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We examine the effects of liquidity, default and personal taxes on the relative yields of Treasuries and municipals using a generalized model with liquidity risk. The municipal yield model includes liquidity as a state factor. Using a unique transaction dataset, we estimate the liquidity risk of municipals and its effect on bond yields. Empirical evidence shows that municipal bond yields are strongly affected by all three factors. The effects of default and liquidity risk on municipal yields increase with maturity and credit risk. Liquidity premium accounts for about 9–13% of municipal yields for AAA bonds, 9–15% for AA/A bonds and 8–19% for BBB bonds. A substantial portion of the maturity spread between long- and short-maturity municipal bonds is attributed to the liquidity premium. Ignoring the liquidity risk effect thus results in a severe underestimation of municipal bond yields. Conditional on the effects of default and liquidity risk, we obtain implicit tax rates very close to the statutory tax rates of high-income individuals and institutional investors. Furthermore, these implicit income tax rates are quite stable across bonds of different maturities. Results show that including liquidity risk in the municipal bond pricing model helps explain the muni puzzle.  相似文献   

Monthly holding period returns for U.S. Treasury bills and notes of identical maturity indicate a significant coupon effect upon term premiums. Hotelling's T2 test of the vectors of mean term premiums indicates that term premiums are not statistically significant for notes but are significant for bills. Mean-variance and stochastic dominance criteria indicate an investment preference for bills over notes on a pretax basis. Because the data set is Treasury bills and notes, which are identical except for coupon level, these results are evidence of a coupon effect on term premiums.  相似文献   

The green bond market has dramatically expanded especially in Europe but severe liquidity issues may undermine its rapid development. If few studies have assessed the implied liquidity risks for investors in terms of liquidity premium, none of them have specifically analysed its behavior across bond maturities. To fill this gap, this paper studies the term structure of the liquidity premium of the green bond market.We find that the sizes of short-term and long-term premia are close to those estimated on the German government bond market. We show that those premia are affected by economic factors and by spillover effects between them, which contribute to the U-Shape of the liquidity premium. Finally, we detect a liquidity clientele effect on the ask side impacting the liquidity premium, which implies a maturity segmentation i.e., high-risk (resp. low-risk) investors buy short-term (resp. long-term) green bonds and hold them until maturity.Taken together, our results deliver valuable insights on investors' strategies in the green bond market. Quite importantly, green bond investors prefer to opt for buy and hold strategies because they are compensated for higher liquidity risks along the entire maturity spectrum.  相似文献   

中国市场利率流动性溢酬实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林海  郑振龙 《武汉金融》2004,41(10):4-7
市场利率的流动性溢酬(liquiditypremium),也称为期限溢酬(termpremium),是为了弥补投资者投资于长期证券所承担的额外利率波动风险(Hicks,1942)。这种风险一般随着期限的延长而增加,因此,相应的流动性溢酬也要随着期限的延长而增加。本文在郑振龙、林海(2003)对中国利率期限结构的静态估计的基础之上,通过一个直接的通用模型对中国市场利率的流动性溢酬进行了实证考察和分析,这个模型直接使用总收益率而不是利率的概念,从而就可以避免Nelson(1972)所提出的问题,而且没有对利率的分布做任何假定。同时为了比较分析不同期限的流动性溢酬,这个模型还进行了标准化处理。检验结果表明,中国存在比较明显的流动性溢酬,而且这个流动性溢酬水平随着期限的延长而上升。而且,通过对流动性溢酬随时间变动情况的分析,发现不同期限的流动性溢酬都随时间变动,因此常数流动性溢酬假设就被拒绝。  相似文献   

文章通过对于央票招标日各期限央票、国债、金融债二级市场收益率变动特点的描述性统计,以及央票发行量对债券收益率影响的计量分析,实证考察了央票发行对债券市场收益率的影响效应。结果显示,央票招标日债券市场收益率波动性小于日常水平,且二级市场收益率与央票发行利率差值保持在合理波动范围内,体现了货币政策稳定利率的意图。  相似文献   

Using a system of equations approach, this paper empirically tests the impact of credit quality, asset maturity, and other issuer and issue characteristics on the maturity of municipal bonds. We find that under conditions of lower information asymmetry that prevails in the municipal sector, higher‐rated bonds have longer maturities than low‐rated bonds. This result differs from that observed in the corporate sector. Overall, our results support the asset maturity hypothesis. In addition, our analysis finds that fundamentals matter. Issue features that provide additional protection or convenience to the investor tend to increase debt maturity.  相似文献   

