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中国战略性技术及其产业化的七大问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在国际经济竞争越来越激烈的今天,大国之间的竞争更多地表现为战略技术的竞争和战略产业的竞争。所以,无论美国还是欧盟,无一不是把发展自己的战略技术和战略产业放到了重要的地位。中国作为一个大国,要想在世界竞争格局中获得相对优势地位,没有自己的战略技术和战略产业是不可能的。但是,中国发展自己的战略技术和战略产业,也存在着相当的困难。这些问题有些是来自战略技术和战略产业自身属性的,有些则是根源于中国基本经济结构和产业发展水平。21世纪是战略技术和战略产业竞争的世纪,谁拥有更多的战略技术并成功地使其产业化,谁将在未来的竞争中胜出。中国要在这样一场竞争中获得优势位置,必须解决好自身所面临的七个重大问题。即战略产业的高度战略化和低度市场化、高度战略化与高度市场化、低端技术市场化与高端技术政治化、巨量资金需求与筹资渠道狭窄、绝对比较劣势与相对比较优势、跟踪战略与超越战略、国家意志与民营载体。  相似文献   

Past research on the relationship between strategic variety and industry profitability has argued for either high homogeneity or high heterogeneity. In this paper, we review the literature on strategic variety and use it to develop hypotheses suggesting that the relationship between strategic variety and average industry profits is curvilinear. Based on our analysis of 61 industries, we find empirical support for our hypotheses, suggesting that very high levels of heterogeneity or homogeneity are more likely associated with industry profitability, while the industries in our sample displaying moderate levels of strategic variety are most likely to suffer from widespread financial losses.  相似文献   

We examine the moderating effect of industry clockspeed on the relationship between strategic schemas, strategic flexibility and firm performance. We employ two key properties of strategic schemas: complexity and focus. Using a sample of 225 firms from 14 industries, we show that the pattern of relationships among the theoretical constructs is different in fast‐ and slow‐clockspeed industries. The results suggest that complexity of strategic schemas promotes strategic flexibility and success in fast clockspeed industries, whereas focus of strategic schemas fosters strategic persistence, which is effective in slow‐clockspeed industries. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Diversity among executives is widely assumed to influence a firm's strategic decision processes, but empirical research on this linkage has been virtually nonexistent. To partially fill the void, we drew upon three separate studies to examine the impact of executive diversity on comprehensiveness of strategic decision-making and extensiveness of strategic planning. Contrary to common assumptions of researchers and executives, our results suggest that executive diversity inhibits rather than promotes comprehensive examinations of current opportunities and threats, and inhibits rather than promotes extensive long-range planning. In light of the cumulative research showing that firm performance is related to both comprehensiveness and extensiveness, our results provide evidence for an indirect connection between executive diversity and firm performance. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中国船舶工业发展的战略思考   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文从船舶工业在中国国民经济中的地位和现阶段经济发展中的作用出发,系统地分析了加快中国船舶工业发展所具备的主要条件,指出船舶工业是推动产业结构升级的战略性产业;针对中国加入WTO后面临的新形势,认为中国船舶工业发展要实现做大、做强的战略目标,就必须克服船舶工业发展中的“低成本+低效率”引起的结构性矛盾,从转变企业机制和优化政策环境着手,提出了加快中国船舶工业发展的战略措施。  相似文献   

策略群组与企业盈利水平的差异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
企业之间的盈利水平存在着一定的差异,。这是各个产业中常见的现象。不同领域的学者对此解释不同,比较有影响的解释有产业组织理论的SCP范式,企业战略管理的RBV理论。事实上,盈利水平差异并不仅仅是产业层面或企业层面的因素所决定的,还有一种更为重要的层面-策略群组起着非常重要的作用。因此,企业为了提高自身的盈利能力,必须不断地调整自己在整个策略群组中的地位,或者在不同策略群组之间进行流动。  相似文献   

Combining longitudinal field research and executive experience, we propose that corporate longevity depends on matching cycles of autonomous and induced strategy processes to different forms of strategic dynamics, and that the role of alert strategic leadership is to appropriately balance the induced and autonomous processes throughout these cycles. We also propose that such strategic leadership is the means through which leadership style exerts its influence on corporate longevity. Our findings can be related to organizational research on structural inertia, learning and adaptation, as well as to formal theories of complex adaptive systems. They also contribute to resolving the seeming contradiction between a study of corporations that attributes exceptional long‐term success to leadership style, and the more common proposition that strategy is the determinant of long‐term performance. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Managers' perceptions of their involvement in strategic planning were hypothesized to be positively related with their feelings of organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and job involvement. Further, it was also hypothesized that the relationship between strategic involvement and these work-related attitudes would be enhanced to the extent that the managers' felt that a salient strategic vision was guiding the company. We tested these two hypotheses using a sample of upper level managers in a large corporation undergoing a major strategic transformation. With the exception of finding no evidence that vision salience moderated the positive relationship between strategic involvement and job involvement, both hypotheses were supported. With regard to managers' psychological attachment to the organization, the results suggest that there are advantages afforded by involving them in the strategy making process, and that these advantages are magnified to the extent that the involvement occurs within the context of a salient strategic vision.  相似文献   

