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纺织染整技术在我国有着悠久的历史,随着社会的变化和人们消费水平的提高,对纺织品的数量和质量要求越来越高,染整工艺与设备也在不断地进行创新与改造,在这一过程中,染整工艺技术与设备性能在不断提高,染整工艺与设备也由传统式染色方法正在向高效、节能减排、环保三方面迅速发展。  相似文献   

误区———不容忽视笔者经过调查发现,当前工程项目招投标过程中,主要存在以下几个误区。误区之一:招标成议标。按照国家《招标投标法》,工程项目应该实行公开招标或邀请招标,但事实上一些企业图“省事”,根本没有采取公开招投标方式,而是全部采取邀请招标方式,且被邀请的投标单位总是那4至5家“老关系户”。由于“外来户”打不进,造成这4、5家投标单位联合起来串标,共同对付招标企业,于是形成了“老关系户”“轮流坐庄”。还有些“较小”的工程项目仍延用以前的议标方式,即由生产技术部、工程管理部一起直接确定施工单位。误区…  相似文献   

以长庆油田采油一厂招安作业区为例,论述了占整个作业区生产成本费用3%~5%油管杆、抽油泵,更换数量多、报废率高的原因,提出了如何提高旧废油管杆、抽油泵的利用率,降低油井生产成本的建议和方法,从而促进节约型和环境友好型企业建设可持续发展。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the efforts of firms to tailor their products to the needs of individual customers. The overall aim is to analyse the features of the evolving activity structures where customized offerings are created with ‘near mass production efficiency’. The paper begins with a literature review outlining modularity and build-to-order production as key features of customizing. The empirical setting of the case study is Volvo Cars' activity structure for build-to-order production. This structure is compared with previous means of making products available. The conclusion of the study is that activity structures for build-to-order production require extensive coordination, exchange of information, and interaction across company boundaries. The analysis shows that these structures rely on flexibility in some dimensions, while in others they build on rigidity. The paper concludes with implications for suppliers regarding how to combine flexibility and rigidity in order to be able to customize at reasonable costs.  相似文献   

本文构建了新型和传统基础设施建设评价指标体系,分别对中国各省(区、市)的新型和传统基础设施建设水平进行评价,并基于耦合协调模型测度新老基建耦合协调程度,最后采用空间杜宾模型探究两者耦合协调度的驱动机制及空间溢出效应。结果表明:(1)2011~2019年全国各省(区、市)耦合协调度平均水平呈现稳步上升趋势;耦合协调度的区域差异呈现波动上升的趋势,其中东部地区的区域内差异是造成全国整体差异的主要原因;(2)我国省域新旧基建的耦合协调等级呈现东强西弱的空间格局,且耦合协调等级的省际差异有逐年缩小的趋势;高值集聚区域全部分布在福建、浙江、江苏等东部沿海区域,低值集聚区主要分布在新疆、西藏、青海及宁夏一些西部相对落后地区,且低值集聚区的数量呈现先降低后上升的“V型”变化;(3)全国各省(区、市)新老基建耦合协调存在显著的空间相关性,财政支出水平、市场化、城市化、产业结构及利用外资等因素均对新旧基建的耦合协调水平产生了明显的驱动作用。  相似文献   

中国钢铁产业并购重组的SWOT分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
并购重组是钢铁产业发展的必然趋势。运用SWOT分析法对中国钢铁产业并购重组的优势、劣势、机遇、威胁进行了分析,得出中国钢铁产业并购重组应在政府的宏观调控下,以发挥市场主体的作用为主,实现资源优化配置,最终提高钢铁产业整体竞争力的结论。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the effect of ICT adoption on employment in developing countries. The empirical analysis covers 70 developing countries over the 1996–2017 period. To better characterize the labor market framework in developing countries, the empirical analysis incorporates the impact of ICT adoption on underemployment and labor underutilization. Using panel data techniques, the results show that ICT adoption increases employment, underemployment, and labor underutilization in developing countries. The main transmission channels identified are FDI inflows, human capital, and economic openness. As the main policy implication, policymakers in developing countries should intensify investments in the ICT sector and develop policies conducive to FDI inflows, human capital development, and economic openness to address employment issues.  相似文献   

随着全球能源资源竞争日益激烈和国际油价不断上涨,世界各国加强了对海洋油气资源的勘探开发和控制,并向深海进军。2010年2月,英国和阿根廷就马尔维纳斯群岛主权问题再次剑拔弩张,凸显了马岛海域油气资源的重要性。在马岛海域油气资源勘探开发上,英国采取“先勘探开采、预先防范”的策略并获得成功。相比之下,阿根廷目前尚无能力前去马岛海域勘探开发石油资源。综合分析这次英阿马岛之争,经济利益大于政治利益,石油资源的开采是这次争端的导火索。马岛之争,给我们三点启示:1)能源竞争加剧有可能引发国家间冲突,必须未雨绸缪;2)不断提升国家实力,才是解决争端的根本途径;3)先入为主虽不一定占有道义,但有利于强化主动地位。  相似文献   

The consumer has many options to save energy through small dietary changes. With no change in the variety of fruits and vegetables eaten, the consumer can save considerable amounts of energy by bringing them to the table without use of a home freezer, frequent long distance shopping trips and oven cooking. Other conservation measures include buying in large containers, eating uncooked food, using fresh produce rather than canned or frozen, except in the case of frozen juice concentrates, and having a home fruit and vegetable garden.  相似文献   

