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We study the real effects of certification to demonstrate the value of mandatory certification over and above mandatory disclosure in enhancing investment efficiency. In our model, a firm's manager selects a project to maximize the firm's short-term stock price, which is a function of her certification and disclosure decisions about the outcome of the project. Although the manager might be either forthcoming or strategic with regard to the disclosure of her private information, she can strategically choose whether to incur a cost or not to certify her disclosure, unless mandated. The manager always selects the first-best project when both certification and disclosure are mandatory. However, when certification is voluntary, project selection is inefficient. In addition, mandating disclosure without mandating certification can lead to lower investment efficiency than mandating neither. In justifying why mandatory certification is beneficial for public firms, our results offer a note of caution regarding the contemplated regulatory moves for increased disclosures by public firms without corresponding certification requirements, for example, the recent SEC proposal requiring extensive climate-related disclosure.  相似文献   

This paper studies the economic consequences of certification of corporate governance practices. For identification, we exploit a recent cross-country initiative by a coalition of key institutions in Southeast Asia; the periodic publication of a “Top List” of companies in the region selected based on an independent assessment of corporate governance practices. Our results suggest that being included in the list induces an increase in foreign investment and changes in corporate governance practices. The announcement of the Top List elicits a positive stock market response among constituents and is followed by higher accounting performance. Overall, the evidence suggests that the certification of governance practices is a meaningful tool to boost foreign investment.  相似文献   

This paper studies how information disclosure affects investment efficiency and investor welfare in a dynamic setting in which a firm makes sequential investments to adjust its capital stock over time. We show that the effects of accounting disclosures on investment efficiency and investor welfare crucially depend on whether such disclosures convey information about the firm's future capital stock (i.e., balance sheet) or about its future operating cash flows (i.e., earnings). Specifically, investment efficiency and investor welfare unambiguously increase in the precision of disclosures that convey information about the future capital stock, since such disclosures mitigate the current owners' incentives to underinvest. In contrast, when accounting reports provide information about future cash flows, the firm can have incentives to either under‐ or overinvest depending on the precision of accounting reports and the expected growth in demand. For such disclosures, investment efficiency and investor welfare are maximized by an intermediate level of precision. The two types of accounting disclosures act as substitutes in that the precision of capital stock disclosures that maximizes investment efficiency (and investor welfare) decreases as cash flow disclosures become more informative and vice versa.  相似文献   

中国已经成为全球外国直接投资的主要接受者,同时也是世界上第二大对外直接投资国。中国希望通过扩大对外直接投资学习先进技术和管理经验,并帮助国内企业分散风险。在改革开放推动下,中国逐步成为一个世界贸易强国,其主要贸易伙伴遍布欧美、东南亚及日本、韩国等,制造业产品在中国对外贸易中占比较大。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of accounting conservatism on firm‐level investment during the 2007–2008 global financial crisis. Using a differences‐in‐differences design, we find that firms with less conservative financial reporting experienced a sharper decline in investment activity following the onset of the crisis compared to firms with more conservative financial reporting. This relationship was stronger for firms that were financially constrained, faced greater external financing needs, or had higher information asymmetry. We also find that more conservative firms experienced lower declines in both debt‐raising activity and stock performance. The evidence suggests that accounting conservatism reduces underinvestment in the presence of information frictions.  相似文献   

罗知  张川川 《金融研究》2015,421(7):60-75
本文考察了信贷扩张和房地产业快速发展背景下,房地产投资对制造业部门资源配置效率的影响。综合使用中国工业企业数据、城市统计年鉴数据和城镇住户调查数据,本文发现城市房地产投资的增加导致制造业部门资源配置效率显著下降。国有企业以较低成本获取信贷资金,并大量用于房地产投资,是导致信贷扩张背景下制造业资源配置效率损失的重要原因。进一步的研究显示,房地产投资对制造业投资的挤出是房地产投资影响制造业资源配置效率的渠道之一。  相似文献   

