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Quarterly call report data for 225 banks over twenty-six quarters are used to estimate a quadratic cost function to provide a measure of technological change within the banking industry. The nature of the relationship between technological change and bank performance is then examined. A logit model is formulated to estimate the likelihood that banks will display a positive level of technological development. Return on assets and return on equity are selected as measures of banking performance. The results suggest that technological change is significantly related to over-all banking performance. Finally, a significant relationship is indicated between bank size and profitability and the rate at which banks implement technological change.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that the measurement of technological change and economic efficiency are tightly linked. Efficiency measures may depend on carefully controlling for technological change, while tests of technological change may be sensitive to empirical model specifications. Moreover, the study underlines Solow's (1994) and Romer's (1994) admonition that econometricians should pay attention to industry and institutional evidence in building models of technological change. The empirical results presented here suggest that there has been substantial technological change in the U.S. brewing industry from 1950 to 1992. This occurred in the form of a dramatic shift in technology beginning with the introduction of super breweries in about 1972. There has also been a substantial increase in scale economies, which undoubtedly caused many inefficiently small firms to exit the industry during the 1960s and 1970s. Further results suggest that a more complete specification of technological change and the stochastic nature of the frontier production function leads to higher and more tenable estimates of efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a multiple-output Symmetric Generalised McFadden (SGM) cost function, incorporating both exogenous and endogenous technological change. Whilst exogenous technological change is captured by the usual time trend, endogenous or price-induced technological change is cast within a partial-adjustment framework involving lagged input prices. The study points to various dimensions or components of technological change, and allows to disentangle pure factor substitution, given the state of the technology, from factor substitution due to price-induced changes in technology. Under the conditions of non-jointness in input quantities, the model further allows to identify technological change biases for each output separately. An empirical application is presented in which the proposed model is applied to time-series data on the feed manufacturing industry in Belgium. To improve on the econometrics, the SGM cost function also incorporates linear splines.  相似文献   

Using a translog cost functional form, a formal operational model with an adjustment process according to a first-order autoregressive scheme is presented, that allows the simultaneous determination of factor demands and of technological change in an input–output system. The analysis is carried out for sectors of the Dutch economy over the period 1954–83 and it reveals evidence of the dependence of factor demands on relative prices and on technological change.  相似文献   

Initial Environmental Conditions and Technological Change   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper provides a theoretical link between the initial environmental conditions surrounding a firm's birth and first few years of operations and its process of technological change. The main argument is that initial environmental conditions influence the technological trajectories of business firms. Four mechanisms through which this influence is carried out are technological paradigm, dominant logic, organizational structure, and configuration. These mechanisms act as carriers of initial influences and constrain the future technological developments, restricting thus the possible technological trajectories a firm can follow. This paper discusses the above mechanisms and a number of propositions concerning the kind of influence different initial environmental conditions have on technological change. The paper concludes with implications for further research.  相似文献   

The paper questionsthe use of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) measures as a proxyfor the technological level in Italian agriculture. TFP growthreveals a cyclical behaviour and a short-run component due toshocks on both the demand and supply sides. In order to identifyreal long-run technological change, a Kalman filter procedureis applied to a stochastic process depicting the generation oftechnical change induced by R&D and Extension expenditure.The empirical evidence reveals that short-term shocks greatlyaffect the traditional measure of productivity. A better indicatorof technological progress can be obtained by estimating the long-runcomponent of productivity, which seems to be significantly inducedby R&D-Extension public expenditure.  相似文献   

This article shows that empirical research supports the existence of a relationship between corporate governance and technological change. This relationship can be split into two parts: a strategic choice relationship, where governance impacts technological change, and a technological imperative relationship, where the reverse can be observed. These relationships modify the direct influences of technological change as well as corporate governance on economic success. Therefore, regulators should be aware that by shaping governance structures they also affect the competitiveness of corporations. However, since not enough knowledge is available to design optimum governance systems that would fit all sorts of corporate objectives, it is argued that corporations should be allowed to choose from a pre-defined set of governance structures without having to change the location of their headquarters. The proof for the existence of the two relationships in question is marred by numerous problems of measurement and analysis. Thus, substantial research into this field is suggested.  相似文献   

Although Schumpeter’s “creative destruction” has become something of a buzzword, the theoretical underpinnings of his theory are largely missing from the recent literature on technological change. This paper explores the link between technological change and creative destruction, with particular attention being paid to the role of new technology-based firms in bringing this about. Recurring themes in the technological change literature are examined. These show that the phenomenon of dominant firms failing due to the introduction of a new (disruptive) technology is creative destruction in action. NTBFs are the most common introducers of disruptive technologies and a leading driver of creative destruction.  相似文献   