We examine the determinants of the new issue maturity of corporate bonds. As credit rating decreases, new bond issues have longer maturities, but substantial variation in maturity within each rating class remains. We seek to explain the variation of new issue maturity within credit classes. We find that asset maturity, security covenants, and macroeconomic conditions influence the new issue maturity of bonds within rating categories.  相似文献   

We use the 2007 asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) crisis as a laboratory to study the determinants of debt runs. Our model features dilution risk: maturing short-term lenders demand higher yields in compensation for being diluted by future lenders, making runs more likely. The model explains the observed tenfold increase in yield spreads leading to runs and the positive relation between yield spreads and future runs. Results from structural estimation show that runs are very sensitive to leverage, asset values, and asset liquidity, but less sensitive to the degree of maturity mismatch, the strength of guarantees, and asset volatility.  相似文献   

We infer a term structure of interbank risk from spreads between rates on interest rate swaps indexed to the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) and overnight indexed swaps. We develop a tractable model of interbank risk to decompose the term structure into default and non-default (liquidity) components. From August 2007 to January 2011, the fraction of total interbank risk due to default risk, on average, increases with maturity. At short maturities, the non-default component is important in the first half of the sample period and is correlated with measures of funding and market liquidity. The model also provides a framework for pricing, hedging, and risk management of interest rate swaps in the presence of significant basis risk.  相似文献   

Money Market Mutual Funds, known in Australia as Cash Management Trusts (CMTs), provide potential benefits for retail investors from pooling of funds and superior portfolio (maturity) management skills. The average maturity of CMT assets exhibits significant variation both cross sectionally and over time, but there is significant correlation between the asset maturities of different CMTs. These variations could reflect decisions about optimal asset maturity by CMT management, given their expectations of future interest rate movements. This paper examines (and rejects) the hypothesis that CMT management has superior interest rate forecasting ability by testing whether asset maturity of CMTs provides any information about future interest rate movements. The correlation between CMT maturity decisions appears to reflect the tendency of some CMTs to adjust maturity in response to current changes in market interest rates.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is the analysis of the yield spreads between Treasury and non–Treasury Spanish fixed income assets and its relationship with the term to maturity. We find a downward sloping term structure of yield spreads for investment–grade bonds that seems to be contrary to the 'crisis at maturity' theory. However, we claim that this outcome is caused mainly by the effect of liquidity on yield spreads. Once the effect of liquidity and other factors are removed we find that there is a positive relationship between default premiums and term to maturity. That result is now consistent with the existing literature.  相似文献   

The interplay between liquidity and credit risks in the interbank market is analyzed. Banks are hit by idiosyncratic random liquidity shocks. The market may also be hit by bad news at a future date, implying the insolvency of some participants and creating a lemons problem; this may end up with a gridlock of the interbank market at that date. Anticipating such possible contingency, banks currently long of liquidity ask a liquidity premium for lending beyond a short maturity, as a compensation for the risk of being short of liquidity later and being forced to liquidate some illiquid assets. When such premium gets too high, banks currently short of liquidity prefer to borrow short term. The model is able to explain some stylized facts of the 2007–2009 liquidity crunch affecting the money market at the international level: (i) high spreads between interest rates at different maturities; (ii) “flight to overnight” in traded volumes; (iii) ineffectiveness of open market operations, leading the central banks to introduce some relevant innovations into their operational framework.  相似文献   

This paper develops a multiperiod management model for balance sheets of bond assets and liabilities. The decision variables are the amounts to buy, sell, or hold for each bond maturity class and the amount to borrow or debt to be repurchased for each liability class. Decisions are made at the beginning of each period conditional on the revealed interest rates scenario. The investor's utility is maximized in a state-preference approach. The maturity structure of the initial holdings is an important component of the input parameters. The possible states of the world are described in terms of interest rate scenarios. The solution is subject to funds flow, inventory, liquidity, leverage, policy, and expiration constraints. The model leads to a large-scale linear programming model, with multi-indexed variables, that is solved with the Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition algorithm. A numerical application that was motivated by discussions with top management at the RepublicBank Trust Department is presented. The experiments suggest that optimal portfolios frequently have a barbell structure consisting of short and long maturities with few intermediate maturities.  相似文献   

Tax and Liquidity Effects in Pricing Government Bonds   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Daily data from interdealer government bond brokers are examined for tax and liquidity effects. We use two approaches to create cash flow matching portfolios of similar securities and look for pricing discrepancies associated with liquidity or tax effects. We also look for the presence of tax and liquidity effects by including a liquidity term when fitting a cubic spline to the after-tax yield curve. We find evidence of tax timing options and liquidity effects. However, the effects are much smaller than previously reported and the effects of liquidity are primarily due to high volume bonds with long maturities.  相似文献   