构建投资便利化衡量体系,并运用主成分分析法计算“一带一路”沿线48个国家的投资便利化水平。在确定沿线国家投资便利化得分的条件下,采用固定效应的检验方法考察2008-2016年沿线国家投资便利化水平对中国OFDI的影响。结果表明:投资便利化、国内生产总值、人口数量对中国对外直接投资存在正向拉动作用;而东道国与投资国的距离对OFDI呈负向影响。未来中国应积极推广“一带一路”沿线国家的基础设施建设,逐步提升合作国的投资便利化水平;并通过推动区域投资一体化,带动跨国企业对沿线国家的投资。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on the real effects of financial reporting and disclosure on corporate innovation, highlighting both the possible channels of influence and the potential challenges that researchers face when attributing causal effects. We discuss the concept of innovation, emphasising the specific characteristics that make investments in innovation difficult to report. We then provide a review of the nascent work relating disclosure to innovation, which we organise around three channels: financing, compensation and learning. Finally, we discuss recent efforts aimed at increasing the quality of corporate disclosures, including disclosures of firms’ innovative activities. Throughout the paper, we highlight the trade-offs of disclosure (reduced information asymmetry and increased proprietary costs), which are particularly exacerbated in the context of corporate innovation.  相似文献   

创新是企业内涵式的增长方式,并购是企业外延式的增长方式。在资源有限的情况下,企业如何在这两种战略之间进行权衡?本文以2007-2018年沪深A股上市公司为研究样本,发现如果并购引起企业资产负债率增加,则会对并购后的R&D投资形成"财务侵占",从而对研发产生负面影响;这种抑制作用在主并企业存在融资约束的情况下会更加显著;按企业特征划分,这种抑制作用主要存在于小企业和民营企业。研究结果为基于边界条件的并购如何影响企业创新绩效提供了实证证据,同时也为企业进行相关战略变更和投资决策提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

基于2011—2021年沪深A股上市企业数据,运用固定效应模型和中介效应模型探究金融科技发展对企业创新投资的影响及其作用机制。研究发现:金融科技发展有助于提高企业创新投资水平,能够通过促进企业短期金融资产配置行为、抑制企业长期金融资产配置行为提高企业创新投资水平;高管股权激励和政府补助均对金融科技的创新投资驱动效应有显著的强化作用;在非国有企业中,金融科技对于创新投资的驱动效应更显著。  相似文献   

In this study we use estimates of the sensitivities of managers' portfolios to stock return volatility and stock price to directly test the relationship between managerial incentives to bear risk and two important corporate decisions. We find that as the sensitivity of managers' stock option portfolios to stock return volatility increases firms tend to choose higher debt ratios and make higher levels of R&D investment. These results are even stronger in a subsample of firms with relatively low outside monitoring. For these firms, managerial incentives to bear risk play a particularly pivotal role in determining leverage and R&D investment.  相似文献   

现阶段我国投资银行经理人的估值与薪酬考核面临如下困境:一方面由于某种错觉,社会普遍认为投行经理人的收入远远高于合理水平;但另一方面,经理人的实际薪酬水平与其他行业以及国外同行相比明显偏低,投行经理人的激励严重不足。立足于我国现有制度现实,应该寻找一种渐进的、与现有制度安排协调的投行经理人估值与分配模式。本文基于利益相关者分析框架考察了投行经理人的估值与分配机制,运用模型从环境分析、组织模式和方法体系三个递进的层次对经理人的业绩评价进行了系统分析,从理论上对我国投资银行经理人的估值模型进行了开拓性研究。  相似文献   

利用2002~2011年30个省市面板数据分析土地出让收入、地方财政支出对我国房价影响的区域差异性。研究结果表明,东中西部三个区域的土地出让收入与地方财政支出对房价的影响均存在不同程度的时滞效应;短期内土地出让收入与地方财政支出对房价的作用效果并无显著的区域差异性,但就长期发展趋势来看,东部与西部地区仍以地方财政支出影响为主,而中部地区的情况却出现了逆转,土地出让收入对房价的刺激作用要显著大于财政支出。  相似文献   

