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柳忱  刘鑫 《民营科技》2011,(3):321-321
随着市场经济的发展以及城市化进程的加快,商业地产已经成为当今中国的热点地产。由于商业地产在很多方面具有区别于传统住宅地产的特点,因此,为了顺应时代发展的要求,实际的建筑设计也必须做出一些相应的改革。正是从这一问题出发,将商业地产与传统住宅地产相比较,重点探讨建筑设计怎样更好的配合商业地产。  相似文献   

编者按: 技术在进步,时代在变化.传统仓储企业正逐步向现代物流转型,同时,现代制造业与现代流通业也对仓储技术与设备提出了更多的要求.在这一背景下,传统仓储企业纷纷改造旧有仓储设施,现代制造企业纷纷建设自动化立体库、高架立体库等现代化的物流中心.无论是改造还是新建,都说明中国仓储业的现代化进程正在加快.  相似文献   

传统企业发展电子商务面临着多方面的改革,归纳为四点即:技术的创新,管理的改进,结构的调整和文化的提升.  相似文献   

张宇良 《楼市》2012,(11):14
在商业地产界,一个在住宅地产掘了几桶金的开发商,再大也是只待宰小绵羊,却妄想做猎手。21世纪的前十年是住宅投资黄金时期,笔者认为,第二个十年并不是投资商业地产黄金时期,而是带着血腥味的、另一个资本原始积累时期。与住宅地产不同,商业地产的水更深、陷阱更多,不管是放话下套的、设套的,还是钻套的,最后都可能被套。一言以蔽之:商业地产正在上演前所未有的  相似文献   

商办物业市场量价齐升,商业地产俨然成为开发商、投资者和行业资金的最佳避风港  相似文献   

正市场供大于求,电商激烈冲击,商业地产正在进行或被动或主动的调整与住宅市场高房价成为热点不同,在商业地产十年左右快速发展过程中,传统商业模式遭遇革命性颠覆才是最大的看点:百货业衰落、市场供大于求的背后,我们看到了电商冲击下商业地产的涅槃。"一铺养三代"到供大于求2014年9月1日,大连万达商业地产股份有限公司将其招股书提交香港征券交易所,这家来自于大连的中国地产商开始冲击香港当年最大规模IPO。众所周知,万达已经是中国乃至全球最大的商业地产开发商,其最为人所知的产品,是遍布全国的城市综合体——万达广场。据统计,截至2014年年底,全国万达广场的数量将  相似文献   

与住宅开发相比,商业地产开发要复杂得多。大连万达集团的老板王健林有一个形象的比喻:住宅地产是小学生;商务地产、写字楼、度假村等是中学生;商业地产是大学生。住宅产品的使用功能就是居住,因此不管买房者是自住还是投资,开发商只要把房子卖出去,产品的价值就实现了,开发商的价值创造过程也就此终结。但商业地产不同。由于商业地产是商家经营的载体和平台,脱离商业运  相似文献   

2005年8月,排名2004年福布斯中国富豪榜132位、拥有1.21亿美元的四川绵阳商人张钧黯然退出了上海滩。回想2001年以来,张钧做出了一个重大决定:投资23亿在上海建造最大的SHOPPING MALL——兴力达国际广场。然而,结果却并不如他所愿——2005年8月,张在无奈出让兴力达广场大股东地位的同时,还背上5.25亿元的债务。 商业地产的凶险由此可见一斑。  相似文献   

市场表现:商业地产炙手可热。7月份人民币升值后.商业地产的升值预期更加趋利.国内、国外资金纷纷抢滩中国商业地产。 缘由探究:房地产新政挤压了地产泡沫.亦使住宅与商业地产的投资回报率差距进一步拉大,人民币升值更加大了商业地产的升值空间。 影响程度:商业地产局部过热.国家拟加大对其调控力度。引导国内商业地产走向健康、理性。  相似文献   

2003年,广州、北京、上海等国际大都市商业活动已经非常频繁和兴旺,加上北京申奥成功、上海申办世博会成功、我国加入世贸组织等多项利好消息的刺激,我国商业市场的效应开始得到释放,对于商业地产的需求也将继续扩充。由此可见,商业地产在中国市场处于初级发展阶段,市场发展潜力巨大。  相似文献   

This essay analyzes the political economy of the urban ruins captured in Greg Girard's photo album Phantom Shanghai. Rather than being marginal, irrelevant or merely objects for nostalgia, the ruins of buildings produced by real estate speculation offer crucial insights into the workings of the urban political economy and reflect wider trends of urban governance. Examining how building ruins come about in the first place and how they are represented in visual media can help us better understand the processes of urbanization and place making, and the central role of destruction in contemporary Chinese urbanism. This essay illustrates this point by analyzing the economic function, political legitimation and cultural significance of demolitions and ruins in urban China.  相似文献   

