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最小价格变化单位是买卖价差的底线,设置过高会人为地提高买卖价差的水平,增加交易费用;过低又会降低市场深度,增加交易谈判成本,影响交易效率。对最优价格升降档位的设定,要综合考虑精度要求、合约乘数、交易谈判成本和实际买卖价差水平等因素;而以实际买卖价差的底线作为最小价格升降档位,能较好地避免人为抬高买卖价差的情况出现。  相似文献   

We examine whether financial reporting quality affects worker wages using employer-employee matched data in the United States. We find that low financial reporting quality is associated with a compensating wage differential—that is, a risk premium—using three distinct approaches while controlling for worker characteristics by (1) regressing wages on firm-year–level and firm-level reporting quality, (2) documenting wage changes when workers switch firms, and (3) estimating a structural approach that separates reporting quality from performance-related volatility. We find evidence consistent with two channels: performance pay and turnover risk, where workers bear risks from noise in performance measurement and unemployment, respectively. To mitigate endogeneity concerns, we show that—after the accounting scandals in 2002 and after the announcements of an internal control weakness (ICW)—former Arthur Andersen clients and ICW firms pay wage premiums to employees, with magnitudes between 0.9% and 2.8% of annual wages.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the effect of multiple large shareholders (MLS) on financial reporting quality. Using a sample of Chinese listed firms over the period 2007–2018, we find that firms with MLS tend to have lower financial reporting quality. Our findings are robust to an array of robustness tests, including controlling for possible omitted variables, a Heckman two-step sample selection model, and a difference-in-differences analysis based on a propensity score matched sample. We further show that the effect of MLS on financial reporting quality is attenuated for firms followed by more analysts, cross-listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and held by institutional blockholders. Finally, we find that agency problems appear to be the possible underlying mechanisms through which MLS lower financial reporting quality.  相似文献   

This paper examines how firm‐level governance and country‐level governance interplay in shaping financial reporting quality. Using IFRS adoption as a source of variation in firms’ reporting discretion, and a large sample of European firms that mandatorily switch to the new set of standards, we find that in countries with low enforcement and weak oversight over financial reporting, only firms with strong board‐level corporate governance mechanisms experience an increase in financial reporting quality, consistent with firm‐ and country‐level governance mechanisms being substitutes. However, in countries with high enforcement and strict oversight over financial reporting, firms with either strong or weak board‐level governance mechanisms experience an increase in financial reporting quality, even if the increase is larger for the former group. Overall, our findings indicate that in the debate about the effects of governance on the quality of financial reporting, it is important to consider both country‐ and firm‐level corporate governance mechanisms.  相似文献   

We explore how firms’ operations in Offshore Financial Centers (OFCs) through subsidiaries or affiliates affect the quality of financial reporting. Using a unique and large sample of firms that have headquarters in the 15 countries with the strictest legal regimes and have subsidiaries or affiliates in OFCs, we find that such firms exhibit lower financial reporting quality than comparable firms without OFC operations. We also find that as OFC characteristics become more prevalent, firms are more likely to engage in both accrual‐based and real earnings management. More importantly, after disentangling OFC characteristics into the opportunity for tax avoidance, regulation arbitrage and secrecy policies, we find that beyond tax avoidance, regulation arbitrage and the secrecy policies of OFCs significantly affect financial reporting quality. The causal effect of OFC operations is supported by the analysis of financial reporting quality when firms set up OFC operations. Our findings are robust to various additional tests addressing potential endogeneity issues. We conclude that the assessment of a firm's institutional environment must encompass the registration status of its subsidiaries or affiliates as well as its own.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In this study we analyze the effect of tick size on information-based trading. Although prior studies provide extensive evidence on the effect of tick size on market quality measures such as spreads, depths, and return volatility, there is little evidence as to the effect of tick size on the informational efficiency of asset price. Our results indicate that the probability of information-based trading during the post-decimal period is significantly greater than the corresponding figure during the pre-decimal period. We also show that the increase in information-based trading after decimalization cannot be attributed to concurrent changes in stock attributes. We interpret our findings as evidence that the smaller tick size under penny pricing encourages information-based trading and thereby raises the informational efficiency of asset price.  相似文献   

