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Retail markets are extremely important, but economists have few practical tools for analyzing the way dispersed buyers and sellers affect the properties of markets. I develop an econometric model of retail demand in which products are location specific and consumers have preferences over both geographic proximity and other store and product characteristics. The model uses data on the observed geographic distribution of consumers within a market to (1) help explain observed variation in market shares and (2) affect predicted substitution patterns between stores. Using data from the U.S. cinema industry, I use the estimated model to evaluate the form of consumer transport costs, the effect of a theater's price and quality choices on rivals, the effects of geographic differentiation, and the nature and extent of market power.  相似文献   

We investigate the incentives of two manufacturers with common retailers to use resale price maintenance (RPM). Retailers provide product‐specific services that increase demand and manufacturers use minimum RPM to compete for favorable retail services for their products. Minimum RPM increases consumer prices and can create a prisoner's dilemma for manufacturers without increasing, and possibly even reducing, the overall level of retail services. If manufacturer market power is asymmetric, minimum RPM may distort the allocation of services toward the high‐priced products of the manufacturer with more market power. These results challenge the service argument as an efficiency defense for minimum RPM.  相似文献   

Exclusion of borrowers from credit markets became a primary concern for regulators during the recovery from the recent recession. The paper analyzes loan-making institutions that set both interest rates and minimum credit requirements. We propose analytical measures of the degree of borrower exclusion from receiving loans. We analyze five market structures: Single lender, regulated interest rate, entry, interest rate discrimination, and highly-competitive lenders. Interest rate regulation improves total welfare relative to a single lender market. However, entry of a second lender reduces exclusion and generates higher total welfare. In the absence of fixed costs, perfect and Bertrand competition are optimal.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the effects of competition through differentiation on audit pricing. Based on prior economic theory on differentiated-product markets (e.g., Hotelling, 1929, Tirole, 1988), we hypothesize that audit fees are affected by an auditor's relative location in a market segment. We define audit markets per industry segment and U.S. Metropolitan Statistical Area and specify an auditor's industry location relative to the client (auditor–client industry alignment) and relative to the closest competitor (industry market share distance to closest competitor). We find that audit fees increase in both auditor–client industry alignment and industry market share distance to the closest competitor.  相似文献   

Because of prior data limitations, the interdependence between banks and thrifts in their rate-setting activities have never been empirically examined. These relationships are important in order to understand the structure of deposit markets and to evaluate the competitive effects of deregulation. This study applies vector autoregressive modeling techniques to analyze six-month retail CD rate data for large banks and thrifts in six major cities during 1983 through 1985. A structure of rate-setting behavior is observed that is consistent with oligopolistic markets where banks, as stronger institutions, dominate the price-setting decisions of thrifts.  相似文献   

It has been established that increasing the role of technology in a service organisation can serve to reduce costs and improve service reliability. It is argued, however, that there remains an important role for personalised relationships in the delivery of any service proposition. Throughout this paper both of these perspectives will be discussed and an attempt is made to reconcile these apparently opposing views in the emerging age of technology-enabled remote relationships. Findings from a longitudinal research study with a large UK case bank that focused on the area of remote relationships are revisited and reinterpreted with management from the case bank in question. Through this reflective lens the bank's recent strategic decision to no longer proactively relationship manage its personal customer base is examined. In light of this deliberate relationship disconnection strategy key marketing implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This article employs British cross-section time-series data to examine the competitive behavior of retail banks in the period 1985–1989. Product offerings are found to consist of both survivor and dominated products over time. In addition, there is evidence of price discrimination being practiced by banks. Individual banks are found to be influential in the setting of interest rates for retail bank products, though there is wide variation across banks and products.  相似文献   

