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随着中国城镇住房分配体制的转型,居民的居住条件在很大程度上依赖于家庭的收入水平,因此不断扩大的收入差距也在无形中影响着住房的不平等状况。基于2002年和2013年的城镇和农村的住户调查数据,本文从住房面积和房产价值两个角度分析中国农村和城镇居民住房不平等的总体状况。研究发现,在住房市场化体制建立和发展的过程中,虽然从财产所有权上的住房均等化有所提升,家庭居住面积有了很大的改善,但人均居住面积分布的不均等程度却进一步扩大。房产价值的不平等分析表明,虽然这一时期居民的住房财富高速增长,但城乡内部和城乡之间的房产差距都急剧扩大。基于回归分解的方法考察住房财富不平等的影响因素后发现,区域差异、收入差异和人力资本是造成居民房产价值分布差距不断扩大的重要因素。  相似文献   

This paper compares the steady-state outcomes of revenue-neutral changes to the progressivity of the tax schedule. Our economy features heterogeneous households who differ in their preferences and permanent labor productivities, but it does not have idiosyncratic risk. We find that increases in the progressivity of the tax schedule are associated with long-run distributions with greater aggregate income, wealth, and labor input. Average hours generally declines as the tax schedule becomes more progressive implying that the economy substitutes away from less-productive workers toward more-productive workers. Finally, as progressivity increases, income inequality is reduced and wealth inequality rises. Many of these results are qualitatively different than those found in models with idiosyncratic risk, and therefore suggest closer attention should be paid to modeling the insurance opportunities of households.  相似文献   

基于"剩余收入法"的北京市居民住房可支付能力分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
长期以来,居民的住房可支付能力一直是我国住房政策所关注的主要问题.但是,住房可支付能力的测度一直是理论和实证的难点,特别是家庭收入差异以及住房质量差距的加剧又增加了住房可支付能力测定的难度.应用新的"剩余收入法"通过一个家庭购买一个"基准住房"总价格,并根据信贷政策测算了基本住房所需的融资成本,再测算基本的非住房消费,得到最低预算收入,并和真实收入比较来评估北京市居民的住房可支付能力.还比较了已购房改公房家庭和首次购房家庭的住房可支付能力.北京不同收入群体住房可支付能力存在明显的差异.中低收入家庭存在购买能力不足,拥有房改公房能提高家庭的住房可支付能力,经济适用房和限价商品房对提高中低收入家庭住房可支付能力的作用很小.提出发展共有产权经济适用房来满足中低收入人群的需要.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between household mortgage debt burdens and housing consumption, periodic income, nonhousing wealth, the income tax position of the household, expected mobility, and other micro-level characteristics that proxy for household risk preferences and life cycle effects. We use 1985 and 1989 American Housing Survey data to estimate mortgage debt level equations simultaneous with house value equations, controlling for the contemporaneous nature of these two choices. We find that larger debt levels are positively associated with greater value residences and with the level of household income. Numerous household level demographic characteristics are also systematically related to mortgage demand. Of particular interest are our findings that the use of mortgage debt is affected significantly by the rate of tax savings on mortgage interest deductions and by the expected mobility of the household.  相似文献   

Among sources of public revenue that make nations richer, the most beneficial are charges for harms, such as pollution and congestion, and charges for the private benefits from public services. Increases in the money supply sufficient to keep price changes in line with expectations are also beneficial. Taxes on concentrations of wealth are beneficial if wealth inequality is considered harmful. Properly administered taxes on land do no harm and are beneficial when markets are imperfect. Among taxes that cause harm, the combination of a tax on labour income and a tax on inheritances is probably the least damaging.  相似文献   

