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中国土地复垦监管体系问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究目的:类比提出中国土地复垦监管体系的概念,总结分析中国土地复垦监管体系的阶段特征和存在的问题,提出构建完善中国土地复垦监管体系的对策。研究方法:文献分析,典型调研,专家咨询和类比分析法。研究结果:中国土地复垦监管体系基本框架已形成,但仍然存在监管机构不健全、监管机制不完善、矿业用地政策存在缺陷、监管手段薄弱和监管技术标准不完备等。研究结论:建立专业化和层级化管理机构、加强部门协同、单列矿业用地指标、加强信息化监管、研制土地复垦实施与监管系列标准是构建完善中国土地复垦监管体系的重要方向。  相似文献   

The potential uses of on-farm computers in management and the problems in these uses are analyzed. The analysis is based on a study of present uses of on-farm computers in Sweden. The results are compared with experiences from other countries. On-farm computer owners use almost the same management methods as before the computer investment. The main difference is that they used to hire service organizations to do some of the management tasks and now they are doing it by themselves with the aid of the computer. Thus, the on-farm computer owners have to have the same knowledge level as the service agents and advisers. The use of on-farm computers has so far affected the processing and storage of data for farm management purposes. A potential next step is communication of data from external computer systems at suppliers, customers, advisers and other farmers as well as automated data capture within the farm. One hindrance for this development is the lack of standardization of data and concept definitions. If this potential was realized the marginal costs of data and information would decrease. It would be profitable to use more information in the farm management, i.e. to develop the farm management functions. When farmers develop their management methods they will need still more knowledge. Service agents and advisers would have to change from doing management tasks for farmers to teaching farmers how to do these tasks and supporting farmers in the interpretation and analysis of information.  相似文献   

The impact of grant aid schemes and modern farm technology is considered in relation to the Study of Exmoor carried out by Lord Porchester. The development in the last three years of an administrative system based on voluntary notification using a moorland map, policies for protection of areas of special landscape value and financial guidelines for compensation is described. The conservation objectives behind management agreements are discussed and present practices with examples are illustrated. Future hazards facing successful use of management agreements are discussed with special reference to problems of funding, misuse of the system and the philosophy of progressive farming.  相似文献   

This paper considers the role of farm management in ensuring compatibility of extension content with the motives and constraints of individual peasant farmers. It emphasises the need for a modicum of farm management expertise in the communication of innovation from extension agent to farmer but questions the suitability of advanced farm management techniques for this purpose. It is argued that, if the potential contribution of farm management is to be realised, there is a need for an intermediate and appropriate farm management technology.  相似文献   

This paper makes several points based on a review of household survey evidence from Africa, Asia and Latin America. (i) In contrast to conventional wisdom, the evidence is very mixed as to the effect of non‐farm employment on rural income inequality. The non‐farm employment and microenterprise programmes now in vogue will not necessarily resolve rural income inequality problems and attendant social tensions nor automatically benefit the poor. (ii) Policymakers should be worried by substantial evidence of poor people's inability to overcome important entry barriers to many non‐farm activities. (iii) The main determinants of unequal access to non‐farm activities are the distribution of capacity to make investments in non‐farm assets and the relative scarcity of low capital entry barrier activities. Therefore, it is crucial for public investments and policy to favour an increase in the access of the poor to assets that allow them to overcome non‐farm employment entry barriers, (iv) It would be an error to assume that one can address asset‐poverty and inequality in the non‐farm sector without addressing farm‐side problems and vice versa.  相似文献   

The Agricultural Financial Analysis Expert Systems (AFAES) include software to prepare: agricultural financial statements; analysis summaries and graphic presentations of the analysis; and expert systems that present a diagnostic analysis of the financial statement data. In addition, there is a lender data base management system (STANDARDS) to check borrower documentation, to compare borrower data to lender standards and to summarize data from the lender portfolio of borrowers. Using AFAES software helps organize financial data in a format following accounting procedures. The expert system provides a consistent diagnostic analysis of financial data useful to both producers and lender. AFAES is developed to interface with existing accounting and financial statement software or lender data bases. AFAES not only has been developed and verified in Texas but also its development has involved two national task forces, land-grant university professionals, software vendors, accountants, lenders and representatives of regulatory agencies. Experience gained through development and verification efforts indicate that expert systems technology will be a valuable tool to enhance knowledge delivery by agricultural economists. Economics and finance are areas where expertise is often limited, leading to inadequate use of data and analysis tools by producers, lenders and educators. Expert systems offer a significant delivery technology.  相似文献   