Selective programs and subsidies have an impact on both the financial position and the housing conditions of the household to whom they are allocated. They also affect the equilibrium outcome in housing markets. This study analyzes how the housing stock in Norwegian municipalities is affected by selective targeted interventions on the supply and demand-sides of the market. The empirical analysis shows that additions to the stock of public housing increases the total housing stock. For every 100 new public units built, 60 units are added to the total housing stock. Demand-side subsidies are also shown to increase the size of the housing stock. Using a linear spline it is shown that the magnitude of the marginal effect on the total size of the housing stock is strongly decreasing in program size.  相似文献   

Theoretical research has shown that urban housing density, defined as housing services per unit of land, is an increasing function of the price of housing services. However, this concept of density hides as well as provides information because housing services per unit of land equals the product of housing services per dwelling unit and dwelling units per unit of land. This paper proves that housing density, defined as dwelling units per unit of land, can vary either directly or inversely with the price of housing services.  相似文献   

Almost all previous studies analyzing the benefits and consumption effects of public housing programs have used aggregation theorems to construct composite goods “housing” and “all other goods.” In this paper we show that, if it is more realistically assumed that households have preferences defined on housing characteristics, benefits estimated using the composite approach are upward biased. Some empirical work suggests that the bias is large. We therefore strongly advise to take into account the composition of the bundle of housing attributes provided under a public housing program when evaluating the program's economic effects.  相似文献   

The low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) was originated in conjunction with the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA 86) to provide incentives for private sector production of low-income housing. In this note we examine whether these units have added to the existing stock or merely substituted for unsubsidized units that otherwise would have been built. We explicitly control for effects of the number of other supply-side (e.g., public housing, Section 8 New Construction, Section 236 housing) and demand-side (vouchers and Section 8 Certificates) subsidies. From estimations of a simple cross-state model of the determinants of the stock of housing per 1000 population, we find no significant relationship between the number of LIHTC units (and other subsidized units) built in a given state and the size of the current housing stock, suggesting a high rate of substitution. However, our test is not sufficiently powerful to reject some alternative null hypotheses that suggest a lower rate of substitution, and we make some suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

汶川大地震对房地产市场产生了哪些方面的影响?影响究竟会有多大?它给市场带来了什么样的变数?未来的走势和格局又将如何?通过深度观察可知,地震给楼市带来的影响即使不是直接的破坏,也必将是深层次的调整  相似文献   

This article deals with the vulnerability of the Dutch housing allowance scheme. This scheme can be compared with the British housing benefit. The vulnerability of the scheme has been augmented by the current less favourable economic conditions (stagnating household incomes, increasing unemployment) and the Dutch government's announcement that it plans to reduce housing allowance expenditure. Two scenarios are outlined, which may serve to resolve the danger of exploding housing allowances expenditure in the coming years. If a market‐led scenario is chosen, whereby housing associations strive to achieve market rents, the housing allowance will be transformed into a form of housing voucher, the value of which is not directly related to the actual rental price of the property. In this American‐style model, the value of the vouchers would be linked to a ‘virtual’ rent, say 40% of the average rental price in the region. The housing associations would then lose their special semi‐public status. Under the social housing model, the housing associations would retain their special status provided they aimed to achieve rents somewhat lower than the market level. The housing allowance would remain directly linked to the actual rental price. However, some marked changes would be required to render this system sustainable. The Netherlands cannot avoid having to make this choice. Cet article porte sur la vulnérabilité du régime hollandais d'aide au logement. Celui‐ci est comparable aux prestations britanniques. La fragilité du régime a été accrue par les conditions économiques actuelles moins favorables (stagnation du revenu des ménages, augmentation du chômage) et par l'annonce du gouvernement néderlandais relative à la réduction prévue des dépenses d'allocation‐logement. Sont présentés deux scénarios susceptibles de limiter le risque d'explosion des dépenses d'allocations dans les années à venir. Si l'option choisie est un scénario de marché où les associations pour le logement luttent pour atteindre les loyers du marché, l'allocation‐logement se transformera en ‘bon’ dont la valeur ne sera pas directement liée au montant réel du loyer. Selon ce modèle de type américain, la valeur des ‘bons’ sera fonction d'un loyer ‘virtuel’, soit environ 40% du prix moyen dans la région; les associations perdraient alors leur statut particulier semi‐public. Selon le modèle de logement social, elles conserveraient leur statut, à condition qu'elles cherchent à atteindre des loyers légèrement inférieurs au niveau du marché; l'allocation‐logement serait alors directement liée au montant réel du loyer. Toutefois, pour que le régime subsiste, il faudrait procéder à d'importants changements. Les Pays‐Bas ne peuvent s'épargner ce choix.  相似文献   

The recent housing market boom and bust in the United States illustrates that real estate returns are characterized by short-term positive serial correlation and long-term mean reversion to fundamental values. We develop an econometric model that includes these two components, but with weights that vary dynamically through time depending on recent forecasting performances. The smooth transition weighting mechanism can assign more weight to positive serial correlation in boom times, and more weight to reversal to fundamental values during downturns. We estimate the model with US national house price index data. In-sample, the switching mechanism significantly improves the fit of the model. In an out-of-sample forecasting assessment the model performs better than competing benchmark models.  相似文献   

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