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The problem of evaluating the solvency of insurance companies is tackled through the use of a non-parametric statistical model, constructed using decision-tree techniques. The model is tested on a sample of Italian non-life insurance companies and its performance over the test period compared with those of linear and quadratic parametric models.
Riassunto Il problema della valutazione della solvibilità delle imprese di assicurazione è affrontato con l'impiego di un modello statistico non parametrico, costruito con le tecniche degli alberi delle decisioni. Viene proposta una sperimentazione del modello su un campione di imprese assicuratrici italiane operanti nei rami nonvita ed effettuata una analisi comparata intertemporale con gli standards di efficienza registrati su modelli parametrici lineare e quadratico.

Rewarding regulated firms based on their relative performance requires benchmarks that reflect how performance is affected by regulation. This paper demonstrates how parametric and nonparametric efficiency measures can be employed to produce benchmarks that account for the effects of regulation. We apply measurement techniques to an eleven-year panel of 20 U.S. interstate natural gas transmission companies and use our benchmarking measures to distinguish firms that perform well owing to a superior management of technology from firms that perform well owing to the effective management of the regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

The field of productive efficiency analysis is currently divided between two main paradigms: the deterministic, nonparametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the parametric Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). This paper examines an encompassing semiparametric frontier model that combines the DEA-type nonparametric frontier, which satisfies monotonicity and concavity, with the SFA-style stochastic homoskedastic composite error term. To estimate this model, a new two-stage method is proposed, referred to as Stochastic Non-smooth Envelopment of Data (StoNED). The first stage of the StoNED method applies convex nonparametric least squares (CNLS) to estimate the shape of the frontier without any assumptions about its functional form or smoothness. In the second stage, the conditional expectations of inefficiency are estimated based on the CNLS residuals, using the method of moments or pseudolikelihood techniques. Although in a cross-sectional setting distinguishing inefficiency from noise in general requires distributional assumptions, we also show how these can be relaxed in our approach if panel data are available. Performance of the StoNED method is examined using Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Recently, using mixed data on Canadian housing, Parmeter, Henderson, and Kumbhakar (Journal of Applied Econometrics 2007; 22 : 695–699) found that a nonparametric approach for estimating a hedonic house price function is superior to formerly suggested parametric and semiparametric specifications. We carefully reanalyze these specifications for this dataset by applying a recent nonparametric specification test and simulation‐based prediction comparisons. For the case at issue our results suggest that a previously proposed parametric specification does not have to be rejected and we illustrate how nonparametric methods provide valuable insights during all modeling steps. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

DEA, DFA and SFA: A comparison   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
The nonparametric data envelopment analysis (DEA) model has become increasingly popular in the analysis of productive efficiency, and the number of empirical applications is now very large. Recent theoretical and mathematical research has also contributed to a deeper understanding of the seemingly simple but inherently complex DEA model. Less effort has, however, been directed toward comparisons between DEA and other competing efficiency analysis models. This paper undertakes a comparison of the DEA, the deterministic parametric (DFA), and the stochastic frontier (SFA) models. Efficiency comparisons across models in the above categories are done based on 15 Colombian cement plants observed during 1968–1988.  相似文献   

Statistical Decision Problems and Bayesian Nonparametric Methods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers parametric statistical decision problems conducted within a Bayesian nonparametric context. Our work was motivated by the realisation that typical parametric model selection procedures are essentially incoherent. We argue that one solution to this problem is to use a flexible enough model in the first place, a model that will not be checked no matter what data arrive. Ideally, one would use a nonparametric model to describe all the uncertainty about the density function generating the data. However, parametric models are the preferred choice for many statisticians, despite the incoherence involved in model checking, incoherence that is quite often ignored for pragmatic reasons. In this paper we show how coherent parametric inference can be carried out via decision theory and Bayesian nonparametrics. None of the ingredients discussed here are new, but our main point only becomes evident when one sees all priors—even parametric ones—as measures on sets of densities as opposed to measures on finite-dimensional parameter spaces.  相似文献   