运用城镇居民收入分组数据、住房和城乡建设部住房保障统计报表数据,以及相关统计方法和分解方法,实证测算了2008-2011年住房保障的收入效应和分配效应。结果发现:住房保障的收入分配效应大于收入增长效应,廉租住房政策在改善居民收入不平等方面的作用十分明显,这意味着住房保障的社会福利功能已经显现。为此,从保障基本居住需要和改善收入分配的角度看,建议今后应当进一步拓展和完善面向最低收入人口的廉租住房政策。  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate theoretically the extent to which the development timing of agricultural land conversion would be hastened by the introduction of inheritence tax. We extend the optimal timing of wealth maximizing value use models by Scouras (1978), Anderson (1993) and Kanemoto (1996) to examine cases where tax rates vary according to land use with (i) almost no income and (ii) high income use, such as rental housing. We first model landowner's behavior within the life cycle dynamic optimization framework and then simulate the impact of inheritence tax on the optimal timing of development. Some notable predictions about optimal timing of development emerge from our numerical analysis: no inheritence tax effect is observed for landowners whose inheritence probability is less than 1% (that is, landowners in the age group 40 or below) and whose inheritence tax rate is less than 10%. However, the optimal timing of development drops to below one year for landowners whose inheritence probability is more than 18% and whose tax rate is 30%.  相似文献   

We examine the distributional impact of potential changes in the tax treatment of owner-occupied housing in this paper. In particular, we focus on the removal of mortgage interest and local property tax deductibility. A theoretical model of the demand for housing is developed that captures the impact of removing these deductions on housing demand. Then, we use a large cross section of individual income tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service for 1990 to estimate the distributional effects of removing housing deductions. Taxpayers are ranked by income and tax liability, both with and without the housing deductions. By comparing tax liability under the alternative regimes, and composing measures of the distributional impact of removing housing tax deductions using the classic Suits index, we assess both revenue neutral and nonrevenue neutral distributional effects. Results in both cases indicate that the removal of the tax deductibility of mortgage interest and property taxes would increase the progressivity of the income tax substantially.  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2005,12(2):205-222
This paper analyzes the effects of tax shifting in a model with union wage setting and progressive income taxation. The setup allows for different skill levels of the workforce and accounts for the union's distributional objective of income equality. The theoretical predictions of the model are empirically tested with a panel of German micro-data covering the period of the income tax reforms 1986–1990. It is shown that average taxes raise wages, whereas increasing the progressivity of the tax system reduces wages. The effect of progressivity on high-skilled labor tends to be less significant and smaller. Stronger preferences for equality compress the (pre-tax) wage distribution.  相似文献   

随着我国个人所得税制度的不断完善,其作用越来越受到社会的关注。对工资薪金所得征税,关系着所有工薪阶层的利益。通过计算和分析对我国纳税人样本的个税负担后发现,我国个人所得税制度总体上能够体现公平原则,不同纳税人个税负担的差异主要是由劳动报酬或收入水平的差异所导致的,但个人所得税制度的调节作用存在逆向调节倾向,且免征额提高所产生的减税效应总体也不显著。在当前我国税收制度框架下,降低工资薪金的个税负担仍然是工薪阶层直接受益的重要方式,因而需要对工资薪金所得适用税率进行改革,消除当前存在的逆向调节效应。  相似文献   

This paper examines the significance of the time path of a given productivity increase on growth and inequality. Whereas the time path impacts only the transitional paths of aggregate quantities, it has both transitional and permanent consequences for wealth and income distribution. Hence, the growth-inequality tradeoff generated by a given discrete increase in productivity contrasts sharply with that obtained when the same productivity increase occurs gradually. The latter can generate a Kuznets-type relationship between inequality and per-capita income. Our results suggest that economies with similar aggregate structural characteristics may have different outcomes for income and wealth inequality, depending on the nature of the productivity growth path.  相似文献   

A bstract . Since 1965, 30 states and the District of Columbia have enacted programs designed to reduce the effective rate of property taxation for some low income households and for the elderly. Most often this relief is provided by so-called "circuit-breakers." It is contended that the economic arguments favoring circuit-breakers are empirically unproven and theoretically suspect. The tax may be progressive , not regressive , and the device may transfer income from low to high income households. Any short run redistribution of income to favor the poor or the elderly would, in the long run, merely shift the timing of their tax payments. Circuit-breakers encourage over-consumption of housing and misallocation of housing resources. Reducing the tax base, they produce higher rates and so increase the tax burden.  相似文献   