Types of control are briefly reviewed. It is asserted that control problems are of growing importance in farm management. Opportunities for control in farming are identified. An outline is given of the necessary ingredients of a financial control system for farm management. By way of example, a test is made of a hypothesis about the nature of financial control among a sample of commercial farmers. Finally, problems of planning for control are briefly examined.  相似文献   

[目的]设施蔬菜种植过程中化肥的过量投入和利用效率低下,造成了严重的环境问题。解决这些问题的农业技术在推广应用过程中又存在农户响应度低、可持续性差等问题。为了提高农业技术推广水平,保证设施蔬菜种植的可持续性,构建全面系统的技术评价指标体系,在技术推广应用时进行科学评价是十分必要的。[方法]文章运用文献分析法、专家咨询法、专家约束下的主成分赋权法,进行实证分析。[结果]构建了由准则层、指标层和子指标层3个层次共27个子指标的设施蔬菜化肥减施增效技术评价指标体系;计算得到各项指标权重,最终结合指标数据得到5项技术模式综合得分及排序:模式1北票市越夏番茄化肥减施(0.443 2)模式3辽中区冬春茬番茄化肥减施(0.343 8)模式2灯塔市越冬番茄化肥减施(0.050 4)模式4南票区冬春茬番茄化肥减施(-0.412 5)模式5凌源市越冬长季节黄瓜化肥减施(-0.425 0)。[结论]根据评价得分结果分别围绕5项技术模式的技术、经济、社会和管理方面进行分析讨论,据此提出了技术模式推广优先序;针对各项技术的优势与劣势提出了发展设施蔬菜的政策建议,对各项化肥减施增效技术模式的完善与应用推广有重要意义。  相似文献   

This article focuses on how the linkages between various farm‐level decisions affect the choice of measures to reduce nitrogen leaching from crop production. A mathematical programming model is developed. The model considers not only management decisions that affect nitrogen leaching directly, but also other decision variables such as scheduling of field operations and machinery investments. A simplified analysis that ignores the latter management decisions, and the linkages between the various decisions, may result in abatement policies that are not cost‐effective because the policies will have other effects than expected. As an example, the empirical results show that subsidies to catch crops and spring ploughing may contribute to increased nitrogen load, quite contrary to the purpose of these subsidies. Further, it is noted that the characteristics of the production system make it costly to change land use, tillage practices, or fertilizer use drastically. Instead, cost‐effective nitrogen abatement includes a mix of various adjustments of farm‐level production practices. The EU set‐aside payment appears to reduce abatement costs.  相似文献   

针对农业土地规模经营中的问题,以智慧农业信息化建设为研究视角,构建保障农村土地规模经营的智慧农业信息功能模块体系。促使农业规模经营与农业科技进步和生产手段改进程度相适应,为构建新型农业经营体系、发展现代农业提供智力支撑。运用实地调查法、规范分析法、信息研究方法进行研究。研究结果表明:智慧农业作为现代信息技术的典型代表,有利于落实农村土地确权、调配农业专家资源、增强农业产业化活力、提升内部管理水准,并且在智能农业设施和物联网智能监控方面得到了成功运用,具有现实可行性。支撑农村土地规模经营的智慧农业信息功能模块体系设计主要体现在:农田信息监管系统保障规模生产效率,专家咨询服务系统保障规模生产人才素质,农村土地经营权交易系统保障土地流转权益,农业产业化管理保障规模经营经济效益。  相似文献   

[目的]科技支撑是生产体系现代化的重要内容。而现代农业产业园作为农业先进生产力的代表,按照“生产+加工+科技”一体化发展要求,有效推动现代农业产业园发展,完善科技支撑体系建设是亟需解决的问题。[方法]文章以批准创建的200家国家现代农业产业园为研究对象,分析产业园科技支撑体系建设现状、存在问题及对策。[结果]截至2021年底,200个国家现代农业产业园组建主导产业专家团队约2 000多个、平均每个产业园约10个;农作物耕种收的综合机械化率平均值达到80%以上;50多个建立了大数据中心,实现生产技术服务全过程数字化管理。但科技支撑体系建设仍存在农业科技研发投入不足、农业科技资源集聚不足、农业科技体制机制不完善、农业科技人才缺乏等问题。[结论]提出应强化农业科技研发和投入、建设农业科技创新联盟、强化农业科技创新和科技成果转化服务、构建全产业链经营模式、加大引进农业科技人才等五个方面对策建议,以期为完善现代农业产业园科技支撑体系建设提供帮助。  相似文献   