We propose a nonparametric likelihood ratio testing procedure for choosing between a parametric (likelihood) model and a moment condition model when both models could be misspecified. Our procedure is based on comparing the Kullback–Leibler Information Criterion (KLIC) between the parametric model and moment condition model. We construct the KLIC for the parametric model using the difference between the parametric log likelihood and a sieve nonparametric estimate of population entropy, and obtain the KLIC for the moment model using the empirical likelihood statistic. We also consider multiple (>2)(>2) model comparison tests, when all the competing models could be misspecified, and some models are parametric while others are moment-based. We evaluate the performance of our tests in a Monte Carlo study, and apply the tests to an example from industrial organization.  相似文献   

Estimation of economic relationships often requires imposition of constraints such as positivity or monotonicity on each observation. Methods to impose such constraints, however, vary depending upon the estimation technique employed. We describe a general methodology to impose (observation-specific) constraints for the class of linear regression estimators using a method known as constraint weighted bootstrapping. While this method has received attention in the nonparametric regression literature, we show how it can be applied for both parametric and nonparametric estimators. A benefit of this method is that imposing numerous constraints simultaneously can be performed seamlessly. We apply this method to Norwegian dairy farm data to estimate both unconstrained and constrained parametric and nonparametric models.  相似文献   

The most common form of data for socio-economic studies comes from survey sampling. Often the designs of such surveys are complex and use stratification as a method for selecting sample units. A parametric regression model is widely employed for the analysis of such survey data. However the use of a parametric model to represent the relationship between the variables can be inappropriate. A natural alternative is to adopt a nonparametric approach. In this article we address the problem of estimating the finite population mean under stratified sampling. A new stratified estimator based on nonparametric regression is proposed for stratification with proportional allocation, optimum allocation and post-stratification. We focus on an educational and labor-related context with natural populations to test the proposed nonparametric method. Simulated populations have also been considered to evaluate the practical performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Bootstrap methods for inference in nonparametric models of productive efficiency can be simplified, reducing computational burden, when the independence condition implicitly assumed in Simar and Wilson (1998) holds. This paper surveys nonparametric tests of independence that might be useful in this context.  相似文献   

Efficient estimation of a multivariate multiplicative volatility model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a multivariate generalization of the multiplicative volatility model of Engle and Rangel (2008), which has a nonparametric long run component and a unit multivariate GARCH short run dynamic component. We suggest various kernel-based estimation procedures for the parametric and nonparametric components, and derive the asymptotic properties thereof. For the parametric part of the model, we obtain the semiparametric efficiency bound. Our method is applied to a bivariate stock index series. We find that the univariate model of Engle and Rangel (2008) appears to be violated in the data whereas our multivariate model is more consistent with the data.  相似文献   

We propose two new types of nonparametric tests for investigating multivariate regression functions. The tests are based on cumulative sums coupled with either minimum volume sets or inverse regression ideas; involving no multivariate nonparametric regression estimation. The methods proposed facilitate the investigation for different features such as if a multivariate regression function is (i) constant, (ii) of a bathtub shape, and (iii) in a given parametric form. The inference based on those tests may be further enhanced through associated diagnostic plots. Although the potential use of those ideas is much wider, we focus on the inference for multivariate volatility functions in this paper, i.e. we test for (i) heteroscedasticity, (ii) the so-called ‘smiling effect’, and (iii) some parametric volatility models. The asymptotic behavior of the proposed tests is investigated, and practical feasibility is shown via simulation studies. We further illustrate our methods with real financial data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the asymptotic properties of simulation extrapolation (SIMEX) based variance estimation that was proposed by Wang et al. (J R Stat Soc Series B 71:425–445, 2009). We first investigate the asymptotic normality of the parameter estimator in general parametric variance function and the local linear estimator for nonparametric variance function when permutation SIMEX (PSIMEX) is used. The asymptotic optimal bandwidth selection with respect to approximate mean integrated squared error (AMISE) for nonparametric estimator is also studied. We finally discuss constructing confidence intervals/bands of the parameter/function of interest. Other than applying the asymptotic results so that normal approximation can be used, we recommend a nonparametric Monte Carlo algorithm to avoid estimating the asymptotic variance of estimator. Simulation studies are carried out for illustration.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of operational conditions and practices on productive efficiency can provide valuable economic and managerial insights. The conventional approach is to use a two-stage method where the efficiency estimates are regressed on contextual variables representing the operational conditions. The main problem of the two-stage approach is that it ignores the correlations between inputs and contextual variables. To address this shortcoming, we build on the recently developed regression interpretation of data envelopment analysis (DEA) to develop a new one-stage semi-nonparametric estimator that combines the nonparametric DEA-style frontier with a regression model of the contextual variables. The new method is referred to as stochastic semi-nonparametric envelopment of z variables data (StoNEZD). The StoNEZD estimator for the contextual variables is shown to be statistically consistent under less restrictive assumptions than those required by the two-stage DEA estimator. Further, the StoNEZD estimator is shown to be unbiased, asymptotically efficient, asymptotically normally distributed, and converge at the standard parametric rate of order n −1/2. Therefore, the conventional methods of statistical testing and confidence intervals apply for asymptotic inference. Finite sample performance of the proposed estimators is examined through Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Xu Zheng 《Metrika》2012,75(4):455-469
This paper proposes a new goodness-of-fit test for parametric conditional probability distributions using the nonparametric smoothing methodology. An asymptotic normal distribution is established for the test statistic under the null hypothesis of correct specification of the parametric distribution. The test is shown to have power against local alternatives converging to the null at certain rates. The test can be applied to testing for possible misspecifications in a wide variety of parametric models. A bootstrap procedure is provided for obtaining more accurate critical values for the test. Monte Carlo simulations show that the test has good power against some common alternatives.  相似文献   

