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The close proximity of China and Russia, the activities of Chinese farmers, and the reduction in Russian labor resources have created job opportunities for Chinese workers in the Russian Far East (RFE). Chinese workers fill a labor shortage in agriculture, but little research has been done on them. We developed an econometric model to test the effects of Chinese intermittent migration on labor markets in the RFE. We found the proximity of Chinese to Russian farms reduces wages for both Russian and Chinese workers and increases their part-time employment on Russian farms. The greater availability of Chinese workers in the region results in lower number of family members working on Russian farms. Thus, the influx of Chinese workers may contribute to demographic shifts in the Russian population.  相似文献   

China’s international position as a net creditor nation provides it with foreign exchange that it has invested in Asian and African countries. One example is China's investment in the Russian Far East (RFE). Thousands of Chinese agricultural workers have migrated to the RFE in recent decades. They are often welcomed by Russian farmers who face a labor shortage and by local residents who can buy cheap vegetables from them, but there are others who resent their presence in the region as competitors. Our study is the first empirical study of this relationship. Our results demonstrate economic benefits to the Russian households. There are, however, some negative repercussions of Chinese farmers in the RFE, and the governments of both China and Russia need to manage the situation wisely.  相似文献   

Chinese originally migrated to the Russian Far East (RFE) to fill a labor shortage on collective farms. In more recent decades, some Chinese migrants have chosen to lease land from Russian farmers to manage their own farms. Rising soybean prices and the trade war between China and the United States have increased demand for land capable of producing soybeans. Thus, Chinese farmers in the RFE compete for land with Russians. The Chinese also contribute positively to local food security by increasing food availability and accessibility. This study uses an econometric model to analyze the impact of Chinese on local land markets in the RFE. Financial support for Russian farmers by the government depresses their demand for land; rising soybean prices and the employment of Chinese farm workers by Russian farmers encourage farm expansion, resulting in higher land prices. Selling farm produce to Chinese merchants increases the amount of land owned, cultivated, and rented by Russian farmers.  相似文献   

Chinese farmers are actively engaged in the economy of the Russian Far East. We used an econometric model to analyze panel data on the socioeconomic impact on local residents of Chinese farmers and workers in the Russian Far East (RFE). Proximity to Chinese farms and sales to Chinese retailers increases the well-being, the farm income, and the food costs of Russian rural households. The same factors raise land prices through increased competition, reduce the wages of Russian workers and the number of family members working on Russian farms, increase the number of full-time jobs for farm workers, lower yields of corn and wheat, and raise yields of potatoes and rice. Thus, the effects of the Chinese presence on rural Russian households varies with the makeup of the household, the amount of land it owns and leases, and the number of household members who work on other farms. Cooperation with Chinese farmers and retailers plays an important role in determining the ability of the rural areas of the RFE to develop sustainably.  相似文献   

The People's Republic of China has been following a strategy for several decades to encourage its enterprises to invest overseas. Since the liberalization of the Sino-Soviet border in the 1990s, Chinese farmers have been actively engaged in the economy of the Russian Far East (RFE). This article examines Chinese and Russian public relations messages broadcast by media about Chinese-Russian agricultural cooperation that use different arguments, methods of reasoning, and points of view. There is a clash of different national management methods. Legislation applying to Chinese working in Russia has been erratic and unstable, and that makes cooperation more challenging. The concepts of environmental protection and obedience to the law are understood differently by Russians and by Chinese. Cross-cultural management differences affect the way people on both sides interpret institutions, interactions, and the ability to trust third parties. There are different values and priorities expressed by Russians and by Chinese when it comes to development of rural areas in the RFE.  相似文献   