I use a consumer choice model for the British supermarket industry to compare the incentives of firms, selecting store characteristics, with the interests of consumers. I perform a series of counterfactual changes to store size and location and rank the alternatives by gains per unit of fixed cost. Jointly, firms gain most from large stores, which increase total consumer expenditure. Individually, however, firm incentives are strongly influenced by business‐stealing effects, resulting in a close agreement with consumers, who value middle‐sized stores and distance‐reducing relocations. These individual firm incentives provide little consumer‐protection justification for recent size and location regulations.  相似文献   

客户识别客户细分客户互动个性化服务图1实施CRM的基本步骤CRM(客户关系管理)不仅是一个系统,一个技术解决方案,更是一种管理思想、全新的营销理念、向客户提供优良服务品质的新做法。其目的是为了更有效率地获取、开发并留住企业最重要的资产———顾客。换句话说,它需要知道顾客最主要的需求是什么?最在乎的是什么?并在和顾客接触的过程中,针对个别的差异提供与其需求一致的营销和服务计划。对企业而言,客户关系管理最深刻的内涵在于经营理念的变革,也就是从以产品为中心、以企业为中心的经营模式向以客户为中心的经营模式转变,进而引…  相似文献   

The desire to treat all customers equally, irrespective of their value to the organisation reflects the laudable but uneconomic service mantras of the past. New Zealand banks, using modern database management tools in conjunction with individual customer information, are migrating customers to cheaper delivery systems and adjusting their customer service levels (customer support, privileges, fee waivers, discounts, etc) according to customer profitability. The essence of this database management is still customer segmentation. Using a retail bank's proprietary customer contribution data in combination with survey-based customer data, this paper presents a quantitative eight segment ‘extension’ of Reinartz and Kumar's (2002) behavioural segmentation solution. Potential profitability in the customer-bank relationship is drawn from incorporation of share of wallet into the segmentation solution, providing insight into the management of each segment's customers, especially the ‘barnacles’ (loyal, loss-making customers) and the ‘butterflies’ (short-term, profitable customers).  相似文献   

Comparison websites have become a fundamental part of UK retail financial services. These websites appeal to both buyers and sellers. They offer buyers the ability to enter their details once and then quickly compare a range of products, usually ordered by price. For sellers, they offer a supply of potential customers who have refined their needs through the comparison process, and are thus more likely to complete a purchase. This paper analyses the role of comparison websites, drawing on case studies from three major providers of UK financial services comparisons. The paper also analyses the criticisms made of comparison websites, draws out implications for practitioners and consumers and outlines areas for future research.  相似文献   

There is mounting empirical evidence to suggest that the law of one price is violated in retail financial markets: there is significant price dispersion even when products are homogeneous. Also, despite the large number of firms in the market, prices remain above marginal cost and may even rise as more firms enter. In a non-cooperative oligopoly pricing model, I show that these anomalies arise when firms add complexity to their price structures. Complexity increases the market power of the firms because it prevents some consumers from becoming knowledgeable about prices in the market. In the model, as competition increases, firms tend to add more complexity to their prices as a best response, rather than make their disclosures more transparent. Because this may substantially decrease consumer surplus in these markets, such practices have important welfare implications.  相似文献   

Flight-to-safety (FTS) episodes are associated with substantial yet short-lived changes in expected returns on equities and bonds. These price changes are typically surrounded by active trading and/or risk transfer between different investors. Using aggregate net exchanges, flows from bond to equity mutual funds, in the US for a period 1984 until 2015, I empirically investigate retail investor behavior around FTS episodes. Overall, I find a reversal statistical relation between net exchanges and market excess returns. A one-standard-deviation shock to net exchanges leads to an increase of market excess return of 1.75%, of which 72% is reversed within 5 months. In particular, FTS episodes are preceded by periods where more risk averse investors, e.g. retail investors, rebalance their portfolios towards risky assets. A trading strategy that is based on signals from past net exchanges outperforms the market portfolio, significantly during FTS periods by 1.4% monthly. However, I find that the observed reversal relationship is not necessarily due to price ‘noise’ induced by uninformed trading. It is more reasonable that the sudden increase in market stress and selling of risky assets is caused by other demand/supply shocks driven by increased economic uncertainty.  相似文献   