Management of technological change has become increasingly important in many developing countries, as they evolve from agricultural to industrial societies. This paper attempts to integrate a series of recent studies undertaken in a rapidly developing country in order to identify patterns of technological change in manufacturing firms. The degree of complexity in operations technology and the scale of operations account for differences in their technological behavior among different firms in different industries.  相似文献   

The effects of regulation upon technological change in the American meat industry in the period between 1950 and 1978 are examined in terms of the relationship between three alternative models — neoclassical, X-efficiency, and technological exogeneity —and the behavior of regulatory agencies. The paper is based upon patent data, equipment approvals by the United States Department of Agriculture and interviews with meat equipment and meat processing firms. Each theory was found to account for some of the observed transactions between regulation and technological change. Conversely, no single theory encompasses all observed effects.Regulations have added to the cost of developing new products. Increased uncertainty in the late 1970s over the standards sought by regulatory agencies have similarly increased the uncertainties of the profitability of R&D in selected product lines. This uncertainty was also found to be inducing firms to substitute product development via mergers for their own R&D. The Humane Slaughter Act was the proximate spur for technological advances that lead to a rationalization of production processes. The innovations that resulted from this act and from other regulatory standards highlighted, in accordance with the X-efficiency framework, technological opportunities that existed prior to and independent of changes in regulatory standards. Much of the momentum for technological change in the industry was shaped by an initial set of technological advances and the subsequent working through of production bottlenecks in an interrelated production system. These advances were largely independent of and unaffected by regulatory standards.Indeed, there is reason to believe that regulatory standards may themselves have an element of endogeneity in terms of the feasible set of best practice techniques. Thus at any particular time, technological change may serve to generate a production frontier towards which a regulatory agency might seem to propel an industry.Overall, our judgment is that regulation had little discernible impact on the pace of technological change related to the production and distribution of ground beef in the period between 1950 and 1978. If there has been any net effect, regulation probably served more to stimulate than to inhibit technological change.  相似文献   

Management of technological change has become increasingly important in many developing countries, as they evolve from agricultural to industrial societies. This paper attempts to integrate a series of recent studies undertaken in a rapidly developing country in order to identify patterns of technological change in manufacturing firms. The degree of complexity in operations technology and the scale of operations account for differences in their technological behavior among different firms in different industries.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the reasons why some technologies, defying general expectations and the established models of technological change, may not disappear from the market after having been displaced from their once-dominant status. Our point of departure is that the established models of technological change are not suitable to explain this as they predominantly focus on technological dominance, giving attention to the technologies that display highest performance levels and gain greatest market share. And yet, technological landscapes are rife with technological designs that do not fulfil these conditions. Using the LP record as an empirical case, we propose that the central mechanism at play in the continuing market presence of once-dominant technologies is the recasting of their technological features from the functional-utilitarian to the aesthetic realm, with an additional element concerning communal interaction among users. The findings that emerge from our quantitative textual analysis of over 200,000 posts on a prominent online LP-related discussion forum (between 2002 and 2010) also suggest that the post-dominance technology adopters and users appear to share many key characteristics with the earliest adopters of new technologies, rather than with late-stage adopters which precede them.  相似文献   

研究目标:廓清中国分企业所有制的出口技术含量地域结构及变化动因。研究方法:基于区分内外资全球投入产出模型的出口技术含量和反事实分析法。研究发现:中国内外资企业出口中来自(内资企业)国内技术含量的比重逐渐强化,表明中国出口实现了一定程度的本土技术升级。对计算机业分析发现,其出口国外技术含量地域结构具有稳定性,但趋于下降,而来自内资企业国内技术含量的贡献不断上升。质和量均对中国出口国内技术含量具有正向促进效应,但更多依赖最终生产工序技术含量的提升。研究创新:首次将中国内外资企业生产异质性纳入分析范畴,科学分析出口技术含量地域结构变迁及变化动因。研究价值:准确理解中国对外贸易技术含量水平与升级。  相似文献   

通过对索洛余值计算方式的改进,在原先定义的生产函数下增添了误差项,将得出后的技术进步率进行方差分析,并将产出、要素投入、技术进步以外的一些难以把握的因素,如制度的变动、宏观调控政策的变化的差异等用生产函数中一个偏差项来代替,使得中国技术进步的结果更贴近事实。并通过对索洛余值的实证分析,总结出近些年中国技术进步的发展特点及发展速度。  相似文献   