The role that the resources and capabilities of agricultural entrepreneurs play on both environmental performance (EP) and financial performance (FP) is still unclear. This study analyzes how small farms enhance EP and FP in an inland Portuguese region through the relationship between dynamic capabilities (DCs), entrepreneurial orientation (EO), and environmental sustainability commitment (ESC). Based on a sample of 160 fresh fruit farms and applying a partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), our study concludes that EO and ESC influence EP and FP positively. Hence, farms can achieve competitive advantage through mitigating their profound impacts on the environment as proposed by the natural resource-based view (NRBV). Farms are also improving DCs, but farmers respond to the higher environmental requirements of agricultural markets primarily through research and development (R&D) capabilities and not through marketing capabilities. Having as theoretical supports the NRBV and the DCs, our study contributes to a better understanding of the mechanisms through which entrepreneurs enhance EP and FP in sectors with high environmental impacts such as agriculture. The findings suggest that entrepreneurship training projects may enable farmers to approach food security as a market opportunity and not only as rules they must follow.  相似文献   

郑金芳 《价值工程》2010,29(26):28-29
推进现代农业建设是解决我国农业问题的突破口。秦皇岛市现代农业产业体系取得了很多成绩,但还存在农户规模小、龙头企业竞争力不强、生产基地科技水平低、市场体系建设发展滞后、农民素质较低等问题。本文针对秦皇岛市现代农业产业体系建设存在的问题,提出了秦皇岛市加快现代农业产业体系建设的对策。  相似文献   

农地"三权分置"改革通过影响农业资本、技术、劳动力等生产投入要素进而影响农业内生发展。本文利用调研数据对其实证检验的结果表明,代表农地"三权分置"改革的土地确权和土地转入显著提高了农户的农业投资及贷款意愿,提升了其农业科技使用意愿,并增强了其农业人力资本提升意愿;而代表"三权分置"改革的土地转出对三者的影响均为负。由此表明,农地"三权分置"改革对农业资本、技术和劳动力的内生增长有显著促进作用,进而推动农业内生发展。建议深化"三权分置"改革,推进确权成果应用,完善土地流转机制,借助大数据建立网络化土地流转平台,以土地为杠杆撬动农业其他生产要素投入。  相似文献   

实施乡村振兴战略,率先实现农业农村现代化是苏南农村发展的现实课题。常熟市常福街道中泾村跳出“无工不富”的思维模式,在“土地”上做文章,从六个方面着力,转变农业发展方式,构建新型农业生产经营体系,培养造就新型农民队伍,大踏步走中国特色的农业现代化道路,成为都市型生态农业综合开发的典范。  相似文献   

农业企业化经营既是社会主义市场经济体制的要求,也是农业现代化和家庭联产承包责任制发展的一种必然结果。农业企业家是农业企业的核心人物,是新农村经济开发的领导者。文章提出了农业企业家培育机制模型,并系统提出相应对策主张。  相似文献   

杨莉 《价值工程》2011,30(6):247-248
农业的发展从刀耕火种农业阶段、传统农业阶段、工业化农业阶段向现代农业转变的过程中,农业经济组织模式经历了几十年的探索与演变。农民专业合作社联合作为促进农民增收、提高农业产业化程度、推进农业现代化的重要组织模式,越来越受到农民和专家学者的重视。合作社联合体最为弱势群体联合起来对抗市场经济中商业壁垒和产业垄断的一种组织形态,为农民实现共同富裕、降低市场风险起到了至关重要的作用。新的农业经济体制改革要求合作社联社提出了新的要求,从横向联合和纵向深化两个方向构建新型、低碳合作社联合体已经成为合作社未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

农村小型农田水利设施建设管理与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王刚敏 《价值工程》2014,(20):77-78
农村小型农田水利设施建设是促进社会主义新农村建设长足发展的基础性措施,它作为必要的农业生产设施,不仅有利于农作物的灌溉,帮助农民增产增收,而且还有利于农业整体上得到发展,是保障国家粮食安全的重要措施之一,将为社会主义经济打下坚实的物质基础。农村小型农田水利设施的建设和管理为各种农作物产地合理的分配水资源,在满足生产需要用水的同时避免水资源的铺张浪费,促进农村生态环境建设,推动农业经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

The debt crisis of the 1980s caused the development strategy pursued by the Mexican government to be subject to a radical adjustment process that triggered deep repercussions for the agricultural sector and its farmers, particularly in the corn sector. In combination with the aggressive agricultural policies sustained by the U.S. government, the new approach meant that Mexican agriculture operated within an economic environment characterized by significant asymmetries and distortions, some internal and some imposed by major trading partners. This article summarizes and documents the most salient results of these policy events as well as their implications for the corn sector, and discusses some of the challenges to repair the agricultural sector in Mexico.  相似文献   