The present study extends the Australian fund performance persistence literature through the use of five performance metrics: raw returns, the Sharpe ratio, the single‐factor model and two multifactor models, the Carhart (1997) model and the Gruber (1996) model, in analysis of Australian retail fund performance over the period 1991–2000. Analysis suggests that performance persistence is sensitive to fund objective and appears to be driven by inadequate adjustment for risk.  相似文献   

德利多富信息系统有限公司(以下简称“德利多富”)作为全球金融自助设备的领先供应商,集研发、市场、销售和技术支持为一体。德利多富于20世纪90年代进入中国市场,几乎与所有国内银行均有合作,提供给客户广泛的增值产品、解决方案和相关服务,是业内解决方案和客户服务的领头企业。近年来,德利多富将零售业和银行业经验迅速扩展到邮政业、彩票业等其他领域,从而使零售银行进入了自助服务创新的新时代。  相似文献   

姜黎华 《新金融》2001,(1):22-24
随着新世纪新经济时代的到来,我国经济对外开放及加入WTO进程的推进,经济发展全球化将进一步推动我国经济和金融结构的调整,国内商业银行零售业务发展将面临更加严峻的挑战和更多的发展机遇.如何沉着面对各种挑战和机遇、及时制定应对策略,关系商业银行的生存和发展.  相似文献   

This article studies how agglomeration economies affect tax competition between local jurisdictions. We develop a theoretical model with two main testable predictions: in a setting where agglomeration forces lessen the responsiveness of capital to tax, high-regime agglomeration jurisdictions should adopt a rent-taxing behavior, and they should react less to their neighbors’ tax policies. The panel dataset spans the period from 1995 to 2007 and focuses on the local business taxes set at the French mid-subnational jurisdiction level of départements. First, instrumental variables estimates indicate that attractive jurisdictions capture a significant part of firms’ agglomeration rent by levying higher tax rates. An increase by 1% of the localization economies indicator (a specialization index) leads to increasing the business tax rate by 0.43%. Second, local tax setting behaviors are characterized by a mimetic behavior, with best response functions that slope upwards. We propose a two-agglomeration-regime spatial lag model to estimate through ML the relationship between tax competition and attractiveness. Our main result shows that both are linked and tax mimicry is less pronounced if a jurisdiction is agglomerated. Specifically, in response to a decrease in the tax rate of neighboring local governments by 1%, local governments with strong agglomeration economies reduce their tax rate by 0.4% against 0.6% for local government characterized by a low-agglomeration regime. We show that the classical one-size-fits-all-case of a single regime of agglomeration suffers from a 40% downward bias for low-agglomeration jurisdictions. We draw the link to policy praxis by discussing the optimal design of equalization schemes.  相似文献   

Manufacturers frequently post nonbinding public price recommendations, but neither the rationale for this practice nor its impact on prices is well understood. I develop a model in which recommendations signal a manufacturer's production cost to searching consumers, who then form beliefs about retail prices. Increasing search makes consumers reject offers for the manufacturer's and competitors' products more often, and I show that both consumers and the manufacturer prefer more search when the production cost is low and less search when it is high. With incentives thus aligned, manufacturer recommendations inform consumers via cheap talk, and their removal harms both parties.  相似文献   

We study the effect of retail investor attention on odd lot trading. We observe that increases in abnormal Google search volume predict odd-lot trading. Importantly, this relationship is share price-sensitive: For stocks priced below $11, an increase in abnormal search volume leads to less odd lot trading. For stocks priced above $46, on the other hand, an increase in abnormal search volume leads to more odd lot trading. For a stock priced at $78 – the mean share price in our sample – a one standard deviation increase of abnormal search volume increases the average share of odd lot trading by 10 basis points. This effect is even stronger for more expensive stocks. Our results are consistent with attention-induced trading when investors face wealth constraints and are robust to alternative channels including news and institutional investor attention.  相似文献   

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