This study uses a comprehensive panel of tax returns to examine the financial reporting choices of medium-to-large private U.S. firms, a setting that controls over $9 trillion in capital, vastly outnumbers public U.S. firms across all industries, yet has no financial reporting mandates. We find that nearly two-thirds of these firms do not produce audited GAAP financial statements. Guided by an agency theory framework, we find that size, ownership dispersion, external debt, and trade credit are positively associated with the choice to produce audited GAAP financial statements, while asset tangibility, age, and internal debt are generally negatively related to this choice. Our findings reveal that (1) equity capital and trade credit exhibit significant explanatory power, suggesting that the primary focus in the literature on debt is too narrow; (2) firm youth, growth, and R&D are positively associated with audited GAAP reporting, reflecting important monitoring roles of financial reporting; and (3) many firms violate standard explanations for financial reporting choices and substantial unexplained heterogeneity in financial reporting remains. We conclude by identifying opportunities for future research.  相似文献   

A widely held assumption in policy making and empirical research is that increasing the strength of public enforcement improves financial reporting quality and audit quality. This paper provides a more nuanced view. In a model with a manager who can manage earnings, a strategic auditor, and an enforcement institution, we show that enforcement and auditing are complements in a weak enforcement regime but can be substitutes in a strong regime. Although stronger enforcement always mitigates earnings management, the effects of different instruments of strengthening enforcement are ambiguous. We show that they can improve or impair financial reporting quality and audit quality, depending on production risk, accounting system characteristics, and the scope of auditing relative to enforcement.  相似文献   

本文基于深交所推行的投资者实地调研制度及相关信息的披露,研究机构投资者实地调研活动对上市公司财务信息质量的作用,以及在该作用中调研便利性所发挥的影响.结果 表明:机构投资者的实地调研能改进上市公司当年及后一年的财务信息质量;较高的调研便利性会强化机构投资者实地调研提升财务信息质量的作用.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of CFO narcissism, as measured by signature size, on financial reporting quality. Experimentally, we validate that narcissism predicts misreporting behavior, and that signature size predicts misreporting through its association with narcissism. Empirically, we examine notarized CFO signatures and find CFO narcissism is associated with more earnings management, less timely loss recognition, weaker internal control quality, and a higher probability of restatements. The results are consistent for within‐firm comparisons focusing on CFO changes and are robust to controlling for CFO overconfidence and CEO narcissism. The results highlight the importance of CFO characteristics in the domain of financial reporting decisions.  相似文献   

Using commercial bank data from eight major Asian countries, we examine the relationship between the banking market size structure and the stability of financial institutions. We also analyze the effect of bank upsizing on the financial stability. Our results show that a rise in large banks’ market power, accompanying an increase in their market shares, lowers the capital adequacy of small banks. Small banks’ nonperforming loans and the possibility of their bankruptcy also increase as large banks’ market shares rise. We further show that larger banks tend to have lower capital adequacy ratios, liquidity ratios, and distance-to-default ratios. Our study suggests that large banks’ greater market shares are associated with small banks’ financial instability. Overall, these findings are consistent with the notion of the recent banking literature that has important antitrust policy implications.  相似文献   

In light of the growing importance of internal audit functions (IAF) and the limited archival evidence on internal audit quality, we examine an interactive model of IAF quality (comprised of competence and independence) to better understand the determinants of IAF effectiveness as a financial reporting monitor. Our tests support the hypothesis that the joint presence of competence and independence is a necessary antecedent to effective IAF financial reporting monitoring. In sum, our results show that, the answer to “what is the effect of internal audit competence (independence) on financial reporting quality?” is “it depends on the independence (competence) of the internal auditor.” Our study extends the understanding of IAF quality determinants in the realm of financial reporting as it relates to ongoing discussions by researchers, standard setters, regulators, and practitioners.  相似文献   

