizable effects on the South African business cycle. We also explore the optimal monetary policy implications of our model within the context of Taylor rules.  相似文献   

We offer a qualitative evaluation of the transmission mechanisms of two real shocks, a productivity shock and a government expenditure shock in Walrasian business cycle models. The analysis is developed in a monetary small open economy business cycle model, a set-up general enough to study the effects of the two shocks on both real and nominal variables. Qualitative and graphical displays indicate properties of Real Business Cycles that are able to reproduce observed cyclical patterns, independently of the calibration used for different economies. These qualitative findings match the quantitative results found in the literature, and rationalize some disparity findings (such as the cyclicity pattern of prices) and failures (such as the Dunlop–Tarshis observation). We suggest that understanding the underlying qualitative intuitions of these models may be of great help in tackling new puzzles in this area.  相似文献   

This paper explores the extent to which migration-related capital flows can explain the variation in investment rates and current and capital account imbalances in OECD countries. We begin with a general equilibrium model of a small open economy in which migration is exogenous. Migrants must be equipped with capital, and the resulting demands for capital will generate cross-border flows of capital. Next, we move to an empirical exercise in which we allow both capital and labor flows to be endogenous. We test this model using data from a panel of OECD countries. We conclude that migration flows do in fact generate substantial matching capital flows. We calculate that increased migration may have accounted for as much as one-fifth of the increase in the US current account deficit since 1960.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications of a monetary human capital investment endogenous growth model for aggregate economic fluctuations. In addition, an exogenous growth model with a similar human capital investment specification is included in the analysis to compare the business cycle properties of the endogenous growth model with that of the exogenous growth model. The money introduced into the models allows for the liquidity effects. It is found that both the endogenous and exogenous human capital investment growth models are able to capture the business cycle properties of U.S. data closely. Some sensitivity analysis results are provided. The theory predicts that the stochastic properties of the human capital shocks affect the ability of the models to generate the business cycle facts.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the sources of economic fluctuations in China since its reform that started in 1978. Using the framework of a standard neoclassical open economy model with time-varying frictions (wedge), we study the relative contribution of the efficiency, labor, investment and foreign debt wedges to the business cycles of China. The business accounting procedure suggests that productivity best explains the behavior of aggregate economic variables in China throughout the period of 1978–2006. The labor wedge plays a major role in explaining the movement of labor force. The foreign debt wedge and investment wedge primarily affect the composition of output, but their role in explaining the movement of output is modest. Our results suggest that the focus of government policies should be to combat the problems of inefficient factor utilization and labor market rigidity.  相似文献   

This paper uses a dynamic general equilibrium two-country optimizingmodel to analyse the consequences of international capital mobilityfor macroeconomic volatility. To this end, the dynamic macroeconomiceffects of a monetary policy, a fiscal policy, and a labor supplyshock are analysed. Simulations are used to analyse the implicationsof changes in the degree of capital mobility for the propagationof shocks. The simulation results obtained for a bond economyare compared with the simulation results obtained for a complete-marketeconomy. It is shown that allowing for a home-product bias inpreferences has a number of interesting implications for theway changes in international capital mobility and in the structureof international financial markets affect how shocks propagatethrough an open economy.  相似文献   

Real Business Cycles in an Open Economy: An Application to Germany. — This paper discusses a stochastic, dynamic-optimizing model of an open economy. It is closely related to small open economy models, but differs by introducing an upward-sloping supply curve of foreign bonds. The model is calibrated to match the long-run features of Germany. The simulations show that the model is consistent with the observed regularities of German business fluctuations.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the impact of the unpredictability of foreign aid on macroeconomic fluctuations in the recipient country. I build a small open‐economy business cycle model that accounts for foreign aid shocks, with no preference shocks. The model is calibrated to reflect the structural empirical regularities of Cote d'Ivoire, a typical aid‐dependent developing country. The parameters of the exogenous shocks are estimated using Bayesian methods and time series data for Cote d'Ivoire. The model produces business cycle patterns that are consistent with the data and key stylized facts. Specifically, the excess volatility of consumption with respect to output is successfully replicated. The results suggest that the unpredictability of foreign aid contributes to explain the volatility of business cycles in the recipient economy and has negative welfare effects.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether self-fulfilling expectations could have been the cause of the economic stagnation experienced by Japan in the 1990s. A real business cycle model with indeterminacy of equilibria and variable capital utilization is used to simulate the economy of Japan. Driven solely by expectation shocks, the model can replicate the economic bubble that occurred in the late 1980s and the prolonged slowdown that occurred in the 1990s. These results suggest that expectations should not be excluded as a possible source of Japan's recent economic difficulties.  相似文献   

