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As the dominant moral vocabulary of modernity, the language of human rights establishes significant points of contact between the religious and the secular. Yet, the human rights movement increasingly finds itself in a contested relationship with religious ideas and communities. Even as it draws on the inherited moral resources of religion, the human rights movement, at least in its dominant institutional and intellectual expressions, presents itself as a totalizing moral theory that challenges countervailing theological accounts of human rights. This article considers the distinctive account of human rights that has emerged within Catholic social teaching. Particular attention is given to the process by which Catholic thinking about human rights has embraced political liberalism while also bounding liberalism within a particularistic theologically‐informed account of the human person.  相似文献   

京津冀地区是我国经济发展的重点地区.京津冀在地理位置上毗邻,然而经济发展差异较大.本文基于新制度经济学理论,采用1990~2008年的统计数据,应用相关原理和多元线性回归分析法,分析制度因素对京津冀地区发展差异的作用原理和相关机制,并从新制度经济学角度提出了缩小京津冀地区差异的建议.  相似文献   

Catholic social thought (CST) has obvious resonance with universal basic income proposals, due to the tradition’s insistence on basic needs as human rights, comfort with government redistribution, and preference for programs that promote the agency of individuals and local communities, among other similarities. However, some CST scholars believe basic income challenges dearly held values of the tradition. This essay examines both views, concluding that basic income can comport with CST’s view of work, correctly understood.  相似文献   

A bstract .   Research examining the importance of path dependence and culture for institutions and development tells us that "history matters," but not how history matters. To provide this missing "how," we provide a framework for understanding institutional "stickiness" based on the regression theorem. The regression theorem maintains that the stickiness, and therefore likely success, of any proposed institutional change is a function of that institution's status in relationship to indigenous agents in the previous time period. This framework for analyzing institutional stickiness creates the core of what we call the New Development Economics. Historical cases of postwar reconstruction and transition efforts provide evidence for our claim.  相似文献   

新制度经济学视角下会计发展:动因与启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从新制度经济学的视角,从制度、产权和交易费用等角度对会计和会计理论发展史进行分析,认为制度是推动会计和会计理论不断发展的重要动力;经济发展水平决定会计发展水平;产权、交易费用与会计之间内在逻辑的一致性诞生了产权会计学派,公允价值计量是产权会计学派的历史选择。  相似文献   

This article analyses the main theoretical and policy issues emerging from the literature on the evolutionary-institutional economics of technical change, the four distinguishing characteristics of which are that technology is often proprietary in nature; only a part of knowledge is codifiable in handbooks, blueprints, patents, and so on; there are fundamental variations in the above two points across different technological fields; and the evolution of knowledge is highly path-dependent.  相似文献   

How is the behaviour of businesses and businessmen best explained? Professor Martin Ricketts, of the University of Buckingham, reviews the theories of the new institutionalism in our series of Special Briefs.  相似文献   

Abstract . The influence of institutional economics is determined more by the contributions of outstanding mainstream institutionalists such a Myrdal, Colm, and Galbraith than by the Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE) established to advance institutionalism. This association as a collective body has a clearcut theoretical image because its membership is largely made up of advocates of a vague evolutionary economics or of a proposed but not clearly defined new general theory of institutionalism regarded as a substitute for mainstream institutionalism regarded as a substitute for mainstream institutionalism. Mainstream institutionalists from Veblen to Myrdal have constructed a well-defined theory of the evolving industrial system, a technological interpretation of this evolving system, and a logic of industrialism that points in the direction of 'indicative’ national planning. Until AFEE builds upon this theoretical work of the mainstream institutionalists it will have neither a well-defined institutionalist image nor policy proposals appropriate to the coming post-industrial society.  相似文献   

独立经济学家谢国忠曾写道,经济学既不是科学也不是哲学。现代经济学使用复杂的数学运算来赋予自己科学的假象,这非常有误导性,有时甚至会产生灾难性的后果。  相似文献   

A bstract . The holistic approach of quantum theory is investigated as a tool for social economists to analyze and to interpret socioeconomic reality and paradigms. The link between quantum theory and the social economist's approach to socioeconomic reality, i.e. , the "what is," rests on the premise that each element of the socioeconomic universe relates to the whole system and vice versa. In other words, the meaning of each part is to be found in its implicit reflection of the whole of reality; it has no meaning exclusive of the whole. In terms of quantum theory, investigations of microeconomic processes are interwoven with the macroeconomic frame of reference of the observer. The very act of observation is to be considered as an integral part of the observed system.  相似文献   