Strategies at different levels need to be coherent to ensure competitive advantage (Hofer and Schendel, 1978). Strategy coherence is the consistency of strategic choices across business and functional levels of strategy. In this paper we focus on strategy coherence. Using patterns of strategy, we develop a measure of the extent of strategy coherence. The relationship between coherence and performance is used to validate the measure. We illustrate the application of the measurement and validation process, in the context of acute care hospitals. The results indicate that our measure of coherence is monotonically related to performance. We also find performance differences between more and less coherent hospitals on the industry specific performance indicator of occupancy. Implications for theory and practice are highlighted.  相似文献   

Previous studies on strategic groups have mainly focused on their static characteristics in order to test the theory of strategic groups and intraindustry performance differences (Porter, 1979; Cool and Schendel, 1988; Fiegenbaum and Thomas, 1990). In contrast, this study takes a longitudinal, dynamic perspective and describes the forces driving strategic group membership and structural evolution. It proposes that a strategic group acts as a reference point for group members in formulating competitive strategy. A partial adjustment model of strategic mobility is then developed which incorporates the idea of a strategic group as a reference group. It models strategic change in an industry both within and across strategic groups. The model is tested in the context of an in-depth industry analysis of the more significant firms in the insurance industry over the 1970-84 time period. The results suggest that strategic groups act as reference points for firm strategies and that predictions of future firm strategies and industry/group structures may also be successfully derived.  相似文献   

The managerial cognition perspective argues that managers operating in complex, dynamic environments develop knowledge structures that help them focus their attention, interpretation, and actions. We explore the content and structure of top managers' strategic knowledge structures by measuring differences in the level of attention they give in annual reports to strategic issues and themes that Miles and Snow used to describe their main strategic types. Twenty-one themes that form seven main factors describing managers' strategic cognition are identified, and these demonstrate reasonable fit with the Miles and Snow model. We show that expert raters can recognize these factors when they read annual reports that contain them. Cluster analysis is then used to identify groups of firms that share similar profiles on these strategic dimensions which are interpreted as examples of cognitive strategic groups. These groups show alignment with Miles and Snow's strategic types, are relatively stable over time, and differ in financial performance. The sample comprises 1,038 listed Australian firms between the years 1992 and 2003. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research report proposes a distinction between strategic scope groups and strategic groups whereby strategic groups are delineated within strategic scope groups. A strategic scope group (SSG) includes firms within an industry that define their business using a four-dimensional ‘strategic space’ consisting of buyer types, product types, geographical reach and level of vertical integration, in a similar way. Within each SSG there may be several strategic groups (SGs). An SG includes firms within an SSG that deploy their resources in a similar way and that compete in the same way. While all firms within an SSG may compete against each other, firms within the same SG compete against each other in a similar way. Within the brewing industry in Belgium five SSGs could be identified. These SSGs differ statistically significantly on a risk-adjusted return on assets measure. SGs themselves did not differ on this performance measure. One may therefore conclude that mobility barriers between SSGs are higher than they are between SGs. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中国战略技术及产业发展的系统思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文分析了当代战略技术及产业发展的总体趋势和重要意义,系统研究了中国战略技术及产业发展的现实问题,探讨了战略技术及产业发展的政策思路,有针对性地提出了“十五”期间及新世纪前期战略技术重点及实施措施。  相似文献   