[目的]家庭农场作为一种新型农业经营主体,近年来受到国家的大力支持。对其发展情况进行调查分析有助于发现其存在问题,尽早提出解决措施,优化家庭农场的发展和培育。[方法]文章以农业部家庭农场专项调查数据为基础,从经营数量、经营规模、经营类型、经营效益4个方面,对家庭农场的发展现状进行了分析。[结果]家庭农场发展迅速,且增长速度逐年加快;目前已基本实现规模经营,其中70%的土地来自土地流转;农场数量和规模南北差异较大;经营类型以种植业为主,占六成以上;家庭农场的年销售产值高,但净利润低。除此之外,由于处在探索发展阶段,我国家庭农场在发展过程中面临着生产成本过高、质量认证缺乏和资金支持少等问题。[结论]最后针对这些问题,从加大政策扶持力度、加快农产品品牌建设和加强金融支持3方面提出对策建议,以期为未来家庭农场的培育提供参考价值。  相似文献   

Weed control in the U.S. Midwest has become increasingly herbicide-centric due to the adoption of herbicide-tolerant (HT) crops in the 1990s. That integrated weed management (IWM) practices, including ecological and mechanical controls, are scarcely used is concerning. IWM would be a more sustainable form of farming for two reasons. First, it would reduce the negative health and environmental externalities associated with herbicide use. Second, it would reduce the selection pressure on weed populations and the development of weed resistance to some herbicides, thereby reducing the uncertainty of the long-term effectiveness of herbicidal weed control. In this context, we develop an economic framework to clarify the interplay among the different market failures that either contribute to the herbicidal ‘lock-in’ or make it problematic. We then analyse the evidence for and perceptions of these market failures based on twenty-four semi-structured interviews with farmers and experts conducted in 2017, as well as on discussions in the academic literature. To this end, we put into perspective the possible self-reinforcing effects in the adoption path of HT crops, such as increasing farm size, changes in farm equipment, increasing incentives for simplified crop rotations, and the loss of practical knowledge of IWM practices.  相似文献   

土地整治已成为坚守耕地红线、改善耕地质量、促进家庭农场适度规模经营、推进农业供给侧结构性改革的关键切入点。文章的研究目的在于系统地分析伊犁州和塔城地区国家重大土地开发整理项目对促进现代家庭农场适度规模经营发展的现状、风险以及存在的困境,并为今后土地整治项目区家庭农场的适度规模经营和科学管理提供有益的借鉴和参考。研究方法主要运用问卷调查法、统计分析法和对比法分析法。结果表明,土地整治后项目区耕作条件、耕作方式和耕作水平有较大程度地提高,大量劳动力节省的同时促进了农户大幅增收,家庭农场规模经营模式多样化;土地整治项目区耕地流转价格大幅上涨,流转方式呈现多元化,农户的流转意愿有很大程度的提高;农户对整治后农场规模经营的满意度较高,但也面临一定程度的风险和困难。得出以下结论,家庭农场经营面临着农产品市场价格的不稳定波动;当地政府的补贴力度较弱,补贴资金缺少相关的审计和监察;土地整治的立项审批复杂,工程设计、监管及后期管护存在一定的疏漏;土地流转方式不合理,经营农场的投资资金来源有限;农户的文化程度普遍较低等方面的困境。在此基础上,本文最后提出了建立和完善全国统一的农产品价格的动态实时监测体系,设立农产品价格的合理波动区间;加大当地政府补贴力度和采取差别化的激励措施;适当延长土地流转年限;长期加强农业技术培训;"因地制宜"发展农场适度规模,注重完善和配套基本的农业社会化服务体系等方面的改革措施。  相似文献   