This study investigates empirically the effect of corporate governance principles on executive compensation and firm performance prior to and after the adoption of the first Greek Law on corporate governance. Prior to the adoption of the law, managers were not compensated in line with their performance. Since its introduction, a significant link has been observed between executive compensation and company performance as measured by accounting measures of performance. Following the adoption of corporate governance principles by law, the main mechanism that controls executive compensation is the election of independent non-executive board members. The results are robust to alternative accounting measures of performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the effect of real estate prices on productive investment. We build a theoretical framework of firms' investment with credit rationing and real estate collateral. We show that real estate prices affect firms' borrowing capacities through two channels. An increase in real estate prices raises the value of the firms' pledgeable assets and mitigates the agency problem characterizing the creditor–entrepreneur relationship. It simultaneously cuts the expected profit due to the increase in the cost of inputs. We test our theoretical predictions using a large French database. We do find heterogeneous effects of real estate prices on productive investment depending on the position of the firms in the sectoral distributions of real estate holdings.  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis of the effect of corporate and personal taxes on the firm's optimal investment and financing decisions under uncertainty. It extends the DeAngelo and Masulis capital structure model by endogenizing the firm's investment decision. The authors' results indicate that, when investment is allowed to adjust optimally, the existing predictions about the relationship between investment-related and debt-related tax shields must be modified. In particular, the authors show that increases in investment-related tax shields due to changes in the corporate tax code are not necessarily associated with reductions in leverage at the individual firm level. In cross-sectional analysis, firms with higher investment-related tax shields (normalized by expected earnings) need not have lower debt-related tax shields (normalized by expected earnings) unless all firms utilize the same production technology. Differences in production technologies across firms may thus explain why the empirical results of recent cross-sectional studies have not conformed to the predictions of DeAngelo and Masulis.  相似文献   

本文通过对中国市场上类REITs典型案例的分析研究发现,与国内近年来房价增速和国外REITs收益率相比,类REITs产品的收益率较低,三个因素可能影响收益率:(1)大部分类REITs产品更接近一种发行人的抵押融资方式,投资人得到的一般是较低的固定利率;(2)类REITs产品内部治理结构的委托-代理关系会产生道德风险的问题;(3)没有类REITs相关的税收优惠政策,过低的租金收入导致类REITs收益率相对偏低。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of Regulation Fair Disclosure (FD) on the relevance of company-sponsored conference calls. Measuring relevance by a conference call's ability to improve analyst forecast accuracy and consensus, I find larger improvements in both variables during the period surrounding conference calls in the post-FD era versus the pre-FD era. These findings imply that in the post-FD era relatively more about a firm's upcoming earnings becomes known during conference calls, consistent with FD's success in eliminating selective disclosure.  相似文献   

王震 《济南金融》2013,(12):64-68
本文对外汇占款的变化进行了分析,认为在逐渐市场化的环境下外汇市场各参与方资产配置格局发生了转变,改变了以往央行单独承担外汇占款及外汇资产风险的方式,转而由央行、商业金融机构以及其他部门共同承担,从而有利于减轻央行外汇占款冲销压力、增强货币政策独立性,并为汇率的市场化奠定良好的微观市场基础。  相似文献   

This article examines the link between corporate social responsibility(CSR) and cost of bond(COB) in China. We find that there exists a negative relationship between CSR and COB. In particular, when the bond issuer is a state-owned enterprise, or when the credit rating of bond is high, the negative association between CSR and COB is strengthened. The findings indicate that CSR plays a significant role in reducing the risk premium of corporate bonds through an insurance-like effect. Moreover, the effect of CSR on COB also depends on contextual factors such as firm ownership and bond credit rating.  相似文献   

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