This study develops and tests a dynamic perspective on strategic fit. Drawing from contingency and resource‐based arguments in the strategy and organizational theory literatures, we propose a distinctive analytical approach to identify environmental and organizational contingencies that should predict changes in a firm's strategy and the performance implications of such changes. We test our model using extensive longitudinal data from over 4000 U.S. savings and loan institutions during a period when many S&Ls considered changing strategic direction. The findings support our model of dynamic strategic fit. Specifically, we find that (1) the timing, direction, and magnitude of strategic changes can be logically predicted based on differences in specific environmental forces and organizational resources, and (2) organizations that deviated from our model's prediction of dynamic strategic fit (i.e., changed more or changed less than our model prescribed) experienced negative performance consequences. We conclude by discussing the implications of our approach and findings for future research on strategic fit and strategic change. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper offers a framework and methodology for resolving the question regarding the existence of strategic groups. We say that a strategic group exists if characteristics of the group affect firm performance independently of firm-level and industry-level effects. We argue that group-level effects are a byproduct of strategic interactions among members, and develop an empirical testing model, based on the ‘New Economics of Industrial Organization,’ to distinguish true group effects from spurious effects. From this model, we derive a series of logically consistent propositions, suggesting that while strategic interactions are critical for a group-level effect on profits, mobility barriers are necessary to preserve both groups and their effects over time. A review of prior empirical studies of strategic groups suggests that the inconclusive nature of prior research has been due more to the lack of a theoretical foundation for empirical analysis than to the nonexistence of groups. To the extent that our methods have been employed, there is limited evidence that a rigorous search for strategic groups may prove fruitful. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using the five factor model (FFM) of personality, we delineate two distinct roles of CEO personality in managing strategic change: initiating strategic change and determining the performance effects of strategic change implementation. Based on data from 120 small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ecuador, we found that some FFM traits of CEOs influenced initiation only (extraversion and openness), others similarly influenced initiation and performance effects of implementation (emotional stability and agreeableness), and still others had opposing effects on initiation and effective implementation (conscientiousness). These results point to a dual role of CEO FFM of personality in managing strategic change, and they indicate the differences in CEO FFM traits needed to initiate strategic change and those needed to improve the performance effects of strategic change implementation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between the process of strategic decision-making and management and contextual factors. First, drawing on a sample of strategic decisions, it analyzes the process through which they are taken, into seven dimensions: comprehensiveness/rationality, financial reporting, rule formalization, hierarchical decentralization, lateral communication, politicization, problem-solving dissension. Second, these process dimensions are related to (1) decision-specific characteristics, both perceived characteristics and objective typologies of strategic decisions, (2) top management characteristics, and (3) contextual factors referring to external corporate environment and internal firm characteristics. Overall, the results support the view that strategic decision processes are shaped by a multiplicity of factors, in all these categories. But the most striking finding is that decision-specific characteristics appear to have the most important influence on the strategic decision-making process, as decisions with different decision-specific characteristics are handled through different processes. The evident dominance of decision-specific characteristics over management and contextual factors enriches the traditional ‘external control’ vs. ‘strategic choice’ debate in the area of strategic management. An interpretation of results is attempted and policy implications are derived. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to fill an important gap in the integration of strategy and organizational learning through empirical research that examines the process of strategic renewal using a comprehensive framework of organizational learning. The 4I framework of organizational learning is used to examine the phenomenon of strategic renewal at Canada Post Corporation (CPC). The study illustrates the underlying processes that form the tension between exploration and exploitation, demonstrating why strategic renewal is so challenging. Furthermore, it challenges assumptions about organizational learning, suggesting that we need to demystify organizational learning by removing the halo that surrounds it. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper captures the structure of MBA programs in 25 leading U.S. business schools at the beginning of the revolution these programs are undergoing. It is a study of strategic groups in the MBA industry, and a baseline for examining adaptation and strategic change in educational institutions. We use the Co‐plot method to map the schools according to the 1993 structure of their core courses and existing areas of concentration. The maps indicate similarities among business schools and shed light on their 1994 ranking. Each of the five top schools has been found to be in a different cluster of MBA program structures. The findings suggest that program structure content—the particular mix of core and concentration areas—in itself is not a source of superior performance. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research summary : This study explores the effect of knowledge integration on strategic renewal. In particular, it examines how executives from different levels and sources influence renewal when added to top management teams (TMT). In contrast to prior work, the study hypothesizes and finds that new outside rookies—those new to top management and the firm—are associated with higher firm growth than other types of executives. We also find that seasoned outsiders—those with prior TMT experience outside the focal industry—contribute to growth only when the existing TMT has a long tenure. The results suggest that the ability of the TMT to integrate new members varies by executive type and has an important effect on incremental strategic renewal. Managerial summary : Conventional wisdom holds that firms are better off hiring those who can demonstrate prior experience and skill in tasks as close as possible to the job. In the realm of the top management team (TMT), however, we find that many firms benefit from hiring rookies from other firms who are new to the top management team level. These candidates bring useful knowledge of the operations of competitors and other firms, and they are easier to socialize and integrate with the existing team. While more experienced senior leaders may bring valuable strategic knowledge, this study suggests that only top management teams with long shared experience can weather the disruption that they cause to realize the potential benefits. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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