Productivity,Technology and Economic Growth: What is the Relationship?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between productivity, technology and economic growth has been debated extensively in the endogenous growth, growth accounting, New Economy and policy literature. This paper briefly surveys the literature on total factor productivity (TFP) calculations – the various techniques and problems associated with it. We argue that TFP is not a measure of technological change and only under ideal conditions does it measure the supernormal profits associated with technological change. The critical driving force of economic growth is not the super normal profits that technological change generates but rather the continuous creation of opportunities for further technological development. Six illustrations of when TFP fails to correctly measure these super normal profits are provided. A version Carlaw and Lipsey's (2003b) model of endogenous general purpose technology‐ driven growth is then utilized to make some progress toward answering Prescott's (1998) call for a theory of TFP. The model is used to simulate artificial data and connect theoretical assumptions of returns to scale and resource costs to the conditions under which TFP miss‐measures the actual growth of technological knowledge.  相似文献   

技能偏向技术进步已成为理解各国普遍存在的技能劳动需求分化和技能溢价的关键性因素。采取Malmquist-TFP指数分解方法,测度技术进步偏向性,发现我国制造业并非全部都存在技能偏向技术进步,技术进步技能偏向也没有表现出线性增长趋势,而是呈现出较大的波动性。对技能偏向技术进步演变机制的研究发现,技能劳动供给增长增强了技能偏向技术进步,但国际贸易对其促进作用仅仅在高技术和低技术行业中存在。  相似文献   

The case study evidence in this paper suggests that management of technological change is more complicated than the existing literature has acknowledged. Rather than merely introduce or not introduce new technology, managers have to choose between more or less advanced technologies whose implications are difficult to assess. Moreover, the choice between advanced and conventional production technologies seems to be influenced more by situational determinants than by the habitual actions of managers or changes in management characters. Taking these situational determinants and firm-specific critical incidents seriously is essential, especially for an understanding of why managerial actors alter their approach to managing technological change. By adopting a longitudinal firm-in-sector perspective to technological change this paper demonstrates how coinciding increases in material resources and competitive pressures encourage management to adopt advanced instead of conventional technology. To justify this argument, the paper compares two consecutive technological change projects in the same firm and describes the background of their profoundly different degrees of sophistication.  相似文献   

In this paper, I develop a regression-based system of labour productivity equations that account for capital-embodied technological change and I incorporate this system into IDLIFT, a structural, macroeconomic input-output model of the US economy. Builders of regression-based forecasting models have long had difficulty finding labour productivity equations that exhibit the "Solowian' property that movements in investment should cause accompanying movements in labour productivity. The production theory developed by Solow and others dictates that this causation is driven by the effect of traditional capital deepening as well as technological change embodied in capital. Lack of measurement of the latter has hampered the ability of researchers to estimate properly the productivity-investment relationship. Recent research by Wilson (2001) has alleviated this difficulty by estimating industry-level embodied technological change. In this paper, I utilize those estimates to construct capital stocks adjusted for technological change and then use these adjusted stocks to estimate Solow-type labour productivity equations. It is shown that replacing IDLIFT's former productivity equations, based on changes in output and time trends, with the new equations, results in a convergence between the dynamic behaviour of the model and that predicted by traditional (Solowian) production theory.  相似文献   

The analysis of technological change is centered on the study of the evolution of technical coefficients in the input–output table. Complementary to this analysis, the household consumption expenditure matrix, relating consumption by commodities to consumption by purpose or by function, also incorporates some other aspects of technological change. Thus, the evolution in time of the coefficients of this consumption expenditure matrix will portray technological processes, implying substitutions between commodities to satisfy the different functions The substitution between consumption expenditure by functions is also to be taken into consideration, because it can influence, together with technological change, the use of commodities in the final demand. For Switzerland, a 1980–89 time series of household consumption expenditure matrices with 37 commodities and 58 functional consumption categories has been estimated using data from consumer expenditure surveys. In this paper, instruments generally applied to the analysis of changes in input–output technical coefficients are extended to these matrices, including methods that deal with biproportional processes of substitution.  相似文献   

Technological change is one of the most important determinants of the technological structure of the firm. Unfortunately, this crucial factor is often unobserved and must therefore be approximated. It is also well recognized that firms are not necessarily located on their efficient production frontier, a phenomenon known as technical inefficiency. This paper compares the performance of three flexible functional forms (the Translog, Symmetric McFadden and Symmetric Generalized Barnett) to properly infer theoretical properties and technology measurements when: (i) unobserved technological change is approximated by a time trend in the variable-cost-function specification and, (ii) firms may be technically inefficient. Our results indicate that no functional form dominates and that measuring the shifts of the production (cost) function has a clear and negative effect on the performance of the functional forms. Furthermore, we find that technical inefficiencies have a significant and negative effect on the measurement of, notably, returns to scale and the implicit rental price of capital. However, all forms over-reject theoretical properties and provide adequate technology measurements only on a sample-average basis. In addition, the performance of the functional forms is closely related to the true underlying rate of technological change.  相似文献   

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