We investigate the yield spread between the sovereign bonds issued in international markets by major Asia-Pacific issuers (China, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand) and matched with near maturity benchmark U.S. Treasury bonds (2, 5, 10 year maturities) to determine the extent that various factors affect changes in credit spreads. The results suggest that the credit spreads of these sovereign bonds tend to be negatively related to changes in interest rates on U.S. benchmark bonds and positively related to changes in the slope of the yield curve. The asset and exchange rate variables were only significant for spreads on Philippine bonds where it was negatively related to changes in the local stock market index, and positively to changes in the exchange rate. The complex dynamics of these processes highlight concerns for portfolio mangers when constructing portfolios of sovereign Asian bonds by aggregating bonds of different credit ratings.  相似文献   

This paper represents an equilibrium model for the demand and supply of liquidity and its impact on asset prices and welfare. We show that, when constant market presence is costly, purely idiosyncratic shocks lead to endogenous demand of liquidity and large price deviations from fundamentals. Moreover, market forces fail to lead to efficient supply of liquidity, which calls for potential policy interventions. However, we demonstrate that different policy tools can yield different efficiency consequences. For example, lowering the cost of supplying liquidity on the spot (e.g., through direct injection of liquidity or relaxation of ex post margin constraints) can decrease welfare while forcing more liquidity supply (e.g., through coordination of market participants) can improve welfare.  相似文献   

Financial firms raise short‐term debt to finance asset purchases; this induces risk shifting when economic conditions worsen and limits their ability to roll over debt. Constrained firms de‐lever by selling assets to lower‐leverage firms. In turn, asset–market liquidity depends on the system‐wide distribution of leverage, which is itself endogenous to future economic prospects. Good economic prospects yield cheaper short‐term debt, inducing entry of higher‐leverage firms. Consequently, adverse asset shocks in good times lead to greater de‐leveraging and sudden drying up of market and funding liquidity.  相似文献   

We investigate the determinants of changes in U.S. interest rate swap spreads using a model that explicitly allows for volatility interactions between swaps of different terms to maturity. Changes in the swap spread are found to be positively related to interest rate volatility, to changes in the default risk premium in the corporate bond market, and to changes in the liquidity premium for government securities. Swap spread changes are negatively related to changes in the level of interest rates and changes in the slope of the term structure. We also find that there is a strong and significant volatility interaction among spreads for swaps of different maturities and that the process for the conditional variance of the spread is highly persistent across all maturities.  相似文献   

Since 2008, the European Central Bank (ECB) is conducting an expansionary monetary policy on an unprecedented scale. The consequence is a historical low interest rate environment in the eurozone and inflated prices for the majority of euro area government bonds. This paper presents a study of the tail behavior of triple-A rated euro area government bonds during the financial crisis 2007/08, the European sovereign debt crisis and the episode of expansionary monetary policy by the ECB. First, the analysis determines whether daily returns of euro area government bonds exhibit fat tails. Second, tests are conducted for variation in tail risk among euro area government bonds with different maturities. Third, it is estimated whether the tail behavior has significantly changed during the financial crisis, the European sovereign debt crisis and the resulting market interventions by the ECB. The study is based on daily data of the spot yield curve for triple-A rated euro area government bonds with a remaining maturity from three months to thirty years. Evidence is found for fat tails for the left-and right-hand side of the return distribution for all considered bond maturities in the sample. Moreover, the results indicate a convex term structure of tail risks and a structural change in the tail behavior of short-term bonds with a remaining maturity of less than one year during the past two crises. In contrast, the test outcomes for the majority of the considered long-term bonds do not indicate any significant change in the tail behavior, despite the introduction of unconventional asset purchase programs by the ECB which directly target these securities.  相似文献   

Dynamic Asset Allocation under Inflation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We develop a simple framework for analyzing a finite-horizon investor's asset allocation problem under inflation when only nominal assets are available. The investor's optimal investment strategy and indirect utility are given in simple closed form. Hedge demands depend on the investor's horizon and risk aversion and on the maturities of the bonds included in the portfolio. When short positions are precluded, the optimal strategy consists of investments in cash, equity, and a single nominal bond with optimally chosen maturity. Both the optimal stock–bond mix and the optimal bond maturity depend on the investor's horizon and risk aversion.  相似文献   

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