作为生态文明体制改革的创新举措,河长制逐渐成为建设幸福河湖、助力新阶段水利高质量发展的重要内容,但在实践过程中,存在河长履职不到位、协同治理机制不力、公众参与度不高等问题,河长制实施效果欠佳。基于对既有理论研究和实践经验的系统梳理和归纳,分析孪生水利技术赋能河长制的实现路径,探讨数字孪生技术在河长制管理机制创新中的协同作用和可能面临的问题与挑战,并提出相应的对策建议。研究结果表明:数字孪生技术可以与河长制在专业知识、快速响应、协同合作、公众参与和多元联动等方面发挥协同作用,为河长制现存问题提供解决路径;应建立完善的数据管理体系、充分的研发经费投入、平衡的人机关系、开放式的数字孪生公共服务平台等,建成与河长制工作更适配的数字孪生系统,全面赋能河长制发展。  相似文献   

The complexity of modern farm management places great demands on the skill, knowledge and capability of farm managers and their families. Keeping abreast of emerging technologies and innovations that can affect each key farm enterprise, and knowing how best to marshal the resources required for profitable farm production, are key tasks of farm management. This study draws on a longitudinal data set of 240 broadacre farmers to compare and analyse their farm performance over a decade. Using structural equation modelling, we examine relationships between the farm family's involvement in training, their human capital, their use of various innovations and ultimately the linkages of these factors to farm financial and productivity performance. Several statistically significant inter‐relationships are found, and some factors are shown to have significant positive links to farm performance. We find that training undertaken by the farm family, the farm family's human capital and their use of innovations, particularly key cropping innovations, have significant beneficial impacts on farm performance. The farmer's skills in time and organisational management, their engagement in business planning and the unique environmental characteristics of the farm also significantly and positively influence farm performance.  相似文献   

The number of Irish dairy farms with herds greater than 100 cows has increased from 4.5 % in 2005 to 23 % in 2016. The abolition of the dairy quota in 2015 has led to predictions that this trend will continue and that an additional 6000 people will be required to work on dairy farms by 2025. Ownership of farms is esteemed, with farm employment perceived as a poor second option, so it is necessary to identify possible routes towards creating 'good' farm employment relationships. This paper explores the social, cultural and economic values of employers and employees in the context of early experiences of farm employment in post-quota Ireland. Using narrative analysis, this study found that employees gained esteem and pride from acquiring managerial responsibilities and receiving recognition for their abilities and accomplishments from their employers. Greater social recognition of employ’ abilities by peer groups and in networks (social capital) cemented ‘good employee’ status. Employers, in a context of unprecedented dairy production expansion, emphasised the need for and demonstrated changing of power structures to open up the farm to new forms of influence. However, employers’ reflexivity in support of employment relationships was undermined overall by what the management literature calls a weak ‘rewards system’ for employees. Without the supportive scaffolding of a formalised rewards system, relational gestures of responsibility-devolution and employ’ appreciation of employees may be insufficient to sustain quality farm management employment in the long term. Inevitably, this diminishes the attractiveness of farm employment, limiting the drawing of talent not only into farm employment but into associated capacity-building programmes.  相似文献   

坚持以人为本,全面、协调、可持续发展观和系统思想为指导,采用系统工程方法,调查研究和理论分析、专家论证和群众参与相结合,着重从广西各类开发区土地利用现状出发,分析各类开发区在开发与建设过程中存在的土地利用问题,并对存在的土地利用问题提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

Sustainable agricultural intensification is an urgent challenge for Sub-Saharan Africa. One potential solution is to rely on local farmers' knowledge for improved management of diverse on-farm resources and integration among various farm enterprises. In this article, we analyze the farm-level impact of one recent example, namely the integrated aquaculture–agriculture (IAA) technologies that have been developed and disseminated in a participatory manner in Malawi. Based on a 2004 survey of 315 respondents (166 adopters and 149 nonadopters), we test the hypothesis that adoption of IAA is associated with improved farm productivity and more efficient use of resources. Estimating a technical inefficiency function shows that IAA farms were significantly more efficient compared to nonadopters. IAA farms also had higher total factor productivity, higher farm income per hectare, and higher returns to family labor.  相似文献   

Farmers need more accurate and useful information. They must also improve their decision-making skills. The farm management expert's main challenge will be to perform more like a coach than a general. As a professional, he/she must be guided by a consistent and honorable set of principles, with the ability to inspire and motivate others. Finally, to be successful, he/she must know his/her customers, know their habits, attitudes, biases and dissatisfactions and recognize these differences. In a nutshell, the farm management expert of the future must tailor his/her services to the new market.  相似文献   

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