刘慧 《价值工程》2012,31(9):131
本文描述了杨凌土地银行的产生背景及组建思路、运作方式和管理机构,分析了土地银行在现代农业发展中对保障农民利益、提高农民收入,吸引现代农业企业、扩大农业产业规模,促进农民职业的分化,调整农业产业结构,政府职能转变等方面的作用。  相似文献   

高耀平 《价值工程》2012,(27):106-107
为改善当地农业生产条件,增强农业发展后劲,对灌区进行维修配套,发展节水灌溉,提高灌溉水利用系数,减轻农民负担,增加当地农民收入,改善区域生态环境,实施灌区节水改造工程具有充分必要性。  相似文献   

杨莉 《价值工程》2011,30(6):312-312
本文在分析传统声乐小组课教学模式的基础上,简介了微格教学形式的内容和特点,并应用其原理对声乐小组课进行了重新的规范和设计。  相似文献   

The proportion of agricultural output value is continuously decreasing because of the process of rapid urbanization, but it is still the basis of economic development and urban construction. Agricultural production factors are at the core of agriculture, and have an important influence on the agricultural output value. In the period of rapid urbanization, high technical and capital investment improved agricultural production efficiency and increased the income of farmers. However, in recent years it also introduced serious problems for agricultural production, including aging farmers and weakening labor markets, farmland conversion, and soil pollution. In this study, we estimated the elasticity coefficients of agricultural production factors, including labor, capital and technique, using the improved Cobb–Douglas production function and provincial panel data from 2000 to 2015, and measured the effects of urbanization on elasticity coefficients using the Euclidean metric and gravity model. The results were as follows. (1) In time, the elasticity coefficient of labor was stable, and with a low increase from 0.238 to 0.304. However, the elasticity coefficients of land and capital had been increasing since 2000, by 1.125 and 0.140, respectively. The higher elasticity coefficient of agricultural production factors was gradual from labor to capital, with the growth of urbanization level. (2) In space, the elasticity coefficients were the space distribution, as urbanization divided into east, central and west: the elasticity coefficients of labor and land in the eastern regions were higher, and the elasticity coefficient of capital in the central regions was higher. (3) Economic urbanization had a larger positive influence on the elasticity coefficient of capital, and the population had a larger negative influence on elasticity coefficients of labor. The quantitative results were similar to the development status, but there were different influences on elasticity coefficients in different provinces. (4) Finally, the study put forward suggestions for agricultural sustainable development according to the function mechanism of urbanization on agricultural production factors, including increasing the attention paid agriculture, ensuring a stable market environment, and optimizing the industrial structure, with reference to scientific, green and healthy agriculture.  相似文献   

杨金凤  刘健 《价值工程》2007,26(9):92-94
社会主义新农村的内在要求是增加农民收入,而现有的农业生产结构不利于农民就业,通过对支持优势农业的理论的分析,以及优势农业项目与大宗农作物的比较,得出我国发展优势农产品具有重要的理论价值和实践意义,从而有利于农民增收。  相似文献   

卢森林 《企业经济》2013,(1):136-138
基于对江西农村有机农业、生态旅游、传统手工土特产品、人文地理环境、民俗民风和旅游客源分布等情况的分析,提出了由政府主导、农民参与和科学规划相结合的有机农业生态旅游可持续性发展新思路。其中,主要方法是开发传统手工工艺产品和创建各具特色的旅游自然村,以此向外强化宣传推介力度,彰显江西农村的古朴民俗民风,为江西的农村有机生态旅游业可持续发展奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

朱传军 《价值工程》2010,29(12):243-243
在农机化作业中,农业机械效率的高低,决定获取效益的高低;农业机械作业质量的优劣,不仅关系到农业机械化的信誉与发展,而且直接影响农业增产增收和农民使用农业机械的积极性。为此,特介绍提高农业机械生产效率和作业质量的技术措施。  相似文献   

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