In this paper a nonparametric variance ratio testing approach is proposed for determining the cointegration rank in fractionally integrated systems. The test statistic is easily calculated without prior knowledge of the integration order of the data, the strength of the cointegrating relations, or the cointegration vector(s). The latter property makes it easier to implement than regression-based approaches, especially when examining relationships between several variables with possibly multiple cointegrating vectors. Since the test is nonparametric, it does not require the specification of a particular model and is invariant to short-run dynamics. Nor does it require the choice of any smoothing parameters that change the test statistic without being reflected in the asymptotic distribution. Furthermore, a consistent estimator of the cointegration space can be obtained from the procedure. The asymptotic distribution theory for the proposed test is non-standard but easily tabulated or simulated. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate excellent finite sample properties, even rivaling those of well-specified parametric tests. The proposed methodology is applied to the term structure of interest rates, where, contrary to both fractional- and integer-based parametric approaches, evidence in favor of the expectations hypothesis is found using the nonparametric approach.  相似文献   

Conventional parametric stochastic cost frontier models are likely to suffer from biased inferences due to misspecification and the ignorance of allocative efficiency (AE). To fill up the gap in the literature, this article proposes a semiparametric stochastic cost frontier with shadow input prices that combines a parametric portion with a nonparametric portion and that allows for the presence of both technical efficiency (TE) and AE. The introduction of AE and the nonparametric function into the cost function complicates substantially the estimation procedure. We develop a new estimation procedure that leads to consistent estimators and valid TE and AE measures, which are proved by conducting Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

For tests based on nonparametric methods, power crucially depends on the dimension of the conditioning variables, and specifically decreases with this dimension. This is known as the “curse of dimensionality”. We propose a new general approach to nonparametric testing in high dimensional settings and we show how to implement it when testing for a parametric regression. The resulting test behaves against directional local alternatives almost as if the dimension of the regressors was one. It is also almost optimal against classes of one-dimensional alternatives for a suitable choice of the smoothing parameter. The test performs well in small samples compared to several other tests.  相似文献   

This paper extends the existing fully parametric Bayesian literature on stochastic volatility to allow for more general return distributions. Instead of specifying a particular distribution for the return innovation, nonparametric Bayesian methods are used to flexibly model the skewness and kurtosis of the distribution while the dynamics of volatility continue to be modeled with a parametric structure. Our semiparametric Bayesian approach provides a full characterization of parametric and distributional uncertainty. A Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling approach to estimation is presented with theoretical and computational issues for simulation from the posterior predictive distributions. An empirical example compares the new model to standard parametric stochastic volatility models.  相似文献   

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