信任扩展与家族企业创新发展   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
关系主义、家族信任是华人家族企业的基本逻辑。从经济社会学的视角看 ,特殊主义的人际关系模式和家族主义价值观则是家族信任的基础。家族信任在中国民营企业创业发展的初期具有积极的作用。但随着企业规模的扩大 ,仅有家族信任是不能满足企业发展需要的。家族企业创新发展的关键就是要将家族信任扩展为社会信任  相似文献   

分析了国外合成橡胶的供需状况,预测了未来几年的发展趋势,对我国合成橡胶工业的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

Bill Nixon 《R&D Management》1996,26(2):169-175
Very little is known about the information used by managers to evaluate, plan and control R&D alliances. This paper focuses on the R&D accounting numbers that may be used and points to their inherent limitations and their potential to mislead. Alliance partners, in particular, need a clear agreement on the activities they include in R&D and on the costs they attribute to those activities.  相似文献   

全球经济衰退背景下,中国企业的兼并重组势在必行。杠杆收购作为资本市场并购的重要方式必然是理论界与实务界关注的热点领域。文章以美国杠杆收购与税务问题为主线,探讨了杠杆收购的内涵、杠杆收购的税收成本与收益、杠杆收购的非税成本与收益等问题,最后指出了对我国杠杆收购业务的启示。  相似文献   

This study examines the potential for cooperation between the sales and production functions in the composite can and tube industry. The interfunctional communications perceptions, role-partner choices, and personal value attributions of incumbents in four key positions are examined. While perceptions, choices, and attributions are found to interact differently in different positions, the overall effect suggests a greater potential for conflict and dominance than for cooperation.  相似文献   

China historically belongs to a farming civilization, in which rural population tended to stick to their farmlands for a lifetime. This situation has somehow been changing with, inter alia, the advancement and application of modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). In recent years, China has been pushing for the inclusion of its rural communities into modern information society through aggressively digitalizing its rural areas under a public policy umbrella. With the literature's lopsided focus on Western nations, a cohesive paradigm in mapping the Chinese style of universal service implementation remains elusive, a situation that has often obfuscated deeper understanding of the Chinese case from a socioeconomic, technological, or institutional perspective. The main purpose of this present paper lies in the framing and modelling of China's universal service and rural digitalization practices. The paper proposes and applies an integrated offer–agent–target (OAT) framework in a retrospective and empirical examination of the Chinese case and conceptual characterization of what has appeared to be the Chinese model. In so doing, China's universal service development is demarcated into discernible stages that are then pattern-matched with corresponding institutional landscapes. Three salient stages are identified and corresponding institutional landscapes explicated. Finally, insights and suggestions are offered that throws lights on the current issues and future developments.  相似文献   

Many entrepreneurs in developing economies face unstable environments due to violence and civil unrest. Yet, we know very little about how environments characterized by high levels of political and civil violence affect new venture processes and survival. Moreover, it is unclear whether standard theories about organizational strategy, such as planning, hold true in such environments. We explore these issues using a sample of 730 new ventures in Colombia from 1997 to 2001. We find that political and civil violence decreases firm survival, increases the benefits of incremental (operational) planning, and decreases the benefits of comprehensive (strategic) planning. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper develops an explanation for the mode and sequence of entry that firms select for their international research and development activities. The hypotheses are based on the internalization and evolutionary theory perspectives. I first hypothesize that there is a sequence to the mode of foreign research and development activities initiated. I then discuss two firm capabilities and alternatives which might cause firms to omit parts of the sequence. The context of the study is the foreign research and development activities of incumbents and recent entrants to the Japanese pharmaceutical industry. The results indicate intriguing differences between the motivations of established firms and new entrants in establishing foreign research and development activities. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

浅析我国工程招投标与国际招投标的区别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章分析论述我国工程招投标与国际招投标在政府的管理模式、确定造价的依据,选择中标人的标准、标底、核算工程量表等几方面存在的差别,以利于向国际接轨,我国进行WTO在即,在工程招投标将按国际惯例,与国际接轨,分析国内外招投标区别,进行改革,以利于入关后工程招投标的要求。  相似文献   

In Albania, many children exhibit poor nutritional status, have unhealthy diets and inadequate physical activity. Yet, comprehensive studies on the nutritional status, food and nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) are largely non-existent for Albanian school-age children.To fill these important gaps, a nationwide survey was conducted in Albania in 2017–2018 to assess the nutritional status and the nutrition-related KAP of Albanian school-aged children.The study consisted of a nationally representative sample of 7578 Albanian schoolchildren from all regions of the country. In addition, 6810 parent questionnaires were collected, along with interviews with the directors of all involved schools, 311 teachers and 53 key informants representing local authorities in all districts of Albania. Data collection consisted of anthropometric measurements of children and structured questionnaires administered to children, their parents, teachers, school directors, and key informants.The survey is unique in both the scope of the respondents involved, and in the breadth of content area covered, and as such, makes an important contribution not only to Albania, but also to the field of research in food, health and nutrition for school-age children.This paper presents the preliminary findings from the KAP survey that will help influence policies for actionable advancement on the commitments and priorities of Albania to improve food security and nutrition. In particular, the study findings will support the development of a national school food and nutrition programme in Albania embedded into the local food system and the design of food and nutrition educational materials and campaigns to promote healthy diets and practices among both school-age children and the Albanian population.  相似文献   

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