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澳大利亚是中国最大的对外直接投资对象,大部分投资目标是资源部门。是否需要对这些主要来自于中国国有企业、无论在规模还是增速上都汹涌而来的投资进行特殊审查,成为一个问题。这关乎中国投资是否与其他国家在澳投资获得了同等待遇的问题。较世界上其他国家,澳大利亚始终保持着对中国投资更为开放的态度。尽管关于国企投资的讨论给澳大利亚和其他国家的政策制定者带来了新的问题,但中国投资仍然对澳大利亚有利,并且在适当的制度和政策推动下,仍将强劲增长。  相似文献   

已经过去的2009年,是山东极不寻常的一年。这一年,“山东半岛蓝色经济区”全力推进,山东人把海洋梦想延续;这一年,山东人全力打造的全运盛宴让人目不暇接,“全民全运”的理念更是深入人心;这一年,青岛22年地铁梦实现:更是在这一年,中国最后一个待开发的大河三角洲——黄河三角洲地区的发展上升为国家战略……2009年的山东特别值得关注与回顾。本刊编辑部特别盘点出“2009年山东10件大事”,记录前进中的2009,见证发展中的和谐山东。  相似文献   

Barten's synthetic model is attractive to applied researchers since it is useful for testing the adequacy of the competing functional forms of differential demand systems including the popular Rotterdam and almost ideal demand systems. This article shows that the synthetic model is not a mere artificial composite of the known differential demand systems as it has been considered, but rather viewed as a model in its own right. It is demonstrated that, at the individual consumer level, Barten's model has the same marginal budget shares as generated by specific forms of Engel curves formulated by the Box-Cox transformation.  相似文献   

熊怡 《今日重庆》2008,(9):104-105
樊荣强:重庆西中管理顾问公司总经理兼首席顾问师、重庆当众讲话口才训练中心首席培训师。曾任政府机关秘书、财经杂志社首席记者、国际传媒集团策划经理。出版过《顺德制造》、《珠江三角洲批判》等财经专著。  相似文献   

We use vector auto regression models controlling for log differences in gross domestic product (GDP), the unemployment rate, and changes in the unemployment rate to show that following a recession, the rate of decrease in the unemployment rate significantly slowed over time. Controlling for GDP growth rates, we find two structural breaks indicating weaker recoveries in the unemployment rate over time, i.e. recoveries that are increasingly jobless. The first break is in 1959, and the second is in 1984 coinciding with the usual timing of the Great Moderation. Using the 7.85% unemployment rate at the end of 2012 and assuming average annual recovery growth of 2%, the structural breaks imply an additional two full years are necessary to return to a historical long-run average of 5.5%. We empirically explore possible causes proposed in the literature including industry composition, participation rates and social benefits. Demographic shifts in the labor force and changing industry composition appear to be the strongest contributors to jobless recovery.  相似文献   

The welfare loss calculated by Romer (J Dev Econ 43:5-38, 1994) under the assumption that certain import varieties disappear a result of increased protection are an order of magnitude larger than those obtained by any other investigator. In this paper, we will argue that the key source of Romer’s result is the total absence of domestic varieties of the differentiated product. Once we allow the differentiated product to be produces at home, the results change dramatically. This allows for the realistic possibility that domestic production substitutes for imports once tariffs are imposed.  相似文献   

滔滔两江东流去,百舸争流看今朝。 面向改革开放的下一个30年,面向西部大开发的又一个10年,党中央、国务院从全球发展大势和全国发展大局出发,把进一步扩大改革开放的目光投向广阔的西部,投向展现出巨大潜力的重庆,投向长江与嘉陵江交汇处这片1200平方公里的“沃土”。  相似文献   

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