Using the Cobb–Douglas production function and vertical specialization share, the present paper measures the productivity spillover effects of offshore outsourcing in the Chinese manufacturing industry. We examine different production factors and the degree of openness by dividing the Chinese manufacturing industry into five major categories: capital‐intensive business, technological‐intensive business, labor‐intensive business, open business and non‐open business. The results show that offshore outsourcing is positively associated with productivity in the Chinese manufacturing industry as a whole, but less so in labor‐intensive industries and more in capital‐intensive industries. Moreover, the positive impact of outsourcing on productivity is slightly higher in open industries than in non‐open industries. These results shed light on the differential spillover effects of offshore outsourcing on productivity. Our findings suggest that outsourcing structure is important to China's long‐run competitive advantage. China's policy‐makers should encourage further offshore capital‐intensive and technology‐intensive activities and focus more on outward‐oriented offshore businesses.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the impacts of technology shocks on the recent Japanese business cycles, we construct an aggregate technological measure from industry-based data. Our approach is to estimate production function by industry, by controlling for the returns to scale factor and unobserved factor utilization. We find that positive technology shocks result in a contraction of labor input on impact. This result implies that the standard real business cycle (RBC) model is not supported and the new Keynesian model or the labor reallocation model is a candidate to explain the Japanese business cycles. From further empirical studies, we find that the labor reallocation model is plausible for explaining the Japanese business cycles.  相似文献   

We study the effects of environmental tax policy in a dynamic overlapping generations model of a small open economy with environmental quality incorporated as a durable consumption good. Raising the energy tax may yield an efficiency gain if agents care enough about the environment. The benefits are unevenly distributed across generations since capital ownership, and the capital loss induced by a tax increase, rises with age. A suitable egalitarian bond policy can be employed in order to ensure everybody gains to the same extent. With this additional instrument the optimal energy tax can be computed.  相似文献   

中国商业银行资本亲周期特征差异的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了不同类型商业银行资本亲周期性特征差异,通过选取中国30家商业银行2003至2007年的面板数据,运用两阶段加权最小二乘法估计了对商业银行缓冲资本变动进行解释的计量模型。引入区分不同银行规模的虚拟变量和体现经济周期的产出缺口变量,实证分析结果表明不同规模的商业银行资本亲周期特征表现出明显差异。此外,样本期间内中国商业银行的的变动还受到不良贷款率的影响,这表明风险管理水平会影响商业银行最优缓冲资本的选择。因此,对于商业银行而言,一方面要注意根据经济形势来调整缓冲资本,另一方面要加强自身风险管控能力;对于监管机构而言,在对商业银行进行资本充足率监管时应该了解不同资产规模商业银行的资本亲周期特征的差异,制定不同的监管政策。  相似文献   

This article tests for cointegration between unit labor costs and the level of product prices in four sectors of the U.S. economy: the aggregate business sector, the nonfinancial corporate sector, durable manufacturing, and nondurable manufacturing. A finding of cointegration for most specifications supports the existence of long-run labor market equilibrium for producers and suggests estimation of error-correction models to examine the dynamic relationships. In every sector except nondurable manufacturing, error-correction model estimates indicate there is a mutual feedback relationship between unit labor costs and prices. Controlling for deviations from full employment, oil price shocks, and the Nixon wage and price controls, the results also provide evidence of significant nominal wage indexation in U.S. labor markets. Throughout the economy there appears to exist both effective neoclassical wage and price adjustment mechanisms to maintain labor market equilibrium and short-run rigidities which may contribute to deviations from full employment outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the effects of devaluation and a rise in the rate of devaluation on capital formation and the current account in an optimizing monetary model of a small open economy with endogenous labor, investment with adjustment costs, and perfect capital mobility. It is shown that devaluation leads to capital accumulation and a current-account deficit in the long run and during the adjustment process, whereas a rise in the rate of devaluation has an ambiguous impact on capital formation and the current account depending on the relationship between consumption and real balances in the utility function. If consumption and real balances are separable or complements, then a rise in the rate of devaluation produces capital decumulation and a current-account surplus in the long run as well as on the transition path. These results stand in sharp contrast with Calvo (1981). JEL Classification Numbers: F41  相似文献   

We investigate migration and foreign direct investment (FDI) for a small trading economy. Historically, immigration in small countries has been accompanied by FDI inflows (complementary capital movements). Based on the skill composition of migrants, empirical evidence finds that skilled immigration is accompanied by FDI inflows but unskilled immigration is accompanied by FDI outflows (substitutable capital movements). We prove that the Heckscher-Ohlin model cannot reconcile these apparently contradictory observations. We introduce a theoretical model in which capital and unskilled labor are sector specific, and demonstrate that this model can reconcile the historical and empirical observations on migration and FDI.  相似文献   

能源价格的上涨和大幅度波动对中国宏观经济的影响日益凸显,探讨能源价格波动的传导机制,研究能源价格波动对我国宏观经济的影响具有很强的现实意义.本文首先分析中国宏观经济的一些特征事实,其次在实际经济周期模型中引入能源价格冲击,建立能源价格波动影响宏观经济的动态随机一般均衡模型,将模型参数校准到和中国经济发展的特征事实相一致,并比较模型经济和实际经济的接近程度.分析结果表明,引入能源价格冲击后,实际经济周期模型对真实经济的模拟效果相当理想.能源价格冲击的初始效应大于技术冲击;技术冲击持续的时间比能源价格冲击更长  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》2002,13(1):53-64
The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of foreign and domestic factors on the business cycle of Taiwan. Using a structural vector-autoregressive model of a small open economy (OE), we examine how the influences of these factors differ as a result of trade flows and liberalization efforts. The results suggest that Taiwanese output has remained quite immune to global shocks in spite of the financial liberalization of the 1980s. Furthermore, as Asia has become Taiwan's major trading partner, so too has Asia become the major foreign influence on Taiwan's business cycle. Indeed, in many ways Taiwan appears to have gained resilience from foreign shocks, rather than forfeited domestic stability.  相似文献   

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