谌志鑫 《活力》2012,(12):114-114,116
随着社会经济的高速发展,中国经济发展的市场化已经越来越深入整个经济生活。个人所得税是与百姓生活密切相关的一个税种,在我国税收体制中所占的地位也在逐渐上升,而工资、薪金费用扣除标准制度已成为我国个人所得税法的争议焦点和立法热点。本文将简单介绍我国现行的个人所得税制度及存在的问题。  相似文献   

袁秀云  王萍 《价值工程》2012,31(32):178-180
随着市场经济的发展,人们收入水平普遍提高,收入的提高,应缴纳的个人所得税也将相应增加。本文结合笔者工作实践,对工资薪金和劳务报酬等劳动性所得的个人所得税纳税筹划方法作初步探讨。  相似文献   

Abstract . The 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1913 provided the legal basis for progressive federal income taxes. They now yield revenues of about $450 billion annually. Tax base erosion eventually produced a levy in serious violation of norms of allocation efficiency, distributional equity, and macroeconomic performance. Vested private interests influenced legislators by propaganda and campaign contributions to minimize their tax burdens at the expense of less wealthy taxpayers. The result was an irrational and badly flawed tax structure. In 1981 the maximum marginal tax rate on income from property and wealth was significantly reduced along with other bracket reductions. The income tax reform movement culminated in 1984 to 1986. It expanded the base of the tax while reducing marginal rates as well as brackets, with little change in the distribution of the burden among different income groups but achieving some greater equity in tax liabilities for those with similar incomes.  相似文献   

A bstract . Several proposals to reform the federal income tax system are under active consideration. Professor Richard W. Lindholm has proposed instead that we abolish the individual and corporate income taxes and the estate and gift taxes. To replace the lost revenue he proposes a flat 15 per cent value added tax and a flat 2 per cent net wealth tax. He posits five goals for successful tax reform and discusses his proposed system in terms of them. He finds his system would be simpler and less disruptive of markets than even a simplified income tax structure.  相似文献   

This paper explores quantitatively the general equilibrium implications of a revenue neutral tax reform in which the current income and capital income tax structure in the U.S. is replaced by a flat tax, as proposed by Hall and Rabushka (1995), (The Flat Tax, 2nd ed. Hoover). The central aspects of such reform, the impact of tax reform on capital accumulation and labor supply, as well as its distributional consequences, are analyzed in a dynamic general equilibrium model. Main results are that, (i) the elimination of the actual taxation of capital income has an important and positive effect on capital accumulation; (ii) mean labor hours are relatively constant across tax systems, but aggregate labor in efficiency units increases; (iii) in all circumstances analyzed, the distributions of earnings, income and especially wealth become more concentrated.  相似文献   

杜建华  程笑  蔡乐 《企业经济》2012,(4):171-174
要合理避税,就必须对个人纳税进行筹划。本文对个人所得税的相关规定和个人所得税筹划现状进行研究,分析了个人所得税筹划的必要性,从最大限度给员工交纳住房公积金或社会保险费、发放通评补贴分种收入、通过集体福利分流收入、工资薪金与劳务报酬转化、单独列支项目、某些单位采用年薪制等6个方面提出了工资薪金个人所得税纳税筹划的措施;从最大限度将一些收入转化为费用列支、适时少计费用、将资本性支出转为收益性支出、采用拆借方法、采用融资租赁方式等5个方面提出了个体工商户个人所得税纳税筹划的措施。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着我国经济实力的增强,社会财富的迅速增加,居民收入的大幅增长,收入分配不公问题越发凸显出来。收入分配问题已成为全社会特别是经济学关注的热点问题。针对我国现阶段收入分配过程中存在的问题,本文从信息不对称的角度对我国收入分配机制进行了探讨,并从限制垄断行业、改善劳资关系及改革个税政策等方面,提出了改进我国收入分配机制的几点建议。  相似文献   

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