Even before firms report internal control weaknesses under the Sarbanes–Oxley Act (SOX), they are characterized by structural problems, are prone to internal control weaknesses, and have low financial reporting quality. If the stock market incorporates much of this information during the pre‐disclosure years, investors are less surprised when firms subsequently report internal control weaknesses under SOX. We find that for the pre‐disclosure period, firms reporting internal control weaknesses under SOX, (1) had structural problems, (2) were prone to internal control problems, and (3) had low financial reporting quality. Further, we provide direct evidence that stock prices during pre‐disclosure years incorporate much of the information about structural problems, the likelihood of internal control weaknesses, and low reporting quality. Finally, we find that many of these value‐relevant factors are not related to announcement period returns when firms eventually disclose such problems under SOX and that limited new information about structural problems is generated around this date. Our results provide a compelling explanation for the muted stock price reaction around the mandatory disclosure date.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to analyze the association of financial reporting quality and investors' divergence of opinion. We focus on UK firms listed on the London Stock Exchange. Divergence of opinion is measured by two proxies based on unexpected trading volume and by dispersion in analysts' forecasts made one and two years ahead. Previous literature shows that the amount of firms' disclosure is negatively associated with the dispersion in analysts' forecasts. The results obtained in our study show that the quality of the disclosure is negatively associated with divergence of opinion, whether it is proxied by measures of unexpected trading volume or dispersion in analysts' forecasts. Financial reporting quality affects divergence of opinion not only in the months that immediately follow the disclosure of the reports but in the whole year that follows.  相似文献   

We examine changes in the association between auditor type (Big 4, Second‐Tier, and Other non‐Big 4) and perceived financial reporting credibility in the wake of events (e.g., Andersen's failure, the implementation of SOX, creation of the PCAOB, etc.) which led to significant growth in Second‐Tier client portfolios and increased scrutiny of Second‐Tier audit practices. Our results reveal that financial reporting credibility of Second‐Tier clients was lower than that of Big 4 clients and was indistinguishable from that of Other non‐Big 4 clients pre‐Andersen. However, post‐Andersen, we find that financial reporting credibility of Second‐Tier clients is higher than that of Other non‐Big 4 clients and is indistinguishable from that of Big 4 clients. We expect that our results will be of interest to regulators, both in the United States and in the European Union, who have expressed concerns about the current state of competition in the audit market, management and boards of directors that are contemplating switching to a Second‐Tier audit firm, and academics investigating quality differences among audit firm types.  相似文献   

The role of the financial system, especially the credit market, in productivity enhancement has interested many researchers. However, how credit allocation affects firms’ productivity in emerging economies remains unanswered. Using data from the Annual Survey of Industrial Firms (ASIF) during 1999–2007, this article examines whether credit allocation impacts Chinese firms’ productivity under financial imperfection. Our results show that the size of credit market has no influence on Chinese firms’ total factor productivity (TFP), while allocating more credit to non-SOEs significantly promotes firm TFP. Our further analysis shows that firms which are less subsidized, smaller, more external financially dependent, and more labor intensive are affected more by credit allocation. As China is the largest emerging economy, our analysis also sheds light on the development of firms in emerging economies.  相似文献   

马小明  张怡萍  郝嵘 《征信》2021,39(3):24-29
对陕西省辖内134家金融机构征信服务需求情况进行调研,发现陕西省金融机构征信服务需求呈现三大特征:一是对信用信息种类的多样化和特色化需求,二是对信用信息获取渠道的集中化和便捷化需求,三是对征信产品和服务的增值化和个性化需求.当前,金融机构和地方政府在满足中小微企业征信服务需求方面存在的主要问题是:地方征信平台作用有限,...  相似文献   

AHSAN HABIB 《Abacus》2012,48(2):214-248
Auditing as a corporate governance mechanism has attracted considerable research attention. Because of the information asymmetry between corporate managers and outside shareholders, auditors are hired to provide independent assurance that financial statements are prepared following generally accepted accounting principles. The credibility of such assurance depends on the independence, both in fact and in appearance, of the auditor. Over the years, however, the independence of auditors has come under increased scrutiny because of their joint provision of both audit and non‐audit services. A sizable literature on the impact of non‐audit fees on financial reporting quality has developed. The evidence from this literature, however, remains inconclusive. This paper provides a meta‐analysis of the available literature by assessing (a) the net effect of non‐audit fees on financial reporting quality, and (b) whether there is homogeneity in the financial reporting quality proxies used in the extant literature. Findings suggest that the level of client‐specific non‐audit fees is associated with reduced financial reporting quality. However, the underlying studies used to conduct this meta‐analysis are not homogenous.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the way that minimum tick size affects market quality based on an agent‐based artificial stock market. Our results indicate that stepwise and combination systems can promote market quality in certain aspects, compared with a uniform system. A minimal combination system performed the best to improve market quality. This is the first study to analyse tick size systems that remain at the theory stage and compare four types of system under the same experimental environment. The results suggests that a minimal combination system could be considered a new direction for market policy reform to improve market quality.  相似文献   

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