会计理论的新视角——基于新制度经济学的分析框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用新制度经济学中的科斯定理、代理理论和制度变迁理论对会计学中的会计信息披露、激励制度 设计和会计准则发展三个方面的问题进行了剖析,试图运用新制度经济学的理论框架对会计理论给予全新的阐释。  相似文献   

珠三角经济发展的新制度经济学分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
全球经济危机使外向型依赖程度较高的珠三角制造业面临前所未有的压力,加速制度资本深化是珠三角走出经济低谷的有效途径。因为,制度资本深化一方面以调整收入分配的机制激活国内广大农村市场,为现有的制造业提供发展空间,另一方面从制造业向现代服务业升级是抓住下一轮经济全球化浪潮的必然选择。  相似文献   

中国的"土地财政"加剧了地方财政对土地出让金的依赖,也在一定程度上促进了房价的上涨.土地价格受社会经济发展的影响,同时又反作用于城市社会经济的发展,并最终影响到城市扩张.因此.土地财政和城市扩张有着密不可分的联系.本文通过分析地方土地财政与城市扩张的相关性,提出随着城市的扩张,土地财政收入呈下降趋势,并最终导致地方财政支出加大这一结论.最后从新制度经济学角度,提出解决我国地方财政困境的对策和建议.  相似文献   

Sixteen scholars have come together in this issue to examine eight social‐justice themes from the perspectives of Catholic Social Thought and the philosophy of Henry George. The themes they address are natural law, human nature, the nature of work, the nineteenth‐century papal encyclical Rerum novarum, causes of war, immigration, development, and wealth, and neighborhood revitalization. While they sometimes wrangle with each other, their common aspiration is the same as their nineteenth‐century predecessors: to find solutions to the human suffering caused by injustice.  相似文献   

Microeconomics requires a new grounding or formulation that can account for a broader range of socioeconomic behavior than neoclassical economics does. The core of the neoclassical economics research program—the theory of rational choice—has offered insights into the determination of socioeconomic behavior. But other elements need to be integrated into a coherent microeconomic perspective. We introduce such a perspective in which neoclassical economics becomes a special case. This advances our understanding of the determinants of behavior in a coherent and integrated manner. This perspective may form the foundation of an evolutionary and institutional perspective on socioeconomic systems. This has practical value in designing strategy and policy.  相似文献   

制度空间是特定的地理空间中某些被建构并产生有效影响力或影响范围的制度,它是我国国家级新区的重要表征之一,也是推动空间重构的重要因素。建构了"制度空间—行为选择—空间重构"的分析框架,通过实地考察、深度访谈、空间分析相互结合相互佐证的方法,对两江新区的制度空间、主体行为与空间重构的关系进行分析。研究表明:两江新区经历了构想空间、产业空间到消费和居住空间的重构过程,"强激励"与"弱约束"的制度空间扩大了主体行为的空间与资源,是空间重构的内生性力量。地方政府借助制度空间条件,通过空间规模扩张、空间开发垄断和空间场所营销等"理性"行为,在发展初期实现了对空间开发的主导和操纵。随着建成环境的不断完善及地方政府的制度实践,企业"趋利性"投资促进了空间转型和土地升值。原农村居民的"服从配合"和空间让渡助推了空间重构,而不断壮大的富裕和中产阶层通过空间消费,逐渐成为空间重构的积极参与者和受益者。  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了两位在制度经济学领域具有原创思想和深远影响的经济学家:克拉伦斯·埃德文·艾尔斯和约翰·肯尼思·加尔布雷斯,以及他们的主要学术思想.通过比较分析,本文讨论了艾尔斯和加尔布雷斯在社会和政治经济学思想上的相同点和不同点,使得我们能够从别样的角度审视新制度经济学的发展.  相似文献   

]CPA的个人理财业务包括个人理财咨询(规划)业务和个人理财鉴证业务.要发展我国的CPA个人理财业务需要从以下几方面进行努力:完善<注册会计师法>等法规、中注协应发挥前瞻性作用、会计师事务所要积极开拓个人理财业务、正确对待独立性与客观性的要求、考虑理财服务的职业胜任能力、合理确定收费水平、注意防范CPA的个人理财业务风险、大力培养个人理财业务人才等.  相似文献   

何芳  宋羽 《城市问题》2011,(3):83-86
对城市存量土地利用变更实践中存在的问题进行了调查和梳理,认为城市存量土地变更制度缺失导致存量土地违法变更、国有资产流失和城市用地混乱,现有制度效率低下导致存量土地难以变更盘活。从新制度经济学的制度供求和制度效率角度分析并论证了构建存量土地利用变更制度的必要性和迫切性,提出要立足于制度规范和制度创新,构建存量土地利用变更制度,完善我国土地使用制度体系。  相似文献   

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